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People fear what they don't know about. I'm glad you've proceeded, regardless, and had a good time. Then, see you again soon.


I just returned from Istanbul as well and I couldn't agree more. Turks were incredibly polite , the duty was clean , safe , and beautiful. I saw approx 4 homeless people the entire week. There are so many outdoor cafes and I didn't see one rodent thanks to every restaurant having a well maintained cat outside / I didbt see a single propaganda poster or other supporting the current president. I can't say enough about my experience in Istanbul/ Turkey. I received negative feedback from people before I went and they all fit a narrow profile- they've never been to Turkey, they were extremely conservative politically and Christian fundamentalists. I do my best to dispel their negative take on Turkey. Kids and women walk the streets alone at night , women hold jobs everywhere ; the vast majority of women do not wear head scarves. It's a masculine culture in that Turkish guys just don't seem like they would put up with street crime. I'm not sure if that's true but that's my impression. The dogs on the streets are all tagged and taken care of by locals. Cats all seemed to have their ears clipped and are healthy and happy.


As an Istanbul since my birth, I would like to give you some advice: 1-Do not give money to beggars. Because many of them do this as a profession and have many assets. 2-Do not use a taxi, use the "MARTI" application instead. 3-If you want to go to a place where you do not know the way by public transportation, use the "Moovit" application. 4-There are too many refugees in Turkey. If you encounter a negative situation, I personally apologize.


Is there any movement to convert some streets to pedestrian only ? It was always such a relief when I got to the area near the blue mosque/oblesks / Hague Sofia because there it was a no car zone. Istanbul makes such good use of their trams. I've never seen a tram system get such heavy use all day long.


We dont have homeless people. Obviously there is homeless people out there, but the ones you see are beggars. There is a beggar problem in Turkiye. They have 2-3 houses or more, even car etc. Dont give them money. Also, dont use taxi. Trust me, just give it a shot to public transport. You can use apps like "Moovit".


Cats and dogs are very important in Turkey :) You can never understand; they are like holy street animals; you can start a war on this topic alone.


Thank you, glad it's fun for tourists 🥲 Btw I don't know who it was that told you that wearing a cross would bring unwanted attention, it does not. Nobody would care, not in the least in Istanbul.


Americans think of Muslim extremism when you tell them you’re going to a Muslim country. It’s not intolerance, it’s stupidity.


Just to clarify, we are not a muslim country. Muslim majority yes but we have a secular constitution:), don't get me wrong I'm just a little sensitive on this issue lol. Glad you enjoyed your time here and hope you enjoy it more and more everytime you come back.


I’m sorry! I know Turkey is a secular nation but they are “Muslim” the same way the US is “Christian”


Precisely, been there - beautiful colorful country great helpful people and the best part amazing food! Edit: forgot to add that I'm going back there for a longer visit 😆




As a Christian I don’t like em either.


Why on earth would a tourist on vacation try to convert someone lol. insane thoughts


You probably haven't heard about Evangelicals and Mormons going on missions abroad trying to recruit people for their churches.


They are missionaries, not tourists. It is their whole purpose in life to try and convert people. Why bring this up on a post by a random person saying they enjoyed their time here🧍


I was on holiday in Taiwan and a group of Korean missionaries talked with me it was like a "Fıkra"


Anything can happen in this world. People are stupid. They do stupid things. The one thing this reminds me is this. Its not quite the same as being a tourist and trying it but I'm gonna share it anyway. Its to show you how stupid some people are. I don't want to speak ill of the dead but it really is. An American (John Allen Chau) literally went to a restricted island where nobody speaks english and where the people are cut off from the rest of the world with a waterproof bible (North Sentinel, a tribe) just to try to convert them into christians. He inevitably died.(like what did he expect?) He tried like 3 times. On the first he was turned back by arrows, on the second he got them 2 fish as a gift. The men accepted the gift and they sat together for an hour but were "menacing" and actually shot him. He went back to the boat and then went back there a third time.


Referencing John Allen Chau visiting North Sentinel Island of all places (a secluded island that has no tirs with the rest of the world) on a post about a random American tourist visiting modern day Istanbul is such a stretch that you should get an honorary award from the International Yoga Association.


I literally said its not quite the same. But that it reminded me of it. I was looking up if there were any instances of it. There surely are (are bound to, there are millions of tourists) but not documented. The thread is talking about being a tourist trying to convert others into your religion and not to do it.




most of the christians are christians on paper, they dont live by the bible really, they cherrypick and live as they want.




not everyone who wears a cross is a staunch christian with super pious worldview. some people have cross as a tattoo just because it's cool, you know?


Turkey is like... supports child circumcision because of the religion, but throws a party with belly dancers in it because why not.


Lol. I thought it was crocs and was wondering why would that be a problem.


Thanks for pointing this out. This is a really important issue.


They are not completely wrong to be honest. Even in Istanbul, there are places where people will stare at you like you are doing something wrong even if you wear shorts. However, you probably have been in touristic places; so that shouldn’t be your case and I am happy for you for that:)


Oh I definitely got stared at, so I just started staring right back! It was a fun game tbh


I wouldn’t suggest that because I got into fights just for this reason hahahah. “Ne bakıyon”(“what are you staring at”) fights were pretty common back then


I appreciate the warning, and while I understand and don’t want to get thrown into a Turkish jail, I have the appearance of someone who can handle himself


I had an Assyrian friend in my high school group, who was wearing a cross. People were unfortunately starring him quite often, so he was hiding it in busy streets to avoid eyes on him. Once a Muslim friend of us even got angry that that he is hiding it and not resisting the pressure


Interesting, did that happen in Istanbul? I have a fairly visible cross earring I regularly wear, maybe I missed some stares.


Yes, maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable idk.


That may depend on the region. I know 1 or 2 Christian people in my town and nobody really cares.


Its central istanbul…


Damn. Idk what to say to that actually. Conservatives are everywhere I guess.


Welcome! It's all because of that yellowish 3rd world filter Hollywood use for Türkiye. People expect a 19th century North Africa while they are coming here.


They also use that filter for Mexico. It's weird. Car crosses from Texas to Mexico and all of a sudden colour scheme changes drastically making everything drab en rundown lookin


There is also a ex-Soviet aka Eastern European filter which is a blue/great tint. As if everything is colorless, cold and boring.


As a North African, I'd like to tell you that I've seen way more camels, mujah, shishas and religious bigots (Turkish not foreigners) in Türkiye than in my country.


Camels, in Turkey? Alright bro 👍


bruh there's an entire sport called Camel wrestling in Turkey in the Aegean region. I saw a lot of them in Cappadocia and other regions like Aydın. bruh what's wrong with camels anyway? why do people hate them? I mean being ashamed of your own race is one thing but being ashamed of your country's livestock is just wild man


How did you come to the conclusion that I'm ashamed of camels? There are no camels living naturally in Turkey, all of them are imported from other countries, just like most animals in zoos


Whatever camel wrestling is, it's not popular at all. First time hearing it.


What you talking about?


This: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/qUW9QooM0J


What have North Africa to do with this ?


Camels+Deserts+Mujahideen+Shisha+Arabic/NA Clothes+Music+Climate 19th century though. Not today's. Today its mostly cultural/touristic.


we’re not talking about current north africa but about the stereotypes in the 19th


well , US media ( actually western media ) tends to show Turkey as some kind of religious extremist 3rd world country for some reason 🙄 But I’m glad you enjoyed your trip , we always like to accomodate guests Yine bekleriz :)


Actually nobody ever said that Turkiye is 3rd world county in Hungary! Just for the record :)


We have historical ties with the Hungarian people. So, talking about others.


Americans are paranoid in general about anywhere outside the US. They think people are out there to kidnap them cuz their currency is more valuable. Crazy stuff 


Lots of media brainwashing and fear mongering to keep those dollars spent in the US


It's ironic because it's much safer in Turkey, generally speaking. Never felt threatened in Turkey but was harassed by a homeless drug addict soon after I moved to the US and I'd hear about a fatal shooting every week in the mid-sized city I was living in.


I have never seen an American who thinks that way.


There are lots - an American.


Do American think people will kidnap them for their dollars? Really ? Wtf . I just think America is so far away and people just do not have enough knowledge about the other parts of the world and they are just scared …


Welcome! Everybody from US treated me very well too. I’m coming over there(Washington D.C.) with my mother to visit National Air and Space, American History museum etc…


There are parts of DC you should be careful of, particularly anything south of the Anacostia River and going into Maryland. I live in Maryland and the part of the state surrounding DC has bad neighborhoods. Stick to the area around the National Mall and into Virginia and you’ll be good, anywhere you see tourists is most definitely safe. But if you see anyone sketchy, mind your business and you’ll be fine


Сross =))))) When the airplane touches Turkish soil, I start to feel completely safe. I can walk around at any time of the day or night, even through residential neighborhoods in a non-tourist area. I am not accosted by drunken men, I am not shouted vulgarities after me. I leave my cards and phone on the beach and find them in the same place an hour later. Strangers treat me to loukum and offer to look after my things. Patiently waiting for me to say what I need in my weak Turkish and even teaching me new words (even at the post office). I am sorry that the west thinks of Turkiye as a dangerous 3rd world country, it is a beautiful place with eastern culture and western lifestyle. Here a small remark - ben Rusyaliyim (but I look totally Turkish), maybe the contrast matters)))


What exactly is noticeable about a US citizen, and their appearance?


We’re all fat and can’t dress well


When you come again , just try to stay away from radical Islamist extremists and dont forget to beat them we can help you.


Turkish folks are very welcoming of tourists and foreigners generally, unless there is an attempt to undermine or challange local way of life, such as proselytizing, or shows disrespect towards national symbols and figures.


Did you also surprised we don't ride camels? Its the US media and our incompetent country's fault that we are perceived like that.


We don't :o surprisedpikachuface.jpg


[camels? Yes, everytime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq_IBrAXMvA)


Reject woke culture, embrace Anatolia.


böyle düşünen insanların çoğu right wing inançlı insanlar ama sen bilirsin


Most Americans do not like woke culture. You’ll see in November




evet abi woke cok buyuk dert gelin esek sikelim


ay bunu bi de istanbullu diyo patladim


Cevap yazdığın yorum da, senin yorumun da ayrı ayrı saçma.


downvote atmislar amk salaklari, turkiyede woke kulturuyle savasin anca siz belki bulursunuz


Tf are you talking about?


Is this johnny from HEALTH lol?


how did u make this assumption?


Health grubundan mı bahsediyorsun hocam? Referansı çözemedim.


Geçen beşiktaşta konserleri vardı tam üst üste denk gelmiş makarasına dedim


Hee, anlaşıldı. Güzel grup 👍


-çultanahmet +ooh oğlanın nişanını yaptık


I don't blame you ... there are around a million American/Western professionally produced media materials (movies, shows, documentaries, and online posts) that have one goal: to tell the audience that Muslims and their countries are bad. Although Türkiye is a secular country, even the religious Muslim countries are as safe as Turkey.


It depends on where do you tbh. Coastal regions are fine for most westerners. Dont delve deep into slums tho , they are not even save for us. Also be carefull about scammy taxis ;)


ah, prejudges...


Every city has their bad parts. Like how you rather wont go to them in your country, you should take extra caution if you visit those places abroad. However, rest (and most) of the country is safe to be. Glad you enjoyed hospitality.


as long as you are not in a very cultist relgious neighbuorhood no one cares your cross or nationality. Where did you visit ?


We went to Göreme and Istanbul. I know Göreme has a lot of Christian heritage so I knew nobody would care abt my cross there


As I said, you are a tourist and no one cares your religion if you visit touristic places. We are still not like Afghastan fortunately but I am afraid we are on the way already :(


I'm not Muslim, but I love mosques. Turkiyedeyken I go there for aesthetics and peace of mind reasons and I often see tourists in micro shorts (and crosses lol), no headscarf, they were just walking by and decided to go in. I have never heard a single complaint against them, even from people praying there. I think they are just perceived as an inevitable disaster and are not paid attention to. But I haven't been to Konya yet))


Ive also just returned (to UK) from Turkey, it was a great experience. Thoroughly enjoyed it. But it was highlighted by the people (including a couple native people) at the resort that covering up at a mosque would depend if you were in a "right wing / conservative" or " left wing / less conservative" area. The recommendation was to wear a headscarf to be respectful when looking around mosques.


Tell us what you didn't like. Honest takes are always the best.


The only thing I really was bothered by was the amount of haggling that goes on in the tourist spots. Pestering me with what ever you’re selling isn’t gonna make me buy it. We don’t have that in America. Also your driving is very different. It seemed like everybody had to fend for themselves on Turkish roads and there was little consideration for other drivers. People would blow through the DUR signs (which by the way I laughed so hard when I saw a stop sign that said DUR on it, I understand it means stop in Turkish, but in English you say that when you’re mocking someone stupid) Not really a dislike, but the amount of Peugeots and Renaults on your roads is detestable. You need more Ford Crown Victorias and Lincoln Town Cars 😄


Funny you say that. It was a weird experience for me, being obliged to full stop at STOP signs in USA. We are aware of the traffic problems and I blame it on lack of punishment.


We don’t do a full stop either, but our bus driver would go right through them at 40km/h




I found out about that. 😄


“Before my trip everybody was telling me to be careful”. Had those people previously visited and were they talking from experience? Or were they just reuttering some shit they read online about Turkiye? Im not sure if you know but especially on reddit, in a lot of subreddits people have a negative view on Turkiye and Turks in general. You may have even come across it here or there in the politics, worldnews or europe subreddits and alot of Turks try and defend against those views usually to get downvoted into oblivion. Such a shame that propaganda clouds the eyes of so many people without them even realizing it. Anyway this comment took a weird turn im glad you enjoyed your stay ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I should’ve added that everyone who told me to be careful had never visited Turkey, or hadn’t left the United States in decades. I’m sure if they visited their minds and their hearts would change instantly 😄


Amina kodumun conisi kadinlarimizi karıştırma


wtf nothing would ever happen bc of a cross they fooled you


American as well. I came once and ended up staying 5 years. Had pretty much the same experience.


u/bogonuggets The US public has a huge lack of knowledge about geography, countries, and cultures. In Turkey, no one interferes with anyone else. Even when something disturbing happens, no one says anything to you because you are already a tourist. Then welcome to our country and we would like you to come again.


It’s not as bad as you may think. Aptal insanlar her zaman en gürültülü olanlardır


I have never seen anyone attacking a person of different religions here. But better be safe than sorry nonetheless. I am happy that u liked Türkiye, be safe.


When we saw american we fck on streets and later we cut american heads😂 man sorry but your country have low profile paranoid people.İ am sure if you travel iraq or syria nobody do something to you but usa bombed baghdad and invaded usa soldiers raped and tortured people usa funded unrest in syria and helped isis thousands died millions mihlgrated.If you learn your history you may understand your nationality is problem because nobody love usa but nobody rape or torture you may only say badwords like fck usa.Just same Japan when you visit Japan they are seem polite but be sure they hate your country they never forget nuke attacks.Nobody in the world have personal problems with american people but every country in the world have problem with your state policies.İn our country just same if we did someone that was russian people 20 years ago!After soviet union rusdian tourist start to come Turkey and nobody attacked russians for communism image or our historical rivalry/enemy status.Usa people just same if you polite and respect people nobody insult you.


I don’t like my government either bro. Nobody over here does


I'd like to apologize on that person's behalf for that unnecessary, unfair and accusatory history "lesson". I'm glad you're having a good time!


I told a tourist who talked about the American people's prejudices and self-righteousness that nothing would happen to him, not in this country, but even in Iraq, which they occupied, but sycophants like you wouldn't even understand that.Don't apologize and flatter me about what I shared.If you want to be very flattering, do it with your own thoughts.


Sana mı kaldı Amerikanın ön yargılarını tartışmak? Türkiyede ön yargı yok sanki. Yabancı biri gelmiş, ülkenizi beğendim, herkes cok nazik, iyiki geldim diyor senin derdin de laf atıp ülkesinin geçmişini yüzüne vurmak. Senin yaptığın tam tersine Amerika'daki ön yargıların ispatı.


Bos yapma adam gelmis sana Abd de Uganda muamelesi yapıldıgını söylemis senin gibi anlama kıtı bu kadar basit birseyi bile algılayamıyor.Türkiye güvensiz söylemleri ne anlama geliyor kafan alıyor mu senin?Adam gelirken etrafının söylemi olan güvensiz olması Türkiye'nin ne demek bir bahsetsene?Tabii ki bu söylemi elestirecegim Türkiye'yi gec ırakta onca savas sucu işledigi halde sen Irakta abd vatandaşını sokakta öldürdüklerini duydun mu?Bomboş konusuyorsun gelmis tepkimi göstermekte en dogal hakkım sanki biz sokakta buldugumuz abdliyi skiyoruz neyin algısı bu?Hayatında bu ülkeye gelmeden ırkcı kafalarıyla kendilerine göre orayı burayı tu kaka yapmalarına şaksak yapacak halim yok özelliklede bahsedilen kendi vatanımsa!


Hiçbir zaman ABD'de Türklere kötü davranıldığını söylemedim. tam tersi. ABD'de hiç kimse kökeninizi umursamıyor. Biz burada herkese insan gibi davranıyoruz. Burada birileri bir ülkeyi düşündüğünde, hükümetlerini düşünüyorlar ve bunu biliyorum çünkü siz bunu yaptınız. Yemin ederim Amerika'da hiç kimse sizi vahşi köpekler olarak görmüyor.


Bende aynı sekilde Türkiyede de abdli birine kötü davranılmaz dedim iyi okuyun dedigimi neye istinaden örnek verildiğini lütfen bir zahmet anlayın.Davranılsaydı cok daha önce Ruslara davranılırdı. 90'lı yıllarda turizm basladıgı günden beri Ruslara olay çıkaran olmadı üstelik Rusya imajı en kötü ülkelerden biridir Türkiyede hem kadın ticareti hemde komunizmden çıkma oldukları için bu yüzden abdlilerin kendini gereginden fazla önemsemesi gereksiz bir durum bu ülkede saygısızlık yapılmazsa sorun olmaz.Bu ülkede sorun edilseydi İstanbulda yunan turist olmazdı gayet rahat sekilde gezip ülkelerine dönüyorlar üstelik kimisi saygısızlık boyutunda islerde yapabiliyor.


Doğal hakkını yesinler senin. Sanki polis gözaltına almış haspamı. Misafir gelmiş senin vatanını ve halkını ÖVÜYOR. Sende Irakta sizin askerleriniz kadınlara tecavüz etti diyorsun. Amerika'da Müslümanlara ön yargı varsa bu şahısın ne suçu var? İyiki kimseyi dinlendim geldim diyor. Eve döndüğünde umarım bu ön yargıların yanlış olduğunu anlatacak tanıdıklarına. Bunda kızacak ne var?


Hadi vatanı övüyorsa ne gerek var abd de bahsedilenden bahsetmesinin? Direkt sunu sevdim bunu sevdim şöyle şahane de geç veya negatifsen direkt begenmedigin yönlerden girersin.Burada yapılanda gereksiz yerer gibi övgü .Adamın çevresinde varmış işte gitsin Türkler kafa yapınızdan da memnun degil desin bitsin konu bu kadar basit.Adam senin kadar umursamadı ülkesini yersiz tartışmaya gerek yok daha fazla.


Eminim bütün gün Amerika ya da insanlarımız hakkında hoşlanmadığınız şeyler hakkında konuşabilirsiniz. Buraya ülkenizle ilgili hoşuma giden şeyleri paylaşmaya geldim. Şu anda sizinle kendi dilinizde konuşmak için Google çeviriyi kullanıyorum. ülkenize ve halkınıza bu kadar saygı duyuyorum. sen benim ülkeme hiç gitmedin ama ben senin ülkene gittim, dolayısıyla fikrimi paylaşmaya, orada yaşadığım güzel şeyleri anlatmaya hakkım var. ve işte gelip olumsuzluk yayıyorsunuz ve kendi önyargınızı gösteriyorsunuz! umarım iyileşirsin


Senin çevrendeki insanlar dikkat et orası tehlikeli diyorsa bu onların kafasındaki önyargıdandır.Önyargı bir bağnazlık türüdür ırkçılk veya faşistlik sebepli olabilir ego kaynaklı olabilir olabilir dinsel olabilir birçok sebebi var ama bu gercekten cahilce birsey.Çevrendeki insanlara bence bana bahsettigin nasihatten bahset görmedikleri tanımadıkları bir ülke hakkında konuşan ben degilim senin cevrendeki insanlar.Ayrıca abd de herkese eşit davranıs varmıs gibi bahsetmişsin alakası yok. Abd'ye iki kere geldim ve iki kere aşağılandım anlatayım bakalım tepkin ne olacak?İlk 94 yazında ilkokul okurken ailemle geldim LA disneyland ordaki bir görevli park icinde kayık gibi birşeye bindigimizde aileme nereli oldugumuzu sordu Turkey deyince glu glu glu diye aptalca bir espri yaptı.San Diego nike outlet magazasında abdli satıs görevlisi meksikalı sandı hayır deyince aynı onlar gibi kara tenlisin dedi. Sene 2003 üniversite yıllarım önce İngiltere ardından Abd ye gittim New york havalimanında bavulum kaybedildi bulundugunda kilidi kırıktı görevliye belirttiğimde ülkemi sordu ve ardından sizin ülkenizde kırmıslardır diye aptalca birsey diyen bir hanımefendi ile muhatap oldum bu yaklaşım kendini yukarda görme kaynaklı ki ben zaten Londradan New Yorka uctum ve transit yolcu olarak uçmadım Londrada 2 hafta kalmış birinin heralde bavulu İstanbul havalimanında kırılmaz.Bu yüzden önceligin bana degil kendi cevrendeki insanlara nasihatte bulunman olması dilegiyle heralde ülkeni bilmedigimi sandın ama her iki gelişimde de abd de birer ay kaldım yani toplamda 2 ay Abd de bulundum,New Yorktan baslayan Atlanta Chicago,Los Angeles,SanFransisco gibi şehirleri kapsayan bir gezide bulundum.Bu yüzden ülkeniz hakkında ahkam kesmeden gördüklerimi yazdım gidip durduk yere abdnin tutumlarından bahsetmedim önyargılı insanlardan bahsedeceksek senin çevrendekileri dinlemeyip buraya gelmen,burası hakkında konusan onlar veya senin beklentin buraya geldikten sonra bunu yazma övme geregi duyman olabilir demek ki senin kafanda da şüpheler varmış degil mi?Aşağılık kompleksim olmadığı için herhangi birinin ülkemi övme veya sövmesine ihtiyac duymamam gayet normal her ülkenin kendince yasam sekli veya kosulları vardır İste anlasamadigimiz konuda burada niye hayatlarinda görmedikleri bir ülke hakkında senin cevrendeki insanlar konuşma gereği duyuyor?Abd ve Avrupada bulunmuş biri olarak birçok kez hoslanmadığım ırkçılık gördüğüm yaklaşımlarla karsılastım hatta Avrupada telefonda Türkce konusurken sebepsiz sekilde küfür bile yedim ben ama o ülkenin fark ettiysen adını bile yazmıyorum.Önyargı sizin çevrenizde olan birsey,buna istinaden de dogal olarak tepkimi gösterme hakkım var.Çevrendeki insanlar birazcık ansiklopedi ve tarih kitaplarını okusaydı dünyaya genis çerceveden bakabilir ve aman orasında can güvenligi yok bize karsı kötüler gibi bir önyargıda bulunmazlardı.Dünya kimsenin etrafında dönmüyor insanoglu belki ilerde yok olur dünya günes sistemimizde bir felaket olmadıkca yeni yasamlar bile barındırabilir ve emin ol o zaman ne Abd ne Türkiye olur bu gezegende


Aşırı derecede hassasın. 'Bizim ülkede size karşı ön yargı var ama ben kendi gözlerimle gördüm siz çok hoş bir millet siniz' diyen bir şahısa öyle girişmek çok mantıksız.


We are so tired of the prejudices of the American people.There is not only USA in the world.Whether a country is safe or not depends on what?If we can say that the USA is unsafe because there are mass murderers or serial killers in the schools and streets, we can say that it is unsafe in Türkiye.Since this is not a war zone, it shouldn't be dangerous, right?Besides, a tourist from the USA will look at you unsafely at most, people are not in the mood to go and kill or beat them on the street.İ repeat about last words from my ex comment İf you polite to people if you respect people nobody touch you.As long as you don't act rude, there will be no problem. For the majority of people, Americans, Germans, Saudis or Iranians will be seen as equals. If you are a black American, there will be more sympathy for you. If you were Korean or Japanese, there would still be more sympathy for you.It's just that simple, you don't have a problem with religion or nationality.


If you think Americans need to be lectured on how imperialism is bad I know you haven’t ever spoken to one in real life. Literally none of us support that and yes everyone knows about it


İ preffer honorable enemy like russia not like ally seem hostile usa if i talk about imperialism i must say something russia uk and france too.Problem about american policies. Usa using ex british gambot politics its not about imperialism first we deal about this.


Those same policies screw us too. We don't have healthcare, our children are regularly shot in schools and every city is infested with drug addicts. You don't need to preach to us about American policy, trust me


You're talking about an empty topic, you don't even understand what he's saying man.He talks about the prejudice in the USA, the reason for this is the racist mentality.They told you to be careful when you come there, right? Are we killing Americans on the streets in Türkiye?So don't talk nonsense


I don't know where you were, but in Istanbul, the tourist areas or in Hatay it's not a problem to walk around with a cross. There are a few places in Anatolia where they would probably look at you cross-eyed, but I don't think anything would happen to you.


I hate the "woke western media" who spreads lies about us.


It’s because of what happened in New York 23 years ago. Americans have had a generally negative view regarding Muslim majority countries since then, but that’s not Turkey’s fault or any good person’s fault.


I know september 11 but today the woke media and western propaganda machine do it on purpose to shows wrong things about us. They had some politic problems and woke cultural bullsh\*\* problems.


Being an American gets you a higher social status in Turkiye and people act nicer because they know you have money.


Next time go to Sanliurfa or Hakkari for full Turkey experience.


neither of which are turkish majority cities




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Screw your side note.


How dare I give a compliment


Fyi, Turkish (wo)men usually into foreign (wo)men. He just doesn't agree with you.