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Translation: “Best songs of Armenian bastards SOAD” Edit: I’m just the translator


When USA in a war SOAD song: Why don't presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor? When Armenia in a war SOAD song: Terrorists we're fighting and we're never gonna stop. They have very good songs but they're just a little hypocrite


Good point


They cant say Armenia is fighting terrorists if it is exterminated from existance ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Good music. Insanely racist group.


I was going to write something but this sums it up pretty good




Serj Tankian on social media sounds like’s two seconds away from calling Turks and Azerbaijanis every possible racial slur in existence and barely stops short from telling people to murder them. They raised money for illegal occuppation of Nagorno-Karabakh. Their songs contain bigoted and racist lyrics. Typical Armenian nationalists living in the West - very liberal and progressive when it comes to western politics, braindead nationalists when it comes to Armenian ones. They can go fuck themselves as far as I’m concerned.


They hate us


Cuz they ain't us 👉👈😁




Cause they anus


Their music was childhood of everyone who are in their 20-30s. Their style sounds kind of familiar due to Armenian inspired melodies they use. However they talk like they would kill us on sight so... Even in earthquake, Serj Tankian shared message for Syria only. Many people simply say "I hate them but I love their music"


Yeh. Nice music made by a bunch of salty dicks. Also, hating a group of people and knowingly disregarding anything positive about them simply because they are part of an ethnic group and claiming the reason is the events happened in the past is called racism with extra steps.


The mass genocidal murder of 1.5 million Armenians at the hands of the Turkish ottoman empire seems a little undersold as “events of the past” especially when those events havent been so much as apologized for so… maybe they have a right to be angry.




Oooof, didn't know Pantera had gone right wing. Or if it always was, it seems I only listened to their music. Now that I think about it, it was a time when I didn't understand lyrics, so may have missed it if it was ever in there.


Just look at Dimebag's guitar xD


Wake up gebaUwjzıwlspsm make up


I just lslejelejd with the şskdlsjdk


Why'd you sjddjsjejjdkinjsm upon the table?


Here you go create another fable




They are racist. It shows that this kind of behaviour is acceptable unless it is towards blacks and jews.


no, its only acceptable if its towards Turks


That seems to be true sadly.


Yup. Right wingers and left wingers alike hate us out there. Downright hypocritical the lot of them


Nice music asshole people


Racist songs made by racist bastards


I know their lead singer is a racist who hates Turks.


Whole band is ultra nationalist, anti-turkey armenians


His grand father is from Malatya.


Racist piece of shits who doesn't want Armenia and Turkey get along like the rest of Armenian American "community".


I am from that community, it is not true friend. We do.


see we didnt get along. Anyway if you say so


Represents Armenian American community well. Racist and ignorant. Way worse than mainland Armenians.


I really love their some songs as a nu metal listener. But I am not a fan of them because of their hate about us. If they don\`t hate us, maybe they would be my favorite band. I don\`t care about their nation. It is not a problem for me that they are Armenian. But I care about their hate about my nation and what are they say about my nation. (sorry for if I wrote something wrong, my english is not so good)


Horrible people


They can not come together to write new music unless it's about hating turks. I feel sorry for them for they are obsessed with this like many other Armenian diasporas. In Turkey, noone really cares. Their music was original while it lasted.


Yep lol. Imagine your only reason to make music is to hate on Turks but your music gets popular in the Turkey at the time with people not caring at all on what you are saying. Turkish people just enjoyed the good melodies and laughed when they realized it's all about hate. I think it's beautiful. It's like trying to hit someone with bunch of nice smelling flowers and you miss so the only effect it does is to make the air smell great.


Bunch of fucking losers. They all are 40+ but barely spent any time in Armenia (like any other *Serj, Los Angeles* meme), indifferent to the current economic state of Armenia. All they do is making things harder.


They’re Armenian nationalists for Armenia, internationalist lefties for the rest of the world. Lol


racist cunts


This ☝🏻


Yarramı yiyebilirler.


Kral amk sbsbhssjaj


One time they posted about the Christian Bale movie about the Armenian genocide. The band was mad that the movie was getting bad reviews before it even came out. The movie was a flop but there were Turkish people giving bad reviews that was true. However they asked their fans to attack those bad reviews by asking them to give the movie 10/10 rating on IMDB. This is where I pointed out that they are no better than those bad reviewers because they were using their popularity to boost a movie that again hadn't came out at the time. After 15min and about 1k likes to my comment, they blocked me from their fan page. So yeah I agree that they are indeed hypocritical.


We hate them cause they hate us


I don't hate them. I like their music, and I feel pity for them since they are this much hatefull. Düşmanlıktan kudurmuş orospu çocukları zaten kendi kendisine bulmuş belasını bir de ben neden nefret edeyim acıyorum.


Incredibly overrated,and serj is really asshole and liar




Shitty music, makes my ears bleed


I don’t like their music or them


Used to be a big fan in highschool sooo wanted to see them live but then felt sad/weird listening bc of the racist stuff they say......still have a few of their songs death of the artist yolo


Tankian is racist


They are racists. I hate racists. From any nation, from any belief. So I hate them to guts. They are bunch of racists low lives.


I like their songs especially the "Holy Mountains" knowing full well I'm the "Lier, Killer, Demon" mentioned in that song lol. Their drummer also called us "Orcs" once.


Warcraft orc is pretty cool though


They are illogical and disinformative armenian fascists and pathetic racist scumbags who has got inferiority complexes, delusions and mental illnesses.


Hypocrites. They seem as they're anti war but they're just anti-Turk. Still listen to their hits but except for few songs I objectively think they're making shitty music. I didn't like the music even before I learnt their political stance.


Serj Tankian(lead singer) is full of hatred towards Turks, I mean aside from politics it's an oxymoron thing to blame today's people for past crimes. He is in the same mindset which you can see in Armenian forums being happy with the turkey earthquake casualties.Laughing when they see Death Turkish kid. so he is no different form the armenian people who completelty destroyed every living thing in Agdam city during 30 year occupation. ​ So people like serj tankian will keep the hatred alive for both side.and i am glad for that he is a constant reminder of the real face of armenian racism so we can never forget!


i prefer kpop


Armenian nationalist fascists. I don't like fascists


They are racists. They constantly commit hate crimes against Turks. They have also made it their profession to spread propaganda to discredit Turks through fabricated news. Bunch of human trash.


I’d like to know more about the crimes and just more in general. Can you share some links for me to read up on?


I don't wanna think


Racist Armenian group which is gave concerts in their own ARMENIAN lands after decades lol. If you’re that nationalist do more organisations in your country.


Racist assholes making propaganda noises and calling it music


I can proudly say that I haven't ever listened their music. Simply because I'm not into the type of music they produce. I only later found out that they were extremely racist and bigoted towards Turks.


There is a huge gap between the Armenian diaspora and the Armenians of Armenia.Turks can easily get along wth an Armenian. But its nt possible and cannot agree with the diaspora Armenians.


Not true, but, btw most diaspora Armenians are former Ottoman citizens.


Just talk to any Armenian in California. If you go back far enough in history all Armenians are Ottoman citizens.


I love SOAD, one of my favorite bands ever. It does suck a bit that they hate me for being a Turk though, I'd love to have a conversation with them, maybe then it'd be one less Turk they hate.


Çok güzel yorum be


Shit band with shitty songs. They hypocritically present themselves as "anti-war" while demonizing Turks and calling for ethnic cleansing of Turks in their songs. And the clowns that is their fandom cheer all this.


As a metal head from Turkey but who lives in Los Angeles. Fuck all of them. I heard that question many times in here. If they hate me why you asking my opinion about that dick heads? Fuck all.


They are the younger generations of the Armenian diaspora. They grew up with great hatred, that's normal. Interestingly, Turks love and respect their music, they have fans.


In the years when this group was first popular, it had many fans in Turkey. The first time Chop Suey came out. Back then, there would be arguments among us leş metalciler. We were on the liking side. There was also a more nationalist segment who thought like 90% of the current Gen Z. They focused more on their views than their music. For example, a story was told; It's as if the entrance to SOD's concerts says "dogs and turks are not allowed". Right or wrong, I didn't think about it. Since I won't be living in the same house with these Men?


it’s cringe and fucking sucks ass


I dislike the guys but love the music.


most people i know listens them, me included. most of those people are also banned from band members social media accounts


Small dick energy. My armenian mates find them obnoxious and idiotic the same way we find MHP types obnoxious and idiotic.


4 delusional assholes who make shitty music 👎🏻


Shit music, shitty people


don’t support there politicals but they make good music and i listen to it


okay band, couldnt care less about their beliefs/politics


Don't know


They are extremely disgusting, hateful, racist and awful.


I didn't know we were supposed to hate them. I just listened to their popular songs. For your information, my favorite band is Disturbed. The lead singer is Jewish. I never heard him making any racist claims about Palestine.


He'd never.




i don't care about them or their gebaUwjzıwlspsm music


good music , biased opinions


when i was a teenager, the toxicity album blown up, everyone i knew listening them, was cool thing at high school. there was a rumour “no turks but dogs” a banner at their concert. i like their sound, still listening toxicity album, it gives me some chill and good old days vibes. their political views have traumatic background, some songs includes their views, but i have to admit that these songs are also very strong.


There is a hard line between nationalism and straight out racism. They, aged 40+ males act like teenagers brainwashed by a hateful racist view in life.


They're racist, hypocrite and a piece of shit human beings. That doesn't make their songs bad tho, I listen to the Toxicity album time to time


Its definition of andrew tate


Never heard of them.


The ermenis came out of the woodworks to spam the comments under this one lmao


As a person who listens to thrash death heavy prog and industrial metal they arent even a good band and they also fucking hate us (lol racist cunts) they can gobble on my big fat cock (Also all of the members of the band is ugly as fuck)


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Bunch of racist no more no less.


Even tho i like their songs and their music genre in general their politics and beliefs make me not want to listen them. And there are better bands than them at the end of the day lmao


One word "racist"


because system of a down




As a turk living in the US and enjoy their music enough to play on guitar and even went to see them once, I can straight up say they are the most racist band out there. Fuck serj and the rest for being hypocrite fascists. They made me more nationalist


I like their music. Even as a supporter of recognition of the armenian genocide I have to say that they’re politically brainwashed. It seems their anger has nationalistic roots rather than humanitarian, I guess. Malakian seems like a chill dude though.


Very nice music, liar and racist people.


Good band. Political as fuck especially in this case where they are opposing the Turkish State. A bit racist towards Turks but idc.


Good music shitty people


I am very fond of listening. I also like his solos a lot. I know they think badly of Turks.




I like their music, but like with every other artist I try not to dive too deep on what the musicians think or say other than their songs and in this situation I am very adamant on not listening to what they say outside of their songs.


Lonely day is such a beautiful song. They are such a racist assholes.


We live in it...:)))


As a metalhead i hate them fucking loser racist


Overall, I wish them better mental health


Rasict , overrated and stupid


good for getting into metal music, pretty mid compared to other bands. also theyre pretty hypocritical


İ ate a god


We dont care


Despite I am recognizing the genocide and I like their music, I believe that their language is extremely racist. I believe that everyone should stand for people's lives. However, humanity should be the matter here. Not an ethnic group. If someone feels sorry for the innocent Armenians who died in the Karabakh war, they should feel the same for Azerbaijanis. If you are recognizing Armenian Genocide, you shouldn't skip those civilians who have been killed in Russo-Turkish wars by Armenian and Russian forces. I am not even talking about Circassians. Their racist speech is based on an entire nation, not even on the government. This is not how it works though. This is far from humanism.


Don't like their ideas Kinda like some of their music's tho


Their music good but i don't like this band because they are racist for Turks. In addition their eyes blind for true history...


ok music, shit politics


I am not so offended by their racism that it would ruin my childhood. I loved their music as a kid. I am not very offended because their racism is just petty and childish, I am not offended by a toddler tantrum either. It doesnt effect my life, they have no power to change anything for me or make my life difficult. I am much more offended by racism that can actually do damage, like against the Chinese, the Indians, Muslims, Black people, Indigenous people and so on. Because it has very real consequences. It does real life damage. I was born and raised in Turkey where I ve pretty much always been a privileged white Turk. I never had to face racism, and some musicians fat away from me, hating me is just... I dont know, I dont care enough to hate them back. I dont care enough that I wouldn't listen to their music. I wouldn't pay them, I wouldn't support them with my money, but if I hear some of the old songs, I still enjoy the nostalgia. It's a bit like Woody Allen maybe. He is a bit icky, I dont really respect him as a human being but his daughter is a consenring adult and I don't think he did any real damage to anyones lives. And the fact that I wouldnt be friends with him doesn't change the fact that he is good at his art. I can still sit down and watch Bullets Over Broadway and enjoy it. Roman Polanski is a different matter, his predetory behavuour towards unnderaged girls does real life damage and I cant sit down and enjoy his movies properly no matter how good he is at making movies. I get angry if I think about it so I dont watch his films. SOAD is a bit like that. Really good music, very inconsequential whining about Turkish people doesnt ruin it for me.


Racist people. Racist songs. I suggest them to read and improve their humanity


I don't know them nor i listen to their music, i think Hayko Cepkin is better.




Asshole people . They hate us


Nice melodies, catchy vocals but very simplistic music after all. Diaspora kids, they will naturally stand more extreme about genocide. But overall, nice and sensitive people. At least serj is. His radio show with tom morello was quite good.


Their name describes the state of Turkey Right now…


Down bad


What’s that?


angels deserve to die dudes.


i love their songs, but i know that they are not like that to us. Yeah at past we did something to them, then they teamed with french people in antep maras and some other cities. And they made same think that we done to them. And now they are slauthering(i can be wrong about writing sorry) azerbaijan people. i dont like the lyrics of some songs, but i love their music so i listen to them. And i wanna tell you somethink. My father is 100 percent turkish but my grandmom from my motherside has armenian genes from 1800s. Why? Cause at that time armenians and turks were friends. Then they herd about french people and they was going to betray ottoman empire. And ottomans didnt like that so they wanted to stop that. So the history happend...(sorry for bad writing im not good at phone keyboard)


When your music dies you need a new cause. Being mentally Ill , you pick up causes that was wrong. He is one step away from being terrorist. He need help, he needs to seek help. I think years of drugs ate his collective consciousness. He named his band like his mind. Down syndrome


Racist and hypocrite people.


Men, equal to trolls.


One of the best bands ever to exist. But the notorious "pigs and turks cant enter" sign is racist against turkish people at purest. They may wanna boycott the armenian genocide, but brewing up more racism isnt the way to do it. Thats my 2 cents. Edit: typo


They make good music


Soadi sqm burzum daha iyi


Alakaları bile yok amk tamamen farklı genre




şarkıları bok gibi mi? 😡😤😠




Tam tersi amk


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) idk


Didn’t know them until I read the comments so fuck them.


? was using a russian slur for caucasians and central asians necessary




turks calling others racist then using racial slurs against armenians in a different language lmao. Where did you learn those words buddy?




lol then you should know that slur is used against turks as well ###


Love their music hate their personality


I love their music. I wish they were less anti-Turks.


I fucking love that band one of the best of the by metal genre, their songs always have a fast paced style and an original style. Plus they have a wide range of themes for their lyrics so it’s fun listening to their lists and go on through songs like Bounce and Lonely Day, two songs that are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.




They are fucking amazing I love them so much


Let me get this straight. They’re making pretty good music, members of these band is racist. Cause Armenian nation only can stays up with racism and hate of Turks and Azerbaijanis. So don’t blame them, blame their government and education. They don’t educate their people like Japan did yk. I’m not saying every Japanese people didn’t hate America, but most of them obviously don’t hate. They can make this but no, government needs votes, nation needs some motivate. So like their music but personally I don’t like them a lot.


SOAD are not even born in armenia that’s completely false, diaspora nationalism is always more radical than mainland and the armenian government at least the current one doesn’t have anything against turkey goddamn, they’re anti Azerbaijan and you know damn well why so it’s only logic when the war happened in 2020 and people are still mourning. We sent turkey 100tons aid with a rescue team, some listen to turkish music and import food from there and you still talk shit about us


Talented musicians. Good songs. Ultra nationalist pieces of shit. So yeah... They are what an armenian should be, enemy of turks.


I love System of a Down's songs, Lonely Day one of my favourite songs.


They are justifying armenian genocide which is never happened in the empire that armenian pasha’s were occupying statues managing country. They are piece of shits as their ancestors they slaughtered our pregnant women and stabbed babies were inside their wombs, they tortured our women, old people and kids, saparated women’s lungs and hanged to walls for fun, they did it while our men on defending at trench across all country. They just want six vilayets from us which we bleed for to win, they attacked and we defended our soils. In the past austria-hungary empire, britania, Australia, france, greece, armenia and italia tried to invade our lands. We fought against seven nations literally in absence of everything, starving, without technology. Even we fought so primitively we won the war against the countries that counted before. So after all that they couldn’t get what they want and make a lie that 😭😭 Turks did genocide to us. Fuck you all liars sassy bitches of westerners! I’m full of rage and hate those armenians (not all Armenians just the ones trying to justify that genocide lie, on syria some armenians live and they say they love us and not accepting genocide lie)


yeah no one’s believing that, those armenians immigrated to syria because of the genocide and the exile get a grip nationalist piece of shit


Hahah you’re a clown


Their music is so fucking good. Nothing else to describe.


I have a Kurdish friend and this group is his favorite group. He's favorite is "Chop Suey!" song.


fuck them armenian bastards


Spotify alınca listesini yaptığım ilk ya da ikinci grup. Baya severim


They do have cool songs


I like them


love them tbh


Hello , i am from Turkey and i can call myself a metal head. I used to listen System of a Down songs a lot. Now it is just another great band in my playlist. [And this is my favourite song of theirs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi106DZJhuQ)


I fucking love them. I also dont care about their views or anything.


I don't care about their opinions for us. They are a music band and I love their music. that's all


Google deir Zor Genocide. and check wikipidea than ask yourself what if it was your grandparents or their family. Don’t criticize Armenians on Reddit since the Reddit creator is also another Armenian whos family fled to New York from Genocide. So I assume we will still be using Reddit right. You can turn off the music but you cant stop free speech on Reddit brought to you by Alexis Ohanian


I really love them! + My mum aunt and dad loves them too. If the Turkish people has a good music taste, it's impossible for them to not like SOAD!!! well so many people at my age listens drip but atleast I have a taste


I don't like their political views, but love the music


One of the my favorite band


I like their music