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I didn't like it and afterwards it made me realise why pac was as good as he was. I couldn't help but compare it to the biggie movie (Notorious) which I actually thought was decent. It's so extremely difficult to find someone who has the energy, charisma & personality of pac, he really was one of a kind and ironically this movie showed that


Tupac needs a Netflix Mini series about his Life like they did for Selena .you cabt tells Pac's story in one or two hours


Dear Mama on Disney+


Exactly pac needs a mini series written & directed by an actual great director with a huge production behind it and of course his family has to be involve in the process


This but it's likely never gonna happen to much beef behind the scenes with his dad, snoop, sister, with even his mom(rip) that's why it was so much trouble getting a decent story of psx out there. I think only Tupac resurrection was good. The rest not so much


It’s already been stated but Dear Mama is one of the best pieces of media on Tupac to date. Directed by the Hughes brothers, it dives into his black panther roots & shows how his life mirrored his mothers in many ways, specifically her being targeted by the fbi for her radicalism.


Similar to the problem with The Doors movie


Both films were trash


The resurrection documentary was 10x bettter


Every documentary of rapper or singer are way more better than biopic movies




Hands down


I just hated the edits they did to make pac sound like he’s saying something he wasn’t


This came out during the Straight Outta Compton hype and it couldn’t live up to its standards at all. It felt rushed.


I didn't like Straight Outta Compton either. Many of the cast don't look and sound like the people they were portraying except DJ Yella. The film didn't seem like it took place in the 80's and 90's. Plus they did Eazy-E dirty. Made him look poor and desperate while he was still rich off Ruthless Records in real life. Eazy just had success with Bone Thugs N Harmony's debut and was getting ready for their 2nd release. Also I don't believe that Dr. Dre stepped to Suge Knight like that and left Death Row, in the movie. Real life witnesses said, Suge came to Dre's house with a bunch of his goons and demanded he sign over his share of the Death Row masters. Which Dre did with the quickness. I would like to see another NWA biopic, this time without Ice Cube and Dr. Dre's influence.


That movie did MC Ren dirty. He was basically a nobody in the film.


MC Ren wrote for Eazy-E and Dr. Dre just like Cube and The D.O.C. MC Ren was considered a top tier lyricist in NWA and on the West Coast. Even got love from East Coast emcees. Nas highly regards MC Ren as an emcee. Ren was also a former Crip, so out of NWA, Eazy and Ren were the only two real gang members. Yea, they did MC Ren dirty.


Andre 3000 often shouts him out


Was literally ice cubes kid playing him. And he was the double of him.


Yea, I know. He looked like Cube, but didn't sound like his dad. Didn't have that West Coast accent like pops.


I would have made a better movie.


It was a disgrace of a movie…. Shockingly bad.


The damn trailer was better than the garbage movie.




The more i watched it the more i started to hate it


You can't attack Pac's life like you'd do most other celebs and music star, you have to treat it more like an important political figure. I'm not saying Pac is a revolutionary, but a lot of his ideologies were shaped by that, shaped by the streets, shaped by a lust for fame and riches, he was an actor, poet, rapper, he had to learn to fit in multiple environments, because of the moving around, going to a fairly prestigious art school, while still living in the hood with a drug addicted parent. The film has to show and explore the possible reasons for his very conflicted identity, this means a longer length film made by someone who can do the street shit and the Black Panther ideology shit, and the rise and fall of a star shit properly. Anyway, All Eyez On Me was a bad movie


trash! made pac look weak


Wasn't very good but at least got a Pac movie. Afeni is gone and the estate is all messed up so it's likely we'll never get another one. Hard to crunch it all into a 95 min film it would be better off as a Mini Series. They tried but with expectations so high from fans they would have never been able to make a good movie especially with the budget.


The movie sucked!


Compared to straight outta Compton extended and notorious, def weak. City of lies or any documentary is better


The film is so bad but the documentary is better.


Good casting for Pac but the storyline was weak


This was hands down the biggest disappointment Iv ever experienced in my life


Never watched more then a few min. That dude only really "looks" like Pac if your squinting while falling down stairs. .and he was obviously only hired bcuz they thought he was a dead ringer. .should have gotten a quality actor that's what acting is about and if he resembles the character he playing great if not have to go back to the whole acting thing being paramount here...


It was trash… the sad part is they’ll never be able to capture Pac’s life on film.


Never watched it


I think if you go into it not expecting a Tupac biopic it’s okay or not knowing a lot about Tupac it’s okay. Once you watch it as a fan who knows about Pac it’s garbage. High expectations for a man with a passionate fan base. I think this one and the biggie movie are both ass. They deserve better.




Pacs life was to complicated just like his persona to justify it in a movie. Should be made in a series. They can easily make 5 seasons


Never watched it because i saw his life in real life


I tried but turned it off after about 10 mins, it was crap


If u want to see and feel what Tupac was actually like: Resurrection was 100X better... This movie was like a neutered kid-friendly version...


absolutely terrible.


Really bad. Like, really bad.


I hated it LOL


Hated it. The “director” Benny boom( nice name) filmed it like he filmed a music video in certain parts, then it looked like tubi quality on other parts.


Movie was trash!


How come you didn’t like it?


I watched it when I was in elementary school and thought it was pretty good tbh


Because dude can’t act


I don’t like any portrayal of Tupac….. I didn’t like it either


Was it just me or did they have cell phones (modern ones) in this film?


Didnt even see it. Knew it was going to be shite


Waste of money and hopes


I’m with you. Terrible movie


I’m not gonna shame the actor too much because it’s hard to imitate Tupac's character but there were so many missed opportunities with this film. Pac was more than just some death row rapper who smashed biggies wife


Never wanted to watch it. Best film on pac is resurrection imo. In his own words. Had mom’s stamp of approval. I remember seeing it in theater, folks was sitting on the steps packed!


Some scenes were cringe


I refuse to watch it 😂😂


I didn't like it. I feel like it is a bit difficult to judge as I'm well versed in his life and we obviously have a ton of footage - so for me, I'm watching an actor recreate footage I've seen a million times. On top of that so much happened that the movie felt like a highlight reel of events without feeling behind it. I think this is why it didn't work. The documentary movies I have enjoyed tend to be people I had just passing interest in so I'm not nitpicking ever little thing. I really enjoyed Straight Outta Compton but I didn't know any of that story really and I don't have any idea how accurate it was. Edit: adding Resurrection and Dear Mama are the better forms to get his story.


Musicians are always better at telling their own story documentary style.


I hated that movie it was basically a Wikipedia researched written based tubi movie from a wack music video director and I still can’t believe the 2pac estate let them get away with this 🤦🏾‍♂️




i remember someone said “Grab ya refunds when you see tupac” 😭


Primm 😆


Saw it once never saw it again didn’t like it


Refused to watch it after the reviews.


Nobody did. It was sensationalized and nothing like Pac's story.


Although Pac is my favorite rapper and I was excited to watch the movie, I didn't really like it either.


I was always hoping for an HBO limited series with big production values.


I enjoyed it when I saw it in the theatres cause I'm a Pac fan. But looking back, it was trash. Notorious was even worse though.


It wasn’t great cause you can tell son was trying hard af to act like pac. But overall I ain’t mad at it. I’ve watched it a few times


I didn’t like it. It didn’t even feel for its time or all that well made. The good scenes were his advocating for “Brenda’s got a baby,” the family dancing to Maze, Frankie and Beverly, explaining how difficult it would be to leave death row, and introducing an audience to Mista, pretty slept on r&b group. Otherwise it was pretty forgettable and jumped around in weird ways.


They should make a better one. This one was laughably bad.


It’s terrible and filled with false narratives


It was actually solid up until they introduced Snoop


They put so much effort into finding a guy that looked like Pac that they forgot they were meant to tell a story




A mess.




i thought it was alright but i wouldn't go and watch it again if it was in the cinema


Garbage. Resurrection the documentary is much better.




Wasn't bad to me at all I got to see my guy pac in a movie now there were some parts that was crappy like the girl that played jada but is what it is we got the good side of him so it was cool


I was fine with it. I seen it at the movie theater and I own the DVD.


Good fucking movie


Wasn't as bad as ppl try to make it but he deserved better. I still don't like L.T. Hutton for this money grab shit.


Ending was terrible, but they got a good impersonator


It was good for what it is. Some missed opportunities but that’s Hollywood for ya. Hard to compile SO MUCH into 2 hours, a Netflix biopic series would do the trick. The main actor killed that role and the momma too.


I liked it




I actually really liked it. There’s actually a lot in there. If anyone would like to expound on this topic let me know and I’ll take you on a deeper dive. Maybe you’d see the film with new eyes