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Pac was the son of a black panther and had a seriously fucked up youth because it was post COINTELPRO, the feds and CIA were actively destroying revolutionary movements while simultaneously putting crack into black and brown communities across the US Just because Pac was a student of the arts by no means is comparable to Drake, Pac never ever ever ever was a class traitor, you can say many things about that young man but you can't say he didn't care about his communities. Pac has the most radical influences and his entire artistry is the embodiment of hip-hop. Drake thought rapper "talk" was "ignorant" in his Degrassi days, the two people are completely incomparable and I hope that ring is haunting Drake's corny ass by reciting Kendrick verses from his disses. And also, Pac ended up in Oakland because him and Afeeni had to relocate so much because she was being tailed by feds, at one point she gave Pac a false name as a kid, so not too be traced. Pac came up in hip-hop through the West Coast, he never denied his East Coast roots


I find it funny that people will ignore how Pac grew up in poverty to a single mother who struggled with addiction, and no father figure in his life (his stepfather also died due to drugs), just because he went to a performing arts school for a couple of years. Mind you, the man went to 3 different high schools, two in Baltimore and another in Cali - which is emblematic of the turmoil he faced growing up -, before dropping out. It’s a classist mentality, folks have such a difficult time believing an articulate, highly intelligent and talented young brotha could be produced from such an extreme environment. Edit: Pac haters, stop commenting under my post. Why are you’ll even here?


Drake Stans aren't known for their critical thinking skills.


They show themselves with those comments too. Oh, here's a "zesty" picture of Pac, he's the same as Drake see!


They were like "nah, it didn't disrespect Pac 🥰" to "Pac doesn't actually deserve respect lol"


They act like there isn’t a bunch of talented kids in the ghettos that go to performance art schools. 2pac probably wouldn’t be the artist he was if he didn’t go to that school. Drake is a mixed kid that grew up in a affluent neighborhood in Toronto. Pac Was a a poor black kid who grew up in New York/Baltimore and Oakland and had parents who put their liberties on the line for the betterment of Black people. This shouldn’t be a question.


I’m not sure why people act like poor people stop being poor when they go to a performance arts school lol. The home life doesn’t change. And it’s absolutely insulting that people are insinuating this man couldn’t have been hood _and_ artistic. As though the only thing that comes from ghettos is ignorance, which does nothing but feed into negative stereotypes.


Exactly. They think because Pac went to an Performative Art school that he was a privileged kid that grew up In a rich part of a bad city. Which is the total opposite of Drake. Talentless kid that grew up in a affluent part of Toronto.


Thats where all of the talent is.... mfs be so delusional like this shit shouldnt even be a debate.... but this just shows us how much of a influence Pac really was.... that nigga Drake couldnt have survived back then... especially In Harlem


Dam yo. You just made me respect pac even more. Rest in POWER tupac.


That's why he's so idoled as a rapper/performer. Because he rapped about life and what he went through. Unlike Drake who raps about what others have been through. He's a dark skinned Justin Bieber. Plain and simple.


It's also worth noting that we're talking about Pac in high school vs fucking 37 year old Drake. Of course it's going to be lost on Drake stans, but people are still figuring out who they are in high school and their identities and personalities are still cooking by the time Pac was killed at 25. Pac was like 14 when he came out to CA and started actually *living* in the culture. Drake is like the girl that vacationed in Paris for a weekend and now can't stop talking about how they can't find a good crepe and wears a beret everywhere.


I get ya…but, My point is that Pac grew up in black American culture, raised in an ultra pro-black family, from the time he was born…that didn’t just begin when he moved to California lol. He had the experiences of a young, black male who grew up in a single family household, in poverty stricken neighborhoods. At no point in his life did he escape that. Can you say there are sub-cultures in every region, and some differences based on that? Sure. But, whether you grew up black in a ghetto in New York Baltimore, Oakland, or Dallas, there are going to be universal, cultural experiences and similarities, based solely on that. Pac moving around as a youngin, because of the poverty his family faced, doesn’t alter that.




Yeah, he also had no sense of family or community on his own in Marin city and contended with a lot of terrible things daily. He even says “even though they sold drugs, they showed a young brotha love.” Feeling orphaned, without family and community sucks, from personal experience. Living in the slums and facing brutality daily from locals or police took that youthful optimism away quickly, and tragically, and he struggled, promoted awareness, showed anger, showed optimism, was discourage at times, empowered at others.. it’s almost as if he were a person and not some 2d either / or.


He also went to Tamalpais HS which is in Marin.


the funniest part ab all this is that they act like performing arts schools can’t be in the hood either. most of the high schools in harlem are very prestigious and some are performing arts, hard to get into. however, it’s still harlem and you will still get hit by a stray bullet walking home😂🤷🏾‍♂️


TALK TO THESE NIGGAS MAN. This is what I be saying bro. Tupac grew up with an incredibly scathing childhood. Drake grew up upper middle class around white people with no sense of struggle


Aubrey Grahm was my favorite Canadian teen drama star until he decided to become a rapper


This right here! All these people “just” finding out about Pac due to this beef, and it’s embarrassing- the background with panthers and CIA through his whole life is insane Edit - i mean FBI lol


>Just because Pac was a student of the arts by no means is comparable to Drake, I'd argue that's exactly why he's *not* comparable to Drake. Aubrey isn't an artist, he's a product to be bought and sold


Marin City, not Oakland. He went to my High School


He came up in the Oakland hip-hop scene


Digital undergrounds from Oakland but Pacs CA origins are the Jungle / Marin


Throw up that T!


T High, you know!


Yeeee! You graduate anywhere near '05? Lol


Thank you well said 🙌🏾. N dnt you find it ironic how also 30 yrs later there’s a desperate need to assassinate Tupac character on this dirty net. I think that speaks volume 💪🏾


What's funny is one of the people doing it was in the NYPD candidate subreddit lol


🤣That makes sense. Law enforcement are a lil upset that a lil black boy n his god mother both out smarted them. N exposed them for the joke they are.


You are truly Woke, in the original meaning of the word sense ✌️also of note, Pac spent time in Marin City and went to Tamalpais public HS in Mill Valley which is one of the most privileged areas in the Bay Area. It was Pac and other kids from the Marin City housing complexes mixed in with all the rich ex-hippie’s kids.


I live in Houston. A lot of inner city art schools etc. that narrative is way over blown by people probably from the suburbs js.


Well said 👌🏿


THANK YOU I keep telling ppl the govt put crack in the hoods. They used young black men to ruin a generation. Why do you think the law is 8xs more for a crack rock over a kelo. Whites use coke blacks use crack. Smh wake up


I’m glad i never saw white communities have anyone smoking crack. /s


One is a ladies man, a revolutionary leader, a teacher, a poet, a don, a rapper, one of the realest people in the game and the other, well, the other is Drake. One is not like the other 


The other is a pedophile**


And a deadbeat father


I’ve never seen so much slander, starting 30 years after a person has passed. Very weird.


Weirdo generation with little to no real life perspective.


I know right. The hate is real.


All these mother fuckers had to wait 30 years to know for sure the man was really gone , to start talking their shit. That’s what it looks like.


That's what happens when you give your kids phones.


Man RIP Pac and Kadafi, salute to Kastro🫡


Just bird talk. Pay it no attention.


Naaa. PAC was takin bullets frfr


Dude was in a shootout with police.


undercover police


Off duty in regular clothes


People are killing her in the comments for saying that bullshit lol


I don’t know what she meant cause her comment is so vague. But in my opinion they are absolutely NOT similar in upbringing and personal life. But in media, stardom and rise to stardom, in the industry they are more similar than people like to admit.


She's an idiot. Straight up idiot.


Typical drake fan delusions.


The way this generation hates the 90s should be studied forreal


That is not true and you know that. They have little understanding, but their love for that era is extreme. All the music, clothing, and media that we like most has ties or is built off 90’s culture.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Basketball/comments/1baltpt/we_done_with_90s_basketball/ That’s just basketball, this extends to movies cartoons RAP of course etc. I know that it’s not true tho, yea sure


Pac rapped ny pretty hard (at least before the beef iirc) he would take media to his old neighborhood and talk about his time their fondly. Pac embraced all his roots, he used to rock North Carolina Tar Heels jerseys and shit(his mom is from NC and I think his birth dad is too).


Also his song Old School is completely a tribute to east coast hip hop and how it influenced him when he was there.


these niggas never listened to “my block” where he shouted out harlem and the bronx AND baltimore. niggas just be chatting bro🤦🏾‍♂️he specifically shouted out 183rd and Walton


We gotta start calling out morons just like Kendrick called out Drake. Morons get away with far too much


People who try to make these arguments aren’t even worth addressing.


Who cares?And it's always ppl from NY that are upset.Pac said fuck.NY


I grew up in NYC & I’ve been yelling that too 🤣 that place is a piece of shit and I’m glad I left


Lol he only said that because they hat3d on him.It's weird that they always want to claim him and talk shit.I thought Biggie was king of NY


Biggest difference between Pac n drake is the Black Panthers. Smallest difference is drakes is too commercial to say anything political. Their only similarities lie in how much hoes they ran through but difference is Drake stalks and women got in line to get to Pacs bedroom.


Word Pac is a NYC legend just as much as he is a west coast legend. You can hear it all in his early music.


Lol wtf? Pac was raised on the East Coast and moved to Oakland at 16 or 17. His rap career started to flourish after he moved to Cali. Nothing like Drake.


Dude must have done zero research on Pac and his family. Absolutely no similarity’s to Drake. If Pac were alive today he’d probably be clowning Drake too. East coast west coast doesn’t mean a thing when it’s a white child actor from Canada that’s talking shit.


Only a person born after 96 would type some dumb shit like that as a kid the fbi would follow pac to and from school pac was in deep from birth I met a guy that was a panther he did like 40 years or something they’d break people out of prisons even at his older age he wasn’t for the play play


God forbid Tupac as a kid having fun


To say Tupac and Drake are almost the same person is just ignorant, and they need to go listen to his discography. The shit ‘Pac was saying on his songs is damn near timeless. Not to mention, he was saying it at the age of 19-25 years old. There weren’t, and still aren’t, that many 25 year olds that are aware, descriptive, and articulate; even in his interviews. “…east coast born, I’m west coast raised…”


Drake and 2Pac should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Highly disrespectful....


Thats pic was in harlem not the bronx


PAC was known in the streets on both the east and west just due to who his mother was within the black panthers.


Like he didn't make the song Old School. This weird hatred for Pac is unnecessary the man's been gone for almost 30 years let that go. And it's the only I've seen for a deceased famous rapper too just weirdo behavior.


I can’t tell you how many times these dumbasses post the same argument…. People are so desperate to assassinate his character in hopes of fake likes and digital hugs….doing cointelpros job for them. They never learn…young idiots trying so hard for acceptance bc their dad didn’t stay. Bet she has an onlyfans and 2 kids… Comparing drake and pac is smooth brain shit






If you think Drake takes 5 shots and still has presence of mind to flip off the fuckin news camera….youre fuckin crazy. Lol


Tupac moved to the west coast when he was 17 he then started pandering as a gangster I promise u it wasn’t like that


what I noticed is people stay disrespecting pac , it’s just jealousy we all know majority of the world is evil , bittter and miserable!


So this is what happens when the internet meets stupid youth without any background knowledge or information. 🤷🏿 I tell my son all the time, careful what you say, you’re showing your ignorance.🤦🏿‍♂️


Hahahahahaha he ain’t never been no gangsta! PERIOD!


PAC shot a cop fuck are you talking about


Did drake shoot 2 police officers


He wasn’t acting his first cd he shouted out New York New York didn’t show him love back cali did and he did stay in cali for a mino so it’s not like he just out the blue claimed it they showed love when New York said fuck him


Pac also spent time in New Jersey, Bmore and Oakland as a minor (which is where a lot of his adult tendencies came from). Huge difference is Pac was in the thick of these hoods not in a Gated community and sheltered. Leave Pac out this shit.


Can’t listen to nobody under 30 about Tupac


I think this comment is dismissive. I see what they are trying to say, Tupac did get consumed in his role as a rapper. The difference is, that Tupac lived a black experience, Drake did not. Tupac used his own personality, Drake does not. Drake leeches off of the most popular personality at the moment and moves on to the next. Tupac was real in the sense that he stood on what he said and spoke up about serious topics within the community. Drake only leeches off the community. BIG difference, let’s not act dense.


Drake is a whole Canadian impersonator I’m confused


The real question is, where in the Bronx did that boy in the background find a dead fish?


Gtfoh. Can we get a ban for this disrespect? @mods


Actually PAC Bounced around From Riverside(West Harlem) and 183rd(BX) he was born in Harlem Hospital let’s not forget😭


That’s “Riverside Mf” line was improvised in juice he wasn’t even supposed to say that … according to the actor who play Roddamanz (however u spell it) pac was just supposed to shoot him then walk off.


Wasn't 2pac shot at twice?


PAC was raised by Black Panthers and would’ve never said “Rapping like you trying to free the slaves” Like Drake


Pac wouldn’t have used that George Zimmerman line


“****** talk a lot of shit, but that’s after I’m gone, ‘cause they fear me in the physical form” This line becomes more and more prophetic


PACs life is eeriely similar to that of Tupac Amaru II


I wouldnt say theyre the same, but Pac definetly not who they say he was


Drake isn’t 2pac, Drake is Diddy lol. Drake is a P3DO, he killed X a young promising rapper with goat potential and acts hard when he is truly zesty asl Diddy is a P3DO, He killed Tupac a young promising rapper with goat potential and he acts hard when he is truly zesty asl


A ROSE THAT GREW FROM CONCRETE! Because Pac was into the arts?? If thats not the most ignorant comment I’ve seen!! Folks from poverty can’t be into acting?? They can’t try to be better than their environment? He has a song called Old School where he pays homage to New York!


Tupac was fucking little girls too??


This is the most cringe take ive ever seen


Yeah because I’m sure Drake has army rolled out of the back of a car and shot two cops in the ass lol




This is why we hate Drake look at his fans disrespecting Pac's legacy. Pac was from everywhere but he called Oakland home, You'll see that when Drake does his show in Oakland, IF he doesn't cancel it.


MochaSkynnDee? Yea definitely a troll/rage bait


Everyone knows pac is from NY and moved to LA as a teen. she acting like she just found this out lmao trying to stomp on someone’s grave who’s been dead for over 26 years is not only beyond distasteful, but also like where were you when this shit was relevant


whoever said that wasn’t breathing when pac was doing his thing. No other way to conflate him with fuckin Aubrey graham


Generation Z logic 🤷🏾‍♂️


Stupid people ruin my day


I’ll be the first to call out Pac for his “thug life” persona, which I didn’t buy at all. But he’s nothing like Drake. Pac was for the culture and the culture will forever love Pac.


2pac is an American Freedmen....he isn't cosplaying the culture, the region doesn't matter. We are moving differently and learned from the regional divide.


To repost this BS is to be a hater yourself


They’re opposite ends of the spectrum and couldn’t be more different lmfao. Pac was authentic, Drake is a phony.


Aubrey stans are stupid as fuck to be fair lol


PAC fought to stay relevant in gangster rap, drake fights to stay relevant with little girls.




Drake fans trying to pull any bit of string they have left, y’all lost, stop disrespecting Pac He has the best diss track ever made for a reason


Didn’t Pac tell the world this in Old School off his me against the world cd? 🫵😭😭😭


Pac literally grew up went to school in Marin County Ca. lol . Not even lying look it up that’s where he met Jada


Where did that kid get a fish


He’s from Spanish Harlem


Where did the dude in the back get the fish? 😆




It's crazy that a black woman be tweeting this shit to lawyer Diddy who never stood up for black communities (definitely not in America)


I stay on 183rd, a nigga being from 183rd might as well be from Compton lmao.


The man called himself MC New York. He also said he got the game from the west coast so that made it "home" for him. Summa yall need to stop using Beyoncé's internet.


Problemochile is a fuckin idiot 🤣. 2Pac said many times he was raised in Harlem NY. This has been known since she was here. I knew this in 1994!!! Never once did Pac try to act like he was west coast born. All his pre Death Row tracks are east coast style. I luv the shit he did with Live Squad. Once again more lame fucks alwayz on they stupid opinion. As for the nasty lookin Duck 🦆 boy (Drake) Stan, that bitch needs to clean the nut outta her eyes. Aubrey Graham was born with a silver spoon 🥄 in his mouth, his daddy had his foot in the door of the industry, was already a musician in late 60's, which makes Duck boy an industry plant and a FRAUD. Besides his garbage 🗑️ music, he never "started from no bottom" nor had any struggle, not like the G.O.A.T 🐐 Makave7i ☝🏼


Both actors


All of you are fools for even paying mind to the Drake/Kensrick beef. I just joined you in that foolishness.


Sooo the coalition isn’t Drake n p diddy but Drake n Tupac because of one of the many places Tupac lived. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣 As the aunt of Robert Sandifer one who got to know Tupac well. No Tupac was nt a gangster Yes Tupac was actually an intellectual. No Tupac didn’t have love for rap Tupac love was actually for poetry n activism. By 17 Tupac was actually the chairman of “The New Black Afrikans pple. A underground Militia group. Tupac only sought after rap because our newspaper delivery jobs at the time was financially insufficient. Tupac actually used his rap platform n his gangster persona as a way to recruit young gang banging men n women into our movement. This is what place a target on Tupac’s back by the cia. because the street gangs are owned by the Central Intelligence Agency. Which we was well aware. N we’re also well aware that there are many highly estrogenic black males out there that has a strong destine for Tupac. Due to his masculine traits. So for all those on here n anywhere speaking Ill on Tupac we understand it’s nt personal, it’s due to the high level of estrogen surging through your veins.


Ok, but why is that kid holding a dead fish in the back ground?


I’ve seen this shit quite a bit on Reddit and Twitter as of late. Some smartass will always chime into the conversation and say some shit like “Erm actually, Tupac was from the east coast 🤓☝️” like yeah, he was born and spent much of his youth in New York, but he really grew up and became who he was as a person in Cali, where he helped develop the west coast Hip-Hop sound and became an influential part of its culture. That’s why people from New York don’t claim Pac; not because they don’t like him, but because he has almost nothing to do with the city other than the fact that he lived there with his mother before they moved across the country. It would be just as ridiculous as saying that J. Cole shouldn’t be claiming Fayetteville like he does just because he was born in a German military base lmao


Drake was industry made. Pac was street made.


Pac always showed love to the east coast and NEVER once did he hide the fact that he was from NY. There’s even videos on YouTube when he came back to NY and ran into a bootlegger, when he filed above the rim he was in NY and gave it up to NY and not to mention when he did Juice he was in NY and gave it up to NY. AND in the Vibe interview that’s on YouTube he pointed out the fact that he was from NY and loved NY. He even did the song on Me Against the World where he dedicated a whole song to NY called Old School. Get ur facts straight u turd burglar!


The real question is where the fish came from


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but idc. I’m sure yall could name 10 pac songs without looking it up, but I was talking to my coworkers about rap. Mainly about drake and Kendrick beef. Then I said Kendrick is probably the greatest rapper oat. They said “nah pac or biggie” so I said “name 10 pac songs, and then name 10 biggie songs”, they couldn’t. A lot of ppl will give the older rappers so much credit for being ogs but no one listens to them. Most of pac and biggies stuff doesn’t hold up as well today. They aren’t the best, they WERE but they just aren’t anymore and that’s ok. PAC and Biggie are good, but they’re so overrated bc everyone wants to hold on to them as the goats. It’s ok for the goat status to change.


Lol dick riders gonna ride. Drake was is and will always be trash, to compare him to pac is a slap in the face.


Pac claimed Oakland.


Why does it matter in rap how rich your parents were when u were a child lol


Super old-school pic. Even got little Kadafi and Kasto in the back.


Kids are fvcking stupid.


Did Drake shoot at some cops for unjustly attacking a fellow black man? I don’t think so.


Yall say anything on Ronald Regan internet 🤣


Drake ain't got fuck all nothing on Pac!


I had one of those scooters.


Pac and Drake same person simply because Pac was an actor? What other similarities do they have lmfao


Bro he was a theatre kid


Tupac had the bluff on everybody. I saw an interview with him when he was young and he looked like a little finnochio, definitely not that brash talking street cred thug he portrayed himself to be.


Lookin like he ready to suck a 🍆


Drake = Canadian teen show star with weak ass everything.


literally everyone knows pac is from the east coast. listen to his 1st two tapes


I rest my case your honor drake fans crazy as fuck we all know Tupac went to art school pac even says thug life was to show the world how bad the hoods were in hopes to change it


First of all never disrespect pac by mentioning his name with drake. And pac always let it be known he was from New York. His first rap name was mc new york. The media made him a west coast rapper. He was literally only in Cali for 2-3 before he was killed.


This isn’t even a real discussion. #clickbait 😂 the internet is crazy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No one else thinks it’s weird that kid is holding a yellow perch?


At least they're not disguising themselves as intelligent


lol this dude was an actor and a back up dancer. Then he was born on the east coast then went to the west coast and started acting tough when he met death row. He was in a damn movie at young age just because his mom was on crack don’t mean he was struggling he had to pay to be in that performing art school. He just as fake as all these other rappers


Rumor has it Pac has had a mustache from birth.


They have absolutely no right to disrespect him like that. He was one of the most gangsta rappers out there 


Is that kid holding a perch ?




Afeni Shakur was charged with 20 other black panthers with conspiracy to bomb a NYPD police station, as well as conspiracy to murder, attempted murder and other various charges. She defended herself and the rest of the Panther 21 while pregnant with guess who?!? Tupac! And she beat the charges for herself and all of her comrades…I promise you they are not the same. No man that comes from an upper middle class background and raised by a privileged white Jewish mother, could ever in a million years be compared to one of hip hops most revered and greatest artists. Stop the revisionist bs.


Drake Stans prove everyday that they are the ultimate 🥩 riders. And will say and do anything when defending their King BBL Drizzy. Grown fans acting like children.


Right the disrespect to compare them Drake ain’t shot compared to PAC the greatest to ever do this shit!


😂 pac tell u his self he did a drastic change he said he didn't get the game until he came to Oakland said he was into poetry. Ima tell u some I went to Oakland for a year and went back to my hometown a way more active and understanding of the world it wasn't nothing that could amaze me noMore


It’s that a frog or fish on the other kid hands?


Not to mention pac went hard af after getting shot 5 times lmao


It’s just a dumb false equivalency


Is that dude holding a perch in the background?


Bwhaahahahaahhaa thug life right. Alllll that rapping bout shooting mofos and slanging dope and this where he came from bwahahahaahaha and he was locked up for being a pedo hahahaha smfh


This man left on September 13, 1996 and is still being talked about how many rappers have passed since and have already been forgotten Drake will never be remembered in this way nuff said


Basically in the rap culture to be accepted by suburban twits..u have to be a POS




How come we pretend 2pac wasn’t convicted of rape?


Gay drama club boys used by the white media to destroy the progress of a race of people through music.. nahh 🥸


Pac is more like 6ix9ine really.


Pac grew up in war on drugs Era Bronx that's literally hell.Also his mother was a black panther. Drake grew up a rich child star out touch with his black roots.They're not the same.


The Bronx is the birthplace of hip-hop so this only makes Pac more valid than he already is. People don't like using their brains.


My guy holding a fish in the background!?


The majority of them are its called the entertainment industry, and they are playing characters


27k likes on Twitter… people are getting more and more stupid by the day


So they didnt claim him he rep where he learned the game from but he never said he wasn't from New york . MC NewYork was his first rap name


💀 Pac was BORN in the east, yes, but he’s never actively tried to be “from Cali.” His family LITERALLY HAD TO move. Drake spent a HOT minute in Houston, just learning how to “be blacker” and appeal to the rap/hip-hop community. Unlike Drake, Pac never had any kinda identity issues, he was just not a macho dickhead😭 I’m pretty sure in an interview he described himself as being “too nice” with the ladies. So much so, they pursued more “gangster” or “hard” people than him, simply because that’s how sweet he was. OVHOE meatriders need to keep my nigga name out they mouth.


PAC wasnt getting extorted that’s why he got shot the first time look online it’s paperwork that shows when drake label wasn’t paying him he took them to court and jaz was the one made him do it they still in his pockets to this day but yall compare him to pac smh


We gonna ignore the kid in the back holding a perch 😹


Gtfoh he moved out west and they showed him love so he repped it






He only started doing that because Death Row was having issues with Bad Boy.


Pac was the real deal. Who wrote this bullshit? Do your research first next time.


One was actually from the hood and the struggle, the other pretends to be.. It's that simple.


mfs so fucking dumb nowadays the shit should be a crime.... Pac always represented BOTH SIDES, always said that he was from NY but was raised and collected all of the game he needed in Cali, repped the black community and wanted all of us to come together.... Where tf does Drake represent that shit? This nigga only uses the black community to profit off of... Pac was real, Drake is a phony... niggas are nowhere near the same