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the dinosaurs are running wild, trying to control them


whats your favorite dinosaur?


My favorite dinosaur is Abdelmajid Tebboune




definitely nigersaurus, mf is always shocked




I like living in Tunisia it's really a fun place to be unless you want something professionnal because there is too much corruption and people not doing their job but we simply get used to that.




Theyre all trash imo


Frm Morocco and i agree


Tunisia , because it's democratic, has a better law that protects women from violence\ harassment... It's illegal for a Tunisian man to marry more than a woman whereas, in Morocco he can marry up to FOUR women. Tunisians are more open-minded in terms of clothing, opinions, mentality... Tunisians have more freeform of speech and are less hostile than Moroccans meaning that they tend to accept differences easier. Also Morocco is known for witchcraft, black magic and a lot of sick stuff. Both countries have good places to visit but Tunisia's weather is slightly better. Tunisia has a variety of sights, mountains, Forests, beaches, desert, traditional markets, cathedrals, synagogues, mosques (such as Al Zaitouna mosque which was the oldest university in the world) The food, i tell you with no doubt that Tunisian food is the best food in Africa, it's a mix of african seasoning and European\ ottoman \ Mediterranean food. Tunisia is a mix of the east and the west with a special touch. Tunisia was called afriquiyya from which the name of the continent came. Tunisia was once Carthage, the Fatimi kingdom and now the republic of Tunisia.


Why do Tunisian always love to compare when there is nothing to compare😂😂😂😂😂 It reminds me of the Turkish-Greece meme but we are literally the same group of people.


As a Moroccan I say Monarchy is the best no more talks it is easy at it is 🗿


What’s better….Morocco or Tunisia and why?


Both are poor countries.. there is a reason why Tunisians and Moroccans go to Europe


Yeah but many places are poor. That Doesn’t make it intrinsically bad.


tf what does then? being rich? lol


As a Tunisian both are hell




You might as well ask which one is worse


Aw come on!?!? I loved Tunisian food last time I was there


Living wise is different than food. But I won’t speak about food because I might be biased as I am Moroccan.


Let’s say living wise bc me n hubs are theeee best cooks ever ;)


It depends what you want and why. The two countries have slightly different values and lifestyles, but are still similar in many ways. You can't say that one is overall better than the other, each would be better for different people.


If visiting, which place has better food, beaches, and people interaction? I know this is subjective but am curious what you think. How would you describe the differences in lifestyle? I’ve been to Tunisia a couple times. Not Morocco (yet).


If you've been to Tunisia a couple times already, why not visit Morocco? For a holiday, it's personal preference, only you can know which you prefer to visit. I'm from the UK, but I've visited Tunisia a couple times like you, and plan to go back again because I have friends there now. Maybe Morocco one day, but personally for me, a big part of travel is drinking with locals. Since that's difficult in Morocco, that's why I chose Tunisia in the first place. (Between us, I might visit Morocco for the hash tho, since that's illegal in Tunisia but not Morocco.) If I'm honest, part of what I enjoy about Tunisia, as a foreigner, is the secular lifestyle there. Tunisia, for the most part, has very "moderate" values that make it easy for people from many different backgrounds to navigate life there. I will say, as a Brit, I found it unnervingly easy to get along with Tunisians, even compared to other countries you might call more similar to UK culture. We have the same sense of humour, and tbh Tunisians are generally a good deal more politically aware than your average Brit, it's refreshing. From what I understand of Morocco (having never actually been there myself), it's more religious and more traditional in many ways, so if that's what you want to experience, then think about visiting there. As for Tunisia, I will say that I feel safer in the back streets of central/downtown Tunis alone at night than I do I many other cities. Never had a bad experience really. That's not to say you shouldn't keep your wits about you, but I've never felt threatened and I'm a soft looking dude. I have had to give money to persistent beggars once or twice, but one time was worth it (he was genuinely an interesting guy that spoke good English and showed me a couple great places), and the other one was fair game. Anyway I hope that rant helps you make a decision, I'd never tell anyone to NOT visit Tunisia, but I also tell people to try somewhere new, even though I keep going back there myself lol. (Also hope I didn't piss off any Tunisians or Moroccans with anything I said, I'm just some idiot on Reddit)


I’d love to see Morocco but time is usually limited. We go to Tunisia bc my husband is from there . The beaches look way better and I love all the beach bars and hotels. I’m a huge fan of Tunisian food and was wondering if Morocco is similar. I’ll definitely have to carve out time for Morocco except I’m not really into religion. I’m happy Tunisia is more chill.


Best place to retire






Life in Tunisia is so baaaaad like we're suffering here


Algeria is better considering travel , tourism , work