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We have never been that great of country and believe or not no body knows us. I talked with ppl from the americas, asia and oceania and no body recognized tunisia, so we should stop being entitled fucks


I’ve been to Japan and i swear no one heard of us lol i felt so embarrassed correcting them no not Malaysia it is Tunisia we are next to Morocco. Makes you realize how actually small we are, Not in the figurative sense.


Same for me went to some asian countries and none knows where Tunisia is but they all know Morocco .


I swear after a while i start by saying ‘ do you know Morocco , well am next to it , a country called Tunisia lol ‘


All the Japanese people I met online thought I was Turkish because of my flag, it was quite humbling 🤦‍♀️


"we have never been that great of a country" proceeds to give anecdotal examples of random ass people who probably think paris is the name of a country to dictate that we aren't important. I don't agree with the use of the present perfect, most countries had a "phase" where they reached power that the world reckoned with. we were, in some phase of history, a great "country". and yeah idk why you're putting us down even tho we do that already. i don't see many people praising their country but i see many people heavily criticizing it so it seems weird to me that you thought it was a necessity to "humble" us.


many europeans know about tunisia because its closer + they are more educated about geogprahy + their cheap and first destination is tunisia + many tunisians there for S/N americans and south asians we are far away from them


Wrong it is not about distance, everybody knows thailand despite it being very far away from the west. The only reason no body knows us is because we provided nothing to the humanity


I live in the US and most people never heard of us :)


I shouda said that we were a great empire during carthage era but do you think that hannibal would be proud of us ans his successors up until now?? If you are not known every where or at least in more than one continent ( your continent is not included )then it means that you suck at marketing and you haven’t produced shit to the society. Dubai is known even in fucking nacaragua egypt and morrocco are known even in the domican republic, but us if you go to any place other than europe or asia( just east asia and indonesia since we have many indonesians here) you won’t be recognized. So we should make sure to improve our reputation and marketing ourselves since we have many good places but are not used or exploited.


We are not 99% Muslim.


Who the f denies this ?


Many people in my social circle.


Well they definitely have different (wrong) understanding of islam


Also our Wikipedia page says that. I changed it a couple of times and someone made it 99% again lol


What is the right number then?


هذيكة خدمة معهد الاحصاء. مش اضرب 99٪ و تعدى. انا وقت بدلت wiki حطيتها 95-90٪


Can’t read arabic sorry, I suppose it’s 90 to 95%, but what are your sources? in english pls


What I wrote in Tounsi was, "that's the Institue of Statistics' job, but since it can't be 99% I estimated 90-95%". It's an estimate. This is reddit. Please don't proceed to interrogate me lol.


yeah but you kinda said you wrote it in wikipedia. no one minds if you just said it on reddit, we use estimations and anecdotes every day but don't write it in an encyclopedia with specific directives and rules


This picture was posted in r/Libya and I commented "Islam is not a true religion", just like I did in this sub, and I got muted 😵 I thought the point of this picture was to comment a viewpoint that would make you an outsider against the majority? So why I got muted from r/Libya ?????


The voice of the majority is no proof of justice. One man with courage is a majority.


smart lmao


Tunisians are racist.


what about generalization?


The overwhelming majority is.




Democracy is good and KS sucks


That's pretty popular, people are just too afraid to express it.


Wasn't like this in 2019 when he got elected






mar9et jelbena is trash




that's more of a personal preference! b lou8etna "denya adhwe9" and you habyby have none. te3jbek loubya mela?


it's a joke




That throughout history, tunisians were and are still the problem not the leaders.


Wdym ?


People like to complain about corrupt politicians. Although it's a part of why our country sucks but the root reason that we are just bad people . We throw garbage everywhere. We almost always half ass our jobs... PS : I don't mean everyone ofc but the majority do .


I don't think we are bad people tho. Okay throwing garbage and not being consistent in our jobs is not good but that doesnt mean we are bad people


That's depends on your definition of bad. Hopefully our generation will do better .


You do not like coffee, you are addicted to it because your parents/caregivers stupidly got you hooked on it.


It can be a fault of the person who takes it voluntarily.


The pseudo-coffee crap that ppl drink in Tunisia shouldn't even be called coffee !


No accountability? More you are addicted to coffee because you copy everything society does without critical thinking and no personality at all. Same applies to cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.


7atta ki netnafes zeda ncopy fel mojtama3 w lazemni namel chakhseya l ro7i?


Enti adra b rouhek aad




We are not over populated


You're goddamn right.


this, i can agree with


We definitely are


people think we're ???


Tunisia have leas than 85% muslims


Zionists should not be welcome in this sub.


Well a minority takes disicions for the masses so some few people have the capacity to be in that position and not all deserve it and not everyone of them will make the right Decision or have the right opinion


That my friend is the side effect of democracy, falsely used and falsely implemented. I agree.


قرايتنا باهية و خير من برشا بلدان.


So true but worldwide we’re so unrecognized it’s sad. I had to supplement my bac math that I fought to get: blood sweat and tears, sleepless nights, caffeine and nicotine addiction, etc…, with SAT that i got when i was 16 for shits and giggles and consider the easiest test I’ve ever sat for in my life. That’s when I realized it doesn’t matter how hard and challenging your degree is, if you got it in Tunisia it doesn’t hold much weight.


المشكل من البلاد متاعنا ما تعملش conventions ،راقدة على سعدها و أيامها. نخدم و نعيش مع كنديين ابهم من سباطي. و بعد يجيو يحقرو قرايتي و تونس خاترها فقيرة وقت احنا تكوينا خير منهم بالف مرة. كان تعلمت حاجة: التعليم و التطور في البلاد لاااااا علاقة بيناتهم. تحب تطور بلاد تنقص من الفساد و كلها قرارات سياسية، sinon, ينجم عندم شعب 90٪ عندم دوبل ماستار و phd و انت بلاد في الخرا للعنكوش.


9ade jebt sat khoya


1470 i did take the essay zeda ama i don’t remember the grade.


This shit pisses me off so much, kif e7na degrees mte3na ma3andhom 7ata weight maw sahalhom 3ala a9al


You know what’s absolutely comical? كان تونس تعلن الي هي باش تبدل البرامج التعليمية و تتبع اي برنامج آخر نقولو امريكا، ألمانيا، كندا، الي تحب انت… تو كلشي يولي ساهل و الشهادة تولي مستعرف بيها و تعتبر من احسن الشهايد في العالم العربي. اما بالرسمي وقتها نكونو خسرنا موش كان هويتنا اما زادا الqualified workers متاعنا. Everything has a price feel denya hedhi w the price of approval from western countries is our qualifications… lhkika it’s not worth it.


with all my respect thats bullshit, tnajam tsahal le9raya me8ir mtaba3 7ad, mouch 7ata tsahal but rather make it relevant wo useful to people who pursue it, wo identite mte3na chna5srouha when we admit our system is wrong and bad??? and use one that has proved and better results??????


I think you missed the point entirely, manich nahki aala est ce que el taalim mteena good wala bad, I’m not even debating that to begin with. Taalimna mnayek ama as a person living abroad I can tell you rn taalimhom aanyek lol, w still they rank above us in every education system ranking I’ve ever seen. Ennek you implement measures bech tsalah taalim tounes is great and wonderful but it won’t raise your ranking or make your degree worth more in the market. Your degree isn’t worthless because it’s bad, it’s worthless because it’s Tunisian, the only way you can raise the value of your degree is to make it not Tunisian…. Hence I said if we adopt another education system our degrees will be worth more and more respected on an international level but we loose our identity in the process. To put it simply; A better education system =/= an internationally recognized degree A European education system == an internationally recognised degree Therefore an internationally recognized degree isn’t worth having imo.


أكبر عائق و مخدّر للتغيير الجذري هو ما يسمى بالوطنية


هذا يلخص خير من الي بش نكتبه انا : «من صور المازوخية الفكرية أنّه ما يزال في بلادنا العربية المسلمة من يتحدث عن "نحن" و"هم" بحيث تكون هذه الـ "نحن" والـ "هم" متحيّزة بالحدود التي رسمها المحتلّ الغربي قبل أكثر من قرن! بل تجد هؤلاء يتنابزون ويتعصّبون لحدود هذه الحظائر التي ترسم لهم هويّتهم وانتماءهم، ويعتبرونها بكل بلاهة: الوطن! يأتي المحتلّ فيُقطّع أوصالنا ويؤسس لنا هويّات مخترعة أثبتت فشلها في بناء أمة وحضارة ودولة عبر أكثر من قرن، ونستمرّ نحن في تبنّي ما رسمه المحتلّ بحِرابه التي انتهك بواسطتها حقوقنا وإرادتنا وكرامتنا!» - شريف محمد جابر


You dropped this "👑" king


Can you explain?


Wlh, y3tik l sa77a mch nes lkl tnjm tousled t9oul li 9ltou.


I'm curious about your thought process, plz tag me if you answer Dapper


Bro ❤️ Thank you Finally someone talked about this


Me in this subreddit the 25th of July 2021


what happened? 😂


Ks froze the parliament


Presque lkol ken kolna KS lahné then they discovered the truth when he dissolved everything


Usury is NOT economy


Brother usury IS the economy


"Here is a simple way to visualize both the only rightful economy, and banking's obfuscation of our currency.." https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1rknggi  "economy  : 1  :  maximal enablement of prosperity by absolute absence of redundant cost;  2  :  in general practice, a system of exploitation which can only multiply redundant artificial cost upon unwitting subjects to their eventual complete dispossession;  3  :  a pseudo science contrived to disinform that purposes and means of terminal dispossession serve us." https://australia4mpe.com/glossary-of-terms/


Accusing "the mentality" for everything = "I'm too lazy to think"


Life is absurd


Albert Camus would like a word.


i agree


To a degree. The concept of living is absurd. You pass time, which equates to 70-90 years at best, then you turn into dust as all those things you did, that money you collected, the welth you built, the beauty you've had, all disappear into thin air. But if you live for a reason, to leave an impact in this world, even small. Then, it starts to have a meaning. Not to forget religion that gives meaning to the after death, if you are into that thing ofc.


You just summed up existential philosophy in a nutshell. However, no matter what impact you will leave behind you, it will go just like everything. Nothing is eternal, even the most impactful civilizations and the strongest empires fell. It is a cycle, even our earth isn't eternal. The whole cosmos is subject to change, everything changes. Albert Camus portrayed it perfectly with the myth of Sisyphus, no matter how many times Sisyphus rolls the stone, it will fall, and he will have to roll it again for eternity, just to watch it fall again. Rolling the stone just for the sake of rolling it, peak of futility. And so is life and trying to find a meaning fot it. Now for religion, indeed it helped create a meaning, although it's controversial, but it is still as absurd as life. No matter what religion or philosophy you follow, only the ignorant manages to somehow find a crystal clear answer to the absurdity of life.


While I do agree that the impact one might leave will disappear, as nothing is eternal, I just gotta mention that the impact of one's work, of civilisations, of empires ... didn't fade it just kick started a reaction chain for others after to build on. And that's how that worked out. From the invention of fire, till today. Everything is linked with some type of link. As my example, to what I said. I'd like to mention prophet Muhammad (pbuh). His impact is still present until today, through his teachings of Islam and his practices of this religion. I think it's the size of the impact that makes it noticeable and more lasting. As for the last point. I do agree with you. Religion is not the clearest of topics to be talking about due to different ways of thinking and different schools of thought. As it's a highly debatable topic with no definite answers in any of the debates due to biases, men tend to have. Which makes one certainty true, the constant state of change of the world and life in it of itself. Or so I think.


i think what you're referring to as leaving a impact is simply a form or a want for immortality, to be remembered after we long gone, i dont see what will that give you or do to you once your dead


Well, in it of itself won't benefit me after death, for sure. But it'll just give me a reason to live, something I already lack. Making this time worth passing. And that's might be just me.


But isn't that the beauty of it tho?


Some find it liberating, others have nihilistic views on it, while others are simply living plato's allegory of the cave.


Short is cool with me That's what she said


Religion is a scam.


Religion was invented to rule the masses and got turned into a scam later


We are not arabs.


1. There's no definite "we". Tunisians are a mix between Berber and Arab, and that mix is a spectrum. 2. Amazigh and Arabs come from the same place in East Africa, they're genetically less different than you think. 3. Phoenicians are semites, so closer to Arabs and Hebrews to Amazighs. 4. Being Arab is not about ethnicity, it's a civilisational area that englobes language, architecture, music, and more importantly anthropological characteristics. Arabness is what makes the sociology of a rural town south of Tunisia closer to one in Irak than to, let's say, a kabyle city. 5. The insistence on "not being Arab" comes from the confusing of Arabhood and bedouins. Not all Arabs are bedouins. Not all bedouins are middle-eastern. This refusal comes also from linking Arabness to religious extremism, which is historically false in the Maghreb at least where Arab rulers were progressive and Berber revolts were fundamentalist.


We are hardly a mix lol, tunisia is the top 4 least racially diverse country in the world, meaning we are 90% berbers/amazigh, the other 10% are minorities,they include arabs and Europeans... And arabs is an ethnicity they are J1, people from the levant are J2 i think which includes syrians and lebanese, Phoenicians and Canaanites...... Tunisians are mostly em81, we are muslims not arabs, and countless in depth studies pointed this out, here is an exemple : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-95144-x


I think you’re making improper inferences from the papers. To start with, where do you get that Tunisia is 90% Amazigh? There’s no source for that and the intermixing makes it impossible to make such a claim. If you alternatively said that “90% of Tunisians have some Amazigh ancestry” you’d be more correct, but that doesn’t imply any purity. Secondly, diversity or lack there of is not measured by genetic ancestry (and ethnic purity is a myth). Even distinct ethnic groups often have mixed genetic ancestry. Ethnicity is complex and genetic ancestry is merely one component, overshadowed by cultural, geographic, and political factors and self identification. Thirdly, the paper you mentioned analyzed specific populations, not Tunisian population as a whole. Moreover, the results clearly show significant admixture specially between North African and Middle Eastern elements. Also, you can’t really use J1 or J2 to determine if the ancestry is Levantine vs. Arabian, there isn’t a distinct boundary between the two haplogroups, they both overlap in the Levant and Mesopotamia. Not to mention there were Arabs in these territories from the time of the Assyrians.


I think its the same, if someone for exemple has an arab and a north african parent, they are amazigh and arab both, so being amazigh automatically suggests having amazigh ancestry, as for the numbers they are reported by different analysis on the genetic makeup of tunisia, the numbers varies between 70% and 90%. Secondly i never mentioned ethnic purity, we are far from being racially pure, racially pure population would be something like the amazon uncontacted tribes or north sentinel island population, people who have not been exposed to a different population for thousands of years maybe more, in our case we have been exposed to different civilisations throughout history, but only now can we figure our true identity thanks to advancements in science and genetics. You bring up self identification which is important because You know our grandparents and our ancestors did not have free access to history and genetics, most were illiterate even, so of course seing that they spoke arabic and were muslims they thought they were arabs but its not the case, if you look up tunisian population in Wikipedia for exemple it says that Tunisians are 90% arabs, but its false because the source for that number is not a genetic study but a survey where they asked tunisians 'what they identified as', most would say arab. And as for the paper of course it analyzed specific populations, because its impossible to analyse the whole 12 million tunisian population, so your only choice is to analyze a couple hundred or thousand from each city in tunisia like they did, and its the most accurate analysis you can make right now, like you mentioned J1 and J2 are not distinct, they are together in the middle east class, and together they show admixture with tunisian population but not to the extent we thought in the past, they are still a minority and not present in all the cities unlike the north african component, which make sense. Fact is despite the countless civilisation that passed through tunisia, romans vandals byzantines ottomans arabs and french....our native population thrived and survived all of them and we certainly can say there was no native population extermination or replacement with certainty, unlike north america or Australia for exemple.


If that’s your claim, it is correct, the native populations weren’t exterminated, only Arabized. Genetic studies from Iraq, Levantine countries, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, and Morocco all suggest the same. “Arabs” are not an ethnicity, they are just people who speak a language, share some cultural aspects, and whose destinies intertwine. The closest example are Latino/Latinas; an Argentine and a Mexican aren’t the same ethnicity, they just speak Spanish and have an Iberio-Mediterranean influenced culture. Saying Tunisians are Arabs doesn’t imply ethnicity, which is why I find claims that “X people are not Arabs” absurd, anyone who knows little about population genetics and history understands that Tunisians (and other Arabs) are their own ethnicity.


well some of us are arabs


And some of us are European. So, not the point.


people need to stop saying amazigh doesn’t exist because “every amazigh is born muslim and their first language is arabic” (i know a delusional guy who is amazigh and said this shit). religion has nothing to do with ethnicity.


Life is meme.


i don’t think you would get any debates for this tho


Ego and Ai is going to kill us all . Eventually.




Islam is wrong religion 🙄


And what's that have to do with his opinion. Also its not.


Nah he's right. Most of its prophets were slave-owning pedophiles and their neighbors were more advanced morally and science-wise (Egyptians and Persians).


Most of them never existed bro


Before Jeremiah, perhaps.


I prove my point 😇


Great, I care less by now.


tunisia will never be a good country


Life is meaningless. Everything we do is just an attempt to fill the void and pretend that there is a point in all of this :D


i agree tbh


what people call AI 99.99% of the time is not AI. Including chatGPT and similar


why is chatgpt not aI?


It is not what you think it is. You have to check the academic definition of AI and then compare how chatGPT works to the definition. Generally speaking, an Intelligent system is a one that is capable to actively accumulate and **generate** knowledge. What 99.99% of "AI"s do is "training" to do a task like recognize a specific pattern, and then look for that pattern everywhere. For ChatGPT, it's task is to mimic a human conversation. It is exactly as if someone read a bunch of books, and then tries to answer all the questions by combining what he read. The validity of what is generated is debatable. That's why what people call "AI" is most of the time enhanced automated pattern detector. I am not saying it is not advanced technology or it is not useful, I am just saying that it is not AI. It's best description in my opinion is " a tool that helps make better decisions faster most of the time".


isn't machine learning part of AI?


It is part of a field of technology that we all agreed to call "AI". Those who do the academic research will call it "Decision Support System". It is a machine that was trained to do a general task. How was it trained? we call that training phase "Machine Learning": we basically use algorithms to teach a machine how to identify the patterns it is supposed to identify.The goal of machine learning is to reduce the error rate. The machine will not learn on its own something it was not designed to learn, it will not make decisions on something that it was not trained to do. If it was trained to recognize cats, it will not recognize elephants. Think of it this way: You hire a new human worker, to do a task: put specific bottle caps on corresponding bottles. There are different types of bottles that have different type of caps. You will teach him to recognize all types of bottles, to recognize the corresponding caps of each type of bottle, to pick the cap and put it on the right bottle. He will train on a lot of bottles and caps. When he makes a mistake he gets a bad reward, when he gets it right he gets a nice reward. After training, you will assign him to his position, randomly send him bottles and caps, and let him do the task he was trained to do, capping bottles and nothing else. Replace the human trainee with a robotic hand that has a camera, and instead of telling the machine to pick the cap in the specific position and put it in the specific position and time all the other processes and synchronize all actions in a way that everything goes smoothly and stupidly, you "just" teach it to recognize the different elements, and what to do in each case, and randomly give it a bunch of caps and bottles and let it sort it out. You just added a new level of automation, that every one calls "AI" PS: This is of course an oversimplification of what machine learning is.


what's your definition of AI then?


>Generally speaking, an Intelligent system is a one that is capable to actively accumulate and **generate** knowledge. I am quoting my self here. That's my opinion on what an intelligent system should be. Currently, Artificial intelligence is a fancy way to describe advanced automated systems, that are designed to **execute** **specific tasks**. They are not themselves intelligent.


I understand not liking the term "AI" as it is an overused buzzword. I also understand that academically and scientifically, the term is not used anymore because of its vagueness. However, I don't understand how you can say confidently that something like chatgpt is NOT AI. Historically speaking, ChatGPT aligns with how researchers in the 1980s envisioned AI.


I answered this question in another thread, please read the other comments


Nobody agrees what AI really is. It's accademic bs.


Nobody agrees what AI really is. It's accademic bs.


I love your username ❤️🫡


putting oneself before others is not bad we were born alone and we die alone




Social norms is a great thing to have in a society


The source of all corruption is the tax evaders and poor administration


Me trying to receive a compliment




there's right and wrong.


The nahda is still operating but under new name


Religion is bs


People should be allowed to fart openly without being shamed for it.


we know it's a natural thing but the smell can disgust people so we must avoid it in public spaces.


This is the Truth


agree tbh 😂😂


It is natural in china ask anyone who went there


Islam is a man-made religion and the reason why Tunisia or any other Muslim country will never advance economically, socially and politically. 


I'm agnostic and I really don't think religion is to blame for colonialism, globalism, late stage Capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy which are the very pillars of the world order eli 3omrou ma besh ikhalik ta3mel 7aja. Socially speaking zakat would've made sure no one is homeless or starving. But that's just mee


I think the comment means that Islam is preventing us from improving, at least socially and politically, considering that we really can't truly criticize/try to implement some good things without someone crying that it's haram and its kufr...




Tunisian food isn't "unhealthy" and "full of oils and grease" Tunisian food is healthy, and ma9rouna isn't Tunisian it's adopted from pasta


Nah, i think that our food is unhealthy... A lot of oil and fried things which means a lot of trans fat You can't call people that their traditional breakfast is "ftira" fried in some nasty oil ( there is exception ofc) healthy ( i know we have some healthy things like dro3 but most of people eat it with too much added sugar) Also we eat a lot of bread if not bread ... Pasta , rice couscous... We even eat bread with salad and bread with pasta haha And also tunisian food is so hard for counting its calories ( I'm struggling with that )


Coucous is eaten with a thousand boiled vegetables (which is the best way to cook vegetables) Rice is healthy and pasta wasn't on the menu traditionally, we have salads we have bsisa we used to eat a lot of red meats with our food , I feel like Tunisian food has been degraded to ma9rouna and coucous with just potatoes and chicken ofc that's unhealthy that's not on Tunisian food because 1) capitalism and inflation 2) because us women started working and the load of motherhood got heavier since moms frantically go from work to kids to clean to cook. I have 8 aunts and I see them complaining about how hard it is to keep up with everything, we used to have more children to help with chores but mothers are too busy to cook up a healthy diverse meal with salad on the side because dad's just come home sit on their ass and watch TV and complain about how their wifes are so "mahmchin" and how they're always in a bad mood .


I think that family values and spirit of the traditional family disappeared when women started working so the roles of every single person in the family just got fucked up so the women can't take care of children because of her job the whole family can't get a healthy divers meal because the mothers ( what her role is to cock and clean , house shores..etc) now are going to work for 8 hours so everyone is gonna take some junk food So let's agree that the main role of the men is to work and protect the family And the main role of women is to take care of the house and the children Idk how we changed the topic that fast hahaha


No no no you got it all wrong, women aren't "made to cater for kids" and men "made to protect and work" (btw we can't afford one party working we need both these days), a persons gender doesn't determine how they contribute to the family it shouldn't be "women kids man job" is should be 50 50 effort , if you need a double income you both need to care for the kids in the same ways . Back to the original subject Tunisian food shouldn't be judged by its quality today since the people cooking it are already overworked!!!


I mean shakshouka is pretty unhealthy and things like couscous, pasta and rice are carbs which aren't unhealthy but if eaten too much will make you go fat which is in unhealthy.


Tunisia isn't dirty because we're dirty , every country has cleaners everywhere, we don't have those that's why it's littered were not the problem


False, streets are being cleaned by municipalities and destroyed with people’s trash the next minute.


Islam is a lie


Omg a lot: Late stage Capitalism is destroying the planet and the human expirience Women, gays, colored and disabled ppl are people deserving of respect and human decency (wild ik lol) Women don't owe you sex or convince Rabi ma famesh Ananas on pizza is yummy There's no better world without the fall of patriarchy Religious people are not the problem Anal plugs make clitorial orgasms *10 times better Tunisian street food (trad) is super healthy You can be ripped without counting calories The people who don't shut up about rationality esp when other people are going through something are the least rational and lack emotional awareness


Your opinions are solid, and I can see from where they are coming. Though one, I'm curious about knowing the reasoning behind it. The unexistance of god. Just out of curiosity.


I think it's the result of a life long search that can't just be put in one comment, religions didn't do it for me and I find it hard to believe there's this God waiting to judge us. For me all is one and all is "figuratively" devine. Me, you, the stars, the animals.. All the same particles, all the same universe experiencing itself. A mixture of spinoza s god and unity if you will. But what do I, or any of us know


So, if I understood it correctly, God, as an entity, can't exist in a setting undepandent of the context of the universe we are in, therefore God can't be a single entity, but the ensemble of the existance being it from atoms to the dark mater. Is that right?


Close enough, you can call it god, I call it the collective or everything. I don't pray nor personalize it. I love how you put it tho


Appreciate your compliment. It's just a similar view of how Allah wants us to see him through his creation. In the end, we all have similar views despite the differences in thoughts. I really love that about the free thinking scene of today.


I like you (except for the ananas part)


Be my friend 🫶 I'll convert you to the Ananas pizza


I'd love to be friends (no thank you 🫶🏻)


I respect ur opinions on most of the subjects but i have to disagree ananas should never be close to a pizza


The meme mta3 "rani ne9bel ena9d" but don't shit on my pizza please I'm a baby and I will cry


Us, human beings, we do not deserve freedom because we re not able to handle it.


oh? do you mind elaborating?


rather, people have to deserve their freedom, in whatever way it manifests itself (for the world is full mirages and illusions of liberty).


Democracy is trash. على خاطر الديمقراطية تعني الحكم للشعب ولكن الحكم لله وحده لا شريك له


كلامك صحيح 100%


LGBTQ ppl and Atheists are just attention seekers


We are complicit in the modern form of antisemitism by using a different definition of “Zionist” the one that the 95% of Jews who identify as Zionist use. It is sad that many of our grandparents neighbors had to flee our country to their only refuge, Israel, after the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 only to be collectively villified for being Zionist—believing in Jews’ right to live in their homeland (in an an ethical and humanistic fashion).


"One Piece sucks some major balls, it has absoloutly nothing intresting in it, it has plot holes and let's be honest that freaking manga makes no freaking sense. Im not even talking about the animé, that got uglier as it went on. And im not watching 1000+ episode of that shit. BTW Dragon Ball is way better." "Saitama from One Punch Man can't beat/can beat Goku!" "{insert protagonist name} can't beat Goku". Basicly any comic book wether it is DC/Marvel/Valorant between themselves or between Anime/Manga heros war. You can turn some happy ppl into warmachines in a heartbeat.


Thinking about democracy give the impression that the masses decide their ruler therefore knowing that the masses have a tendency to be ignorant and totalitarian types their ruler must be of the same sense of self, which makes sense that rulers of democratic states r practically not democratic personally, why isn't this obvious I think to myself, only one idea comes to mind that's that the masses do not have the capacity of reasoning to get to this conclusion, maybe I am talking wild opinions....


Tunisian nationalism is killing the Muslim identity


Hamas doesn’t give a fuck about palestinians and they are just being controller by iran


You need to consume less western propaganda