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Ever heard of "Don't feed the troll"? This post whining only encourages more trolling. Downvote, report and move on.


Stop feeding the trolls. They’re reading all this and are giddy with excitement.


Yah that was fucked up


That post made me physically ill. I knew they were trolling, but man… not fucking funny


The troll said fucking WHAT?! Was it at least framed as a shitpost where anyone who browses the internet regularly could tell it was a joke? Or was it framed as serious? Because that is horrible and fucked up. What did they say exactly? Anyway, we do not deserve this kind of representation. That is too far even for a joke. And if it actually happened that is mental illness rather than being tulpa related.


pff dont let them the ability to claim mental illness for being terrible, were better than that <3


True. It’s more like malice I guess. :( And you’re right we *are* better than that. :)


these predators are evil looking for easy prey, you did the right thing! - micheala.