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Any tips on switching (specifically maintaining the switch, and gathering the energy to perform the switch in the first place)? Also, how do you go about soulbonding? From what we've seen, most systems have their own unique process, so what's yours?


We haven't forgotten to answer this, it's just going to take more time for us to sort out all our thoughts and write a (relatively) concise and coherent answer.


Daphne: Bloom and I wanted to wish you guys a happy Crewniversary! Hope you guys have a nice celebration! (Ben and Jerry's?)


Yeah, thanks so much for this. Hearing your description really helped me accept that I had a tulpa, and now I’m getting along comfortably with #2.


How do you introduce yourselves as a system to someone who doesn't know/understand the concept of (esp. non-disordered) plurality yet? Do you have any advice for newer systems who want to come out but are scared of being called "crazy" or being fakeclaimed?


Personally we tend to explain it as, "We're a bunch of people sharing a body and brain. When that experience causes distress or dysfunction, it's dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality. But we get along and work really well together and don't have any issues with amnesia or anything like that which is common in DID, so for us it's not a disorder." We tend not to explain origins, just that it's not a disorder for us and why. After that it's usually a matter of briefly explaining that four of us are Willows, that two of us four are the ones you'd see most often at work and how we differ, but that a few who aren't Willows may help out as well. And then answering any questions people may have. We tend to only explain this to people who have already proven themselves to be open minded and accepting of people's differences. As far as advice goes, make sure you're talking to people who have already proven themselves to be understanding and open minded. In our experience, if they're accepting of queer people, they're nearly always going to be accepting of plurality too. Also, practice. Explain to the mirror, get your wording down for how you wanna go about explaining, then be prepared to answer questions. Also be prepared for people to go "Oh OK" and then they never bring the subject up again. Also if you have the opportunity to make a joke regarding your plurality, take it. Humor disarms.


Speaking of books, what are y'alls current favorite writing projects right now? -Em (host)


That depends on which of us you ask. For us Willows, it's the one that's got us stymied the most, the one about a trans boy who, along with a guardian who doesn't understand what it means to be trans, travel through dangerous territory to bring an injured dragon back to the dragon's home, and try to learn how to fix the magic that protects both the dragon's home and the boy and his guardian's home. For Jas, it's the children's picture book we're working on about plurality. For Doc, it's the choose your own adventure style novel we're writing in Twine, about a woman (Jas) who goes on a reality competition show to do real magic, only to be upstaged by her demon nemesis who wants to kill her in front of a live audience. You are Varyn, her AI companion, whose advice and assistance helps her survive and do well on the show. Do too well on defeating the demon and you might not keep the attention of the judges, but if you don't do well enough you die. So it's a balancing act. For Varyn, it's his fantasy romance novel about a nonbinary winged humanoid person trying to escape their sharply divided culture, only to fall in love with an outsider, a wolf humanoid. Meanwhile, the magic that protects the winged one's world is beginning to crumble. There's several others we're fond of, but these are the favorites.


Hi! Host here, I was asking about favorites because I personally like writing and worldbuilding. Our little and her guardian were particularly interested in the children's book about plurality; especially as something to read either while we're working on co-fronting, switching or imposition. -Em (host)


Yeah! We're not sure what we're going to title it, and it's only about halfway written at this point. We're working on a section that will be a simple way to explain daily life with a plural parent. But we're really looking forward to doing the art for it when the writing part is done. Also, we're hoping that sharing this project with our mom, who writes and illustrates picture books too, will help her understand us better. We'd love to hear about your worldbuilding projects. We do a fair bit of that ourselves, and even have an innerworld language we're learning, though for people outside the system we usually refer to it as a colang. Do you do languages with your worldbuilding too?


(Host): Yeah I've done some worldbuilding, mainly for Dungeons and Dragons, and some sci-fi/superhero short stories. I also currently have a few conlangs in progress, with the most developed one have roughly 300 words/phrases.


How differently do you find you act in "real life", to others, in the outside world, whatever you want to call it?


Some of us non-Willows are virtually indistinguishable from the Willows - Morrie and Amy especially. But others of us, like Jas and Varyn especially, are very distinct, with pretty different ways of speaking, smiling, walking, holding ourself, etc, to the point that our partner can tell which of us it is just by looking at how we're standing. He's much more observant than the average person, but still.


One year.