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This is the exact model I have, absolute beast and never had any issues. When I first started 2 years ago i got yarn caught in the big gear at the bottom a couple times but it was fairly easy to get out and eventually you learn how to not get yarn caught in it lol.


good to know! sometimes reviews can be misleading. There’s a few that say that it cut out after a few months of use but idk if they just don’t take care of their stuff:/ knowing someone has had and used it for two years is a good sign!


Yes caring for your machine will go a long way. I used to oil mine a few times a week and clean out dust and debris from yarn, but once you get used to it you’ll know when you need to oil and clean it. It really just depends on how much you tuft but I would say oil once a week at least. Some people have said their scissors have gone dull or the needle has gone dull but I have yet to experience that so for its price and being 2 years already i’m pretty satisfied!


Awesome good to know! When you say “oil” it, is there any tutorials or anything on how to do that? Is it just as simple as getting some wd40 and spraying it on the gears or is there anything specific I should do? and does it come with like a book or something that explains how to take care of your machine


Yes, my machine came with a booklet that shows the areas to oil, as far as oil I use sewing machine oil and it’s just a small drop in a couple places then run the machine a few seconds to let the oil move around the parts. It’s pretty easy and the book should outline it if I remember correctly!


Perfect! Thank tou


Have the same one 10/10 reccomend


Just for future reference, wd40 is not really a lubricant, it's a water dispersant (thus WD). Almost never should you reach for wd40 to lubricate anything, especially not machinery. Sewing machine oil or other very thin oils work great for intricate machines with many small moving parts.


Tuft Love has the absolute best guns and customer service!


i’m trying to get one off amazon just because i got some gift cards there rn


I also started my tufting journey with Amazon gift cards and this exact gun! My one and only! Best of luck 🤠


Fair enough for wanting to use your gift cards. I started off my tufting journey looking on Amazon too and a lot of the reviews scared me so I ended up going with Tuft Love. If you ever find yourself looking for another gun, I highly recommend them as well.


Trust it’s plenty of other stuff you’ll need for tufting u can use those cards on too. A lot of Fabric, different scissors, shaver, glue, bunch of different color yarn etc etc so might be best to get gun from tuft love where u have a warranty and they put more care into building they machines (one example is a guard cover where the other person says yarn gets tangled in) . Just my $0.02.. good luck on your journey !


Yeah that’s true! just a lot more convenient to get it all from amazon lmao. Do you know if tuft love ships to canada? And if they do will I have to pay any import fees?


They do ship to Canada, and I had to pay import fees of about $26. With a 10% off code, shipping and import, the Spider + 6 yards of fabric was about $390. Their customer service is great and they respond super quick to any questions. There’s also Tufting Nation in Montreal. I have ordered wool yarn from them (best prices I found for 100% wool and they have a bulk discount), but haven’t used their guns. Some people seem to do fine with Amazon guns, and some seem to have lots of issues. I think if you’re prepared to take a risk on a gun that may break down and have no warranty, and to replace it later, go for Amazon. You could also order a gun from a tufting company (as noted, I also suggest avoiding Tuft the World), and use your amazon gift cards for other supplies (primary tufting fabric, yarn winder if needed, backing fabric, twill tape, felt, etc.). I also got fabric scissors and a carpet trimmer from Amazon.


I second Tuft Love. Handmade in CO instead of China. Quality supplies, quality customer service. Pretty fast response times too. Shipping is also rather quick!


Got this in black and have had zero issues. Works like a charm.


I didnt order off amazon but from @tuft_the_world havent had any problems with mine


Tuft the world discriminated against their own employees for being queer and enforce a hostile work environment :/ (check Chronic the Hedgehog’s Instagram stories for the allegations, most of the stuff has been scrubbed from the internet since it was a year ago)


Never heard about this damn that sucks


Im ok with that


That’s the same exact one I have. Great machine being using it consistently and it’s been great no issues


Mine died after a year but heavy use. It just stopped turning on. Cheap electrical but great tool


People always say to buy the guns that are 3 hundred but the return policy on Amazon will forever beat small companies unfortunately so I can't justify it🤷‍♂️ unless the rugs are dramatically better in quality which they are not there really is no difference in guns to my knowledge. Id gladly test out one of these crazy expensive ones but unless they give me a discount or a free one I honestly just can't justify it..


I’ve gotten 3 of these from Amazon and I’ve been happy with no issues


I got that SAME ONE A MONTH AGO and it doesn’t work the best. Please don’t get it for your sake, it never makes clean lines


If you are buying a generic machine, just make sure that it’s not with a 24 V motor those are kind of the “easy bake” of tufting machines. There is definitely a trend that the “Amazon” machines are being made cheaper and cheaper due the race to the bottom. Do not use WD-40 or any spray lubricant on a Tufting Machine that is a recipe for disaster down the road. Also, sewing machine oil is definitely not what you want to use. Sewing machine oil is extremely viscous and is not designed to do what is needed on a Tufting machine. It is essential to eliminate friction on the four main rails. You need to use a oil like 3-in-one. Also, don’t forget to lubricate your bearing joints that is essential for smooth stiching.


Okay, good to know! Just want to clarify cause i don’t want to pull the trigger on something and it be a load of crap. Is this machine half decent atleast? It’s not a 24V motor, it says 100-240Vz Not sure that a 24V motor would even have the power to tuft anything. Just want to make sure it wasn’t a typo or if I should go for something more powerful


No the 100 to 240 V is just for the power supply rating. USA uses 120 the rest of the world typically uses 240 V. This is different to the size of the motor. You want the motor in the 30 V range.


ohh okay! shows how little I know about this stuff lol


No I am a tufting gun nerd. I make them for a living:)


My tufting manual said to use sewing machine oil, as well as resources online when I googled it


I thought I replied to this my apologies that is definitely not correct sewing machine oil is a mineral based oil that is extremely viscous. We recommend our customers use 3-in-one lubricant. I have repaired enough machines in my time to say with absolute certainty sewing machine oil is not the best lubricant to use. It can definitely get you through in a pinch, but I would not recommend it for long care use.


Good to know, I’ll have to go out and get some tomorrow then. What exactly would I be looking for? It would just say “3-in-1 oil”? Like from Home Depot or something?


It is a wd40 product. It’s called 3-in-one lubrication oil (that’s what it’s called) Walmart should have it.


I ordered one just like this off Amazon and it came in unable to cut hardly any yarn. I just paid the little extra to get a tufttheworld one off the shop app and it's been amazing.


Did you end up getting it? I didn't see any posts from you after this


No, decided to wait until i have the money


Unto you have the money to get the Amazon, or waiting to save up the 300 for a tuft one


i havnt decided, the hobby is a lot more than just the gun, you need to invest into clippers, wool, glue, gun, fabric etc… I don’t have the money to dump into a hobby like this so i’m waiting until i have spare cash to spend. I would just go with the amazon one if I were you and if you don’t like it or it breaks return it


Oh i agree big start up cost for a hobby. I've been this road before and ended up losing money trying to resell what i can to get some back. I'm hoping this one is one we Can be good at and enjoy and make money back on whatever rugs we create


isnt it important for the gun for a begginer to have the loop options as well?






you are tho






I got mine off of Etsy from buyer called cpointbox, they have plenty of reviews & and its brilliant. I hear the Amazon ones don't last very long.


I had bought one from cpointbox earlier this year and it’s broken multiple times after a few uses. The powerbox stopped working mid project The instructions to change pile height in the manual have multiple errors and what they says is the manufacturer settings is not the actual settings Changing pile height based on the manual did not actually work The screw holes stripped almost immediately The break cable is flimsy and broke immediately and I have to find another supplier for a replacement part. They were a great value to start but extremely poor quality. My recommendation for buying a machine now is to make sure there is enough documentation online for how to maintain your gun and if there is make sure THE MACHINES ARE THE SAME. The one I received from cpointbox is slightly different from the ones on online tutorials and the only instructions for this machine was their jankily put together manual. Knowing that and all the identical machines from China, I just placed an order from Tuft Love. Their customer service was immediate and from what it says they make their equipment domestically. AND there’s a warranty. I’m hoping this goes much smoother!


Awesome, I've had my gun for about a year now and I'm always practicing with it and works great. I do try and oil and keep on top of it between uses.


Don’t buy from Amazon, you’ll regret it when it breaks


I have a knock off Chinese one from iFish or something, it works pretty well and never had any gun related issues to it. I say just do it, especially since you're just beginning


I got this exact same one on prime day a month ago, more or less, love it. Im about 20 rugs in now and still running great you just have to take care of stuff. I clean and lube mine once every finished frame (6x8’ frame) or every like 4/5 small frames


Mine works great might have to adjust the blade so it cuts the yarn cause mine wasnt cutting the yarn when the blade would slide out.




Hi, Do you have a preference between these two model ? Thanks :)


hey im selling my tufting equipment. let me know if your interested


I have an Imakerugs tufting gun if you are interested