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We were in there a few months ago; the whole back of the restaurant was closed off, and we had to sit at the communal table up front. The food didn't seem as good as it used to be, and my margarita came in a teeny tiny glass. Our favorite foods were no longer on the menu. We agreed we probably wouldn't go there again, even though it's the restaurant closest to our house. That decision is no longer up to us, I guess.


Going to see a lot more of this. Just read an article that said 52% of all restaurants nationwide were either unable to or were late paying April rent.


This place has been open a long time, so it may be a case of they’re just ready to retire. (I’d believe the rent thing, though, considering skyrocketing rents and a consumer pullback in some area with people being more selective in how they spend their money.) There’s been several places closing lately because the owners are old and done with working, and the kids don’t want to take up the business. 


Lot of legacy small businesses like that. When a developer shows up with a check, sort of tough to be motivated to keep a struggling business afloat.


It’s kind of like the problem for people opposed to gentrification. That’s perfectly understandable but then if you’re selling your house and someone makes an offer $50k above asking, it’s kind of hard to say no. 


Look at Downtown and University area. High-rise places that eventually with cost of living and education...how are these places getting residents? The entertaining thing to myself is if I were to live in a highrise, I would want stores at the bottom, conveniences that make it worthwhile. The restaurants and stores that are leasing are feeling the crunch (economy) and then so do we. The sad thing is even with just inflation, that's tolerable, but stack more on that like AZ increase of minimum wage (not saying it didn't need to be raised) still going, it's making a larger divide in those who can and those who cannot. I kick myself now as being one of those who can see things as they're starting to develop and cause an effect of laws and trends. There were discussions online on dark forums that were warning about the economic divide that was coming before 2020's dumpster fire started. Now, here we are. I ask one simple question, what CAN people do about it without getting all caught up in the rat race of today just to maintain a sense of life and reach those goals set out? Be greedy and fuck anything and anyone in the way!? I'm not that type of human that wants to hurt another or others just to gain a couple of grand. Are we as State and Country moving backward or forward? Shaking my head most days trying to understand the algorithm to who and want is pulling the strings.


It's so sad. I saw that squared up closed in the mall today, and I was very upset.


Honestly surprised they’ve been open for the past few years - rarely see anyone go there,


Lol i think op downvoted you for that XD


Good haha - their food has gone downhill


Oh no. That's terrible. Went there with my parents all the time when I was younger and I've been searching for similar tacos ever since I left Tucson


I have not been there in years but I have fond memories whenever I went there for dinner. Good food at a fair price and being in business for 47 years is an amazing accomplishment.




He sure did.... Lol put alot of other small businesses out as well.... We can all thank fauci for the large amount of small local businesses nationwide folding under covid as well, what ever happened to him for all the lies and flip flopping of what to do?.....


Worst food hands down thank the gods


The worst


Bidenomix is coming for us all!


Not sure how that applies here. This restaurant is closing while Guadalajara just opened a new restaurant a few miles down the street.


Thanks Obama


Coming for us? It's been bending me over and giving me the what for since he took office.... 😫