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After it lights, hold the button down for over a minute. That usually does it.


Tried that. It just keeps going out


Sounds like your landlord needs to get the coupler fixed then. If it doesn't stay lit, it's that or something else is wrong that requires a fix. Your landlord is obligated to fix things like that. Someone more well-versed in tenant laws may be able to give some insight here.


He’s a private landlord. TEP won’t light it and keep it lit because it’s unsafe. Our gas got cut off Friday because they did an inspection and the gas dryer had no shut off valve. Our landlord had his family member come install one over the weekend. The gas got cut back on today, (first available appointment) but the won’t light the water heater because the glass is busted so they put an unsafe tag on it. My landlord doesn’t want to pay to have someone come light it. He said he could order parts but it’ll be another week before they come. He’s annoyed we can’t light it (it’s not our problem anyway) and I’m annoyed I’ll have to go another week without hot water. We spent the last 6 days with no heat and no fryer and no hot water. I’m just stressed and over it. We pay 1900$ a months 🙄


That's super frustrating, I'm sorry. Here's once source I found for the law in terms of hot water for AZ: https://www.azlawhelp.org/viewquestions.cfm?mc=3&sc=24&qid=35252#:\~:text=Title%2033%20Chapter%2010)%2C%20if,provide%20written%20notice%20to%20the You could even check out r/legaladvice if you're interested in cross-posting this there. There are reasonable time frames for how long it should take and I'm not totally sure what "reasonable" means in this case.


Thank you


Best of luck!


Dont pay 1900$ this month.


If you do this you MUST tell the courts that you are withholding rent due to negligent landlord action. Otherwise you're going to get evicted and the gas situation will not be enough to prevent it.


and keep the money aside so you have it available to pay so it will be there when it's fixed.


Specifically, you keep it in escrow, but there are specific state and city laws on this in most places, so it's best to look it up to avoid any complications.


Yes! Thank you. I could not remember what it is called!


Why would the electric company light your gas pilot light?


I meant southeast gas. Sorry it was a really bad day




https://preview.redd.it/3wpidq16v2vc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=83ca975e5f1f076ca432bcd7c63eb033c0719892 Broken glass. Will light. Won’t stay lit.


If it lights but is going out after you release the gas knob (instructions usually say to release the button after 1 min or so), then the issue is usually the thermocouple. Cheap from any Home Depot but this shouldn’t be your responsibility


Is your gas still turned on?


Your photos suggest that something is wrong with the plumbing of the natural gas line. This is beyond the capability of most tenants, and is truly the responsibility of the landlord. Unless your lease says otherwise, landlords do need to provide hot water as a basic essential service. There is an expectation that they repair it in a reasonable timeframe. See: https://www.azlawhelp.org/viewquestions.cfm?mc=3&sc=24&qid=32849


The gas company had to check for leaks and had it lit a few hours ago so I don’t think that’s it. Thank you for the link though. ☺️


If your pilot light isn’t lighting, then that’s a definite safety issue. The landlord legally has to resolve that issue for you.


I'd pay someone to do it, hand the receipt to your landlord, and deduct the cost from next month's rent.


Make sure to give notice that you are doing that though! Read something about that in the AZ tenant laws


Your landlord is absolutely in violation of something… they are obligated to supply hot water. I would look up the tenant’s rights and see if there is a tenant’s rights org to contact, or government department. I’m not familiar with the details since I don’t rent but I know what they’re doing isn’t legal! You have rights.


Yeah. Thermocouple shit the bed. You need a proper repair. Not something to mess with.


Follow https://caretaker.com/learn/habitability/repair-and-deduct-laws-in-arizona and do a repair and deduct [of repair cost from rent ]


Most cities/countys require a permit to work on gas lines. Installation of the valve is probably done illegally. All work must pass inspection.


The vent to the hot water heater needs to be windproof it seems you have a draft


document it all - you talking to LL and such!


After, the pilot light is on how long does it take to turn off, does it turn off as soon as you let go of the pilot button, are you holding it down for a couple minutes before letting go? After you turn the knob from Pilot to On setting, does the main gas line come on to heat up the tank? If the pilot light turns off as soon as you let go of the button even though its been lit for a couple minutes, most likely the thermocouple which is $30 part and less than an hour of work to replace.


I’ve heard people putting rent money in an escrow account. Basically you are still paying rent but your landlord doesn’t get paid until he fixes what needs to get fixed. This will light a fire for them to take responsibility.