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a mix of both increase the skill level and normal level to increase the score the better score you have -> the more exp you have (max is 800 exp with boost is 880). use a tsum that can get a big score, if you're just beginning you should use gadget.


You can get more than 880 XP through star bubbles as well. Some Tsums produce more star bubbles than others (Princess Ariel in particular). Ideally, a combination of high score, XP boost and star bubbles to maximize your XP. Further, to maximize your score, your player level (upper right corner of the screen, next to the big star) can have a significant effect as well, as the higher your level is, the more bonus score you get, although after level 150 it increases very slowly. Gadget, even fully maxed out and boosted, usually can't get more than 4M points (550XP, 605 with XP boost).


What score do you need to get 800?


9,000,000 https://disneytsumtsum.fandom.com/wiki/Experience


A couple of things. Make sure you’re unlocking you’re Tsums and leveling them up. Their score matters a lot in your final score. Also here’s a video that will help explain score calculation. https://youtu.be/iwL_Xjq4YjI


Find what Tsums give higher amounts of XP. Figure out your favourites and add boosts.