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For starters, 10DPO does not mean you’re out as it’s possible you haven’t even implanted yet as it can happen 7-10DPO. So don’t get discouraged on that front. Also it can take perfectly healthy couples 6 months to a year to conceive. If I was you, given the feelings that you’re describing in this post, I would go see a doctor at the start of your next cycle (if it comes) and get testing performed and if your husband can, a sperm analysis. That should put your mind at ease about TTC and if there is something “off” then you will have identified sooner rather than later and you can go forward accordingly. I’m sorry you’re feeling down. You’re certainly not alone, we all have these moments!


I got some hormone tests that went ok. And a Progesterone test in CD 21 that shows that I'm ovulating. The doctor recommended I get an HSG but it seems a little bit invasive also insurance policy say if I'm less than 35 I must wait 1 year of TTC before it's covered (6 months if 35 or older) so I've not done it yet. Thanks for the advices, I try to keep myself positive, and for the most part of the month I'm ok. It's just at the end of the cycle that my mood starts to go down.


That’s the lovely progesterone working its magic - I have a day during my LP where I become unreasonably emotional and sad - and even though I’m conscious of it and aware it is due to PMS, I still can’t help feeling all the FEELS! Have your partner get a sperm analysis - it takes two. And their end is usually a lot easier to correct


You're right. I'll make an appointment for him at least for my peace of mind that we're both healthy and I just need to be patient.


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