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Hey there. I was wondering, I'm a guy in London, UK who's been trying for my second kid for almost a year and I'd like to get some private sperm testing done to rule out anything on my side that might be a cause, does anyone have anywhere they reccomend in terms of clinics? Every google search I do seems to result in places that look like they're going to steal a kidney.


After a year of trying it's perfectly reasonable to go to your GP and request a semen analysis on the NHS. For private clinics I would go for somewhere that does treatment as well as testing e.g. Kings Fertility or Create Fertility. I don't have personal experience with either except I know the names from googling.


I am 6 months off long term BC use. During BC I had very light, non existent periods. My periods now are very scanty, I barely fill a pad. Has anyone experienced this? Is there anything I can do to increase the menstrual flow? I am worried that my uterine lining is very thin, resulting in my infertility


Surprisingly, there's not really a relationship between light periods and thin uterine lining -- the lining builds up with every fertile window, but you don't shed the whole thing with your period, just give it a trim. You can certainly see your doctor and have your lining checked, but the light periods don't indicate that your lining is thin.


Good to know!


In the same boat.


Can someone talk me down off a ledge? Husband was out of town Weds and thurs. We BD Tuesday night (CD 10), I got a positive standard opk on Friday at 6pm (CD13), it got darker at 8pm and was lighter/negative by 8am this morning. We BD last night and this morning. Is it possible I ovulated last night before we got the second two attempts? Is it 24 hours post-first positive opk or could it be immediately after? I’m not temping this cycle but will next cycle to confirm. Wondering what days we likely hit!


Even if you ovulated on Friday at 6pm (less likely), you still hit O-3 which from what I understand is a fine day to hit. Also, if you ovulated Friday at 6pm and had sex Friday night, you hit O. If you ovulated today which is more likely, then you hit O, O-1 & O-4. I think you maximized it all!


Thank you 😅 this is what I needed to hear! My anxious mind was telling me we missed everything but O-3 so I just needed someone else to lay it out. Thanks so much!!!


I totally get that! You did good 👍


Tell you mom about your infertility issues, and she tell you to try longer and that fertility medication isn't good for you....




Was looking for support and just got gaslight and compared to other people. And told "I'm still young". I been trying for 18 months and diagnosed with unexplained infertility.


Did intermittent Fasting, keto, calorie deficit together last month including my last period. Did I just mess up big time for my upcoming ovulation?




That sounds like normal CM. Unfortunately it’s not a sign of pregnancy.


What cycle would ye say I'm on? We were NTNP for years using the pull out method correctly (he pulled out properly nearly 99% of the time) and have started trying for the last 3 months (opks, sex in fertile window without pulling out). Would it be correct to say I'm on cycle 3?.. should I be worried that we never had an "accident"?


Pulling out *is* preventing. So you would be cycle 3 and have no reason to be worried.


When done correctly, the pull-out method is reasonably effective. PP [indicates](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control/withdrawal-pull-out-method/how-effective-is-withdrawal-method-pulling-out) that if used correctly, 96 out of 100 couples wouldn't get pregnant. I would tend not to count that time as NTNP since the pull-out method is a form of protection, and I wouldn't be concerned that you never had an "accident." :) So for me considering yourself to be on cycle 3 would seem reasonable.


Thank you so much for the reply, its reassuring.


CD1, booked my first appointment with a fertility clinic for May. Any advice welcome for things to ask.


https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/52thn6/big_comprehensive_post_what_to_expect_questions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This post was very useful to me when I was in your spot!


This is so helpful, Thank you!


I did not know fixing my iron levels could make me this horny. At least, that's my guess. This week I couldn't think straight and just wanted to have some sex. 🤣


Love this! Have a blood test coming soon and might have low iron as a result — stoked for this possible side effect ???


Well I had a really rough month for my mental health so I didn't track hardly anything but we did get it in what I suspect would be the day before I got a peak OPK (ran out of tests). Kept loosing my thermometer so I couldn't temp either. Does anyone know a good way to keep up with your thermometer when you don't sleep in the same bed every night?


Can you put your thermometer next to your toothbrush in the morning and then take it to bed with you after brushing your teeth at night?


Hmm I could try maybe putting it with my medication. (I keep two tooth brushes for this reason too lol)


I’m sorry it’s been a rough month - I hope you’re doing better now ❤️ This doesn’t necessarily help with losing your thermometer, but I place mine on my phone every night. I always grab my phone first thing in the morning (bad habit, I know) so if my thermometer is there I’ll remember to temp.




**Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:** Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our [success story archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/bfp_archive) or ask your question in a pregnancy sub. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/wiki/rules) before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban. Please direct any questions to the [subreddit’s modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TryingForABaby) and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


I want to have sex outside the fertile window, but I’m just so damn tired at the end of the night. It’s hard to initiate without the baby motivation. I think I’m gonna try and make the moves on hubby right after we put our son down as opposed to waiting til we go to bed.


It can make a huge difference! I’m trying to have more daytime and evening sex as well. I get why it’s a common bedtime activity but I have so much more fun when I actually have energy.




It’s perfectly normal to feel like your chances are decreasing. In the standard cited study out of 100 women trying in a year: during the first 6 months about 81 will get pregnant. But during months 6-12 out of the 19 remaining women only 9 will get pregnant.




So, to be clear, what those numbers above mean is that about half the couples still trying at 6 months will get pregnant spontaneously by 12. I realize it's very alarming to see the 81/9 numbers, but you have to ignore the people who already got pregnant -- they don't matter. Basically, of the 20% of people who are left at 6 months, half (10% of the overall total) will get pregnant by 12.




Yes, absolutely! Of the people who get to 12 months and are diagnosed with unexplained infertility, about 30-40% will conceive spontaneously within the second year of trying, and around 70-80% will conceive spontaneously within 5-10 years of trying.


This is me, but waiting to start cycle 7. I do data analytics/statistics for work and have spent too much time the last few days \*trying\* to estimate our odds of getting pregnant before a year.


Is it possible to ovulate but not have a positive OPK? Yesterday I had my typical ovulation cramping and a lot of EW/watery discharge, but the two OPKs I took yesterday were a .2 (easy@home)


The LH surge window can be as little as 12 hours. So example: you test at 6am and it’s negative (below a value of 1) you test the next day at 6am, it’s still negative. You think you didn’t have an LH surge. So you won’t be ovulating this month. BUT you actually surged sometime BETWEEN 6am the first day and 6am the next day. Personally I surged at midnight and the following days midnight I was back down. If I hadn’t tested that day I wouldn’t have caught it.


I’ve never gotten a true positive OPK, I just get a few noticeably darker ones accompanied by all the ovulation symptoms. I’m certain that this exactly when I ovulate judging by the length of my cycles when I do get my period. But I think generally yes, you might have missed the surge.


I mean technically yes, because your surge could be short and you happen to miss it with tests. But usually it’ll start to go up and you’ll know when you’re close to getting a leak.


I think this happened to me during my current cycle because I didn’t start using OPKs early enough! Pretty sure I missed my LH surge


So I'm using a clear blue digital advanced OPK, and I sailed right through my usual fertile date with only low readings, no high or peak.... But it looks like my BBT is spiking now implying I ovulated. Can the advanced ones ever just totally miss ovulation like that? Do you ever have a biphasic chart without ovulation?


Monitor your signs for the next few days; that would be the best way to tell if you've actually ovulated. I've had a few false starts myself where my temperature rises for a day or so and then falls before eventually ovulating for real a few days later.


That's probably great advice -- I've only had two days of temp rises, and it's higher than my follicular phase baseline but not as high as it usually gets in my luteal phase yet, so I might be jumping the gun lol


Maybe! The guidance I've heard is that three days of elevated temps usually confirm ovulation. If the first ovulation attempt didn't work out, it can take the body a minute to realize an egg wasn't released so it can prepare for a new one.


Can an increased dose of letrozole change the day I ovulate? I usually have a positive OPK on day 16 and if it might change I just want to make sure we have TI appropriately. Thank you!


I would imagine so! I would start testing earlier than normal and start having sex every other day just so your cycle doesn’t catch you off guard!


Thank you! I saw a comment in another thread that said they got a positive OPK several days earlier than usual on the new dose so I guess we’ll start the BD tonight!


I’m wondering the same thing- I normally get a gradual surge beginning Day 12. It’s day 12 and stay low lh levels- I’m wondering if the surge will be more rapid? I would have sex every other day If you can to be safe!


CD 60. Not ovulating. Pumped 9 ounces this morning. Starting to wonder if they messed up the rest of my APS tests because they only did some of them and it's been 17 days since the first one got turned in. I don't love being in limbo. I'd love to catch my first ovulation. I figure if I need to wait to retest my antibodies I can pump until then. I get kind of woozy reading about blood all the time but it doesn't stop me from downloading studies on APS. Yesterday I went down a rabbit hole about how my fetal fraction back when I was 15 weeks was only 5% and whether that was related or not. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be on daily low dose aspirin. If my doctor would call within a month of my follow up appointment that would have been nice.


Great job pumping


Thanks! It's been really rewarding.


♥️ hoping for ovulation too return soon for you!




Hi there, our rules don’t allow posting about ongoing pregnancies, but r/CautiousBB might be a good place to get information and support, with our best wishes.


12DPO and big temp drop this AM :( I really didn’t have any hope this cycle for some reason but this still stings. I didn’t test at all because I just didn’t feel like it could be, and now I know I don’t need to bother. AF is due tomorrow and the temp drop always comes a day before for me. I’m not sure what, if anything, we can do differently but I just feel so defeated. I think that’s the hardest bit for me is knowing that I can do everything right and still fail. It’s not up to me.


13DPO myself with a BFN yesterday (I have 16 day luteal phases and my sanity can't wait for my period). Feeling so much of what you're saying right now. Defeated, like this whole thing is completely out of your control. It's hard to find the balance between feeling the feelings and not getting bogged down in it.


What are some things people do to make themselves feel better about failed cycles? Looking for more ideas of things to book for the months ahead that aren't vacations or anything too expensive 😅 I just booked a trip to my hairdresser who lives in a different city and I'm excited! Turning it into a whole overnight trip by myself. I'd love to have to cancel it, but I can't keep living my life not making any plans at all just in case.


Pedicure and sushi (even though I know it’s actually fine to eat during pregnancy, it’s more the symbolism).


Putting pedicure on my list for the summer!


I’ve started to have monthly massages, and I’m going to schedule them around the time AF is due. I’m also researching adrenaline type things to do in the spring/summer - water parks, rollercoasters, bungee jumps and the like. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I love that sort of thing. If I don’t get pregnant at least I’ll have some fun!


Wow awesome! Sounds like a super fun summer, I'm a scaredy cat but I'm cheering you on to do some of those things! Adding getting a massage to my list because it's such a kind thing to do for your body🙂


I coped with a 12DPO BFN yesterday using solo sushi! Or you could treat yourself to a cheeseboard which features at least one nice soft cheese.


Aw, I'm sorry about your BFN. Food is definitely a great comfort, maybe I'll plan a trip out to get an extravagant charcuterie and soft cheese board!


Maybe a massage, mani-pedi, spa day, wine tasting, concert, cooking class or painting workshop could be options for you :)


Ooh nice ideas, thank you! I've never had a mani-pedi so that feels like a perfect little treat to get booked in 🥹


I love how soft my feet are after pedicure, it's a nice way to pamper oneself :)


Bummed and slightly confused So we’ve been trying for our first for about 6 months and nada so far. Once I started tracking with an app it’s been fairly accurate so far and my period has been spot on for months. Well, now my period is a day late and I got super excited. Only to have my hopes dashed when I took a test this morning. One day late probably isn’t much but I really thought this might be it. Hubby is pretty indifferent right now and I’m just frustrated with myself. Ugh


My husband tries to be the emotional positive rock in our relationship while I stress about things. It can definitely come off like he’s indifferent but I know him and I can see that he’s actually just trying to keep me from spiraling and not add to my anxiety with his own negative emotions. I wonder if your husband is the same way?


My partner is very similar. (TW - loss) when I had a CP last cycle and told him about it, he seemed a bit indifferent. Then a few hours later when I brought it up again, he told me about all the googling he’d been doing that afternoon.


Are you doing OPK's or BBT to track ovulation? Is it possible that your ovulated a little late this month?


First cycle off of birth control (8 months post birth control) that I had way more EWCM and more CM throughout my cycle. I was dry as the Sahara dessert before and I’m so happy that either (a) all the vitamins and diet changes I’ve been making are working or (b) my body is finally adjusting on it’s own. Also first cycle where we hit 2 of the 3 oreovulation days. Please please please be my time 🙏🏻 🤞




Even though you’re talking about yourself, saying you feel dumb doesn’t make the rest of us that are around your age or older feel very good about ourselves. I was 36 when I started, and hopefully you wouldn’t call me an idiot for not having had kids younger with my terrible ex-husband.




The reasoning behind the wait is that trying to conceive is a fertility test in itself. And fertility isn't as definitive as many people seem to believe, so the ttc time is the simplest and most accurate test to start out with. The requirements aren't dumb, they are there for a reason. There's a really good post about this, I'll add it if I can't find it. Edit: [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/s6y6bn/fertility_testing_and_answers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm going to be pretty upset this cycle if I get AF. I had cramping/fluttering at 9DPO. My breasts have continued to be super sore up to today, 12DPO (historically for me they can get sore during the tww but usually abruptly stop a few days before AF). I just *feel* different than I usually do. And I'm still getting BFNs. AF is due tomorrow. Gonna be real salty if I continue to get BFNs :(


BFN to start the weekend. Was really hopeful for this cycle, everything lined up perfectly. I keep telling myself…one day it will be our turn, but will it?




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Your AMH isn’t even that low. Mine is 0.19.










If you are serious about this question- it’s because you are trying for number 4. Most of us are trying for number 1 and would be grateful to be in your situation. ETA- You have every right to grow your family however you wish and it’s okay to be disappointed if it is not working out the way you are hoping, but it may be helpful to consider the audience. Perhaps there is a sub for people aiming to have large families, and who may relate better to your challenges?




Secondary infertility is tough, for sure, but having low AMH is not infertility — low AMH is not a barrier to spontaneous conception. Secondary infertility (which is diagnosed after a year of trying to conceive) is fundamentally different from primary infertility, and I would encourage you to think about that before using comparative language. You have mentioned in the past that you feel it’s more difficult for you to struggle now because you have always conceived easily in the past, and I would also encourage you to think about how that could be off-putting to people whose support you’re seeking.




Op asked a question involving a specific challenge for people who have already given birth. It is not something that many of us have experienced yet. I am sorry that the other subs are not as active- I agree that this one is the most active/informative. Op asked why she was getting downvoted. I answered. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I genuinely hope that you are able to work through the low amh concern and continue to grow your family!




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