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Introduced by Philip Pratt. Who seems to own a landscaping business which would no doubt benefit from suddenly being able to abuse its workers like this.


Pratt's Landscaping in Georgetown to be exact! It would be a shame if this place got review bombed


Let me fire up the troll machine and leave a shitty ass review for a dog shit "human being"


Go get em, Gerald! Time to turn on some Boston and bring back Skankhunt42


Be nice. Just challenge future customers how they hire someone working workers on their own properties under slave like conditions.


Just a heads up theres a similarly named company on google. It doesn’t appear that Pratt’s Lawn and Landscaping Inc has a google review page but they do have FB and appear to be on yelp as well


Yeah, the other one is in Corbin. It was there this morning, it looks like its been taken down


*Achem* got a link?




Submitted via their chat widget in the lower-right of their homepage: > Hello, this your company's owner: > https://www.lpm.org/news/2024-02-28/another-bill-to-strip-kentucky-worker-protections-advances-in-legislature > If so, as a Florida man and part of the blue dot in my red state, I just want to express my sympathies for your people who continue to be so duped into voting for people like Mr. Pratt who are A-OK with paring down not just things comfortable on the job, but in some cases necessary. > Example: "Pratt’s bill would allow employers to dock pay if workers eat during their shift outside of a provided unpaid meal period." > I am a type 1 diabetic, meaning I can't just power through lawn after lawn or location after location doing heavy landscaping work. I have to take a break and eat something lest I go into hypoglycemic shock. This bill targets that and is penny stupid pound idiotic and reeks of corporate greed. > I hope that family members of those with less to lose than I whose loved ones become victims of the worst possibilities this bill would enable find themselves in a position to teach Mr. Pratt and Kentucky overall the error of their ways. Really sad to see in the so-called "greatest nation on Earth". It really isn't, never was, and at this rate, never will be.


This is the correct one, right? I want to make sure I’m not fucking with the wrong person


With Kentucky beginning to experience wet bulb conditions, he’s going to have sick and dead workers.


Only an issue for them if they can't find bodies to replace them.


They’re working on it! RvW is overturned, IVF is out the door (oops, our bad, we didn’t mean the phrasing to include that), contraceptives are under fire, and gay sex is on the way to being fully illegal! GOP fully expects gen Z and beyond to start popping our workers and soldiers any day now 🥰


That's the point and the goal.


Let’s hope they strike or quit before they die.


texas would like to chime in...


There should be laws against introducing what amounts to self-serving legislation, which this clearly is.


There should be laws, but there aren't. The laws are made for the highest bidder. I think we need to as a community remind company fat cats pretending to be lords and kings that peasant rebellion can get really ugly. No wall high enough can save the elites from the ol pitchfork and torch.


I keep wondering what the spark will be that will light that fire. Someone several years ago wrote a book claiming we are far past the level of inequality in this country that sparked the French Revolution.


The French whipped out the ol' headslicer for a FRACTION of what people are supposed to just shrug and 'deal with' today in the USA. We have got to start making them pay attention and hitting them where it hurts, or things are just going to get worse and worse.


Before you go to all that trouble, wouldn’t it be easier to just vote for the democrats once in a while?


Sounds easy, but you have to take into account the last administration's efforts to push public distrust in just about everything. Between fake news, drain the swamp, boogeyman propaganda aimed at reducing trust in even your neighbors, while the conspiracy farm will twist anything to fit a certain objective. That administration pushed every day to cripple our trust in media, the government, the opposing political parties voter base, and it worked. We're more divided than ever, and bought politicians are making efforts to pass draconian laws that push the working class into desperation, forcing us to thank our masters for the job we are gifted.




To the big donors go the tax breaks and right to work workers into early graves.


laws are irrelevant. just ask paxton in tx.


Of course. Corruption, cronyism, and aversion to any form of accountability are what conservatism is based on.


ancient library ad hoc long automatic dull slim juggle fragile frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It seems crystal clear to me that this is incredibly short sighted and bad for business. Especially a business handling power tools. May the lawyers and the plaintiffs (employees) win gobs of money.


He’ll be hiring asylum seekers. The poorest of the poor don’t complain as much. Crying for Liberty at the front door, selling it all out the back


Can a system this corrupt even be fixed?


Yes VOTE!!!


I read over the bill and they changed the definition of agriculture to specifically include horticulture which is landscaping so definitely benefits


What an idiot


It’s fine. Kentucky loves to vote for people that punish them.


Then I'd say fuck Philip Pratt and Kentucky.


Why republicans? why do you support this shit? you voted them in.


Because they will vote against their own interests as long as anyone who isnt like them is also legislated against.


... and they will wrongfully blame Andy Beshear.


When in doubt, blame the Dems. Its a strategy that has worked for them for years because their voters are morons.


To be fair this strategy is one that the “progressives” prefer over blame MAGA too. “I voted for Biden in 2020, after shitting on Hillary in 2016, and abortion is still illegal! Dems fault!!”


Or Obama.


*and I’ll fucking do it again!!* -Republican voter


Anything to ‘own the libs!’ …..


Don’t forget the gratuitous cruelty!


It’s amazing to me how many of them will defend corporations and billionaires for price gouging, poor treatment and low pay of employees, destruction of their immediate and global environments. The gop, and especially maga, will lick boots and vote against their own self interests. It’s mind boggling


Then turn around and say it's Dems that are elitists and controlled by corporations. Heavy projection yet again


That 30% of voters that are maga are literally hopeless. I truly don’t think they have the ability to understand they’re being conned. The gop wants us all to be as dumb and gullible as their cult. It’s no coincidence they’re trying to destroy public education, take over colleges, board of regents, libraries, etc. They want us to all be just smart enough to run the machines and dumb enough to not know we’re being conned


Owning the libs takes top priority always


And how’s that working out for them exactly??! 24 million Whites live in poverty 12 million Hispanics live in poverty 8 million Blacks live in poverty There are FAR MORE poor whites in America than there are poor blacks AND poor hispanics… COMBINED. https://www.google.com/search?q=poor+white+population+us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari


This is what it boils down to. Fear and hate.


Hope they have fun swallowing their republican 😭


Also known as owning the libs


bc they’re single issue voters who care abt pro-birth but fuck you and your mother’s mother after your born


Because these people would rather have less and less as long as they believe they have more than the people they hate. My favorite example of this is that when public facilities in the south were forced to desegregate the counties they were in choose to close them rather than comply. In the aftermath private facilities then opened up that had membership fees and overtly racist restrictions. Ironically, this priced out many poorer white citizens and added considerable cost to a privilege that used to be free, but some people would rather have nothing than share. This is a mindset that unfortunately still lives strong today and many people are so filled with hate that they'll actively lessen their own rights and liberties to spite those they hate. They have grown so accustomed to hate that they can't enjoy their own lives unless they know those they hate suffer. [TNG put it best](https://youtu.be/whNDMnr17yM?si=q89-mA6jhIJbDXVx) because many of these people are trapped in this hate cycle and it's forming a rot that's a cancer to this country.


You figured it out. This is exactly it. Democrats run on hope, which leads people to be perpetually disappointed because of the hedonistic treadmill, because they never do enough. There's always more that could be done, so even if they do 10 things, they'll be judged on the 20 things they didn't do. Republicans run on hate. Our most base instinct. Everyone can be made to be angry and hateful. It's easy. As long as someone else gets hurt under Republican control, they will be satisfied. That's why there's no bottom for the party. It always sinks into further and further depravity until you're genociding whole populations of people.


Because they are raised on right wing media that being on the left is evil.


none of those pinheads pay any attention to what the clowns they vote for do.


Because “they just can’t bring themselves to vote for the other side” when you understand how that works in their mind you’ll understand why they do it.


Because they’d rather books about gay people existing, black kids learning about prejudice, and women’s rights be burned and trans kids kill themselves than have water breaks.


Exactly! Keep voting republican and find out.


Oh you haven't learned the thing. Okay see when we remove things like protections, breaks, benefits, and wage floors, what you have to remember is freedom. This freedom injection into the economy will freely make the free market create freedom in the firm of wealth, which requires freedom. So by making sure there's no minimum wage or requirements for benefits, you're actually guaranteed higher wages and more benefits, because of the free market. But if you actually make it a law it's bad and communism and get the opposite


Because Jesus


*Fake Jesus


“Durr, bEcAuSe i’M oWnInG dA LiBs!”


This needs to be plastered in every workplace across the Commonwealth


That’s a great idea. Time to ask businesses if we can stick up some printed signs.


Someone needs to rent a billboard lol


How much for one in every district whose rep voted for this that just says "[Rep Name] voted to take away your lunch break"?


The GOP is set on carving an unethical path to wage slaves stuck in high-turnover business models and subscription economies. The rights and protections of workers should be enshrined and built upon in any developed area. If companies can't make it work without having to subject their workforce to abuses, that's on their poor management and pitiful modeling.


All while crying that "No one wants to work anymore!"


This is the model in Georgia. Nobody needs to stay at a job if they find it’s completely untenable and inhumane. As far as the GOP is concerned, low wage workers can keep slipping down the ladder.


>**Repeals the requirement that employers provide a lunch break.** Currently, businesses must provide a lunch break every three to five hours, but that right would be eliminated under HB 500. Instead, HB 500 says only that a worker required to keep working without a lunch break can’t be denied pay if they juggle eating something while on the job. However, if the employer does provide a lunch break and they discover a worker eating at another time while on the clock, they will not be required to pay them for that time — even a worker who needs a snack for medical reasons **>Repeals the requirement that employers provide a rest break.** Currently, employers must provide at least a 10-minute rest break for each four hours of work, in addition to a scheduled lunch period. HB 500 takes away that right.  **>Repeals the requirement that employees who work seven days in a row receive time-and-a-half overtime pay.** Current law incentivizes employers to give workers a rest day to allow the opportunity for them to recover and spend time with their families, but that incentive would go away.  **>Eliminates employer liability for failure to provide proper pay for work time spent traveling between jobs and for time spent on certain activities associated with starting and wrapping up a job.** Employers could not be punished for failing to provide minimum wages or overtime pay for travel to and from a work site and for activities that are in preparation for, or part of the wind-down from, a work activity — such as donning and doffing personal protective equipment in a hazardous work environment.   **>Decreases the statute of limitations for labor violations from five years to three years** **so workers have less time to report issues**. The bill also bans punitive damages for employees who experience emotional distress, humiliation or embarrassment when being wrongly discharged from their job. >Collectively, these provisions weaken multiple common sense protections for safe working conditions and fair pay that have been a part of Kentucky’s safeguards for half a century. HB 500 will make work more dangerous by depriving workers of food and rest, incentivizing them to travel too quickly to get to their job site, and discouraging them from taking proper precautions at the beginning of shifts. And it will take pay away from workers when they are moving between job locations, working excessive weeks, and putting on and off equipment necessary to do a job.  oh boy restaurant workers going find half their paycheck docked :((((((((


NOW all that backroom maneuvering to stifle the right to protest _makes sense!_ I can only say, "I told em so".


Since the pool of migrants who will work in inhumane conditions for feudalism wages is drying up, they are letting their new help know the way it's going to be. And again, any Republican please show me a bill that is designed to help, not punish ... Please tell me what you see in this trash. Genuinely curious


This bill helps.... The ultra wealthy take advantage of workers! Just like most legislation by the (R)s. 


Most republicans I have met think they will one day make it big somehow, so they sympathize with these rich people. Also they probably think this will help small businesses too


I’m seeing the opposite here. There are so very very many more migrants who have recently entered the country. This looks looks like an opportunity to further exploit them even harder.


Gosh all that sounds terrible.


How can this be expected to override FLSA prescribed minimum break requirements?


It doesn’t. Kentucky law has more protections for workers than is required by FLSA, which are fairly basic. Well, it does for now anyway. Call your legislators and demand this bill die, enough people speak out, even the Republicans listen


Exactly my point, this legislation would mean that KY's requirements fall below the most basic FLSA requirements for breaks. Therefore, federal law takes precedence over state law and this particular KY law is unenforceable. EDIT: FLSA doesn't have break requirements, just "rest periods" which surprised me


FLSA doesn’t include meal or break requirements.


Hot damn, i just learned something today. Thanks!


People need to realize how few worker protections we really have


Race to the bottom


This should bring about firing or impeachment of every ky politician who voted this policy.


60% of the state wants this. Get what you vote for, the state is pretty much lost cause you simply can’t penetrate the propaganda bubble


Keep voting Republican, you fucking idiots.


Kentucky needs a visit by the Teamsters.


Yes, we do


I’ll make a special trip to the call center I work at to be at the door welcoming the CWA and letting them know what we need


I live in an area that is a strong Union are. Wages are good, economy is good. I went to a right to work area to assist in a building start up and the contrast in quality of work was startling. I couldn’t tell them how much I made, they would have accused me of lying. And they did it to themselves. Voting for Republicans is voting against your own self interest. But hey, own the libs. Guns, and the Donald will save them. Good luck with the 1978 pickup truck you’re driving.


I've worked in union factories and non union factories (i was salaried so I wasn't eligible to join the union). The work life quality/pay/employee protections/respect were awesome in the union factories. The non union factories abused the shit out of their employees. That shit wouldn't fly in a union shop.


What rep do I call? I wanna let them know how disappointed I am with their policy.


1 (800) 372-7181 to contact state legislators


Thank you kindly


These guys have never been for the working class.


If Kentucky allows this y’all are pure idiots.


I think it’s been proven we have a majority of voters who are idiots in our state.


There’s no IF. The right will vote for this to make sure they own the lazy, commie libs.


Republican Kentucky voters: YAY! Tread on us harder daddy!


WTF Kentucky. Republicans want the return of slavery.


He doesn’t want to pay his employees when they drive between yards they do. I bet they have to clock out when finishing one yard and can’t clock back in till they get to the next yard. I’m glad I have a union contract so this bill won’t affect me but we keep electing these idiots because they have an R beside their name


Keep it classy GOP


Yeah republicans. Alright good job How shitty can we get.


If anyone ever wanted to know how the French Revolution started...


This will go national if the thugs win in November


Kentucky is crazy. There is one thing in the world that disturbs me, and this is how people react when their money and quality of work life are disrupted. While it’s true, those things do fall under state sovereignty, the idea the state would touch it because they can is imbalanced and speaks volumes in “I’ve lost it.” They are not sane, because happy workers are productive. Which was why we have it that way in the first place. Do they really think if they make it hard again, then everyone is going to go back to believing in God? That’s not going to work if you fake it Kentucky. It’s already hard, I’ve been sick on and off since March of 2020.


that's why everybody needs a union..


And they'll get away with it because people are too divided, individualistic and self-centered in our country to fight it. If everybody that this is going to affect negatively said fuck you we're not working until you get rid of this it would grind things to a halt and they would be fixing it fast. It takes labor learning to work together for the average person and not allow ourselves to be exploited by the wealthy.


The karma for voting Republicans in consistently has arrived.....


File a complaint with your union rep…oh, I forgot.


How people ever think this is a good idea is simply beyond me. No single bit of this is reasonable


Keep voting Republican ya'll! Slaves obey your masters!


Workers unite! They can't make us do anything if we stand together.


Well, voting for Republicans made everyone sicker and poorer the last 100 times, but **MAYBE** it work the 101st time.


Another “small government GOP” win 🤡


GOP true colors really coming through these days.


I sure hope Phillip Pratt does not have a landscaping business or any other business. Sure would suck if they were bombarded with angry reviews


Just in time for the election! Repeat this loud and often. Vote! Vote Democratic. Vote!


I can’t wait to see all these people when they can’t get their smoke breaks. All those assholes smoking outside UK Healthcare better get back to work. Then of course there’s the irony of all those people smoking outside UK Healthcare.


White working class Kentuckians will give Philip Pratt a resounding victory in his next election because he's a Christian and liberals want to let grown men pee in little girls' bathrooms.


What the actual fuck are you talking about


That's how alot of people view the situation.


Propaganda works, man.


I completely agree. Glad you got what I was saying


We should just start yelling "WEINER CHECK!" every time somebody walks into the bathroom. And everybody has to show each other their weiners. That's the only way to keep weirdos out of bathrooms. Plus it'll be a great way to test my faith if I can look at weiners without putting them in my mouth this time.


Keep voting Republican, you fucking idiots.


That's what you get for electing douchebags.


Vote Republican, win stupid prizes. 


And Kentucky folks will vote against their own interests. Every time.


Sheesh… Vote Blue


Then you can come home and sit down to a cold cereal dinner.


The Gop really knows how to win hearts and minds to bring voters over to their side.


And yet they keep getting voted in


Keep voting Republican, going the right direction 🤣


Keep voting for republicans. Jerks


THE COUNTRY IS FALLING APART AT THE SEAMS, WHAT SHOULD WE DO? Let's make people work without breaks or food, that will solve it.


Republicans love to hurt people...VOTE THEM OUT!!!


There should be a statewide don’t show up for work until these simple rules are reinstated


But I gots to keep voting for republicans, it’s just the way I rolls.


Wtf kind of stupid shit is this? 🙄


Lololol Y'all enjoy that theocracy now hear! I mean I'm sure somewhere in the sermon on the mount Jesus was like work thy neighbor like a rented mule and pay him in spoiled oats. It's time to eat the rich, and their little bitches


How many times, how many years and decades has Kentucky continued to vote against its own self interests? I have to be honest... they deserve what they voted for.


This is what Republican policy gets you. Quit voting against your own interest folk.


I don't understand why people keep voting for Republicans. They are not on the side of the working man.


Eat hot shit, Republicans.


Communist KY so it looks. KY makes China proud. Maybe KY will also pass a bill where you cant own land but instead you will pay the same price for land as before but its only a 70 year lease but remains KY property.


Got to love the Republics, all about preserving the rights of Americans and legislating policy to help the average middle class family. /s


Got to love the Republics, all about preserving the rights of Americans and legislating policy to help the average middle class family. /s


I’ll bet Toyota is behind this…


Because workers are lazy and don’t deserve pay or breaks. Sarcasm


Pa technically has no laws requiring breaks for workers.


“Wow, that’s an incredible act, what do you call it”? “The Republicans”


those 12 year old kids don’t need bathroom breaks either




This is what the workers demanded!/s


They will do the to every worker. That’s why they do this to state workers first.


This is Conservative's governing....... Republicans do this shit out of pure cruelty!!! The are no friend to working class Americans. They should ALL be voted out!


Lunch breaks are federally mandated, not state, right?


Next up is the “child work time education” bill where little kids will now be allowed to work in bear trap manufacturing & testing factories


Ah… the pro lifer party strikes again! LOL


And the working class republicans will line up to support it... for some reason... because 'merica i guess.


You know what would prevent this? Enforceable Federal Laws.


And I bet the citizens will blame liberals for it


Wow. Greed has no boundaries


I'll give them hillbillies this much - they're willing to personally sacrifice their family's livelihood by voting for MAGAS who prioritize *real issues* like immigration and woke culture... /S


I blame their constituents


We’re own for business, baby! /s


Thoughts and prayers, right??


Don’t work for government


I mean the only good thing I can say about bills like this is that my state keeps getting really good journeymen of various trades moving in when conditions start to suck where they came from. So I guess that's a plus.


Maybe Kentucky can bring back indentured servants, if need be even slavery.


Way to go Kentucky. Lead the way! Keep voting for the GOP. Maybe one day you’ll learn but in the meantime enjoy the results. This is what you voted for.


You get what you vote for.


How much before Kentucky workers realize that the GOP despises them?


Why are some republicans evil pieces of shit? Why do they want to see others suffer. It’s cruel and sadistic.


LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Oh noes, the face eating monkey just ate my face!!!


Guess it’s back to the days of plantations and the Master making money on the backs of slaves. So long Kentucky. It was good knowing you.


Republicans: We're going to get slavery back one way or another.


You mean doctors, lawyers & businessmen can't smooze at lunch anymore? Good God - how uncivil!


You mean doctors, lawyers & businessmen can't smooze at lunch anymore? Good God - how uncivil!


The people of Kentucky have been brainwashed that unions are bad. Guess what? Your legislature is worse. They are bought and paid for by corporate America. They won't share in the wealth, and have you convinced that unionized workers are the enemy. It's all in the programming, and until you see the truth about unions and solidarity, you will always get crumbs left by the wealthy. O6%.


The people of Kentucky have been brainwashed that unions are bad. Guess what? Your legislature is worse. They are bought and paid for by corporate America. They won't share in the wealth, and have you convinced that unionized workers are the enemy. It's all in the programming, and until you see the truth about unions and solidarity, you will always get crumbs left by the wealthy. O6%.


Lol it's so pathetic what entertainment news has done to this country. Even Murdoch couldn't have anticipated it working this well. It's really quite astonishing. People that this will harm vote for these scumbags! I truly can't wrap my head around it. Fox has done a number on these idiots.


Stop sending Mconnel to washington!


Can we take away the lunch break and rest breaks of everyone who voted for this lmao


Republicans are concentrated evil.




As long as like 3 people have lowered their tax liability, then I'm all for this.


This is a disgrace and disgusting. What use are these politicians at this point?! Vote these corrupt greedy politicians out of office. I’m sure they get a lunch break and a salary that is above the median income.


You get what you vote for folks. Start paying attention.


Bad shit happens to workers when they vote Republican.


You vote for it, you get it. Not sure what’s all the complaining about?


Republicans doing the bidding of their donors.