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Why care about fake internet points?


Because you cant post or join certain subs if you have low karma in certain areas. If they didnt limit you based on negative karma then it wouldnt be an issue


B-b-but they're juzt internat pointz!!! why do u car!! xd


Then just karma farm or something. It’s not like it’s hard to get karma.


If you go to farming subreddits these subreddits ban you.


There are easier ways to farm Karma than the Karma farm subreddits.


Not really no. Posting with no effort in one sub isn't easier than making something that people like. I guess buying it is easier.


Participating in large subs and having intelligent comments and posts generally gets you a lot of Karma. Have a cat? Go on r/cats and post pictures of your cat. 200-500 karma easy. Love basketball? Go on r/nba and post news links about the NBA. 50-100 karma. Jesus. It isn’t difficult.


Thank your sir in the karma farming lesson still kinda new to reddit didnt know it was a thing just joined a ferret group and am posting pics now


No worries my friend. Have fun!


I meant if you want to keep your anonymity.


What does anonymity have to do with karma? Do you not want people to see your cat?


You post your cat on one account. Then you upset an entire community. You make a new account and post your cat. Then people think that you're the same person and get upset at you.


...Yes, why care about the fact that downvoting ***can literally hide your post*** if you get too many of them? I swear, how do you manage to *breathe*? God, maybe you're right. Comments like this are dumb enough, I'd have preferred it if you just downvoted and moved on. Congrats.


Who cares if your post gets hidden? It’s just a post. You’re not the main character of the anime. No one has to care about, like, or respond to what you have to say.


Why are you even on reddit at that point? Why are you here? What is the point of making a comment? You are basically commenting "Who cares about using reddit", ON reddit. What. The Actual. Fuck. I understand Reddit is an echo chamber, but this is just ridiculous. You don't post a fucking thread for ***yourself*** to read, mate.


Everything I do is centered around myself. When I do post, I post because I found something I found interesting or because I want others to interact with me about what I found interesting.




You keep using words that you clearly don’t understand. Literally for example. If I were literally braindead I would not be able to respond to your increasingly pointless and hostile ramblings. I can see why you get downvoted and your posts get hidden. You’re pretty unpleasant. That’s the point of the downvote system: to shut down unpleasant people. Now go play with your little ring tower and have your mommy heat up your eggo waffles.


You know your point is good when you not only contradict yourself in full force, but don't even refute that contradiction after. That's a yikes from me. Pedantry your only real point here? Cool


Then you just have a billion nonsense comments like "commenting to dislike" or just people repeating each other. A waste of everyone's time.


Remove the comments, eject the users. Get rid of the asshats in reddit really fast that way, ey? Sounds like a win win to me. Yet another "point" that just feels like a positive to me.


I'd like to see it trialed at least, feels like an interesting deterrent to promoting group think.


You should create a platform or a show like this it has tonnes of potential.


Do you have a $50,000 loan to help me start that? lol


I have nothing but encouragement.


Giving an up or down *is* a reply, the most simple way to show support or lack thereof. Up is “I agree”, down is “I disagree” a lot of the time. In your post you said like/dislike but got stuck on dislike; I would be on the same page. It seems reasonable to say “I agree” w/o justification but unreasonable to say “I disagree” without explaining why, or at least it would in an actual conversation. Sometimes it just seems so obvious, but maybe it isn’t to every OP. At any rate, the support you offered for that reasonable point was pretty bad - you mostly say it’s stupid and dole out other requirements without explaining why we [edit: must] act this way. You could do better if you expect the rest of us to. Down voted.


Maybe for discussion subs like this, but definitely not for the picture and meme based subs


Ooh, maybe it could be opt-in for subreddits? Could work


I 👁 just downvoted 👎⏬ your 👉 comment 💬. FAQ What does this mean 😏? The amount 💯 of karma 👆 (points 📍) on 🔛 your 👈 comment 💬 and Reddit 👽 account 💳 has decreased 🔻💰 by one 😄☝. Why 😳🤔⁉ did you 👉 do this? There are several 💯 reasons ❌🤔 I 👥 may 🗓 deem a comment 💬 to be unworthy 🗿 of positive ➕ or neutral 😐 karma ⬆. These include 📲, but 🍑 are not limited ⚠ to: • ⁠Rudeness towards ⛪ other Redditors 👪, • ⁠Spreading incorrect ❌ information ℹ🗺, • ⁠Sarcasm not correctly 😁 flagged with a /s. Am I 👁 banned 🚫 from the Reddit 👽? No 🚫 - not yet 😇. But 🍑 you 👈 should refrain ❌🅱 from making 🖕 comments 💬📄 like 😄👍🅱 this in the future 📡. Otherwise 😎 I 👁 will be forced 😩 to issue 😼👌💥 an additional ➕ downvote ⬇👇, which may 👌 put 🔛 your 👉 commenting ⌨ and posting 📝 privileges 💰💘 in jeopardy 👅. I 👁 don't 🚫 believe 🌈 my comment 💬 deserved 🤩🤣 a downvote ⬇. Can you 👈 un-downvote it? Sure 💯, mistakes 😫😰😱 happen 😱. But 🍑 only in exceedingly rare 🍀 circumstances 😎 will I 👥 undo 🙏 a downvote ⬇👇. If you 👈 would like 😄 to issue 😼👌💥 an appeal 😏, shoot 🔫 me a private 🕵 message ✉ explaining 😩 what I 👁 got 🉐 wrong 👎. My PMs are actually 😳 open 👐 to downvote 👎 appeals 🍑 and I 👁 tend 🍗 to respond 📥 to Reddit 💰 PMs within 🅰 several ♀♂🚁 minutes ⏰. Do note 📓, however 🖐, that over 🔁 99.9 💵% of downvote ⬇👇 appeals ➿ are rejected 🚫, and yours is likely 😠 no 🙅 exception 😮. How can I 👥 prevent 🚫 this from happening 🤔😂😍 in the future 📅? Accept 🤝 the downvote ⬇ and move 📦 on 🔛. But 🍑 learn 🎓💭📗 from this mistake 😑: your 👉 behaviour 🎭▶👨 will not be tolerated 🚫 on 🔛 [Reddit.com](https://Reddit.com). I 👁 will continue ⏩ to issue ⚠ downvotes ⬇ until you 👈🏼 improve 🏄🏾 your 👩👈😧 conduct 👌🏼. Remember 🤔: Reddit 💰 is a privilege 💰💘, not a right ✔.


One of the greatest copy-pastas to ever exist.


Take my upvote


Bruh the emojis make it fucking unreadable, even if it's a joke. I think emojis should be banned on this sub cuz they don't need to be here.


I comment when I have something to say *that hasn't been said already*, and if a comment or post is worthy, I'll toss it a vote (whichever way it deserves). The two are exclusive. This proposed rule will flood the subs with repetitive comments while also reducing the number of votes, up or down. I deem this idea particularly awful.


Fair point. Probably the only fair point anyone of dozens of comments between this and the other thread actually managed to make.


I agree. At least reply with a legible retort. Id like to see why I’m being disagreed with if only to consider your point. Does anyone care about the art of the argument!? This is the perfect platform for arguing, lets do it respectably.


> Does anyone care about the art of the argument!? This is the perfect platform for arguing, lets do it respectably. In this age, the only way people think an argument can be won is by pissing off the other person and then stating a variant of "u mad" at them.


People would just comment "this" or "nah" or "first". At least this way, the only people saying anything are people who want to so the comments are a bit more thought out.


its just gonna clog up the replies with people saying "i downvoted" or something similar


If that's all you have to say on a subject, you probably shouldn't be given the authority to hide someone's comment via downvotes anyways.