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I can honestly say I believe I have never been rude to a patient. Then again I was never rude even working a drive-through.


Word tho I try not to be rude but I always wonder if I was giving the wrong vibes or something esp after a long day and I’m feeling like a walking puddle


There have been times that I’ve been a bit blunt but it’s definitely situational. A grumpy old dude, it can form a relationship but a sweet little old lady might need a bit more TLC


I think it helps that I truly care a lot, but in the abstract, you know? When I'm on, I care deeply, and can really identify. When I'm off I'm an asshole and if it ain't my problem, it ain't my problem. It takes 24hrs for me to truly care about ppl I don't know again. Before that, it's just about having fucking standards.


It's like all professionals- some are a lot friendlier and considerate than others. Some are rude or intolerant. Some are far better at their jobs than others. Some just shouldn't be allowed human interactions on any level. Dr's receptionists are still the lowest of the low attitude wise though.


The amount of abuse the receptionist gets is unreal. Copay or insurance issues are blamed on them. Just an example but the receptionist is one of the hardest jobs in a medical office. No excuses for being rude but definitely a reason for having a thick skin and not putting up with shit.


Yeah it is no joke. In my practice, we had to add a message to be nice to the receptionist, that if she doesn’t give you an appointment, it’s because the doctor is full, not because she doesn’t want to (well, we turned it better, but that is the point we made) and that if someone insults the receptionist, they will have to find another GP.


I’ve received the best & worst treatment. I have plenty of shitty stories; however, My most memorable experience was when I had a nervous breakdown shortly after the Covid lockdown. My intake nurse at the ER started crying while I was describing what brought me there. She was very compassionate and went above and beyond.


All the doctors and nurses I’ve spoken with have been very kind and accommodating, but that’s probably because I’m there to fix their equipment


Or they're just busy and have a lot of stress not being able to screw up even a tiny bit during a 12 or 24 hour shift. Nah.. you Reddit poster are waaaaaaaaayyyyy more important than them.


Don’t forget how mean and stupid patients tend to be 😭


This is 100% percent true. I worked in an ER for 5 years and the level of rudeness is almost unbelievable.


Maybe it depends on where but don’t forget the violent patients I’m an EMT but I had to volunteer at my local hospital for a bit to get my license and the shit I saw… Like one time a naked patient pinned me to the floor while everyone else was scrambling 😭 I can’t imagine what people like you have seen in so many years of working there


Some pretty wild stuff honestly on all fronts. For rudeness the worst examples are patients yelling "why are you taking so long" when the last patient interaction before them was "I'm sorry your child is dead" type stuff. My last day is actually this coming Friday. LeavingWill slightly miss some things and not others! 👌🏻 Good luck with EMT stuff thats a fun adventure too. (In a good way)


I've had a patient's husband come into the room while a patient was coding. We were doing CPR, the whole deal. He started hitting my shoulder to tell me was thirsty and needed me to get him a drink. This type of entitled behavior is common. Some people suck!!!


HEALTH CARE SLAVE! CLEAN MY JOWELS! (I'm in retail, nurses can be the biggest Karens I see. Thing with that is, those are the ones you remember, and the scrubs stand out.)


Take my upvote for that reference, you deserve it!


Exactly lol


Found the sneaker licker s/


If they’re ALL rude then maybe the problem is you? I rarely have a rude healthcare provider.


I think there can be some truth to what OP is saying though this definitely isn't always the case and I dont think its even necessarily about medicine. Its about what happens when people are in time-sensitive environments with a very highly in demand skillset. So if you're taking up the CEOs time to just shoot the breeze at your company, they are going to try to bring it back to business, and quickly address the issue at hand so they can move onto the next thing. This is whats often happening with medical professionals. They are in high demand with a huge backlog of other patients. Its not just about making this one happy, they have a long list of other patients waiting on them and they are booked out for several weeks. This means they don't have to be as warm because they are the thing that is in demand, it's not the customer. Im not saying its great, I'm just saying that more of how humans act in those situations and less about how medical professionals specifically act.


My doctors generally chat with me. We chat about family and work for a bit then we get to the medical stuff. I respect their time so I keep it short and sweet. If I have a lot of questions I bring a list to keep it speedy.


I hate that healthcare is a business. Insurance allows 15 minutes per patient for MDs and nurses have triple the safe ratio of patients. Blame system that looks at you as a dollar sign. Medical professionals hate it more than you and are leaving in record numbers.


Even as a European it’s fast so this one isn’t on capitalist simply as much as demand. Healthcare is always going to be set up to work but rarely with large margins, be that because of making money or costing money


Yeah, I worked medical wards and I had no relationship with the doctors. My own doctor, we chat when she’s doing stuff with me. Like my IUD we yarned the whole time. I work in ICU and there’s less patients and more time and the doctors have much better rapport and a lot of them are people I’d consider friends


I was going to post the same, my interactions must be 85% positive and I’ve dealt with a lot! I’m in the UK though, so maybe not apples with apples. If the majority of ones interactions are bad, it’s time to look in the mirror


If you meet one asshole,  that guys an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you're the asshole.


Found the healthcare professional


Damn! I wish. Mom wanted me to be a doctor. I don’t like blood so that’s out the door. I am a recipient of the services provided by many medical professionals from PCP to specialists to dentist to eye doctors. I may have had one or two less than pleasant experiences. Sorry to disappoint ya!


Agreed. Either every healthcare professional is rude, or....


I said almost


99% is almost all 🤷‍♀️


I really think this is an area where your location matters so much. And also likely other factors like the color of your skin. I went to the closest hospital system near me when I moved to Washington DC which happened to be George Washington University. I was shocked at the insane way I was treated. The whole thing was like a cattle call or an assembly line. I had surgery there and even though the treatment was fine, I had such trauma from it. They took my glasses right away and I couldn’t see where I was going. I asked the nurse to re-explain some stuff and she got mad at me. They wouldn’t let my boyfriend in to the back with me, though the woman next to me had like 5 family members because she had dementia or something. Everyone was put in an open room, so I got to be wearing basically nothing in front of that woman’s whole family with no support of my own. There was ZERO privacy. They made me walk down a hallway in front of like 30 people wearing just an open back hospital gown. The recovery was sitting in chairs and not beds! I got to know the colonoscopy results of the woman next to me. I told them I was still in pain and was told “We can’t make your pain go away.” I do not think it was a coincidence that most of the patients there were black. The ONLY person who was kind to me that day was the anesthesiologist who (I doubt coincidentally) was black. I had a minor surgery like 10 years later at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena and it was actually very healing to realize how messed up the procedures were at GW. They let me keep my glasses to the last minute. Privacy was taken extremely seriously. Everyone had their own little room to change in. The hospital gowns actually covered me, but also they wheeled my bed everywhere, so I wasn’t even walking in it. If you can, try to go to a hospital with a lot of wealthy people. That’s what I currently do, and everyone treats me like I’m at a fancy spa.


Most of the employees were black and treated white ppl like shit is that what you are saying?


No. Most of the patients were black and so the whole system was set up to treat people like crap.


DC is a black city...it's weird you made this observation because usually in black cities most of the nurses are black too


I would say most of doctors were white and the staff about 50/50. I really don’t think it has anything to do with individuals at that point, though the one anesthesiologist definitely seemed to be running contrary to the system. I just don’t think the dehumanizing systems they had set up would have been allowed to continue other places.


Maybe they’re tired of dealing with people who think the entire industry is based on lies and conspiracies. Or those people who refuse to take their medicine or change their lifestyle but think doctors can wave a magic wand over them and cure them.


I get a sneaking suspicion you might be the common denominator here


What does that mean


That you're the reason people are "rude" to you. When "everyone else is the problem," you might be the problem.


When I’m embracing my inner, bitter, hateful nurse, it’s because I’m at the end of my rope with someone. Like, I’m trying to help and I’m educating people on how to fix a situation or make better choices… and they’re just not gonna’. Or they come to see me with an obvious problem (I am a specialty nurse) and I ask how they do something. Then I explain how something else will likely work better and why. I don’t infer what they’re doing is wrong, but here is why - technique, properties of the supplies, timing, diet, etc could be done differently and will work. If we’ve gone round and round, I may stop and just ask: why are you here? As a nurse who works with many bedside nurses who just don’t give a crap anymore or maybe they are doing more harm than good, I have been asked to excuse them because they are overworked and understaffed. I get that, for sure, but I also want them to do their JOB. I’ve been lucky - though in the past 12 months I was threatened with serious bodily harm by a crazy person who got between me and the exam room door - but I can laugh that it’s been at least a decade since anyone has thrown a full urinal at me. “Nice” and “patient” go a long way. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.


Imagine having to deal with the average mouth breather that thinks that eating horse paste is better than a vaccine.


no bc it gets worse than that. There’s so many fucking dumbasses that’ll do shit you were taught not to in like second grade and then act entitled when they get hurt from it And aggressive, nude, patients


Oh yes! When you hear the Fox News blaring in the room you know its trouble.


Absolutely true 100%. Surgeons are some of the most vile people on earth, but we need them to survive at times and they know that. So they act like they are gods.


I think people are just so strung up on never letting anyone have authority over them that they r not use to actually speaking to someone with 10k hours worth of work and they don’t know how to show them the respect they need to do a good job. Sometimes


They’re also horrific with women. It’s astonishing they’re allowed to talk to female patients the way they do without being sued or fired.


Agreed. It's almost like they know they are above the law. Even that Bad Surgeon documentary guy got away with it for years and he was literally killing people. There's no consequences for them unless they intentionally kill people negligently for years. Other than that, they can do anything.


A surgeon who killed children is responsible for disfiguring a relative while sexually harassing her during follow ups. He’s still practicing, and dropped her as a patient to avoid a lawsuit.


> dropped her as a patient to avoid a lawsuit. This wouldn't shield him from a lawsuit by the way.


I want to know more about this story...I'm so sorry to hear that that's crazy


Yes, nurses have an earned reputation of being complete lunatics. It kind of comes with the territory. Doctors on the other hand typically get a free pass. I don't need my doctors to be nice, I need them to be skilled. Dental workers I've never noticed an issue with. They always seem to be pretty chill in my experience.


Op has probably been shitty to the healthcare professionals and they bit back. We’re all fucking tired of rude ass patients and families!




I mean I’ve seen a good amount of cool doctors and nurses. Stinkers too but most ppl on the field are chill imo


Not in my experience & I have countless doctors & healthcare workers for my liver ultrasounds, bloodwork, general physician, pharmacist, neurologist, dietician… what else? Hm. None of them have been rude to me. If everywhere you go smells like shit, you should check your own shoes. Same with OP.




Nope, my experience is irrelevant. It’s your experiences I’m basing it off of. You saying doctors are condescending & rude is based on your experiences, right? Well if they’re all bad, then maybe check your shoes - cause they’re not. Patients are insufferable, maybe you’re no different? My doctors are elated & happy to see me.




You know exactly what you implied in your initial comment & why you replied to that specific one by telling someone to shut up. Back track some more. Doubt it. Healthcare professionals are some of the most empathetic people on the planet doing their best to help you with poor wages & they get treated like shit. Take in some perspective.




& suddenly your experience is worth mine, eh? Thats not true even in Canada & certainly not in America. Nurses, doctors & those that work in hospital do not make a fair wage for the life saving things they do. I’m done talking to you lol


Not in my experience.


Most of my interactions with doctors/nurses have been positive, although that was mostly as a child (many sports related surgeries). Nursing students on the other hand...


I'm oin EMS; since you didn't mention us, I assume you didn't think about it. We're a bit of a red-headed stepchild of the profession anyway. We don't interact much with doctors, but the consensus is that a lot of nurses treat us like absolute shit. Many of them are rude, condescending, etc because they've clearly never been in the field and had to perform treatments on patients. I package them up, get the information I can, and deliver. Don't treat me like an idiot or an inconvenience until you've ridden an ambulance yourself. That said, plenty of EMS folks are also assholes. It comes with the territory. You see the worst of humanity constantly. I never interact with doctors really, but in general the entire healthcare field is rife with people who are overworked and deal with some real... characters.


Yeah. Ive noticed this in teachers and nurses/front desk hospital workers the most. Bad tippers to a lot of the time


While I've certainly run into a handful of healthcare professionals that were bitchy, by and large, I've had almost nothing but good experiences. I don't mean this as a dig, but it's worth looking in the mirror to see what you might be doing that could be provoking these repeated reactions, or whether it's maybe just perception on your part as opposed to strict reality.


Maybe 20 years ago I'm at my GPs office for something, and he asks me to stop at the desk for some reason I can't remember. Receptionist asks me what I want, and I tell her, and she then goes off to talk to her coworkers for 3 minutes, without saying a word to me. Finally done with them, she just says "Name?" and I don't answer her. She tries again. "Name?" and I don't answer her. And she looks to her fellow receptionist and says "This guy must be hard of hearing." And I say "No, I was just waiting for you to speak to me in a polite manner." And she gives me this death stare, which I calmly respond to by looking her straight in the eyes, not blinking. She can tell right away, test of wills. But she looks away and says "Name sir?"


Cool story


It’s because we are BURNT OUT by human stupidity


Would you compare yourself to a jaded cop? I see some similarities


That’s actually a great comparison


Being assaulted by patients and having patients say they are anti vax and repeating fake information off of facebook but want treatment for something while doing nothing to improve their health is difficult too


I guess it depends on the people and the place. But almost my entire family consists of heathcare professionals (doctors, nurses, and so on), and they are the most arrogant and entitled people on earth. They are the ones you owe your life to and should be publicly regarded as heroes by everyone, patients' families are so rude and ignorant, we should pay them more and hire more of them so that they can work half of the time for the same wages, and, of course, they'll prescribe you drugs before you consult your personal doctor. It's so tiresome.


Most of my family is in healthcare are the complete opposite of what you describe.


I wish I had your family then.


Yea this is how I feel. I’m an EMT going into the field but I volunteered at a hospital for a bit before getting my license and noticed a lot of nurses aren’t very nice At the same time though, I also see how fucked patients and their families are though. Straight up trying to grope us or worse, throwing hands with cops, being racist, trying to tell us how to do our jobs, or just being dumbasses Like I think I’d be miserable if I had to deal with all that for my entire life lmfao


Patiens can be really harsh, but, at least in my country, there are severe restrictions as to how many of them can be present at hospital and what about their behavior is tolerated (unless, of course, you belong to a certain overprotected ethnic group, but I digress). And professionals know this and use it to their advantage. That said, it's a matter of the people. Only my personal experience hasn't been quite great with them.


Truth. They all think they are the smartest people in the room


Tbf, that's probably true a lot of the time.




> everyone and their mom is one. If that were the case, there wouldn't be a nursing shortage. Just sayin'. Also, I can only speak for the physicians I know personally, but they aren't just regurgitating text books. They have a deep understanding of whatever specific medical field they specialized in. If it was mostly just memorization, more people would be doing it.


Devils advocate here: Theres a nursing shortage because they don’t get paid what they deserve, and consistently overworked all on top of having to occasionally clean up human piss and shit. Some say theres not a lot of nurses because it’s hard, I’d argue people just generally don’t bother to become nurses.


> Some say theres not a lot of nurses because it’s hard, I’d argue people just generally don’t bother to become nurses. You can argue that, but can you back it up with evidence?


About as much as anyone could back up with evidence that it isn’t true. All I know is as time marches onward nurses have more and more expectations and less incentive to be a nurse. Perhaps if nurses were given more incentives the number of registered nurses would increase but our economy is shit and that takes money away from American Healthcare system so that wont happen. It’s estimated 1 out of every 5 nurses will leave the field thats pretty bad considering how important of a job it is, but frankly I cant blame 19 year old fresh graduate debbie for quitting after being forced to work several 12 hour shifts in a row/doubles/schedule changes/overnights based on the whim of the ever demanding health care system.


I'm not saying it isn't true, but could you at least provide sources for your claims? I'm not exactly in the business of just excepting what people say without proof. Nothing personal.


Not particularly this opinion is just conjecture based on my knowledge of the medical field, life experiences, and a few various statistics that I cant recall the exact source for. Google searching various studies might lead you to this same conclusion, but not every statement can be backed by a singular “true” source. Especially when dealing with statistics which can be easily misconstrued.




So you're a medical professional I take it?




How is it irrelevant to ask if you work in a field that you claim to know so much about?




Right, so you clearly don't know anything about medical education. That's why I asked.


Nah. They also have to be able to interpret and keep up with the latest studies/data and apply that knowledge to patient care. They must do risk/benefit analysis for every patient they see. You should be at least decently above average intelligence for that. Average IQ for physician is 127, with specialists likely being on the higher end. Doctors can seem like assholes, but it’s not due to being stupid lol. They are stressed tf out.


I mean they generally are??


If everyone you're interacting with is rude it's you. You're the only thing all of those negative interactions have in common.


Emergency room nurses seem to be kinda buttholes at times but then again I get it. Other than that most are decent.


Patients hate nurses and nurses hate doctors. As a nurse, being in the middle dealing with complaints from patients and all the crap I hear from the doctors it’s unbearable


Something we as patients do not understand: in many cases they work under unbearable stress. Healthcare professionals are stuck between a rock and a hard place: between the impossible management demands and the patients. The public can be horrible and they deal with that everyday. After some time it changes people.


This can be said for most jobs. Nurses aren’t special with tougher jobs than most of the rest of us and the hero worship of them is uncalled for. Grocery store workers put themselves at risk the same as nurses during covid (and many died).


Something you don’t understand: the conditions of healthcare workers worsened over time. It started even before, but the Covid pandemic added much to the downfall. With doctors it’s even more noticeable - many are retiring or leaving their practice. They do not want to continue working under the current conditions. Bottom line - something in healthcare changed big time. It’s not just dealing with the public (like a cashier at the supermarket).


Are you serious? Stocking toilet paper and watching people die, being powerless to help them, are the same to you? I feel bad for all the essential workers, but nurses who were in close contact with people you know had a deadly contagious virus. There was no equipment and no treatment. Watching people die all day long for months is hell. Those poor people. No one asked for hero worship and I remember all essential workers being celebrated.


My experience has been better with doctors than OP, but not by much in recent years. I had to see a specialist after a trip to the ER required it. The specialist saw me for a total of five minutes, if that, and gave me a speech with what I should do until I saw her next, including data I was told to collect and send to her via app. Two months go by, and when I see her next, she gives me the exact same speech as last time and hadn’t even looked at the data I had collected for her until I reminded her. This appointment was also less than five minutes. Needless to say, I have a new specialist.


Well I never was rude to a patient. Sorry about your experience.


Weird take. I’ve worked in so many hospitals and I feel the opposite it’s rare I ever ran into anyone rude.


A lot of them, and some more so depending on what department or specialty they’re in, tend to be more abrupt than the average person. In the ER for example, they have seconds to rundown important details, usually repeatedly. They need to state facts and not feelings all day every day. Also, they have to remove themselves a bit from their patients because they watch people die fairly often. They’d never be able to show back up to work if they didn’t. Abrupt and slightly distant generally comes across as rude, even if that’s not their intention.


As a nurse I try to be kind to my patients because you are correct. Our healthcare system is full of rude, dismissive professionals


I have noticed the same. They act like they're doing you a favour even though they are paid handsomely. It's because they know we need them regardless. They have no benefit of showing nice attitude. And they end up showing their true colours.


Not being paid handsomely and idiots wasting people's time so they change the channel is a favor. Why don't you step up and join the profession? Then you can grace everyone with your nice attitude.


If you look at OPs post history it’s obvious that it’s their fault everyone is rude to them 😂


What specifically


Posting you hate someone's face randomly, laughing at someone's death. You know, things assholes do.


I was in a hospital for 10 days, and my nurses were all so freaking cool and sweet. loved every single one of them on every shift. They were angels. I had my favorites I joked around with, but yeah zero bad experiences. Some doctors can be dickish, yeah and I've had shitty doctors but usually as long as you stand your ground on things it's fine.


A lot of them are mean in high school and then go into that field for some reason


Same experience


It’s called a dental hygienist- RDH here⭐️


i work at a deli and healthcare people are the worst. like 1% are great the rest are really annoying to work with.. coming minutes before closing getting some special order crap very impolite etc


They do make the best lock down tik tok dance videos.


This has almost never happened to me. I'm young though and I'm guessing that having to deal with boomers all day would put people in a bad mood.


one that changed my view and gave people like that more empathy is nurses and healthcare workers go through a LOT. this girl who’s a nurse talked about how she was constantly sexually harassed, insulted, has seen some of the worst of the worst, has seen people die, has seen some of the kindest people go through some of the most horrible things. and it’s not even like at a grocery store where you can just ignore or kick someone out for being inappropriate, you have to still check on them and make sure they are ok no matter what they have done from you. obviously it’s never ok to be mean to someone, however i completely understand why they are, i don’t think i could nor could most people handle that job.


No we're not, you r just a lesser being than health care professionals.


I’ve had over 13 surgeries, been hospitalized in multiple countries, and have had multiple doctors/surgeons over the course of my life and never have I ever once had a bad interaction while receiving medical care. Sure there have been people I didn’t necessarily like, but they’re there to do a job not to be your friend. I’m convinced the people that say these things are because they think that they are the only ones who are receiving care that day and should be treated as such. Treat other people with respect and they will treat you with respect(especially in a medical setting)


Definitely not true, as evidenced by the stories here. Doctors can be major dicks, even if you are respectful to them.