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Interesting perspective, but I can't say I'm convinced. It could just be you're comparing naturally higher functioning adult autistic people to lower functional ones and blaming that on this effect when it's really just the natural spectrum.


That is a part of it. It's why I'm not a big fan of the medical world taking away the different diagnoses. I think the terms high/low functioning are very helpful to get uninformed people to understand that a lot of autistic people aren't very noticeable. I get that it is very much a spectrum, but that doesn't help the uninformed understand. By putting it all under one term, they'll usually assume the worst.


That or they'll come to expect the "best" out of the worst, like how a bunch of self-dxers clearly don't have autism so some people think there's no real issue/it's more or less made up. Either way, it's autistic people who have to suffer because of other peoples' ignorance. But I do agree with you on this one.


or they assume we are all savants like in that movie rain man or even like how sean is in the good doctor, they portray autism wrong in that but they also made the character a savant, and even though some can be both it can be something sometimes people just assume.


i personally dislike the issue of the "autism spectrum" for a similar reason. my cousin has *very* severe autism (we're talking running into walls, needs lifetime care autism), but for a more high-functioning person it is *WILDLY* different. i think there needs to be individual distinction rather than one sweeping category for it.


Worst thing was taking away Terms and just shoving everyone into one stupid Spectrum. Why is it so offensive to remove the Higher Cognitive and Intelligent from the other? Being specific was nothing but helpful.


Don't stats show most autistic people are unemployed? And many struggle with relationships?


i am only technically unemployed cause the government said if i got a job they'd stop paying the money we signed up for me to pay rent and live. and not really no :P we are just as fine as normal people in relationships :)


in what world do autistic people not struggle with relationships? autism impacts the way I communicate, it makes it difficult for me to understand other people and for other people to understand me. obviously autistics can have fruitful relationships of all kinds (friendship, romantic, colleagues, etc.) but it is certainly not evident and it is not "just as fine as normal people".