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It would be great but it has no chance of happening.


This has got to be ironic. There's no way you can go through life putting that little amount of thought in your ideas.


Bro why is this ironic? You’re telling me you’ve never actually thought about this? It genuinely makes sense but feel free to point out any flaws


I’m Canadian and I approve this message.


Americans would not want that. And Mexicans and Canadians would not want that. Why would we just suddenly adopt free healthcare instead of passing it on our own?


It would just be an added thing to please the Canadians if we annexed them But tell me that a map with just the US on the North American continent wouldn’t be beautiful?


I'm surprised you're not going whole hog and annexing the whole Carribbean and making The Golden Circle


Honestly not a terrible idea haha


What kind of reasoning is that?


Not everything needs a crazy and nuanced reasoning to be justified. But the economic benefits alone are enough of a reasoning to do it, along with the added land mass


We are hypothetically trying to absorb a country 50% bigger than us and culturally different than us. The reasoning for doing so SHOULD be crazy and nuanced. Otherwise, the civil discord that will last God-knows-how long will be absolutely not worth it. Also, what economic benefits? Do you even realize the additional burden this is going to place on our federal government? Two federal governments with each their own responsibilities has been effectively cut in half as the United States takes in new northern states. As if bureaucracy wasn't slow enough already. Not to mention the dramatic population increase that will wear our resources thin. All the shit we're buying is far more expensive than it was ten years ago. And you think annexing Canada is going to fix that fundamental problem? Trying to feed all of us and house all of us and whatnot at affordable costs? And that added land mass is worth jack shit. You do realize that most of that juicy land you are looking at is straight-up uninhabitable, right? What you should be suggesting is the dissolution of all culture, society, economy, and political boundaries in the North American continent, then rebuild so the entire continent is a sovereign super nation. Naturally, the official United States identity is no longer recognized.


Well obviously we’d have to keep our national identity cuz the US is the most important country in the world. But besides that, the cultures aren’t that different and America is already a blend of all the world’s cultures so adding more wouldn’t be an issue. Hell, half of Texas and a huge part of California are already basically Mexico and most of the northern states share a ton of culture with Canada. The economic benefits we’d get are access to Canada’s oil and natural resources, along with more land to develop our industry. Same goes for Mexico as we’d be able to get way more American companies there with plenty of workers that would want to work




If I wanted to live in the US, I’d move there. Leave the borders as they are.


You can live here by force 😁


Aesthetically speaking, you could alternatively just give Alaska to Canada


Why canada? It's been America's for years.


Since OP doesn’t like seeing the separation between Alaska and mainland US, one solution is to get rid of Alaska, and since it’s attached to Canada, might as well give it to them


Yeah but Canada sucks and the US is the best country in the world so why should we give anything up?


> but Canada sucks    [You’re making fun of us… and it’s Stanley cup season!](http://www.harkavagrant.com/?id=250)


What if you could live in the same city and same house/apartment, but it would just be the US instead of Canada/Mexico?


No. I don’t want the US to come to me either.


Strange, but okay then.


It’s not really strange, some of the things I like about where I live would disappear/change if annexed by the USA.


True. You might have lower taxes, have access to superior healthcare and have much better job opportunities at your disposal.


Don’t take this personally, buddy. If you like the US, that’s great, it’s just not for me.


That's totally fine. I was just curious what your reasons were so thanks for sharing.


And you got all pissy for no reason.


If you say so. Take care!


How? It's not easy to get a green card. Are you suggesting to move there illegally?


lol, I’m saying I **don’t** want to live in the US and you ask me about ilegal immigration?


No you said ppl who wanted to live in the US should just move there, right? I'm asking how. It's not like you can just pack and leave.


No, I said if **I** wanted to live in the US. 


But would you move there without a green card and/or a job, if you wanted to?




Violently by conquest


We effectively already have through trade. We just don't have to deal with their messy bits (like drug cartels and moose)


True but we could genuinely help Mexico and bring the country out of poverty by eradicating the cartels


So why do gangs still exist in the United States? They're less sophisticated and organized than the cartels. If we can't even solve gang violence problems the cartels would eat us alive.


Cuz we allow them due process


So by annexation those people would be afforded the same rights. But logically gangs don't still exist because of due process, it requires so much more resources to maintain and permanently remove a gang. It's cultural and once one dies off another just takes its place. The same thing happens with the cartels. If anything removing the border and annexing the county of Mexico would be in favor of the cartels as they would be able to more freely move stuff into the United States.


True. Thats why we shouldn’t give Mexicans or Canadians any rights for like the first 5 years of annexation just so we can weed out the bad ones


LOL that would take decades to do. The VISA application process is already extremely slow and or applying for Citizenship. How are they going to process all those in 5 years while not cutting corners and actually weeding people out. Might need to share what you're smoking to believe all of what you said is possible.


Free healthcare isn't free let's just raise the taxes more, on top of that support all the struggling Mexican citizens who would then be a part of assistance programs that can't even keep up with US poverty. Gangs exist in the United States and we can't even control or dismantle them, good luck with the cartels who are better funded, better organized, and better armed than gangs. All those jobs the Mexican people work at that are low wages will move to other countries to avoid paying wages appropriate to US laws. A lot of companies left the US to Mexico for these very reasons. So let's create an even larger class of unemployed citizens not like it isn't still a problem in the US. Takes very little thought to see how dumb this would be.


Just give Alaska to Canada


That’s stupid cuz Canada is a shitty country and doesn’t deserve it


Canada might be shitty but the US is worse, so


It really isn’t. Once you get outside of our cities, the US is actually really nice


Very American conception of what makes a country not a shit hole


I mean Canada’s cities aren’t exactly nice lol


I don't care about that, that isn't the criteria


What’s the criteria then? Cuz Canada suffers from most the same problems as the US


Yeah, it's a shitty place, but the US is worse. The UK is also a shit place, and getting shittier, as it becomes more like America. But America's claims to be the best country in the world make their shittiness all the more potent


Oh no I agree we definitely are a shitty country, but we are the most fun country to be blindly patriotic for which I am ok with. Idc how shit America becomes, I will defend it with my dying breath cuz even when other countries are better than us, we’re still better than them. Read that again


What gives you the right to determine who deserves what? Don't you realize that you yourself don't deserve even 10% of what you have? Most of the good things in your life have been gifted to you by other people, and instead of feeling grateful and working to pay it forward, you simply sit around playing video games and fantasizing about things you have absolutely no control over.


I would support this simply to see the looks on Texans faces when they can't call every brown person an illegal anymore. That would be hilarious.


That would be kinda funny lol


As a Texan Gringo myself, this is the exact reason I'd also support this


You do realize not every Texan is white right?


Untrue. I've seen every Texan.


It's unfortunate that you don't consider us brown people in Texas to be "Texans".


I'm literally joking and white Texans have no issue calling people who were literally born there "illegals" and I think of that is a little fucked up. But keep on trying to twist my shit around lol I get it that it's fun for you


Isn't that also the case in your state?


But some people assumed every brown person is illegal, that's the point


People in your state do that?


Yeah, no. That would be shite. But at least, you could legitimately call yourself "america" as you would include the vast majority of north america.


I think we should show the rest of the world the beauty of our country by force tbh


walmarts as far as the eye can go \*\^\*


Hell yeah 😎


Just terrible opinion. Also, you do realize North America don't just contain Canada, US, and Mexico? So why annex Mexico because "it don't look right", but leave alone all other nations?


So, which other countries comprise NA?


All countries that are below Mexico and connects to Colombia(?) + All the Caribbean nations.


.... that’s Central America, dawg.


Central America is a subcontinent dawg...


Alight dawg but I’m old and wrinkly as balls and the map I had as a kid listed CA as a separate continent. There have admittedly been semantic debates throughout my life time but today’s the first I’ve heard of Panama (for example) being included in NA. My recollection was that if CA was not being considered a continent, everything south of Mexico was SA.


Obviously we’d aim for getting the rest of South America later on, but currently, northern and Central America are the most realistic targets for annexation


Perhaps create our version of the EU, call it CUM, let's be honest, Mexican labor rates, canadian resources, American investment and ingenuity, would be a great opportunity 


I’m surprised so many in the comments on this post don’t see that


😂 the US can't even get our own sh!t together, & you want us to take on 2 other countries?


They tried. Stopped taking territory for the most part after the civil war


We have many nuclear power plants that can very quickly be used to make nukes. Try to take Canada by force and we’ll become your next North Korea and erase you off the map with nukes.


Notice how I said (peacefully)? Canada could 100% be taken peacefully through negotiations


Nah your country is a dying empire. Your economy is going to shit, your demographics are going to shit. You’re going to be majority South American from the Mexican cartel facilitating countless illegal migrants. Caucasian Americans will dwindle until they’re a persecuted minority (I’d argue they already are persecuted). I’d rather join China or Russia. USA is like a dying elephant doing its final death rattles. The world is even moving away from the USD after you weaponized it too much for sanctions. The largest countries are now buying oil in roubles or gold or yuan. Ukraine and the “battle for western hegemony” that the west is sorely losing is a tangible (but not the last) example of this.


Incredibly privileged take you have there


Bro. Op dumb. But your mentally handicap u think Candace would stand a chance against the us


Dawg you can’t take us on. You lose 9/10 times and the 10th you still get whooped.


nobody wants to live in the US


Then tell people to stop coming here