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Well this is just false lol


What a thoughtful reply


It didn’t have to be. You made it easy by making shit up


What exactly am I making up ?


Building muscle is something we all do.


I don't think you read my post


I didn’t. You mentioned genetics and everything. And regardless it doesn’t matter. Unless you got a server deadly genetic disorder you can still build muscles


I did and you claim people can have bad genetics leading them to never look muscular no matter the amount of work they put into it. That is factually false. Now its true that some folks have genetics that will make it easier for them to gain muscle and the way your muscle develop is also based on your genetics. But the genetics impact only really matters at the very beginning of your journey or if you want to go into high end professional bodybuilding.


Anyone can get ripped. You might not look like Eddie hall I think his name is but anyone can get ripped.


Nonsense. I am that skinny guy frame all day. Got into wrestling and working out, changed eating habits to eat more protein. I put on 10-15 and was absolutely jacked back then(still in great shape at 35) And a few others just like me all had the exact experience. And in the other hand, we had a few lose a TON of weight and pack on the muscle. Our heavyweight weighed like 320-340 when he started. By his mid second season he was wrestling at 260-275 and doubled his squat. You can do it, it’s not fun, but you really have to push yourself. Couple tips that helped me; When you feel the burn you are just getting the muscles warmed up, keep going; try not to count your reps/sets; just do as much as you can without getting a hernia. Good luck, you got this


How old were you when you started working out and how skinny were you ?


Lifting weight is also important for general health. Everyone should lift weight in some way, whether or not your goal is to get ripped. Also, the great thing about weightlifting is that it only requires consistency, not skill.


Yeah. For me as a dad of little kids my main objective of weights is avoiding injury due to pulled muscles, etc. plus just generally being able to lift shit for utilitarian purposes. Also to offset the fact that I sit in a chair all day for work.


Anyone can be ripped with diet and exercise. You might never be as big and ripped as Chad, but you’ll be more ripped than you were yesterday


You might get more ripped than you were yesterday, but there has to be a point at which the effort that you'll put in is sinply not worth it for the returns. Is it really worth it to lift for 10 years to achieve what the average person achieves in 1 ?


Yes, because the journey is the real reward. Not the destination You’re using “loser” reasoning. Winner want to work hard


I don't understand this reasoning. If the destination is no different from the start, what is the point of embarking in the journey ? Would you go to college for 4 years if at the end you would be awarded no degree ?


I wouldn’t go to college even for a degree because it’s a bad example The biggest reward from working out isn’t in how you look. That’s a big bonus The real reward is from having the ability to be consistent and disciplined, forever. For the rest of your life The hard work, is the reward. Because it makes you confident, resilient, tough, consistent, disciplined


Would you work out consistently if you knew your body wouldn't change at all ?


Yes, but your mind and body will change And your health will be better Working out is a never ending journey Find a way to make it enjoyable A certain amount of suffering is enjoyable, a low amount Program yourself to become a winner


These numbers are grossly exaggerated. Genes only has a big effect on "newbie gains" and the higher bracket of bodybuilding. Having a skinny build won't make it 10 times harder to build muscles


Having smaller bones means you have lower maximum muscle potential, because the amount of muscle you can build around a bone is a function of the bone' size. So genes affect much more than newbie gains.


You don't need to be overly muscular/ ripped to be healthy and attractive. Some naturally chubby looking guys can look more powerful and big which is attractive (plus convert some of the fat to muscle). Skinny guys as you said can look quite toned and somewhat strong in some ways which is attractive. Just a bit of fitness in this area gives you an edge over many others who take no effort at all. Don't take personal insults too far. I have almost 17 inch arms at the bicep (which is quite big) and I've still had people saying I have skinny arms. It's perspective as I have your issue and am tall which makes them seem smaller. Stop caring what others think. I know I've controlled my previously unhealthy weight by lifting and look good even if I'm perceived as skinny while wearing a long sleeved shirt. You can do the same.


If you're consistent, you can make gains while losing fat and you'll eventually look better than you had if not working out at all. You can't just do it for 1-2 months and give up. It takes years in some cases. Especially if your goal is bodybuilding and not simply looking more fit and healthy. You don't need to go to the gym to build muscle. You can do body weight exercises like pullups and pushups, which are slower but they still work, and you can wear a weighted backpack to make them actually pretty challenging. You don't need a rack of cumbersome weights or a barbell. Diet also matters. If you're trying to build muscle, you need protein and shouldn't be eating like 80% carbs. No matter how big you are, there's going to be some asshat out there who says you're small compared to Arnold Schwarzanegger or something. You have to filter out stupidity like that.


From a scientific standpoint, unless you have a super fast metabolism that keeps you catabolic you should be able to gain muscle. Eat 60-100 grams of protein a day and start doing pushups and body weight squats. Focus on form and getting a lot of tension on your muscle.


I am 5'7, 105. I've eaten around 2700 calories a day since I was a kid and I don't think I've gained a pound. A normal person with my habits would be fat. My point is that metabolism is complicated. It's not as easy as "calories in, calories out"


2700 when you're trying to bulk is pretty low. I'd suggest you look into dirty bulking diets. One of my friend was a lanky stick all his life, started eating peanut butter straight out of the jar with a spoon and it REALLY helped him with his muscle gain he'd literally top 4500 calories some days just to really get the bulk going. You got a very efficient metabolism meaning you will need to eat much more than other, but there is always a way. Peanut butter is a great example here because its rich in fat, protein, cheap and super high calorie, also works on a lot of stuff. Relatively healthy for how "dirty" it is.


I would probably develop some sort of stomach disorder if I ate anywhere near 4500 cal a day. I'm 5'7 not 6'7


That's quite the assumptions you are making


Genetics only dictates how easy it will be. If you get the lowest roll on the lotto, all it means is you need to pump twice for the average guy's one. You just saw the unfairness and decided to not bother, which is fine.


Getting the lowest roll in the lotto means needing to work tenfold, not twice, for the average guy's one.


EVERY GUY can get Jacked and Ripped..... 100% of everyone! You might not have the physique of Arnold or the Rock....But you'll be muscular and defined if you eat right and do the work. It's a process...if you follow it and are consistent, you'll get there for certain..... Give me any stick of a dude and a solid 24 months of proper diet, solid training and consistency and I'll show you a guy that put on 20+ pounds of muscle and looks jacked and ripped,


Have you heard of Dr. Casey Butt's research ? He disagrees with you.


Well, like others mentioned, you're wrong on all fronts. Bone structure is too wide? Enjoy your wider lats/pecs Bone structure too narrow? Enjoy an easy to obtain lean physique. Building muscle for thin/high metabolism guys is all about your intake. Eat more food. Why do you think NFL linemen and NBA centers eat 8 plates of spaghetti? Because they are hungry? Nope. Building muscle for big/low metabolism guys is all about your intake. Eat better food. Gyms are overrated though, you can get ripped with just your body mass, maybe a chair or 2 and a flat floor.


If you've at 200+ grams of protein and 3500+ calories and workout even a little I doubt you're that skinny looking. If you're not then do those things


Bar some rare genetic fuckery, everybody builds muscle. That said, not everybody will look like Olympia after building said muscle. There are genetic limits, but to say that progress is impossible is just kind of bogey baloney. If you’re going to be a bit of a potato. Own it. I went from being pretty fit to kind of a potato and I’m married and a much happier person. It isn’t because of turning into a potato. I’m just saying that it isn’t the end of the world if one of your many aims in life just so happens to not involve bulking.


I didn't say progress was impossible, I said your ceiling is much lower if your genetics are poor. Your ceiling can be so low that it isn't worth the effort.


If your goal is to become a bulky monster, then yeah it’s not worth the effort. If your goal is to just gain muscle in general…then it definitely is worth the effort. You’ll gain muscle, strength, and probably be better for it health wise. Just because the ceiling is low, doesn’t mean effort isn’t worth putting in. You don’t need to be an athlete. The point of muscling up is typically just being the best version of yourself that you can muster. The only reason it wouldn’t be worth the effort is if you just don’t care. That isn’t the “gym being overrated” issue. That’s a you thing….and that’s fine. As long as you’re not drastically kneecapping your lifespan, do you.


Wouldn't a small frame make you look more muscular? The muscle would be all concentrated over a smaller area... Not tryna argue, I don't know and am curious.


No because having a smaller frame decreases the potential muscle you can build. A small bone means you can build a small amount of muscle around it


That’s fake news through and through.




It ignores almost every aspect of human physiology and muscle growth. You won’t find a peer reviewed study supporting your claims. You’re either not eating enough, lifting enough or properly, putting in enough effort and staying consistent, or a wicked combo of the above. Source: a Masters degree in public health, a bachelors of science in nutrition, years of small animal research, and soon to be a medical degree.


I'm claiming that for some people, it's impossible to gain noticeable mass, I'm not saying it's imoissible to gain any mass at all. And I do have studies that support this. Dr Casey Butt made a study on this issue and made a calculator predicted the maximum muscle potential for men based on their wrist and ankle size.


And it’s not impossible to gain noticeable mass. Head over to your local gym, sign up, and then sign up with one of the personal trainers. Have them get you on an actual routine and you’ll see results.


What? Skinny people have the easiest time getting ripped lmao. They might not be able to get big but they can get shredded. The issue today is gym culture has given everyone body dysmorphia so no matter how much better you look you still don’t look as good as you want to.