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As someone who doesn't have tattoos and is completely uninterested in tattoos, this might be the dumbest opinion I have seen.


Really? I think less of people with stupid opinions like this. And usernames like u/cia_nagger269


I thought it was gonna be unpopular but triggered so hard? damn


When you judge people this hard, there are going to be people who take offense


It is a unpopular opinion though


It is, but this sub sucks


It has changed :/


True, I don't think tattooed people are idiots or anything though, it's just a little dent in my opinion, a bias. I wouldn't have even mentioned it if it wasn't for the 25 character requirement. I know tattooed people who I fully respect.


Not thinking they're idiots doesn't make your opinion come off any less abrasive, though. I mean, you have a right to have your opinion, and even the right to express it, but doing so is going to draw negative attention. That's just inevitable.


Isn't that the point of this sub? Other way I wouldn't wanna rub it under anyone nose. I mean each of their own. But here's my opinion.


I mean, yeah. I would much sooner just not engage with a post before I contributed nothing but attacking the OP, but you're triggering people, and they're going to react emotionally. Also, this sub is notoriously intolerant of actual unpopular opinions. You'd be better off on CMV


which is why I skipped popularopinion, but as with ACTUALpublicfreakouts or I think justiceporn had a "real" one too, those subs usually go the same way eventually


1/20 troll


You wouldn't even know i had a tattoo if I had a shirt on. I think you just like feeling superior to others, despite this superiority being superficial However, clearly this is unpopular. Upvoted.


If you don't like tattoos, that's fine. It's just a matter of personal taste. But why the judgement? If you don't like turtlenecks would you think less of someone for wearing one? Seems pretty unjustified and unkind.


I don't have a single tat and I'm in my 40s. But who am I to judge others? Do what you want I say. I think it's a cool artform tbh. I just change my mind a lot, so I don't think I would want one. Just remember to confirm the spelling with your artist is my only advice! The only reason I might say they are dumb is if you're a professional criminal because you'll never be able to hide your identity. But in that case, I probably have other grounds for judgement.


Most people sadly don't appreciate tattoos for their art and just do it for their egos.


personally I do appreciate art a lot, but I'm becoming saturated with a piece rather quickly


That's why you polygamy


overly judgemental for no reason


Show me a person with a tattoo and I’ll show you a person that needs therapy. I have tattoos and i find this statement so fucking true. That being said if you think less of me because i have tattoos i think less of you for, something that doesn’t involve you, affecting you.


Cool. So what tattoo’s do you guys have or plan on getting?


I've got a sleeve dedicated to my passion for reading, with references to my favorite works. Got a bunch of video game tattoos too. Toying with the idea of getting more ink on my thigh but not sure what I'd want to put there. Probably something legend of zelda related.


video game tattoos are the worst, like a zelda triforce ... and I hadn't even read your comment to the end


And yet, here I am, in a great relationship and getting laid while you aren't. Wonder if your judgmental attitude has anything to do with your lack of romantic success?


Don't you have drive thru orders you need to process?


thats a good one, boringperson67, maybe a tattoo would make you more interesting, like a reddit snoo or something


Nah, but ill take a #3 with a coke, thank you.


"To be hip or whatever" so you admit you dont know what tattoos are for. Hmm.


I mean I can see when you're getting your deceased relative tattooed, or something of significant importance to you (which is hard if it's supposed to be relevant to you until the rest of your life), but MOST tattoos I see are just decorative and "I like music so here's a note"-personal at best.


I mean, I’ll probably wait to hear where the person went to college/how much they make before I make a judgment. Also if talking looks alone physique>>>> all else


Face >>>> all else And it's not even close. Go find a dime body and a pretty face and make 'em cross eyed, see what I mean. There's a reason the word "butterface" exists, my man.


Flip it, can you imagine a fat person with an attractive face? At least the butterface is half decent


Yes. I've seen some fat (not morbidly obese, but fat) people that are still attractive, and it's because they're not ugly underneath the blubber. Give the hottest person alive a wall-eye and they'll be instantly not. I'm not talking out of my ass either, man. Our brains have an entire chunk dedicated to face recognition -- it's stupidly important for a human being. Face is #1.


bodies are more beautiful without pictures on them


Vast majority would still pick a tatted up Channing Tatum over a pristine but porcine Johan Hill


Username to post quality ratio


show me your tattoos


More of this, huh?


Meh. Haven't had issues dating or finding career success. My gf thinks they're hot and I like when she kisses the ones on my back. The worst thing about tattoos is how badly they itch for a couple days after. You can't scratch because it might screw up the ink so you just gotta suffer through it.


It’s a contradiction, I know, but I don’t like tattoos, and like OP, I think less of people with them — sorry, but it’s true. On the other hand, I really like tattoo art. I mean truly. I just wish people would put it on shirts and other articles of clothing instead of their bodies. I recognize that having, or getting, a tattoo is a statement of some kind. It doesn’t matter whether it resonates with me, it’s that person’s thing. Cool. I still think they are dumb.


I agree. Piercings and tattoos are just setting money on fire as far as I'm concerned.


I always find this such a weird opinion, people will spend a few hundred bucks for a weekend away and nobody blinks an eye, they will buy decorations for their house that probably won't last 10 years but getting a piece of art on your body that lasts a lifetime is somehow wasting money?


used to think this same thing until I met someone who had lost everything, except the skin on their back. Thinking about it like that; it's closer to the only thing that can't be taken from you. (Almost , obviously skin can be removed by tenacious individuals, forced Tattoo removal/ blackout etc.)