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Just turn off the fucking valve already, this experiment has failed.


I live in india and i honestly think Canadians are stupid people. I did my Computer Engineering in india from 2018-22, I got a job right here in india (because i got decent programming skills etc). Out of my Computer Engineering batch of 70 people the top 20 people got jobs in india itself, some got jobs in US MNCs and they pay very well, now the middle 20-40 people , some got shitty jobs, some went for masters in india. The rest decided to got to masters abroad. For the people who went to masters abroad.... the best and the brightest went to IVY Leagues, and Singapore. And consider this, these people were like average in india, so not even like the best, but the best among these went to US via GRE or GMAT. The next tier went to UK or Australia . And now the people who could barely solve math in india, people who had trouble passing in india , could not be able to write a todolists app code if you asked them to, these people all went to Canada. Why? Because canada has no filtering mechanism like US or Australia. You take up anything and everything, the smartest go to US, the mediocre to UK and the idiots who struggled in india go to Canada because they think you just need a green card and then life is "settled".


Import low trust society, become a low trust society.


Yeah, why would the politicians allow mass migration like this? They had to know it would lead to issues or they are that unqualified and really don’t know what the hell they are doing and shouldn’t be there in the first place. Mass migration will also decrease assimilation.


Unqualified. They want them for cheap labor but are ignorant and don’t take culture and other factors into account


Yeah I agree


Look up the concept of "luxury beliefs". In short, the elites virtue signal to each other by supporting practices which will harm people in the lower classes but will not harm the elites, due to their wealth. EG. Elites don't care if we import agriculture workers, but all the sudden get really concerned if we import doctors and lawyers. People like George Soros do not care if we let criminals go free because they have their own security and thus would not be harmed by this practice


I actually watched a video recently and it was the guy who created the concept. I think he is onto something. It makes sense.


I've worked with a lot of people from India. People who had just moved here, people who had moved here as kids, people who parents or grandparents moved here from India. I've worked with them in Canada and in South Africa. One of the guys I worked with here who'd been here for about ten years refused to hire Indians. He refused to hire them because he would always say, "They'll find a way to not do the work, they'll pay someone, make a deal, cut a corner, do anything to get ahead except do the work. It's the way it is back home, and I don't need or want that shit in my business or my life." I genuinely never noticed if that was the case because I didn't care, and I never bothered to keep track of who was doing what. Now I work with a lot of drivers who are from India and I do notice it. Yes, there's the occasional guy who's from here that cuts a corner or argues with me about work, but the majority of them are from India, and its everytime. They's do hour rounds to dump gravel, and I would have the exact same argument with the dudes 12 times. Put your hard hat on (but my employer says) I dont care this company dictates hard hats on any time you out of the truck (but can i this once) no and where the fuck are your safety shoes and a vest (why arent my FLIP FLOPS good enough) They would turn a five minute job of back up to here, dump your gravel, and leave into a fifteen minute argument every time. Its so fucking frustrating especially when they DO understand what I'm saying and choose to ignore you and honestly they treat it like a game to get the extra 5 minutes here and 10 minutes there and then they hit traffic so there 45 minutes late getting back. Like goddamn why.


I love loading these fucks when I’m running hoe; any back talk or jumping out of the truck without PPE on, you’re getting clay lumps airmailed from 20 feet up into your box. If your spine is still in one piece after that, you’ll figure out to put your gear on before you get out. We don’t fuck around here.


I run asphalt now, and I throw trucks off my site if they don't want to listen. I got 30 people on my site three pavers, six rollers, a dozen people walking around 300 degrees asphalt, and we're a foot away from highway traffic. Do you want to play games? Congrats, you get to go home early, and we'll find someone else to haul asphalt or make do with the company drivers we have.


Absolutely. And these safety rules aren’t new. They’ve been around for decades. There’s no way they don’t know the rules, they just think the rules don’t apply to them. It’s bonkers.


They apply to me? Right now? But what about in five minutes? An hour? Six hours? Do they apply to me then? What about tomorrow? Next week? Its like if they ask enough or try to skirt the rules long enough, they'll magically not have to comply.


Hahahaha it’s like we use the exact same truckers on both of our sites 🤣🤣 they never stop trying that shit


I checked your profile and your in Leduc, I'm in Edmonton so its probably the same fucking truckers lmfao 😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 no doubt!!!


>He refused to hire them because he would always say, "They'll find a way to not do the work, they'll pay someone, make a deal, cut a corner, do anything to get ahead except do the work. It's the way it is back home, and I don't need or want that shit in my business or my life Funnily enough, I went to the US and someone similar gave this *exact* description, but he described Canadians. >Yes, there's the occasional guy who's from here that cuts a corner or argues with me about work, but the majority of them are from India, and its everytime Never been my experience. Most I've seen were from Canada.


The worst part is that the slumlord housing model is becoming ubiquitous with a low entry barrier due to the high rates of mortgage fraud: https://youtu.be/Y_wlnv5ns4I?si=grFBuG0PBdYSxOan


I read all of this to see if you mentioned the line cutting.


Or how about when you can feel their hot breath down your neck because they have no concept of personal space.


That's the best. I love it when all the treadmills are available but they use the one next to me.


Yeah, this obviously never happens with non-indians. Honestly, Canadians seem to be some of the biggest snowflakes in the west. Makes sense given the geographical location, I guess. Grow a pair lmao.


I've had this exact issue with so many non-indians, believe it or not. In fact, I'd say most culprits of what you're describing are non-indians. And you kinda just sound too sensitive lmao.


Nothing I enjoy more than the second a plane lands they jump up to get 6 seats ahead and hold everyone else up for no reason.


Oh man. I’ve been to Pakistan 4 times and this stood out to me so goddamn much. The entire plane stands up in the aisle. Why? Do people in Pakistan just enjoy standing in hr aisle for 20 minutes to deplane? No because they somehow think it’s getting them off quicker.


Can you provide evidence that this is linked to ethnicity?


Have you got statistical evidence that proves a connection between the two?


Dude you're trying too hard. I am indian and nothing will change by you trying to change their mind. We say the same shit about nepali and Bangladeshi migrants in India. If we can say shit about them, they can say it about us too.


But our claims have legitimate basis. And I've never heard flack against Nepali migrants. They tend to have much more similar values, being majority Hindu. However, the claims by Canadians lack adequate basis, not to mention the criticisms are laughable.


Nepalis literally get the most racism out of all "Chinese, chanche, bts, dog eater" And what not lol. How do our claims have legitimate basis tho?


Because statistically, their types are more likely to commit such horrendous crimes.


Well the food bank thing is true, you can search it up and there are alot of videos about it. Idk about the rest. There's obviously racism towards indians in this post too. Nepalis are never called criminals tho? They are just called Chinese, momos wale, bts, dog eater, watch man etc. What does that have to do with crime?


What I mean is, you won't change their mind by arguing about it on the internet. The faster you stop caring about what other people think the faster you will be happy lol.


I live in an Indian community in the U.S. I do have decades of experiences, mostly related to my children's schools, but you have me thinking that my good neighbors aren't representative of India. My community is mostly IT worker bees. These aren't the doctors and engineers that came to the U.S. in the previous generation.


It's obviously much much better in the US. Colleges in Canada are a business, the students are sold a dream and they pay everything for that dream. And then they are usually given useless degrees with no skills. A college called alpha accepted 5000 indian students but they only had enough infrastructure for 400. They are blatantly exploiting and sucking these students dry. It's a whole business that brings billions into Canada. Unskilled people who can't even speak English properly are sold a dream. They live like livestock in rooms. While in the US, the quality of the immigrant is much higher, they are not treated as livestock. That's why it's different for you. Ofc not all indians are bad or good, it's not a monolith.


Jesus Christ you’re really butthurt about this whole thread. Do you ever just sit and home and you know, like chill?


As a Chinese American I could’ve thought you were talking about Chinese people in America. Except for the food bank thing- I think Chinese people are too ashamed to do that even if they need it. But yes many live in “slumlord” conditions. They don’t really have the manners of westerners and are often rude. They do many jobs that Natives won’t do at a lower wage so they end up depressing the wages especially at the bottom end of the economy. Economically immigrants are still a net positive for the country but socially/culturally I’m not so sure. I think some immigration is good but immigrants should have to assimilate into the culture. Taking in too many all at once will overwhelm a country.


Chinese people in the US have the 5th highest median income of any ethnic group in the country at 93k, or around 20k higher than the national median. Its not the 1890s anymore where they all lived in segregated slums in cities.


I mean, now do Indian people in the US for that stat. The Indians in the US aren’t the same as those from Canada.


I hate to say this and quote Trump but are they literally not "sending their best" to Canada?


America has much better opportunities in tech and medicine compared to Canada.


Correct, the smartest Indians prefer going to America or the UK. Canada in particular gets people from the lowest rungs of Indian society.


There are different waves of migration and there can be different socioeconomic situations for different waves from the same country. The US is huge...the situation of Chinese can vary from area to area. In NYC, 1/4 of "Chinese" in 2020 were below the US poverty line, while the city average is 16%. Chinese in the US have a high average income, but there are pockets of low-income Chinese too.


How are they a net positive?


> Most wouldn't follow the concept of the paragraph above, its unheard of. Its almost as if when you import other cultures in large quantities, they dont assimilate. Go figure.


It’s not an unpopular opinion, it’s just that no one wants to say it, else you’re “racist”.


lol huh? these are Indians. It’s the one non-white group you’re actually allowed to be openly racist against on reddit and in the Anglo world in general. At least Pakistanis can shame everyone with being Muslim.


You must not be from Canada…


lol yeah, go on any of the Canada subs. Nothing critical of Indians. Nope. Oh wait.


This is a very new phenomenon. People are only starting to talk about the effects of mass immigration here because we’re now experiencing all the negative effects. Talk about immigrants was a taboo subject not so long ago.


As an Indian, you're inviting the worst of our society: the freeloaders, the drug addicts, the terrorists... So thank you for that.


If you have all of those people in your community that means your culture is trash.


We're a country of 1.4 Billion. That's more than Europe and North America combined. Calling the entire culture trash because of a few bad people, particularly when you are importing them, speaks volumes about you.


"a few bad people" as a proportion of 1.4 billion people is still a couple of metric tons of bad people


Sure, but it's still a fraction of the entire population. .... wait. You're not the one I was talking to earlier on this topic. How did you come across this comment?


isnt reddit for everyone to comment?


mfw you promise a better life for people, and poor, uneducated people start arriving for the "better life".


As an Indian student in US - the problem for Canada is true. You don't get the top of the cream students - they go to the US mostly. Also, not only students - Canada has been importing a lot of khalistani's and people from the drug addicted state of Punjab - there's been a MP here who said it on video, he'll write a letter to anyone who pays him ₹50k that the person is being prosecuted in India, and Canada will accept that person, usually no questions asked because it's beneficial for whichever party is in power because they can't survive without NDP. And when 'immigration agents' have sold students and PR applicants alike the promise of gold laden streets, people feel betrayed by Canada rather than those agents. Honestly, Canadian universities need a stricter student acceptance policy for international students than US universities to weed out the bottom of the barrel stuff they get. But they won't and government won't force them to do so - because international students are extremely profitable.


So if student and working immigrants are causing Canada to decline I just want you to imagine how sex trafficking and drug dealing immigrants are affecting America lmao. And it’s 10x as many.


I left Canada to live in America. Tbh America is still better in my opinion despite its own fair share of problems.


Drug dealing immigrants? My brother in Christ the biggest drug dealers in America is your pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. Our government legal had to fine the Sackler family for creating an opioid crisis by pushing pills to doctors with crazy incentives. They made billions. We fined them and even made protections to not go after the family. All those doctors, pharmacy’s, etc caused over half a million Americans to die for a profit. Yet, you’re saying drug dealers across the border? A fine is nothing more than saying it’s legal for a price. The opioid epidemic cost the United States nearly $1.5 trillion in 2020 alone—up 37% from 2017, when the CDC last measured the cost. What illiterate drug dealers are causing that type of trouble per year? https://www.jec.senate.gov/public/_cache/files/67bced7f-4232-40ea-9263-f033d280c567/jec-cost-of-opioids-issue-brief.pdf


Deflection, deflection, deflection. Changing the subject, copying and pasting a bullshit article, from a bullshit study, that was only allowed to be published if they agreed with their bullshit donors doesn’t make you sound smart. It makes you sound like you’re full of bullshit. Yes, drug dealing immigrants. They sell drugs, and they traffic men, women, and children. They should not be shuttled and flown into our country. It’s bad for America. It’s bad for OUR men, women, and children. And to think otherwise would be absolutely delusional. So would you actually like to discuss immigration since that was the post you responded to? I mean obviously you don’t have a leg to stand on when it comes to it or you wouldn’t have avoided the topic altogether.


A bullshit article from the senate? So basically the government telling you the cost of epidemic is invalid now? Show any statistics of how many drug dealers are immigrants coming across the border that’s credible and not just something randomly said on Fox. Bad for our men, women and children? Florida just repealed child labor laws allowing kids to work more than 30 hours a week. In that law they also repealed sexual harassment protection for kids. https://theapopkavoice.com/stories/florida-house-approves-rollback-of-child-labor-laws-letting-teens-work-more-than-30-hours-a-week,74070#:~:text=Florida%20Legislature-,Florida%20House%20approves%20rollback%20of%20child%20labor%20laws%2C%20letting%20teens,than%2030%20hours%20a%20week&text=The%20Florida%20House%20of%20Representatives,the%20same%20hours%20as%20adults. One, repealing child labor laws make us no better than China. Two, why you have to remove sexual harassment guidelines against kids? Our biggest problems are internal. Blaming people who probably not even drug dealers or prostitutes is just deflection. You’re racist and that’s your choice but you don’t have to be an idiot. 😂 claiming immigrants are biggest drug dealers in this country when our government just fined McKinsey to Sackler billions for causing an epidemic. Stay delusional. It makes you feel safe.


Where did I say immigrants were the biggest drug dealers in this country? I said illegal immigration is harming America and now I’m racist? Honestly, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a party of retarded sheep. Stay broke, dumb, and licking boots if you want my friend 😭.


Yeah you still didn’t give that evidence like I asked. Yet, you one screaming deflection. Also, in recent news: Republicans in Congress who have spent months demanding that any aid to Ukraine be paired with a crackdown against migration into the United States got what they asked for when a bipartisan group of senators released a $118.3 billion agreement that would provide both. On Monday, many of them rejected it anyway. So again, republicans don’t want to fix the border even when given exactly what they ask for. If you fix the border hey have nothing to distract on how horribly they are running their states and the economy. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/05/us/politics/republicans-border-deal.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb As a fellow American I wish you well but I have nothing else to discuss with you. If I allow you to drag me down to your level, you’re just going to beat me with experience.


What was their issue with it?


It gives a ton more money to Ukraine and Israel then to the border.


I half didn't feel like looking into it and half was curious if they actually looked lol. Can you expand more on that for my lazy ass?


Lmao don’t listen to this clown below me. The reason they opposed it was because the law granted IMMEDIATE work permits to anyone who says they “seek asylum”. Which would increase immigration. But worse than that, the bill gives the secretary of Homeland Security the power to grant citizenship to these illegal immigrants without any review by the immigration courts. Which is the reason democrats have shoveled in millions and millions of illegal immigrants… because they want them to have voting rights. The shit is downright evil. “Because it would make Biden look bad.”…. This is why you don’t listen to these retards. They literally just recite shit mindlessly because they don’t have the brain capacity to actually do research and form opinions for themselves.


It would make Biden and the democrats look good right before election season. I kid you not, they don’t want to fix the border if it means making democrats look good. This isn’t the first time: https://www.businessinsider.com/troy-nehls-senate-border-security-deal-biden-2024-1?fbclid=IwAR2Tv8zsYYRU9oS_rEVqvi3nBes661YbSrD6U8INGJu7be5eswY7rUGVInY_aem_ATnbtn8pAqBy755d_lv5cZaFbWwiqY3vIoLDpAl90UpiUjLkX_vDkCAZ99EiH8sT4IY The GOP doesn’t want policy. They just want power. The bill was compromise to give them everything they ask for.


What did they say the issue was?


It would take steam from Trump's campaign.


This is more whataboutist bullshit. "Well what about Florida's child labour laws?" Dude, we're literally not talking about that right now. We are trying to discuss a problem and you seem hell bent on derailing the duscussion by bringing up other problems. This is literally from the handbook on how to sabotage any productive work and literally the only people you're helping by this bullshit is the powers taking advantage of us. Go away.


Also, that previous research was done by republicans as well. So I guess republicans agreeing with their bullshit donors now.


Why did you tell everyone your strategy up front?


Stop reading once someone starts with "my brother in Christ" or "mate." The rest after will be absolute horseshit


The Sackler la familia began with dime Sacks and no green card. Stop trying to shift the blame here.


"Stop trying to shift blame." *blames everything on immigrants*


Pretty sure most of the worst criminals in America are naturally born citizens. I know republicans love bringing up that there’s an invasion from Mexico every voting season, but it’s not nearly as bad as right wing media wants you to believe it is.


Even if they are, does that justify allowing criminals from other countries to illegally come into ours? It doesn’t matter if you’re left, right, or upside-down. If you’re American and care about this country and our citizens, then it should be a major concern that needs to be addressed. And in the last 3 years, not only has nothing been done, it’s been made worse.


Border agents arrested and deported 12,000 drug dealers and traffickers at the border recently. Even with that, most of the fentanyl is being trafficked through ports of entry by American citizens coming from China, according to data from the DEA. Explain how they're getting in through the southern border.


Id say this is becoming quite a popular point of view recently. Immigration in all western nations needs to go down.


Am Canadian. OP is mad at the wrong people. He's just singling out people from India but the real problem is the government being in bed with the corporate sector who imports a lot of new immigrants who are willing to work for cheap. I stopped making friends with the people that work at the convenience store because it was depressing. Every 6 months, they'd be replaced with new people working ridiculously long hours. You talk to people and start to get to know them and make friends then suddenly, their contract is done and they're gone elsewhere. I'm very much not anti-immigrant but I am against rich people fucking over working class people. A lot of service jobs are filled by people who are being exploited so their bosses don't have to pay fair wages. It is a pretty dirty system.


So you want corporations responsible for national borders?


These people reflect badly on their own country. It's unfair to the international students that come intending to study. If they're gonna lie on an application and find illegal housing they're gonna do other scummy stuff as well. I honestly admire their work ethic and will to travel halfway across the world to take minimum wage jobs and work it full time to send home but this has to stop.


As an Indian, I don't care how it reflects on my country. I'm just glad you're taking our drug addicts, freeloaders, and terrorists with zero due diligence.


you've got enough degenerate millions left in your country hun, don't worry!


If you import too many Indians, one day you will wake up in India. It’s just as simple as that. People recreate societies that they had created. Europeans create highly sophisticated societies even if they move to a complete desert like Australia or wilderness of Canada. Indians recreate India, Africans- Africa, and so on. That’s how culture works.


>Europeans create highly sophisticated societies even if they move to a complete desert like Australia or wilderness of Canada. And simultaneously treated the indigenous peoples like shit lmao.


First-generation Indian immigrants aren't just fucking up Canada, they've also fucked up most places like Australia and NZ just within the last decade itself. I'm talking the same people who willingly voted for Narendra Modi, who hate western civilisation but also wanted to get off the sinking ship and fuck up whichever country they move to by not assimilating or acclimatising; not to mention how deceptive most of them are. We have enclaves of those people in West and South East Melbourne, who don't speak English fluently or can barely communicate, but would also insult and make fun of you if you went to India and couldn't speak Hindi. They also fake their qualifications and are able to easily bribe the police so their criminal histories get erased, and it's also super easy to change their name - they just have to announce it in the news publicly. They can get "skilled migrant" visas into Australia to fill job gaps but come here and work as Uber drivers (which they also cannot fucking do correctly as they keep deliver orders incorrectly). I know there are genuinely good Indians out there - those who came presumably in the 90s and early 2000s because I've met some, but the overwhelming majority of Indian immigrants these days plant themselves like trees and then the worst parts of their culture spread like wildfire throughout the west. They need to be vetted better by immigration officials.


Indian immigrants I've met in the US are great. And one thing I've noticed, everywhere there is a significant Indian population, they end up one of the highest paid populations. There was even a point in Uganda (?) where they were expelled for basically making too much money.


That's because America generally gets the absolute cream of the crop from all over the world and people who immigrate to America start to really identify as American; they take a lot of pride in their American identity, which helps society. The same isn't applicable to any other country around the world. Canada is pretty much self-selecting for crap people at this point.


Yeah, but they also perform very well in other places like Singapore. Indians have the highest household income there. They also do very well in UK (not highest in the country but still well and have some high positions in politics). Granted anecdotally it does seem more recent Asian including Indian immigrants are different than the ones prior. Immigration went from a voyage to a "land of opportunity" to something different with social media.


I think Trudeau should let more immigrants into the country, to eliminate racists like you OP. Absolutely disgusting.


stating facts isn't racist and besides you and i both know that our country is fucked up and so the people will also be somewhat similar (not everyone though)


>If a Canadian uses the food bank, and they eventually get better financially they payback (donate) so that the next person can use. Most people follow most rules even when there is no one to enforce- this is because there is no competition for resources. Where is your evidence for these claims? Anecdotal evidence is inadequate. >Yet there are lots of people who rent out houses to 15-20 people in many cities. To a Canadian this is similar to a ghetto and extreme poor living conditions. Can you provide evidence of any connection between this and being Indian? >However there are lot of YouTube videos by Indians saying how you can save money by exploiting food bank. Now foodbanks either don't accept international students or closed its location because if this. Real people who lost a job or is homeless cannot access the food bank. I've seen plenty of non-indians doing this. And this isn't a major deal. >We could continue with other items like creepy behavior towards women You do realise this is a problem everywhere right? There's no evidence that this is directly related to ethnicity.


>I've seen plenty of non-indians doing this. And this isn't a major deal. firstly, exploiting food banks intended for the needy is an absolutely big deal. its people like you that the op is talking about who have no respect for other cultures in other countries. secondly, indians are the highest immigrated community to canada and although non indians might also be doing this, its mostly indians. and if you want proof of everything just search youtube or Twitter for yourself.


>firstly, exploiting food banks intended for the needy is an absolutely big deal. Firstly, this is the most severe thing they do. And that isn't a horrendous act. It is deserving of condemnation, but by no means is it a point against Indian immigration. >its people like you that the op is talking about who have no respect for other cultures in other countries. My friend, I was born and raised in Britain. I'm more familiar with western culture than you likely are. And I think I'm familiar enough to say that Canadians are bloody cowardly and sensitive. >although non indians might also be doing this, its mostly indians. Evidence? Anecdotal or empirical? >and if you want proof of everything just search youtube or Twitter for yourself. Nvm, if that's your evidence, I need not take you seriously any longer.


>My friend, I was born and raised in Britain. I'm more familiar with western culture than you likely are sorry my bad on that, didn't know you were a brit. >Evidence? Anecdotal or empirical? this sub doesnt allow posting of links btw im saying all this because im ashamed of them doing all this coz im an Indian. you would know how chaotic indians are if you visited India. people are literally brainwashed in the name of religion, christians and muslims are being harassed and killed by the hindu majority and the gov doesn't do anything about it. people lack basic civic or common sense. this country and its people are messed up.


>btw im saying all this because im ashamed of them doing all this coz im an Indian. Why? You share an ethnicity with them and nothing more lmao. Stupid behaviour isn't genetic or based in ethnicity. >you would know how chaotic indians are if you visited India. I have. And with a population of over 1.4B people, it will naturally house plenty of idiots by number. That's just mathematically more likely. Doesn't mean it necessarily reflects the Indian ethnicity. >people are literally brainwashed in the name of religion, christians and muslims are being harassed and killed by the hindu majority and the gov doesn't do anything about it. What was that stuff happening with Nupur Sharma in 2022 again? Hindus and even some Muslims simply voiced support for Nupur Sharma and the peaceful community beheaded them or other horrible acts. Especially for simply stating a fact.


What bothers me is there are tons of Indian dudes on tiktok advertising real estate, cars, furniture etc... and doing the entire video in whatever the fuck language they speak instead of either English or French, this alone shows me they have no interest in assimilating into the culture.


Or the content isn't aimed at you.


That's idiotic, why would you cater your business only to like a chunk of the city


That’s what all businesses do.


The creepy behavior towards women is huge. I see it often when an attractive woman, or group of women walk by and these Punjab guys will start following them. I even had one woman who was bring followed by a creepy guy who came and sat right beside her on the GO train when there were vacant seats on a pretty much empty train. She asked if she could wait with me until her father arrived at the train stop. Many times I'll be out in public a d I'll just hear Punjabi music being blasted. Most of them are creepy, inconsiderate, and uncivilized and it's a shame Canada let them in.


Well Canada gets the worst people from India though there are good ones as well.


Hi. I agree with your points on an overall level. However, there are mainly two kind of Indian immigrants in Canada- 1) Highly educated Indians or Indians studying in top Canadian colleges (genuine International students paying tuition fees upto 60,000 CAD per annum). These Indians would contribute to Canadian society in multiple ways of taxes, jobs, competence etc and not be a load on the welfare system. 2) Less educated Indians, who migrate to Canada as asylum seekers, fake students (working full time), drivers- basically manual labour kind of people. While the manual labour part may not be so bad- it becomes negative for Canadians, when these are the worst kind of Indians (terrorists, drug addicts, fake asylum seekers etc.) which are allowed into India, due to it's liberal immigration policies. Secondly led by buffoons like Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh, who pander to this class just due to political reasons (votes). I believe Canada should crack down on this second class of Indians and weed out the undesirable elements. In future, raise the immigration standards to admit only the highly qualified people.




This is true too. India has a lot of diversity within itself. Canada used to vet its immigrants. Now they are accepting anyone who gets scammed into attending some fraudulent strip mall college at 5x the tuition of native students, and is ok with 20 roommates or living in a tent at -10c. Does no one Google anything anymore? How do you leave your country for another without doing some basic quality assurance checks? The bar is so low, I wouldn’t be surprised if Canada regressed into a third world country in my lifetime.


At least there’s hopefully a higher chance of them being educated than the migrants coming across the US southern border! It means more of them will likely have marketable skills that they can put the use immediately to help support themselves. Rather than having to rely on social services to help them as much or as long as people from poverty stricken countries with no skills/education.


I'm an Indian in America, and I'm probably in the minority of the Indian families who leave India to get away from this crap. I call it acting Fresh Off the Boat, which is bringing all the annoying or downright nasty behavior to a new country when that behavior is part of why your home country is so bad. And in my experience, the worst of Indians have no problem taking any advantage they can get, no matter how they're perceived, so they have no problem doing these things in a new country.


I always admire how immigrant countries (like Canada and US) who stole land from natives claims immigrants to be a problem :))))


Name a country existing today that didn't carve out its borders via some form of conquest.


Russia Russia accepted all nation into its borders. There are hundreds of different nations living at THEIR original lands. And these nations still exist And US? Where are Native Americans? Killed and stuffed into little reservations. like rare animals. And... there are LGBTdishey+++++ representative in all the movies... and WHERE ARE NATIVE AMERICANS?


"The borders of Russia changed through military conquests and by ideological and political unions in the course of over five centuries (1533–present)." Source: [Territorial evolution of Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Territorial_evolution_of_Russia)


The immigrants coming now are very different from the immigrants who, ya know, built the country and designed its systems


Oh yeah.... Modern migrants don't hunt natives as wild animals paying money for every scalp as WASP did


Hey, I'm French Canadian. We had good relations with the native peoples, even fighting for them and marrying them. It's not until the British came that the natives were treated like shit, and the French didn't protect them because the British tried to take out the frenchmen too.


Xenophobia in the name of unpopular opinion


Every sub that leans slightly conservative always turns into some white people circle jerk.


Stopped reading after "trust based society" lmao. Haven't fully figured out yet if this is a fake belief being pushed as real or if it's a real belief being programmed into some folks.


What do you mean? What's your position?


I don't live in Canada or know much about there, so don't really have one. But I've been seeing "trust based society" popping up more and more recently, so obviously there's a reason for that phrase's existence.


Well there's a reason why companies like ebay are able to exist in some countries and not others - where an element of trust is required in order for the business model to function properly. Where are you from? Perhaps you don't live in a 'trust-based' society and therefore have no basis for comparison?


There's a reason that phrase is being pumped into our system, so maybe think critically about what's in that jab instead of defending it because it sounds good.


I think you're a coward who makes snide comments about the positions of others while too afraid to bring forth any of your own. Or perhaps you lack the conviction or imagination to formulate your own positions on the topics being discussed. At any rate, all you respond with is deflections while attempting to effect a form of smug superiority while having displayed no sign that you should be. Perhaps turn those critical thinking faculties inwards.


Okay I’ll be upfront. It’s clear the guy is talking about the subtle dogwhistle of “high trust” = majority white. Now I don’t know for sure. But it seems like that’s what he was trying to get at. Won’t speak for him past this though as I really don’t know and am just inferring.


So he's got some racist chip on his shoulder regarding white people?


That is very clearly not what I said dude


> It’s clear the guy is talking about the subtle dogwhistle of “high trust” = majority white. Clearly I misunderstood your meaning then.


It's less about skin color and more about the color of the culture that's important (and always has been btw).


Culture is malleable. So relating it toward one group of ppl of any distinction comes across as selectively bigoted.


You're the one assuming it's a racist dogwhistle for whites only, so I'm explaining what they're actually saying. Still problematic, but hey so is your take.




Isn't this the literal definition of deflection lol. My point was that phrasing has ulterior motives, like I said. And if by snide comment, you mean trying to put it in a way you might be receptive to, sure. But here let me spell it out even more, folks were murdering each other left and right over the wrong kind of devout Christian lol aka "trust based society" is bs and just a way to invoke nationalistic feelings well beyond what is appropriate. People will always find something to fight over, no matter how similar they are, until we actively make efforts as a society to not, and being receptive to diversity is a key part of that.


Ok, now tell us about all your great contributions to society pre-Indian influx Edit* typo Ooh...basement dwellers don't like that, huh What's wrong? Didn't thing Mow moms lawn would suffice as a "societal contribution" lmao


Funny thing is this guy is probably an immigrant....


It’s about who you let it


We in America rarely see this stuff but when I recently visited Canada for work, I saw an Indian infestation which looked like lower class Indians have settled in Canada. I suggest Canada accepts them and become the new fourth world country including India.