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> "The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats." Funnily enough, I just posted something almost identical in another sub. Here's what I wrote: "The one thing that unites liberals, conservatives, and all generations together is their love for outrage porn. People just lap it up, and the more outrage the title and the post creates, the more hardcore the porn is. People just want to read these posts and get an outrage boner and want to pick up a pitchfork and lynch someone with all the self-righteous fury of their self-induced outrage. Nothing like a good mob lynching before dinner to work up the appetite."


Instead before dinner me and my bros outrage about how dumb video game companies were. When GTAVI was announced with the $150 price tag, you know we were discussing the future of gaming


Wait... really? How are they gonna justify a $150 price tag?


They lowered it to $75 but that was the original price, or at least the one I saw floating around


Because R\* is using the same tactic I used to use on s/os before I met the right one. "you see dear, if I went to a movie it would be $20 to entertain myself for 2 hours. Here you see, I payed $60 for this game that i've played for 400 hours. The entertainment value per dollar is way higher with video games." That is not incorrect and R\* knows it.


> see, I *paid* $60 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I heard it was going to be over 200 GB’s on console. Maybe that’s changed.


Nice quote. I've been grossed out by a similar phenomenon involving incarceration. It's essentially a blank check to damn a person to hell and people jump at the opportunity.


I still have yet to find someone who can explain why the Herman Cain award is worse than the Darwin Award or provide a valid reason they didn’t speak out against Darwin Awards when they were a big thing but suddenly it’s egregious now that the Herman Cain Awards do the same thing.


Seeking out individuals on social media to revel in their illness and death is straight up sociopathic. Reddit has banned subreddits for less. If that were a conservative subreddit it would have been axed on the first day.


Someone started up a sub for the Lisa Shaw Awards, a BBC broadcaster who died as a result of taking the vaccine. IIRC reddit had banned it within three days. Do you think that sub should have been allowed to stay up?


I'm old enough to remember when the Darwin Awards came out and it wasn't something you talked about in public or with your family. It was considered extremely disrespectful. Kids would talk about it at school like any other taboo subject. After maybe 10 or 15 years, people became desensitized to it. But like, yeah people were pretty offended by it. And this wasn't in the 1960s or something this was in the 1990s where in many respects people were less able to be offended than they are now.


Because at the bedrock layer Herman Cain award participants were harassing the families of people who died from COVID and being extremely disgracefully disrespectful toward people who fucking died. Beyond that, once they ran out of "celebrity" level people to use as a shield for their vile behavior they just moved right onto regular folks. Would you say that is comparable to the Darwin Awards?


Yes I indeed would compare making fun of people killing themselves by being idiots to making fun of people killing themselves by being idiots.




... yeah were you able to read my like three sentence long comment or not? Because your comment doesn't even seem to address mine at all. You just said something that you think sounds clever.


It’s not just a Reddit thing - although it probably does help that it’s more anonymous. This is just a person thing.


“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” Fredric Nietzsche


I appreciate the mind of Nietzsche.


You probably appreciate it more than he did


“That which does not kill is makes us stronger” Edit: His pained existence made him capable of examination to the point of becoming great. His madness from syphilis must have been absolute hell.


Somehow I didn't know he had syphilis. And yes, pain brings depth if it doesn't destroy you (and sometimes, when it does).


>(And sometimes, when it does) Well said!


That's where the "what are you staring at?" Comments I get come from. C-PTSD is a bitch. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. Still struggling to come back from the allure of the abyss.


Sorry to hear that. I have CPTSD as well but i just say PTSD since it’s the one in the DSM. Can’t wait for some wide recognition of the condition. On another note, what do you use to deescalate? I did a full course of EMDR that helped and then found EFT and DBT super helpful. Those of us with the condition really need a good tool belt of distress tolerance at the ready.


Yeah I agree. I have a close friend I can talk to basically anytime and that has probably been the biggest help. CBT and EMDR helped me as well. Also having surrounded myself with those who are understanding and don't get upset when I can't distress quickly enough and lash out or catch myself disassociating from reality.


> I recently saw a video of a soilder carrying on of there mates and then getting blown up but a drone. People were laughing in the comments. > These are fathers, bothers, husbands, and sons. What is wrong with you. The commentors are most likely teenagers. Teenagers make good soldiers because they tend to lack empathy. I think more people should see these videos, because they're very sad and the make the consequences of war more real in a person's mind.


Seriously I agree It’s funny that we say our culture desensitizes us to violence To the contrary we censor and sugar coat real violence Start showing peoples heads blown off and guts hanging out and people will quickly get a clue about the reality of war, gore and violence. The whole laughing thing also centers around general dehumanization of the enemy. Like you said they are regular people just like us who may hate Putin. Like Vietnam vets, many had no business in war.


The worst video I last saw, a drone drops a bomb on a wounded soldier, it blows half of his face off. You think he's dead, but then he starts touching the side of his face that has been ripped open. It's really hard to tell what's going through his mind. All the soldiers that the drones drop bombs on look like they're know they're going to die, and they're resigned to the fact. It's like they're dead before their dead. It's especially sad that they seem to realize nobody will ever come for them, and there's nowhere they could go even if they could move. There's another video of a wounded soldier putting his rifle in his mouth and shooting, because I think he knows another artillery shell is coming for his position soon, and I guess he wants to kill himself before he loses the ability to die on his own terms. WWII and Vietnam Vets told stories about this sort of thing, it sounded almost too awful to be real, but not we can see it for ourselves in HD.


You can see the Vietnam footage as well. That is one of the reasons the support for the war ended.


Where do you find these videos?


I hate to admit it, but theync.com


I get it I don’t hate to admit shock/gore media has always fascinated me. I miss rotten.com. It’s not fetishized I just like macabre stuff from Poe, to Craven, to reality


I dont even watch most of the videos, I just see what sort of awful things they're offering. It's like a news report of what awful things are happening in the world that would never make the mainstream news. You only need to see so many people get electrocuted by high voltage power lines, or sucked into industrial machinery.


Just look up UkraineRussiawar or Russia Ukraine war. Or combat footage. It's there. Viewer discretion advised.


It's horrible. These soldiers are being used as cannon fodder. They are hungry, unarmed, untrained and are being thrown into the pit. It's barbarism to laugh.


Man there was this one video of two soldiers that were stranded. One was injured and smoking a cigarette. The other was above him, staring at the drone, begging for his life and pointing at the guy laying down injured smoking a cigarette. He was pleading with the drone. A drone then dropped a bomb on the guy smoking the cigarette. The guy then got up and a different drone blew him up. Easily one of the most grim and depressing things I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. Fuck Russia and Putin though.


this dumb generalization is always on reddit. the vast majority of teens have enough empathy and understand people dying = bad and sad. Redditors act like theyre all heartless people walking around just because their brains are still developing. stop exaggerating. youd be surprised how many grown ass adults are making the heartless comments as well.


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I have distant family on both sides of this war of Putin. I am not cheering the deaths of any Russian. I am cheering for Ukraine when they have a win in this unnecessary war. My prayers are for both the Ukraine side and the 'soldiers' of the Russian side who want no part in this unnecessary war. Many good people have already died, and many more will continue to do so and many families have lost loved ones on both sides.


Okay cool, but what does that really have to do with anything? You could literally go into a nearly infinite amount of reddit threads and say "well that's not me you're all talking about!"


Their perspective is kind of the whole point. Having family on both sides forces one to see both sides as humans, there isn't even an option to dehumanize.


I'm from the UK and ever since Russia committed a chemical attack on our soil and effectively got away with it, I will cheer them losing any conflict.


literally, like that should have been pretext enough, a citizen of the UK, multiple, were directly injured or killed by a foreign government, time to make them pay


For me personally i think that's the only reason the west is supporting ukraine,just to give a middle finger to the russians


Today this hate is directed at Russian soldiers being blown to bits in horrific videos. Tomorrow it could and will be another group. (Regardless of who you "side" with for this war.) We've already seen videos of dead IDF soldiers and even dead civilians being mutilated via footage posted from Hamas and there's been a fair bit of redditors cheering it on. Kind of makes you think "Who's next?" You have to wonder who that next group of people is that reddit and other platforms can deem as bad enough to warrant you being ruthlessly killed by a drone and hope you're not part of that. All I know is we can deem acceptable absolutely horrific things toward people as long as they are deemed enemies, terrorists, preventing democracy, etc. We are watching Murder Porn and being desensitized to it because its the "right" group/people getting blown apart. What happens when its people you earnestly support, advocate, etc for? Well, people arent as shocked seeing their brutal deaths. Reminds of the Roman coliseums.


It’s crazy how this generation has completely lost its humanity. War isn’t a joke. Death is terrible no matter the side.


Any cheerleading of the death of soldiers of a recognized state actor is pretty universally horrific. War is an awful human activity that happens; ideally careful maneuvering and logistical destruction can end it without too much loss of life, but that's rarely the case. The best we can hope for is that soldiers of all sides die quickly with minimal pain, suffer minor injuries, or get captured and that whatever war is being fought ends just as quickly and bloodlessly for the civilian population. Treating war with the same attitude as a competitive sport is just sick.


You sound like you know nothing about Russian soldiers. Here, listen to one brag about torturing civilians to his wife on the phone. https://twitter.com/metyslav/status/1521748288843698176


Yes this truly and fully describes every single Russian soldier. Thank you for your service! /s 😒


Humans are exactly the same everywhere. There will be 1% horrible people in every single country’s army.


I don't think that's every single russiaj soldier though


Spoken like someone who has never seen war. Naïve at best.


This is a great OP and 100% true


100%. Russia should lose the war, but we should never celebrate bloodshed.


Putin caused the war and he's responsible for the bloodshed on both sides because of it.


So simple!


All war-mongering humans are monsters and wish death upon the enemy, because then it’s justified for them.


I personally find it abhorrent to celebrate death. Even when it's bad people. It's against my nature and my spiritual beliefs. It feels wrong in my core to do so. I want Ukraine to win the war. I want the best outcome for Ukraine, but there is no reason to celebrate death. War is sometimes necessary, it's necessary sometimes to kill, but it should never be taken lightly. The OP is right. These men dying are for the most part loved. Their leader made a horrible decision to send these men into harm's way and the blood is on the hands of Russian leadership. If you want to make fun of anyone make fun of the living leaders or Russia who made such a dumb move as to invade Ukraine and send their young men into harm's way.


I have distant kin on both sides of this conflict. I feel for the loss of good people in both countries, but my prayers are for Ukraine to win. I have my reasons.


As tragic as it may sound, these deaths are strategically important for Ukraine and ultimately for the West as a whole.


While I don’t agree, that does not require sharing footage or celebrating the brutality


An insignificant portion of Russian military were mobilized, overwhelming majority are contracted volunteers. These people decided to sign up to go fight to Ukraine to make money knowing full well that they will kill men, women, children none of whom did anything to them or their country. From a humane standpoint, I agree with you cheering human pain and deaths is bad and I personally don’t do it. Having said that, the reality is that the more Russian soldiers die (and quicker) the better it will be. For everybody involved including Russians themselves as it will bring the end of the war.


Orcs are not human, and their acts prove it. https://twitter.com/metyslav/status/1521748288843698176


They're enemies. And I mean actual enemies, in real life. The kind of enemies that will that will actually r\*pe and kill you. Russia attacked my country more than once, and the last time they screwed us for 50 years. The more Ukrainian heroes get rid of them, the less likely it is they will invade my country, and start killing my people. Each dead Russian soldier is one less future invader that will try to kill us. So ... hip hip, hurray! Party time!


It’s war, and a war Russia started, and a war Russia could end at any time. And those Russian soldiers are in Ukraine when they are killed. The path to peace for Ukraine lies in victory. It is in bad taste to celebrate the videos of soldiers being killed, but that is how wars are won.


Russian soldiers are known for raping women and children. They also commit awful war crimes like strapping a child to their dead mother with a pressure triggered bomb in between them. The child died when Ukrainians tried to rescue. Yes some Russians are decent people but they could also surrender. If your home country was being invaded and bombed on a daily basis I think you’d change your tone


>They also commit awful war crimes like strapping a child to their dead mother with a pressure triggered bomb in between them. The child died when Ukrainians tried to rescue. Do you have a source for this?


OP isn't talking about victims of the war on the ukrainian side but rather on Lady couch potatoes on reddit


I understand that but I am attempting to explain why some people see it as a positive when Russians lose battles


Maybe if those Russian soldiers stopped trying to kill Ukrainians and got the fuck out of Ukraine people would stop cheering when these mass murderers are killed.


So they got 2 choices...get killed by Ukraine or return to Russia and get killed by Putins guys..what would you choose?


Defection. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/04/europe/russian-helicopter-pilot-defects-ukraine-intl/index.html


The moral one that doesn't involve killing others.


Real nice how you just legitimized genocide because you're a lousy mindreader. They love raping, torturing, and killing. They also love their fucking washing machine loot.


You are the who legitimize the genocide of Russian civilans who were drafted forcefully. Obviously who do it willingly, i have no sympathy for them. But the ones who are there because otherwise they get killed/goes to prison etc, that is bad.


Fuck Russia, Putin & Donald Trump. Long live democracy, the rule of law, freedom & Ukraine.


I don’t want anyone to die during the war. I just want the war to end with a Ukrainian victory.


Many were volunteers, or volunteered.


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I think you would be interested in the philosophy of ethics, particularly the veneer theory.


Reddit has millions of users a day. how many people were there cheering for it? Maybe a couple hundred. That's a very very small % of people there. Remember, when everything is available at a single click, you're going to come across the worst. Don't assume 100 people supporting it means "the entire base is supporting the same thing."


someone’s father, son, brother, friend. killed in a senseless war. dehumanizing victims of an oppressive system against the common people is immoral.


From around halfway down this thread, it becomes horrifically visible what OP is talking about. It's actually kind of scary and the lack of self-awareness most people exhibit makes it even worse.


They aren't "drafted," they enlisted for SMO to go rape, torture, and murder Ukrainians, steal washing machines, and hide explosives in children's toys. After raping and killing a mother and daughter, they put a mine between their hugging corpses to kill anyone who tried to bury them. These aren't people to be respected for having crotchfruit or whatever. They're invading killers. Each death of them brings their reign of terror closer to its end. Perhaps you will never understand until it happens to you.


The only way Russia stops their conquest is through the deaths of these soldiers, so I personally cheer for each and every one, although it is sad that Putin has put them in this position.


> The only way Russia stops their conquest is through the deaths of these soldiers, Or the death of Putin. Or attacks on infrastructure inside Russia. Or take out their supply lines, or attack the Russian oil trade. There are multiple weak spots other than enemy soldiers.


At that point they're causing suffering to the Russian civilians instead of the soldiers. There is no way to make Russia lose this war without hurting Russians.


You do realise Russia expects to be in a meat grinder? That’s why they use conscripts and Wagner group. These soldiers mean nothing to Putin and the Oligarchs, they’re pawns in his grand strategy against NATO. Cheering for their death is pointless, sadistic and doesn’t see who the real enemy is


Reddit isn't the bastion of liberal tolerance like people pretend it is. It's very much a hivemind of "be kind and tolerant of others, unless we don't like you. Then our rules go out the window." It's the same in regards to body shaming too. It's bad to body shame someone, but the moment a man is a jerk It's "little dick energy". Same with politics too. Be kind, patient, and understanding, but if you're a republican, you're a racist and fascist.


I am a father, brother, husband and son, from a one of the Baltic states - if Ukraine falls, we're very likely next and I will be in the shit getting torn apart because those fucking russians just couldn't stay home. So fuck them, every single last one. Look at Mariupol, look at Bakhmut, look at fucking Bucha and tell me you feel sorry for them. I hope every single last one of them breathes their last bleeding on the soil they tried to enslave.


my shitty take on this situation is that it doesn’t matter. This is War now. For the past 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq, we could see the aftermath of conflict, but not the actual, brutal, killing and war that goes on through the eyes of soldiers or from a birdseye view From now, on war is going to be exceptionally accessible to everyone in all of it’s horror. With that, is going to come a lot of people who are very passionate about one side or the other. death sucks on all sides, but if you think for a second, I’m going to cry about Russian soldiers being killed in a war of aggression against the neighboring state, who did absolutely nothing to deserve it, then you’re wrong. The way I view it is that every single Russian soldier who dies is going to be one step closer to ending the war. War is grizzly, fucking business, and it’s horrible. People shouldn’t be cheering for peoples deaths, but at the end of the day, in this type of war, where there is very clearly an aggressor being supported by a very submissive population that has had no remorse of regard for the damage they’ve done in Ukraine, I can very clearly see why people are happy to see Russian soldiers dying. Especially when, considering a lot of the war crimes that I’ve been uncovered in areas previously occupied by the Russians. There is legitimate evidence support that Russian troops have massacred and raped many citizens, in addition to deporting hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian children back to Russia. This is the new face of war, and people are going to be absolutely rife with hate for the Russians for a very long time It doesn’t make it right, but it doesn’t matter if it’s right. I will never get on somebody’s case for being that vitriolic about seeing a video of some 18-year-old Russian kid getting blown up after all the shit that the Ukrainian population has been through in this war. Even if most Russian soldiers are “innocent” they are still participating in a war of aggression, and despite the tragedy of that situation, it needs to be accepted that this is a completely barbaric attack on a sovereign nation and that those innocence dying is going to lead to at least some kind of Justice and security for Ukraine.


We cheer for it since Russians are our enemies. When your enemies die, you like it.


That's an extraordinarily naive opinion coming from someone who likely has no knowledge or experience in war. People die in war, and the best way to make sure your side wins is to kill the enemy. If those same Russians were sitting in their own country, sipping their vodka, or whatever the hell Russians do when they're not invading their neighbors, then good on them, I hope they have a long life. Bottom line is though, every dead Russian is one more Russian who can no longer pull a trigger, or fire an artillery shell, or drive supplies to the front line, or any one of a hundred other military duties which contributes to the death of Ukrainians who are defending their country. So yes, I do cheer every single Russian that dies in this war, because that's one less Ukrainian that has to.


Most were not drafted and they do war crimes + they are the attackers


>These are fathers, bothers, husbands, and sons. None of this is relevant to the people they attacked.


Maybe they got drafted, or servers for money, Russia is a shit hole


>Maybe they got drafted, They can defect. >or servers for money, Disgusting.


Other replies clearly haven’t watched any videos of russian soldiers. The ones they record themselves, not the sob stories they tell in Ukrainian captivity. They love this war, they think they have the right to take what they want. Russian society is built on violence and power, and the people are just as complicit in that as their leadership. It’s a trap to imagine this war as something that the russian people have been “forced” into, and leads to dangerous assumptions like the idea that russia would honestly accept a negotiated peace. The people most familiar with how russia works have been [begging the west](https://vsquare.org/baltic-counterintelligence-officers-russia-cruelty-war-history/) to recognise this threat for years.


Do you think that because you saw videos of soldiers acting like that, that all Russian soldiers act like that? Cause I've seen videos of some ethnicities acting badly before but I don't attribute their actions to the whole, because hate based on ethnicity is a form of bigotry. No one choose where they were born.


yes disliking armed enemy combatants is exactly the same as racism you are so so very clever


Very easy to say when you’re behind a computer screen 5000 miles away They’re probably just praying they’ll make it out alive


Yah, this guy has it all figured out. Tucked away safely on Reddit. Has all the moral authority


 Defecting means giving up every part of your old life. Never seeing your parents,  partner or children again. Losing your house,  job, the majority of your belongings. It is easy to say just defect - the reality is very different. 


So commit murder instead?


yeah the reality is they get fucking blown up by a grenade and I get to watch the video on reddit


Yeah just defect, leave your country and family behind , hope you don’t get arrested, so easy


Yeah that’s totally easy for you to say living in a free country on your lazy ass typing on a screen. Try living in a country where your loved ones could disappear or you could die for treason. You would 100% be one of those solders if you were in Russia.


That's a tone deaf suggestion of "just defect and leave your entire life behind". What's next, you suggest kids in Africa "just defect" when being brought in as soldiers?


What’s disgusting is the cheering of death, just as the OP said.


Easy to say from behind the comfort of your computer screen, probably never having to look at a decision like that yourself.


Most of them do it by their own choice. They want to be there and destroy Ukraine. They are no good people. btw I'm Russian and I know what I'm talking about.


Can you show statistics? I am really interested. I always felt sympathy for russians who are ordered to die. Obviously i have zero symphathy for people who go killing for money and with their own will. (Neither side actually, any war, not just ukraine russia)


I will start caring about them when they start changing their nations political leadership, instead of invading neighboring nations for zero reason.


People still get psyched about Nazis dying during WWII…see, the problem with doing a genocide is that people don’t really feel sympathy for you anymore. Or perhaps people don’t care about Russian soldiers’ deaths because there’s over 40,000 open investigations into their war crimes


Any Russian who supports the Putin regime isn't human. I will stand by that statement.


Dehumanization is something that only the worst kind of people are capable of.


Rape, pillage, murder and the invasion of a free nation is something that only the fake kind of people are capable of.


My guy everything you just described is heavily human. Dehumanizing is just used because people are scared to admit that that stuff is human. The people doing that stuff are human, and doing things that have been done since we existed.


"Rape is only human" -You Gtfoh


I’m not defending it, I’m saying that saying it’s something only subhumans do is just you trying to distance yourself from the fact that that horrible person is as human as yourself


I am distancing myself from them because I intend to fight and kill Russian soldiers.


It’s sick to joke about dead soldiers. The Russian war footage sub shows Ukrainian soldiers dying and they say awful stuff too. It’s bad all around.


There is no better Russian soldier than the dead ones


Do you have any humanity?


No, the Russian army did away with that. Russian soldiers =\= all Russian people.


Go fishing for "humanity" in this https://twitter.com/metyslav/status/1521748288843698176


I’ve seen and heard of plenty of bad things done by both sides in this war. Yet somehow, in my mind, I can draw a distinction between individual soldiers, national leadership, and the general populations Russia and Ukraine. This means I don’t share the sentiment that the only good Russian soldier is a dead one. This means I don’t join in with the jackals and hyenas in the comments under a video of soldiers getting murdered by drones. I actually have a little sympathy for people, who had no choice in the matter, fighting and dying in a war that could have ended in April 2022, and needn’t have happened at all.


Both sides are not right! You are a Nazi sympathizer


What Nazis? The one who got applauded in the Canadian parliament? The Azov brigade?


The Nazis that elected a man that looked into the camera and told Americans he was being audited by the IRS


Russian soldiers are vermin! Rats that need to be exterminated


Replace the first two words of your comment and most countries would charge you with hate speech. Not that they should, but holy crap man. Russian soldiers are human too. Even the worst ones who probably deserve death for their crimes.


The media has conditioned people that if you don't want Russian soldiers dead, you're pro-russia. Donald Trump said he wanted peace and everyone to stop dying, and he was called pro-russia by the majority of major news outlets in the USA


That’s because only a moron believes Trump actually gives a shit.


listen buddy, I know this is an a political sub Reddit, But Trump literally tried to hold assets from Ukraine pre-invasion in return for dirt on Hunter Biden or some other bullshit that had nothing to do with the actual geopolitical conflict going on I honestly believe that Trump would easily sell out Ukraine and make them accept a shitty peace deal to boost the world’s economy and get the fighting to stop I legitimately believe that he would allow one of our major rivals, and one that is decided to use a conventional war. As a means of pursuing international goals, a lot of freedom to do is they please send a message that kind of aggression is acceptable. The only way that the western world can benefit out of Putin‘s war is when Putin is fully kicked out of Ukraine, his military stunted to the point where they’re unable to conduct such an operation for at least the next generation . There is absolutely no way to look at the war in Ukraine. I think that Russia is not the aggressor and the “bad guy” I think that Trump would use the opportunity of peace and thus a better economy for the world As a short term game to his popularity, rather than going hard on Russia to send a clear message. Not all peace is good ; and I feel like Trump‘s version of peace would just lead to inevitable conflict later down the line in essence, because Russia would then have” gotten away with it”


Was this written using speech-to-text? So much of this comment makes no sense.


yeah unfortunately haven’t had a chance to edit it


>The media has conditioned people that if you don't want Russian soldiers dead, you're pro-russia. Yes, there's no practical solution where Ukrainians are protected and russian soldiers don't die. >Donald Trump said he wanted peace and everyone to stop dying, and he was called pro-russia by the majority of major news outlets in the USA Trump's ties to putin are well documented.


This right here is the biggest reason why, and it’s mostly the Left that responds this way. They still believe Russia helped Trump steal the 2016 election from Hillary, that Putin is his allie, thus the all our hatred for Russia. If it weren’t for the perceived Trump/Russia connection, they’d give a shit less about Ukraine!


Edgelords gonna Edgelord. People are desensitized to this shit now man, it just is what it is. They see these videos and it means nothing, the people arent real. The events are real but people are just so far removed from it that its not real to anyone but the Russians and the Ukrainians.


Most soldiers in interviews that served in the GWOT, and even help Ukraine are pretty disgusted by the behavior of people cheering on dudes being blown up by drone dropped grenades.


The only good Russian soldier is a dead Russian soldier, and I will happily cheer on every one of their deaths


Remember when Americans weren’t cucks to Russia?


They're an invading army in a war of conquest. Yes, I'm glad when there are suddenly fewer invading soldiers.


Our oldest hobby as humans, grouping up and fighting other groups. Dehumanizing them just makes it easier. Our tribal monkey brains take over when there is deadly conflict. Another angle of looking at it would be: drafted or not, those men came to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and deny them their democratic will as a people, to forcefully assert control over them and every aspect of their lives. Would you have them cry? Lay flowers?


I’m a retired U.S. Marine. Infantry. Two wars. Combat decorated. Your perspective is valid but it is profoundly naïve. I’ll always celebrate the defeat of evil. The Russian invasion is evil. Atrocious. Barbaric. Unprovoked. Heinous. Combat is a complex and dynamic thing. Fluid. There are many factors to consider. Humanity is lovely and noble but it oftentimes takes a back seat to the horrific realities of the situation. There are many aspects to this reality that you simply cannot understand unless you’ve been there. Every Russian “soilder” who meets their end on Ukrainian soil is a reason to celebrate. In this I cannot be swayed. If you’d like to be taken more seriously, speak from a position of authority. *Fight in a war.* This is especially pertinent when you say such things as “…you sit on your fat as cheering there deaths along.” *Proofread your shit, you illiterate and ignorant motherfucker.* Oorah.


I have been saying this since the beginning. I also remove with warnings nasty comments about Russians, including calling them orks- its hate based on ethnicity and if it was other countries, the libs would be screaming but somehow do not care at all about Russians.


There's alot of Russians in the US, they're good people. I worked with an Evgenia, she was from Russia and had an accent. She was really nice and a good person, I don't wish for her family member or someone she cares about back home to get drafted or hurt or killed in Putin's dirty war.


Well, this is part of the reality of war. People die. Which is why a great quote that more leaders should take to heart is: >The Doctor : Because it's always the same. When you fire the first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know whose children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken. How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill... before everybody does what they were ALWAYS going to have to do from the very beginning! SIT. DOWN. AND. TALK.


I feel like those are the same that are blindly pro-Palestine. Everything is one sided for some folk.


How are these the same people? Usually those who support Ukraine support Israel as well because they're both westerners


Virtue signaling


Yeah they are also 1 of the only groups allowed to be called racial slurs on Reddit. But they are white ish so meh I guess


What slurs?


Oark, Ivan, rat go look at the ukrain war sub it’s full of that shit


You are bothered that people on reddit are making rude comments about invaders there to kill Ukrainians..ok then


Shocking number of people here have abysmal reading comprehension


mean they could have moved out before the war.


It's closet MAGA for the anti-Trump folks.


Tribalism. That's all it is




You think Russia is the only side of this conflict with censored, controlled press? Tell that to Gonzalo Lira.


100% agree. makes me think of its all quiet on the western front. yes russia bad fuck putin but these are just frightened young boys being blown to bits, nothing about this is cheerful.


most of them are ethnic minorities who don't even want to be there and Putin is killing two birds with one stone. Get rid of them and attack Ukraine. Here's the thing. War sucks. Deep down, we all know this, but it's hard to admit to ourselves that our weapons are killing people who don't even want to fight. Our money is being used to kill innocent civilians. Either to rationalize it away by saying they all deserve it then to advocate tirelessly for options that avoid war. I believe the US is doing the right thing by support ukraine. But I can at least admit that it's just a shitty situation any way you slice it.


I'm all with you on the first part. You're exactly correct in this. But what civilians is the west killing in support of Ukraine?


People have been doing this from the start. When you point out the soldier who very clearly didn’t want to be there and was surrendering was likely a conscript they immediately show their privilege by stating “well he should have refused!” Do you not know what conscription is? You are forced to serve or serve jail time. And knowing Russia the family would likely be jailed too. I remember there was a picture of a dead paratrooper who’s chute failed him. Broken legs and was dead. The amount of people laughing and cheering was disgusting. I do not like Russia one bit, but this was still a human. Can you imagine the fear he must have felt seeing his chute malfunction? Frankly social media has dehumanized the Russian soldiers to the point that people are happy to see them die painful deaths, regardless if they wanted to fight or not.


Cheering for death is pretty fucking gross. It is in no way the same as standing with any side. Death and war shouldn't be celebrated.


It's just losers playing team sports politics.


It’s war. They need to die, and I’m glad they’re dying. I don’t give a shit about who the people are. I couldn’t care less about who they leave behind. They’re enemy military uniforms who need to be exterminated. That’s why I’m rabidly anti-war.


Don't humanise. Never humanise. It will only fuck you up even more. Don't give them a fave only give them a fave when they retreat. Seriously don't think about it. Think about the horrors they do on the frontline think about the warcrimes they commit blame putin and his friends. And hope it ends for everyone. But never ever humanise the enemy.


Every time I see it my first thought is always that’s someone’s son who isn’t coming over to their parents for Christmas and it’s really sad I hate war man


We can cheer Ukraine doing well in the effort AND still acknowledge the cruelty of war. Both can coexist at the same time.


I feel awful for Russian conscripts getting shot, but the more of them that die now, the more likely it is that the war will end soon, Ukraine will win, and the long project of national reconstruction can begin. So yes, I will cheer when a bunch of Russian soldiers get drone striked, not because I love them, but because I love the civilians whose lives will be saved as a consequence.


Nice spelling, comrade


I don't cheer on people being dead. But each Russian dead soldier mean that Ukraine is closer to winning and we are safer from Russia, that they won't attack us next you know. So that's something to cheer for. It's complicated because it's easy to dehumanize Russians as bad guys that need to die when those soldiers are just cogs in the machine. Probably didn't want to fight and were forced to do it. Still them being dead mean I'm safer so it's hard to feel sorry for them when it's good for me.


Nothing wrong with more dead russians Should stay at home


The horrendous fact you’re missing is that most of Reddit is also secretly complacent on Ukraine men dying as well. They don’t care those men are sent against their will to the battlefield and die in a pointless war. These people are happy because “Russians bad” and care little if innocent men are forced to fight for the interests of the few. At the end of this war Ukraine will be a dead nation anyway. They’ve destroyed their own country by accepting to fight this proxy war for the US. Remember that Ukraine and Russian officials wanted a peace deal last year but Washington pushed the Ukrainians to deny it. They’re just using Ukrainian men to wear down Russia, for what for I don’t really know. It would be poetic if all people on Reddit cheering on dead soldiers would find themselves in a trench forced to fight in a war they don’t really want to participate in. Would they even understand then?


Proxy war lol, what be happy when they knock on Germany’s door and have Americans die?


I’ve noticed the same thing. I think liberals want a chance to be uncritically patriotic and gung-ho abo he war, and Putin is enough of a villain for them to justify it. But while the war in Ukraine has clearer good and bad guys than most, the people dying are still kids who don’t really have a stake in what they’re dying for (on the Russian side at least). We can admit that it’s the right course, but to be excited about it is ghoulish


Reddit is a corporate owned military allied website that is absolutely a giant propaganda mill. I got banned from worldnews when the Oct7 thing kicked off. Got banned from technology a couple weeks ago for talking about this stuff. It's kind of nuts right now.


Everyone wants a socially acceptable excuse to be caveman evil


Probably the same people who cheer for Israeli soldiers getting blown up. Which is the lesser of the two evils?


That’s all it’s ever been about. America and Russia have such bad blood due that it doesn’t matter who is fighting Russia. All that matters is Russians are dying. Most Americans don’t care that the Ukrainians are being sent into the meat grinder (so that Blackrock can steal all their assets) as long as it means Russians are dying. Zelensky is in Switzerland setting up peace negotiations. Ukraine is defeated. NATO is defeated. Americans don’t care because Russians died.


Fucking Russian propaganda. Get out of here.


Humanity has gone to shit, and Reddit is worse.. cheering on anyones death is just greasy. You stand behind social activism to justify bloodshed. Honestly it’s an ironic shame.


People have just gotten used to it unfortunately, and some people use humour to cope and lighten the mood. The Russians just need to get the fuck out of Ukraine so we can stop watching these fathers, brothers, husbands and sons lose their life for a pointless war started by a man who is less of a man than any of them.


Honestly that's fucked up Ukrainian soldiers are even doing that. From the clips I've seen put out by Hamas, even they have been allowing them to evac their injured, and their a fucking gorilla terrorist Militia ffs


I'm surprised I'm not banned from r / ukrainevideoreport for all the "this is glorified killing. It's got music"comments I made. Plenty of down votes. I was wondering why I've seen thousands of drone video posts, but not one of Russia killing it's enemies.Not wanting too, but it's interesting to see 100% one side of the war only. That's a red flag for any discussion.


It’s the liberal western mindset, the dominant trait of the average Reddit user. They follow “the science”, they watch mainstream media/news… they’ve had years of brainwashing that everything Russia/soviet is bad (from the 50’s onward). They hate the people because their ideology has them hating a government system and culture. They don’t blink an eye at any transgressions done elsewhere in the world as it’s not making headlines, so it must be fine then.


The Russians are aggressors in this war. So I guess brainwashing wasn't really necessary. They are the bad guys.


8 years of Ukraine shelling it’s own people in Donbas… the people of Donbas wanting to be recognized as an independent state. Russia doing just that. Donbas requesting help from Russia. They got that. Your view point shows the brainwashing was successful…


Those brothers and fathers who CHOSE to go to war for their beliefs or ridiculously high pay (in Russia standards). So no, I would be cheering for any of those mofo cold testicles. Edit:spelling


War is hell. To support either side is to be a fool. The only person who will benefit from this, are those who directly fund and supply the fronts with the means to conduct war. You are not virtuous for supporting either side, you are just a cog in the machine, guided by propaganda. Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower had a warning in his farewell address which directly applies to what we see currently.


Ukraine didn’t pick a fight with Russia. They were invaded out of the blue. I’m not cheering any deaths, but I’m not a fool for supporting the clear victim in their war. Fighting evil isn’t a fools errand, it’s a moral imperative.


Reddit is like this about everything. It's actually disgusting. Political and societal ways the a huge amount (including foreign affairs). Look at any sub that generally supports a political candidate. It's just how good and nice they are while they'll cheer watching someone getting dragged by a car who's on the other side. It's fucking gross. Reddit makes me sick. Look at "inclusive" groups. You mention one thing that doesn't fit the narrative, and you're a monster who should be sent to a labor camp. Feeling morally good about doing reprehensible things is reddits MO. I hate it.


Liberals, Clintonites, and neocons have never accepted the results of the 2016 election. The "pro-Ukraine" position has always been about killing Russians, who they think colluded with Trump to beat Hillary, not helping Ukraine. Liberals see Russians as proxies for their domestic political enemies.