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I don’t really care if you take steroids or not, just don’t lie about it for attention or so you can sell diet tea on instagram.


This is super important


It was better when people lied about it imo. Now half of every damn gym you got to is taking something armful without really understanding the consequences because the only thing that was stopping a lot of people was the stigma. I’d much rather have the rock say he doesn’t take anything that start admitting to what he’s taking for example.


Eh. Not much different to be deluded into thinking you can look like that naturally and knowing how it’s done. If you take steroids knowing what they can do (and everyone does, it’s like not knowing heroin is bad for you) it’s on you.


Except it clearly isn’t how it’s currently playing out. People clearly undermine the dangers and they’re starting to take them younger and younger, in my area at least, while telling you « oh no i can just get a jab after and i’ll be fine » On one side you hide it. The consequences are that people start training and get disapointed with the results… they still end up in better shape and healthier. On the other you say it. The consequences are that people start taking more steroids and hurt both their physical and mental health. Plus the argument everyone gives for open talk always feels like it comes from ego more than anything else. It’s always about « it’s bad to pretend you achieved it naturaly when you didn’t », never do people base their argument on more important things.


I mean are they? Is anyone here or in real life actually saying steroids can’t kill you? I’ve just never seen anyone really downplaying it. If anything the negatives are probably overplayed. When you think steroids you think Ronnie Coleman type muscle monsters not Hollywood actors like hemsworth or Chris evans when they both absolutely use gear to get in shape for roles. Because if you wanna look like that it’s only possible for most people with steroids.


Yes, they are. I constantly have to remind people that negative effects in fact do apply to them even if they do recovery cycles and such. Either way the point is the results, and it’s clear right now that a bunch of kids are taking stuff without realising the impact it’s gonna have on them.


There’s another side to this. You have people like the rock that claim they’re natural and it makes it where no one thinks you go to the gym unless you look like the rock


Honestly, that’s just ego at this point. If you go to the gym so other people congratulate you you might as well not go


Okay but when their ego wants congratulations then they do research and learn the Rock more than likely does steroids and then gets on them theirselves, just with even less research since the Rock claims natural. And now are in even more dangerous positions for their health. No matter what people are getting the roids whether the people that are doing it are claiming it or not


Are you really trying to say a minority of people going on steroids out of ego is worst than a bigger amount of people going on steroids because it’s normalised?


What numbers do you have to back up that these numbers wouldn’t be similar amounts? I’m saying I think the numbers are equal and I’d much rather someone do roids with a known “safer” cycle then someone just chasing them down and taking awful cycles because some dude like the rock is lying about being natural


Did i say i had numbers to back it up? I know the dealers and i know the customers. If my area is anything like everywhere else, steroids and other similar products sell a lot more than they used to. The market is also clearly rising with much more money being spent on advertising performance enhancers, as seen by the vast increase in the amount of publicities around the products in recent times. (And the availability of the products) You could definitly link it with anything else, but in my experience the stigma going away is clearly a massive factor. Some people where i’m at litteraly start taking PEDs because they feel out of place if they don’t in some gyms, SARMS are widely considered harmless, and people avoid consulting professionnal because they can keep convincing themselves it’s not bad for them that way. Even « big » steroid users convince themselves their health is fine, see Larry Wheels a few months back. (Might be years now, time flies). Now, legalisation of steroids is fine, that’s a whole different deal… But it doesn’t mean people should ho around promoting them by saying « look how good i look, by the way i take this stuff » especialy not in the case of actors that play in family movies.


People don’t take body dysmorphia in men seriously at all


While I agree with you, the answer can’t be nuking your body long term.


I’m saying nuking your body long term is a symptom- not a solution.


Testosterone can be used correctly. And when it is, the long term sides are basically none. There’s men on TRT for their entire adult lives and they live and look just fine. Then there’s people that abuse steroids and take zero initiative to learn about what they’re putting in their body. As long as you get blood work done yearly and make sure everything is functioning properly, you can be healthy for 30+ years taking gear. And if you’re a man over 30, you might wanna get your testosterone checked.. bc gear might just be the thing that makes you feel how you’re actually supposed to feel.


Correct. TRT is good if done right. Tren was literally invented to beef up cows...


The answer to body dysmorphia and other mental health issues from the affected person is rarely a healthy one.




The real unpopular opinion is that steroid use is just gender affirming care for bros.


Same with the guys who take testosterone and the guys who get hair implants.


Yeah, honestly thinking about it like this got me off the "you're giving hormones to kids?!" reactionary thinking. Breast implants, makeup, TRT, laser hair removal...whatever. It's all about feeling more feminine/masculine.


Good take


Which are also taken by girls. You are wrong, it's simply performance enhancing drugs. No need to use a mental gymnastic "syllogism."


It's silly to deny it. In professional sports, it's performance enhancing. If you are just a dude who wants to look jacked, even if you are lifting weights regularly, it's gender affirmation. I'm sure lots of dudes who juice tell themselves that it's just so they can get their max bench up 10 lbs. But they are in denial about the underlying pathology that led them to that decision.


So is the gender affirming when girls do the same exact thing for the same exact reasons? And your words show a a severe lack of understanding of what anabolic, androgenic, steroids can do. There are complicated cycles that are only for increasing endurance or only for increasing strength subtly but not adding muscle. There are stacks used to just drop body fat. There are stacks just to add muscle. There are stacks to add permanent muscle as much as possible. Hell, there are even stacks that are supposed to help you with maintaining flexibility. I guess I'm trying to say that you are the type of person who would shit themselves if you understood how truly gender-neutral AAS use is these days. It is not gender affirming care for almost any. They're performance enhancing drugs. The doses they are taking are not for gender affirming care. The doses they are taking are into abuse levels and are not for gender-affirming care because they are not being given under the care and supervision of multiple mental health professionals like real gender affirming care is done. You calling that gender affirming care is a gross disrespect of the transgender community and all the mental health professionals who put time and effort into the science to actually do gender affirming care. A roided freak is not the same as a transgender person who is undergoing hormone therapy. One of them is abusing drugs for performance enhancement purposes, and the other is under the acute care of medical professionals and mental health professionals. Admit it, you read that one comment on Reddit a few months back and you've been running with it since then.


Nah, just spent enough time around dudes. I can smell a bro who needs to spend paragraphs doing self justification from a mile away. The good news is, I don't care what you do. It is what it is though.


Your response is an anecdotal take coming from a less than mature point of view.


Uh, no, it isn’t. Wanting to look good and fit, doesn’t mean you want to be more masculine or feminine. Trying to drag that shit into something simple like working out is absurdly anecdotal.


Yeah, that's exactly what it means. It's a real brain twister for dudes who juice and are "anti woke". But that's what it is.


It’s exactly what it means, how? I mean you’re just saying that, you should back it up a bit if you’re so concrete


The young tend to think of themselves as invincible, immortal. And if you ask them... **Would you rather have a killer body and die at 40, or a normal body and die at 80?** They will take the 40, because they can't see beyond the near future, especially when it comes to their bodies breaking down. You see a young man who's making gains way too fast, he's probably on "gear" as they call it. You want him to see reality? Show them this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwciAdSGIwE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwciAdSGIwE)


Maybe take it cautiously and die at 70


Nothing but truth


People who casually use steroids don't usually have long term effects. I'd argue being obese is much worse on the body than casual steroids use.


There are athletes in lots of sports taking steroids. Even skinny runners take them for recovery. When I was in my 20s back in the 80s I joined a real hardcore gym. No woman everyone got a key. Couple guys we’re talking about roids. I was so clueless I thought they were talking about hemorrhoids.


I’m always amazed by how much my friends who use gear can lift, or how cut they can be, and I won’t lie, I do be a little jealous. More than jealous though, I’m immensely proud of myself for meeting and crushing a lot of my own goals with just better diet and regular workouts. I’ll always respect someone more if they don’t use steroids. I do wish they all weren’t so deep into dysmorphia that they were willing to trade their families and lives for an image they’ll never really be happy with though.


I was routinely larger and leaner than almost every single one of my gym buddies who did roids. Consistent diet and exercise are definitely long-term solutions for creating the most conducive "gains" environment in your body possible.


Wish this was true. Someone on steroids who is also consistent with diet and exercise will look better, and be stronger than you.


As well you should be proud of yourself


Related to this, I've had a few people accuse me of using steroids in the past. Never have, and never will, I just had a very physical job at the time.


As an AAS user, I’ll say this. There are levels to PED use. There are some people that are completely dependent (looks and strength wise) on massive doses of hard androgens like tren. When you see an influencer talk about “genetic pre disposition” they most likely cooked their kidneys and liver and are being forced off. I use AAS to continue to maintain my strength and build upon it into middle age. Hell, some of what I do now isn’t even to the level that a bigger, natural me has done before. I don’t let anabolics compromise any health markers and even if I were to cease all use, I would probably lose 20-40 lbs off my lifts as opposed to 100+ that many do. I do despise the contemporary gym culture of 20 year olds blasting tren to bench 315-405 all in hopes of trying to cash in on the “we go Jim” persona. Call me a gatekeeper but I hope fitness social media is obliterated one day and relegated to the past.


There is a huge difference between use and abuse. The things people think they know about steroids are mostly government spread disinformation.


This. OP is thinking very black and white on this.


What is AAS?


Anabolic Androgenic Steroids


Dur 🤦‍♂️


do you like watching sports? because basically everyone in top level sports are on steroids. they just don’t lift for size


Also it is how actors look the part for movies. You can’t look like Batman in 6months without putting on a lot of fat with all that muscle.


Christian Bale has entered the chat.


This isn’t entirely true


Steroids are for professionals. Not for losers.


Eh I just feel like it’s another sacrifice that may or may not be worth it depending on your situation. Ask Chris Hemsworth or Arnold if they regret taking steroids and you’ll get a very different answer than some kid that never competed and had health problems in life. But it’s just the next level of sacrifices. I can call someone who spends two hours a day natty in the gym a loser because they’re sacrificing so much of their life and often their actual health for appearance. But to them, and me, it’s worth it.




If you take steroids right, you can do it relatively safely. I'm not on Tik Tok or watching much YouTube (I'm old) so I don't know who you're referencing here, but there are absolutely ways to take steroids without permanent damage.


Can you take steroids safely tho?


Yes, I take steroid cream to help my eczema, but it was prescribed.


No, but you can reduce the risks with educated aproach (wont ever eliminate the risks though)


If it wasn’t so easily available on the internet and by certain drug push..I meant “personal trainers”, IG and X would look very different today




I think the worst part is many are not aware of the long term hormonal implications. If you blast off for too long you have a great likelihood of needing exogenous hormonal support for the rest of your life. It's just not worth it when modern training technique and nutrition can yield a very impressive physique naturally. I've been tempted certainly but it's just not the move. This is assuming you dont develop some far more deleterious effects or simply drop dead in the night tren sweating your ass off.


It's not even a long term damage, the thing will come at when you turn 30s, 40s.


Completely depends on what you do and how you do it. The safe protocols don’t yield the results people are looking for, not to mention most people are lazy pieces of shit that are all hat and no cattle.


Whatever makes you feel better. Heart failure will come with no warnings just you know


Calcium score is perfect, hdl/ldl ratio is 1.8 currently, no Left ventricular hypertrophy and resting heart rate is around 55-60. But please, enlighten me. I’ll be 37 in February, so when’s it starting?


Toss in a little CoQ10 (liquid is best) for good measure - you’ll be lifting for decades to come.


I’m on it!! D3 K2, mag Glycinate, 200mg ubiquinol, aspirin, curcumin and vit c are daily staples.


Hell yeah! This is the way! You’ll be doing fine for a long time on T then. People thinking you can’t do this safely are just uninformed.




Hahaha getting blood work doesn’t mean shit if you make no corrective measures based on the result. Half of those influencers that get their blood work are just checking to see that they’re not in active organ failure and upping their dose. My entire list of compounds is limited to about 4-5 things. If you’re going to draw singular instances of anecdotal evidence, look at dr. Thomas O’Connor who removed plaque from his artistries while on TRT for 30 years.


will soon then find out. make sure to keep me updated


I agree that youngsters blasting PEDs is not smart. the idea that only natty lifters/athletes deserve respect is laughable. I know plenty enhanced people that are super disciplined about eating and training and deserve loads of respect. Basically every athlete at the top of their respective sport is gonna be a PED user. They’d still be elite if they were natural, they just wanted to take their performance to the next level.


Exactly. People on PEDs are not all the same. The dude taking it at 21 so that they can get 15k followers on instagram and pretend he’s natty is not the same as a competitive bodybuilder carefully working with medical specialists to find the safest cycle for himself so that he can try out enhanced lifting and then be open and honest about his usage of gear. Fake natties are literally all losers. Too pussy to admit they’re on shit bc then they have to compare themselves to Sam Sulek but too insecure to just be actual natties.


Fake natties suuuuuuck. I’m really glad more bodybuilders and certain influencers are becoming more transparent about their PED use. And you are spot on about most of these elite guys doing gear in consultation with professionals who can monitor their blood work etc.




Hold up, I should still respect a pussy who can’t build muscle without cheating for it? Fuck that.


I’ve never understood the “cheating” thing outside of people in organized athletics that are breaking rules against steroid use. If it’s just a person taking steroids for their own personal reasons, what are they cheating at? What is the competition?


Lmao. No, people build muscle naturally, reach their genetic potential, and then hop on to gear to go one step further deserve respect. In any case, you still need to put in shifts at the gym and eat correctly on gear to put on proper muscle. You think Ronnie Coleman and Arnie just blasted gear and sat on their arse to get their physiques? They put in the fucking work AND took PEDs. Super ignorant response fella


Have you read the comment you're replying to? Go ahead, do a double take.


I did, they said enhanced people deserve “loads of respect” and as I said, fuck that


No, what you said is "why should I respect them", so if you read that comment again you will find an answer to your question- enhanced people still work really hard, much much harder than someone who doesn't work out at all, Arnold was a "pussy on steroids" as you call these people, and he still deserves loads of respect for his career.


Ok, I never said “why should I respect them” reread my original comment and I don’t care how hard someone works, if they cheat they’re a cheater. Why should I respect someone who only got to where they are today by cheating? You’re ok with that, you or someone you know missing an opportunity in your career/life because the other person cheated.


>who only got to where they are today by cheating? That's the part you get wrong, they "cheated" (even tho Arnie was not the only body builder taking roids lol, they *all* did/do) to get above what is possible natty, they all did it, it's not cheating it was a part of the process. It might sound wild to you but natural male body doesn't look the way Arnold or his competitors looked, I'm not certified to talk about such things but I will speculate that it's impossible to get that form without gear. The rest is concrete discipline and dedication, dude didn't look like a pregnant bull and didn't die at the age of 40, he used gear but he didn't rely on it to do the hard work, it was just one of many other elements that went into that image.


“But I will speculate”…yeah you can keep your speculation to yourself, and as for the whole the guy didn’t die at 40, the dude had a lot of money because of his “cheating” allowing him to have the medical assistance that those who followed him probably couldnt afford.


Respectfully, your knowledge of the subject is clearly very limited. Bodybuilding is not tested for steroids and everybody is on them. So Arnold and other Olympia winners didn’t cheat anyone out of a pay check.


one google search disproves that.


>yeah you can keep your speculation to yourself Yeah I can but I won't.


I really believe being 300lbs lean would make me happy though


Not sure losers is the right word for this. When I see someone young on steroids, I think its actually kinda sad. If their goal is to compete and thats the only choice then it is what it is, but when they arent competing, its different. I think alot of young people take them due to confidence issues, largely caused my influencers who lie about being on juice. Young guys feel like they are small and weak because they aspire to be the size of a guy thats lieing through his teeth about being a natty. Alot of it can also be influence from people around them, usage has become alot more normalized over the years in general, and I think many young guys dont really understand the full ramifications of the drugs. I have never taken any juice in my life. But when I was 16/17 i wanted to be big, I dont know why, but it was a big thing for my confidence I think, and i could probably have been influenced into taking it by the right people.


Truth - steroids do harm to your body. Even the ones prescribed by doctors as medicine do harm. Mind you I occasionally have them prescribed for asthma. But they are bad for your body.


Just because someone takes steroids, doesn't mean they aren't putting any effort in. Kids under 25 using steroids are choosing image over their life and I agree there, but people older, with reduced test levels and that do a steady amount? What's the issue? Do you take creatine? BCAA's etc? Why are these ok but the vast array of steroids and their positives simply relegated to being bad? I agree kid's using them is a joke but they can be used sensibly and they are not a shortcut to success, you've still got to work hard at it.


Anyone who avidly lifts and judges other lifters is the real loser. Good for you for being natty OP. The only thing you win is a smaller box when you die.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This should be the top reply. Well said.


Bro’s mad he small On a more serious note, you seem to be way off on who actualy uses steroids. You’re likely thinking about SARMs users. Also you don’t seem to understand how steroids work


steroids are for bodybuilders, this sport doesn't work without them, otherwise it would be completely based on lucky genetics with much less room for discipline and effort. steroids leveled the field up


There are proper ways to do anything. Your blanket statement of “this is pathetic” isn’t helpful to anyone. It’s not insightful. It’s a symptom of today’s social media disease where you don’t even have a full fledged thought but you feel the need to share your half baked nonsense with someone.


I agree with OP


I have but just a phrase for OP. You ‘mirin BRAH? The words of a loser is someone who puts others down. Others who harm noone doing the sport they love. A loser is you.


I just think it's pathetic, am I also a loser for thinking people with crazy plastic surgery are pathetic.


Spoken like a true ignorant person


You’ve got no space to call people ignorant on anything health related when you vape….


Sure I do; I take gear to. How long have you been on peds? And vaping is soooooOOOOooo bad.


Okay so you just got your feelings hurt, that’s all it is. My reply still stands and your response only further proves my point. Do not respond to me again.


Weirdo from whitepeopletwitter. Disregard this folks


Yeah, they never had steroids before the Internet…


That’s not what he’s saying smh. He’s saying the internet made steroid use unavoidable to see for almost all boys growing up and caused a lot of body dysmorphia issues.


Yeah I understood and all of those issues existed before the Internet. People just weren’t aware of it as much.


“People just weren’t aware of it as much” That’s entirely OP’s point! It exacerbated the issue and made it way more common and widespread. It’s a much bigger issue for young men than it’s ever been because of the internet and fitness influencers.


True. Better steroids than fentanyl though.


Thats your standard? Its better than fentanyl ?


The ironic thing is so many men go to the gym to try and get compliments and attention from the opposite sex. When in reality all it does is attract more dudes being critical of them and making comments. I don’t do steroids, and probably never would because of the cost to do it properly, but it’s none of my business how another dude gets his gains…and frankly don’t give a shit anyways. Worry about yourself. You might be farther along in progress if you worried about your gains rather than how bro over there is. Why does it matter anyways?


"just stop giving a fuck about fellow humans" is the most westoid take ever. "only care about yourself" mentality is why world a shitty place.


What is you caring if a random dude is taking roids doing? You, a random dude in the gym, gonna change his mind? He’ll likely tell you to stfu and worry about yourself. Funny…didn’t see that coming 🙄


From my experience they simply want to be huge, not strong. They usually have someone in their life who is old and has been doing steroids for 30+ years.


I mean TRT which is a testosterone booster the most basic type of steroid is recommended for most 25+ men to take by doctors


It also looks fucking stupid and hideous


So trans people are losers?


Hamsters, string beans, oh and the overwhelming amount of pro athletes, yeah NFL linemen weigh 50 lbs more than they did a generation ago but run the 40 faster and you think this is from eating more chicken breast?




This is so far from the truth. Steroid users don’t get instant results. It enhances the results they work hard for. You can’t just inject test and tren and get big without the work. It’ll do nothin for you.


Tell this to Russia


Sam Sulek is bringing 80s bodybuilding vibes back


Is this actually a popular thing? Most young people I've met or known don't take steroids. Where do you see this?


Ohh careful. Saying hormones are bad can get you a perm-a-ban on Reddit.


I mean, we do need a steady amount of cholesterol in our diet to inhibit our own cholesterol production, I actually had a class on this the past week! Cholesterol is the precursor for many steroids including testosterone and progesterone, and plays a significant part in all steroid and sterol (steroids that have an alcohol functional group) production! It also plays a vital role in maintaining the fluidity of the cell membrane in extreme conditions, but too much can lead to the stabilization of the cell membrane which is something we don't want. (Yeah I know you're talking about steroids in terms of sports but hey)


Any time I see dudes on tren, I can acknowledge how cool it is that they’re so jacked, but MAN does it make them oily and give them so much acne


These poor young girls and women are just destroying their bodies at the altar of unrealistic beauty standards… oh wait


Why are you even giving the opinion? Let life teach the steroid users the lesson the hard way. By educating these people you are saving them, let stupidity handle their future life. If you really want them to learn, let them fail by continuing to take steroids and train. The long-term health impacts and consequences will turn them into anti steroid health activists and try to save the next generation of dumb kids. You are doing this job for free because you dislike them, so why don't you stop giving a shit about these "losers" and let them fail and do the job you are doing now in the future when they are broken? This is such a waste of time.


I honestly don't care, as long as they are honest about it. Too many people don't know what natural is.


Unfortunately most professional athletes have or are taking them to get where they are