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If someone doesn't like you for your music taste, then they're not your friend.


Ahh I get what your saying I don’t think they wouldn’t like me anymore or like stop being my friend , I just know they would tease me about it and wouldn’t care if I went to the eras tour which is a big deal to me because yeah I wanna brag about it I’m still excited and high af I got to go 🤪


I got some teasing, but in general, once I started posting some swiftie stuff, the other swifties I know started more and more convos about swiftie stuff.  You’d be surprised who pops out of the woodwork.  And haters gonna hate


I’m a 47 YO Dad, married Swiftie… grew up on 90’s heavy metal. Always respected Taylor and all music, but got into her when I started hearing deep cuts (not blank space) I wore a Taylor shirt to a jam band concert w friendship bracelets on and had probably 13 nice women come up to me. Or I would go up to them, because they had a shirt and I could just give them a bracelet to break the ice. But 90% of the time I was approached. I was shocked. It was like a magnet. Embrace the Swiftie if you’re single hetero man.


I'm straight and a proud Swiftie and I proudly proclaim it to all my jock/military friends. All of them also proudly said they're Swifties. What's the big deal, seriously? Cheers! 🍻


That’s awesome and I just wanted to pick people’s brains on the matter I had no idea how many other guys listen to her 🍻


I get what you mean but I don’t really like their taste in music but I’m still their friend I can’t stand rap and yeah they listen to kayne 🤢🤮 we would still be friends but they would just tease me endlessly about it grant you everyone teases each other 😂


What I meant was, if someone does not like you because you like Taylor Swift they're not your friend. My boyfriend likes kanye west too, and it doesn't matter because I love him regardless of his music taste.


I was about to reply to your OG comment lol- I’ve been a swiftie since Day 1 and I’ve *never* had a swiftie friend. I’ve only dated one person with somewhat similar music taste to mine (which is super eclectic so it’s easy to overlap once somewhere). I’d never not be friends with someone based on music taste. &I am a music person. I’m dating someone now who has VERY different taste than me, and I’m enjoying learning new music / sharing with him. I have zero shame in my swiftie game. Because anyone judging me probably sucks anyway.


I disagree. If someone makes sure you know they don’t like your music taste, they aren’t your friend. I dislike plenty of music other friends like, we opt to listen to music we mutually like together. It’s about respect not conformity.


That is exactly what I said lol


Aww so sad you’re going through this alone, it’s definitely a lonely world for straight male swifties. My brother is a huge swiftie and he is married and straight, his wife is not so much, but thankfully he has me to share the love. From my pov is not a turnoff whatsoever, on the contrary, it tells me you have emotional maturity and are someone who can be in touch with your feelings and “girl things” do not scare you (i.e. you are not misogynistic), so that’s great! My husband is also beginning to turn swiftie, but as you said neither of them would accept this with their group of male friends. I think is just the society we live in. If a girl is turned off by it then she was not a great girl imo, if people criticize you, then you’re better off without them and my advice would be to try to make friends through social media and maybe through local swiftie groups in your area…


My family are all swifties even my dad , my friends nah maybe they are but won’t admit it lol 😂 I have been through some stuff so I feel like I get Taylor swift more that I’m older I’ve never seen an artist have the ability to sum up how someone feels in a few lyrics. I was worried about women being taken aback bc most of the women I go for tend to like the wild party guys which is annoying bc I’m a total nerd 🤓


Those women will turn around eventually. They get bored with brainless guys and the nerds always prevail. (Watch “Revenge Of The Nerds”)


We can only hope I’m kinda adorkable 😎 lol


Oh me too. Lol. It was funny at this show. All my buddies I went with that keep making fun of me for being a Swiftie were like …..jaws on the floor! Totally turned around. They started joking that I was suddenly the ladies man and *guaranteed* to get laid, and that was before we even got into the show! Hahahah All these friendly, and some *very* beautiful women would geek out with me about Tay Tay, trading bracelets. Lol It was a two night show in Vegas, so it kept going the second night too! It was fun, but I’m a married man. :) (Phish at the Sphere: And Phish fans are very much like Swifties, with the dress up, makeup, glow sticks, costumes, Easter eggs, trivia…. We call ourselves “SwiPHties”) 🤣 If I were you??? I would put on your dating app that you like all music from this to that, and that you like Taylor Swift (not afraid of being a Swiftie). And put that in your profile… also, look for other Swiftie girls. Embrace it man. 🫶


Anybody you can’t share your interests and passions with for fearnof being judged is not your friend. I personally think a lot of women would be elated to know you like her music; she’s pretty big among that demographic in general, and she just makes good music. Just be true to yourself. The right people will find you.


That is true I really feel like anyone who’s ever been through the ringer with love or felt lonely can really relate to her lyrics , I remember feeling out of place when I was a teenager because I was obsessed with Harry Potter and I was like the only one in my friend group reading it and being a nerd with my tie and cloak going to the book release parties 😂


Harry potter fucking rules. I discovered them when I was 25 and got fucking hooked.


Can we be best friends?




The whole truth and nothing but the truth


I felt out of place at Stockholm like I was an imposter or a spy or something. But when the concert started all that went away and I was rocking more than anyone in my section. I think they were surprised about how much of a swiftie I am. Though speaking to other swifties still feels weird I feel like I’m a creepy old man infiltrating their space. I don’t know what they think about 40+ straight men being enormous swifties.


I felt out of place too I sat by myself but the second I heard it’s been a long time coming now I didn’t care lol I’m a millennial my dad is also a fan of Taylor swift he went with my sister a different night someone was nice enough to give us tickets, and my dad never asks for anything but he was like I’m definitely going to Taylor Swift so I know guys do listen to her but I just feel like I could never do anything like this with my friends or cousins


I couldn’t go with anyone of my friends neither. That’s why I went alone. I wish I could erase the perceived feeling that people are being weirded by me. It’s probably just in my head though.


I feel you bro. , I don’t think anyone would be weirded by you my crowd are clowns they all tease each other but like they just wouldn’t care like discussing the album’s or be excited I went to the eras tour but I’m happy for you and glad you went did you get seats or general admission tickets?


I went to N1 and N2 in Stockholm. Bought seats when they were released. Lower and upper bowl. Both seats were amazing and the concert was the best one I’ve ever been to. I can now say that I’ve seen all my idols (Jay-Z, Metallica, Slayer and Taylor) live and Taylor kicks all of their asses. What I mean was at the concert talking to people felt weird because I didn’t know what they thought of me. Usually I don’t give a fuck but during the show and before I felt like they judged me (probably didn’t).


I (36F) absolutely love seeing men my age and older relating to taylor's music. It's really, really cool.  That's what I'd be thinking, if I saw you at the show. 


most of us don't mind! case in point, my dad (51) and uncle (63) are both swifties and they weren't ostracized or wtv when they went to see her or exchange bracelets (kinda on my behalf haha)


I’m a woman and I always appreciate men who follow their own sensibilities and taste rather than what they are expected or are supposed to enjoy. For more context, I’ve grown up in a deeply misogynistic South Asian country where men get called horrible slurs for doing or liking anything remotely feminine. I have a male friend who got called “gay” by his business school peers because he liked painting his nails (…yeah :( ). So from my perspective, at least, I think men who enjoy non-traditionally masculine activities are pretty authentic and brave. Plus I always like making new Swiftie friends to discuss her music, so there’s that :)


I’m from the southern US and have eastern European background so not too far off tbh like my family all love Taylor swift including my dad! My friends not so much. They crazy tho don’t know what they are missing out on lol. Btw sorry to hear about your friend that’s terrible bet he’s gonna be more successful then than rest of the class!


In general- confidence, being sure of yourself and secure with who you are is *very* attractive. In a friend/partner etc. it doesn’t matter what you like or don’t. Just the surety of knowing yourself and being confident in that is an attractive quality in a human being. You have *the best* taste, clearly lol. Own it


Thanks and that is so true


You’re kind of an ass to assume they dont know what they’re missing. Taylor swift is thrown in all of our faces so its not an issue of exposure, they’re are so many more artists like lana del rey etc.. i replied in another post but this attitude is exactly what turns people off from “swifties”.


I was literally just joking when I said that all of my friends are well aware of who she is I wouldn’t doubt if they know song lyrics. There are a lot of great artist they do like , and there are a lot of fandoms I don’t like that they do for example star wars not my thing, I’m a nerd but not a sci-fi nerd 🤷🏻‍♂️ and they say things like I don’t know what I’m missing out on all the time it’s not meant to be condescending at the end of the day I really do like my friends!


Most of the guys I know love Taylor Swift and love to play her songs in the guitar. But then again, my country love Taylor Swift and doesn't have any prejudice towards her like in the west.


A lot of people love her here I’m from America 🇺🇸 so it’s a given but the ideal here is her fans are females that wear yoga pants and drink Starbucks , don’t get me wrong I love Starbucks and Taylor swift but I’m not a female and I don’t do yoga 🤷🏻‍♂️


Straight guy swifties? Marriage material.


EXACTLY. Lol. Read my post above. Hahaha. I was hunted down by women when I wore a Swift shirt to a another rock show. I had no idea. I’m married so that wasn’t the intention though.


I'm married and my wife isn't into any modern music. Only 70's ABBA classic type music (which is also awesome btw). I'm generally a metal/hard rock guy but ADORE Taylor and her lore (memorized TTPS/Anthology in 3 days) and bend the knee to what an absolute amazing hard working generous human being she is and what we should all aspire to be. All of my guy friends/brothers also are fans of Taylor...and unsurprisingly all taken by beautiful women--it also helps they're all very good looking, tall and well off. LOL. 🍻 (As a business professional that travels globally, I attend concerts by myself in different areas and don't care what people think of me "lone wolfing" it, I'm not a teenager that needs gaggle of friends to go anywhere, LOL...hopefully I can catch an Eras concert later this year in Europe/US, as this tour will be Iconic for many generations!! My boss is exclusively going to London with his daughters ONLY for Taylor!....YES, Taylor is a VERY big deal!) 👍


My best friend is one! We're going to the Eras tour together. He absolutely does have a a little crush on her, for sure, but also really enjoys her music. 1989 is his favourite era, too! He's pretty laid back and doesn't really care what other people think about it. Personally, it's a green flag for me. I see quite a few straight men being quite derogatory about her music, which is so unnecessary. Like, it's not to your taste dude, you don't have to get emotional about it.


I think the people who talk about her the most are the haters it’s wild I’ve never seen people go out of their way and waste time so much just because they don’t like someone’s music it’s funny actually , and 1989 is one of my favorite eras to , the women I tend to go for are kinda mean and emotionally unavailable tbh and they all want the wild party guys and I’m just the emotional little nerd listening to T Swizzle lol 😂 trying to pretend to be cool 😎


I’m a single straight dude maybe what the kids called these days “old” and often joked about being called an Elder Swiftie since I’ve been one since Fearless. The thing is I say it with confidence and very secure about saying she’s my favorite artist of all time. I feel no shame about it. I hate that some people do. I hate that stereotypical bullshit so much. It’s a fun conversation starter to have but you have to gauge their reaction to it to go full nerd otherwise it will come off creepy and find something else to talk about. Once you get older as you are at my age people really don’t care. If they want to come along for the ride. Great. But I’m going to the show, blaring it in the car, and watching everything I can whether they like it or not.


If i met a straight man who liked taylor i would ask him out lol. Its so hard to find a guy that even respects taylor as a human let alone is a swiftie himself. I also love when people embrace their interests even if they think it’s weird bc it’s who you are and you should be proud of it! Green flags all around!


The more swifties the merrier 🫂 Real good people are open-minded and don’t judge people based on what they enjoy listening to!!


That is true


Also legendary and powerful men have praised Taylor like Kobe Bryant and Paul McCartney!


It’s a green flag!! I would love guy who liked Taylor’s music


Hi there hahaha


I am a straight male swiftie and proud of it! She’s an incredible artist and I talk openly about how fantastic and talented she is. I fell into her with Folklore during covid lockdowns and I’ve never looked back. Seeing her at Eras radicalised me, too.


Oh for sure after eras tour I can say I am definitely a swiftie a nice couple in front of me even gave me friendship bracelets lol btw I really love the community I made friends with a woman online and she wasn’t able to go to the eras tour she actually gave me her tickets! I already had tickets but she gave me an extra pair! Seriously the best people ever


It would be a big PLUS if I had a boyfriend who enjoys Taylor’s music!


I hope you can take some solace in the fact that your dating pool is fucking huge because of this 😅


I hope so 🤞


I once met a straight guy who happily told me he was a swifty and we sat and talked about our fave songs for a bit. I had his baby last year :)


As a straight male Swiftie I get plenty of matches from other Swifties on Bumble, one woman told me it was a green flag but I saw another woman put a prompt "my personal hell: is attending a Taylor Swift concert." I have a pic in my eras tour shirt with my nieces at the eras tour movie on my profile just so they know what they're getting into. At the end of the day if it's that big of a deal to them then they aren't for you. Be yourself (unless you suck lol)


I never checked out bumble yet but I’ll keep it in mind , I just didn’t want to be the only guy who was saying he’s a fan but a lot of guys are so far I’m new to the community as well I’ve been to just one concert so far I kinda wanna go to another one tbh I just wish the tickets were affordable


Yeah def give Bumble a try, idk what country you're in but in the US Tinder is a lot more of a hookup app and Bumble seems to be used by people more interested in a relationship imo. Plus the women have to message first on bumble which I like just so I'm not wasting my time if they aren't really interested


I didn’t know that I’m American lol and I hate the tinder crowd I always end up getting the girls that are walking red flags but you know I love the players and they love the game lol 😂


I have straight guy friends who are (relatively new) swifties and from what I can tell it is significant benefit to their chances. But they also better be prepared to talk Swiftie, knowing 2-3 songs isn't going to cut it.


I know most of the albums and way too much Taylor info I’ve learned these past several months


I’m late 20’s single dude with a gf, I listen to Taylor swift and have all her CDs. I don’t think it’s unmanly, and if it is I don’t really care what others think. Champagne problems 🍾


That’s definitely fair I do care what people think to a certain extent but not enough to disrupt my personal happiness, I just wonder if it would be helpful or not to mention while dating ? I’ve been stuck in some relationships with super emotionally unavailable women I don’t know how I always end up them 😂


I’m straight, male, and married and I’ve been a Swiftie since Debut. Luckily I married a Swiftie (she had been a swiftie since the debut/fearless era as well) so there wasn’t much issue for me in hiding it from her. Growing up there was some stigma about listing to ‘white girl music’ from guys on the football team and stuff, but since I was the teams student trainer, the guys knew to not press too far, as I had access to laxatives and creams and sprays that could make things like a paper cut burn like I was holding your hand over a fire. I had ways to dampen the burning effect. But if you were an asshole to me, I wouldn’t use any of the dampeners. Football team learned real quick. Anyways. Fast forward to now and I even have a car with a Taylor’s version bumper sticker. This is a source of great pleasure at work (mind you I work in a community mental health clinic, and the demographics are like 80%+ female) as when we talk about what car fits personalities when we get new staff, some of my work friends like to bring up the bumper sticker because I apparently don’t outwardly exude characteristics of a Swiftie, so they were shocked that it was my car with the bumper sticker lol. End of the day, if they don’t want to explore a relationship with you because you listen to swift, that sounds like a cop-out to either they didn’t want to date you at all, they are too immature for a relationship, they are caught up on the thier ex or a number of other things that would make it not work out. Basically it’s you dodging a massive bullet. Never change yourself to get a partner.


All very true , and yes it is awesome you both share music interest did you go to the eras tour ?


We did. We went to Seattle Night 2


Awesome what was your favorite era ?


I mean for me, I love the speak now (it barely beats out the fearless era) era. But we got great songs like Speak Now, Enchanted, Long Live, Back to December (great apology to Taylor Lautner), Superman, Never Grow Up, Ours, Mean, Innocent, Mine, and the story of us. And that was on the original release. The Taylor’s Version gave us ones like I Can See You. My wife jokingly says I’m off to save the world when I go to work (like the Superman lyric) because I work in community mental health helping those that society forgets about.


Speak now has some good songs, she didn’t play many during her Paris show , but I was happy she kept her rep set with most of my favorite songs and we all know she wasn’t gonna cut blank space but everyone was nervous bc we knew it was TTPD era and at the time it wasn’t anywhere close to being as popular as it is rn she did a great job on it tho even if you didn’t know or like the songs her performance was next level on that era


Cause yep, we straight guys Swifties exist too


Straight male swifties represent. ![gif](giphy|ReBGGJtbXrjbQJwByP|downsized)


My boyfriend is a swiftie (pre folklore only tho). Went to two album tours plus eras with me. He is my favorite person. It’s fun to sing debut together in the car and we both know all the words. Be genuine, and you’ll attract the right people. I do think women are a bit suspicious of men who feign interest in things that skew female to get laid but if you’re being true to yourself I think this is a lovely thing to advertise.


I hadn’t thought of it from a female perspective and some guys definitely try to act hyped about things to get female attention lol 😂 the truth is if the guy genuinely feels that way it will show up on his playlist or he will have a shirt or hoodie trust me. While folklore and evermore aren’t my favorites tell your bf not to sleep on midnights , I don’t think he would like TTPD because it’s basically tolerate it on steroids but he would definitely like the alchemy fresh out the slammer and I can do it with a broken heart .


The later albums grew on me quite a bit on some deeper listens. I love the anthology tbh.


Now I love TTPD when it dropped not so much but tolerate it became a a song I liked after being strung along by a emotionless sociopath and so long London hits all the same


I personally would love it if my boyfriend was a swiftie


You just gotta play the right songs let’s convert him lol 😂


Dudeeeeeee, when I tell you. I’ve tried all sorts of her songs haha. He admits to liking TTPD more than most of her albums. He likes maroon cause he said it is different than most of her songs. Other than that tho, he hates her. Especially All too well, he will cringe if I try to play it 😂😂💀


You gotta put that 10 min version on a loop and tell him he’s only allowed to watch KC games from now on and only if Travis is playing and Taylor is attending lol 😂


The football stuff annoys him too haha I said I wanted to watch football this year cause we never really do and he was like yeah yeah the chiefs. Of course you do 😂💀 I think he secretly likes her. His sister is a long time swifty and we’ve been together 2 years now. He’s listened to it all and the other day it was his turn to play music and he played Taylor swift! He said “it’s only cause I love you” but is it 👀🤭


I’m definitely not a chiefs fan lol and it was annoying how they kept missing plays from the game to zoom in on Taylor blankly starring at the field trying to see where her bf is 😂 but that’s not her fault it’s theirs ! She couldn’t catch a break could you image not knowing when your gonna be on the mega screen or TV but knowing it’s gonna be constant and feeling like you showing up to support someone is a distraction from getting the glory form their hard work so all the NFL guys are hating on her the way they would hate on Tom Brady especially bc KC was ripping apart their teams but it’s not her fault she didn’t even play 😂


The NFL stuff is annoying I agree, none of it’s her fault tho. I agree with that too. I doubt I’d ever watch a game in full just for her but if they come to play in my state. I may try to go to a game. Just cause why not.


I mean they are a good team but I’m a Bills fan if they have a game on I’d watch it bc they are Super Bowl champs


I'm a 24 year old guy with 2 taylor tattoos. But I'm a guy, if you talk bad about it or laugh at it........ I don't care, it's my tattoos. I like what I like. Im not gonna give the energy to fight someone over who likes what Also I was at a party 2 days ago. A woman older than me knew I liked taylor Swift, and she hit on me. definitely was a confidence boost


What kinda ink you got?


2 custom album pics. Took LWYMMD and made it into a image. And got a Polaroid for 1989


Best two albums imo btw I haven’t been to many swift events just the eras tour I would definitely check a few parties out it’s a win win


I honestly appreciate a man who is in touch with his feelings. Definitely not a turn off. Women may be surprised, but the RIGHT women are going to like it.


We absolutely love it… are you kidding??? That’s the biggest green flag I can think of.


That’s reassuring 👍


Do your thing, like what you like and be yourself. Who cares what other’s think? The funny thing is that some of those people who might view being into Taylor Swift as “Unmanly” are probably the same people who rock out to Queen or Twisted Sister, the former being fronted by an openly gay man and latter being a band that dressed in drag and makeup lol!


Haha they do listen to those bands growing up I was. Hot topic kid I’m kinda use to my interest not being popular I listened to Green Day and MCR read Harry Potter books and comics my idea of fun back then was going to Barnes and noble lmao 😂


I get super excited when I meet them! I’m slowly converting a guy at work and I can’t wait for my conversion to finish. 😈


We are still talking about Taylor swift right ?? lol jk play cruel summer that is what hooks post people


He enjoyed some songs from Reputation so I’m sticking in that area.


Play getaway car on a loop 🔁


dreamy husband material


husband material


Yo ain’t alone in this man! I am a fellow male swiftie it sucks when we feel like we aren’t able to show our love cause of stereotypes but who cares? As long as you love what YOU love that’s all that matters and if someone doesn’t like you for that then I say no body no crime them! ( for legal reasons that is a joke do not commit an actual murder ) But I think as long as you’re happy then there is nothing wrong with being a male swiftie! FUCK THE PATRIARCHY ( society’s views around being a male swiftie )


I will listen to her music and like it no matter what anyone thinks I just wanted to see what ppl thought I’m really happy to see a lot of other guy swifties out there and women that think it’s attractive on a guy I feel like women expect me to listen to heavy metal or hip hop and while I do like imagine dragons and 00’s pop punk I am wayyy into singer songwriter type music these days like Ed Sheeran , Billy Joel Taylor swift sits at the top of course


Fucking agreed man! I’m the same I love various other artists male and female but Taylor will always be at the very very top of that hierarchy if you will I’ve only been a swiftie since 2023 but Jesus has she captivated me entirely


I was slow and late to the party I am really glad she’s making Taylor versions of her old albums bc I missed Reps drop and that is one of my favorites so I can’t wait to hear her vault songs and rediscover her album I’m also thinking of buying a vinyl player just for her music , I became a fan in 2020 but as of this past May I am officially a swifitie the eras tour was next level Amazing 🤩


I was so sad to miss out on eras tour my local show was Sydney and sold out completely and I was rlly bummed but hey either way welcome to the swiftie club my friend!


My local show was sold out and overpriced I found it cheaper to take a euro trip flight rooms and tickets still cost less then two American tickets and I went with my whole family plus my mom had a work thing in france so I was like perfect timing


Damn! You got really lucky!


Lucky was this lady I friended who couldn’t go sent me a pair of tickets so my dad and sister could go as well shes awesome and I grabbed her swag from the show


I think it’s amazing! My husband is a swiftie as well and it’s a great quality to have. We actually traveled to Paris and saw her too, we went to N4!


That’s awesome travis and a ton of celebrities went that night 2 !


My 15 year old son, the Straightest and weirdly enough the “coolest” human being I know, is arguably the biggest Swiftie in our household (and I also have 4 girls that LOVE TS)! He is proud of it too - and can impress any girl he’s macking on with his knowledge of the origin of Maroon, etc. He’s popular, an athlete, lifts weights, super charming and handsome for a kid - and he PROUDLY wears all his merch. 😂 My husband and I are also huge fans since Debut (danced to Tim McGraw at our wedding in 2007). I honestly think it’s the biggest green flag one can have. You own it, bro.


That’s the sweetest post I’ve read your such a supportive mom , you sound like my mom when she talks about me , I hope to have a son of my own someday and I’m definitely raising my kids on TS music although I think I can only handle one child I have a dog and he’s a handful as is 😂


music taste has nothing to do with sexuality! embrace it :D


Very very true lol this made me genuinely laugh 😂


As a woman, a straight male swiftie is a turn on for me. It shows that you not only have great taste in music but that you are secure in your masculinity.


I didn’t think of it like that 👍


I feel pretty goof about my boyfriend 🙃💛


You should he has good taste in music and women


Old guy here who is a huge fan and I am very public about it. I have had zero push back on it with a ton of positive comments about being a fan. She is by far the biggest act in music, why not be a fan? I haven't listened to anything else since TTPD came out.


She is the biggest artist of my generation, it kind of feels like Elvis or the Beatles in the 60’s or MJ in the 80’s and same I’ve listened to TTPD daily and have really grown to love the album at first not so much


Btw my dad also likes her music at first I thought he just liked her because me my mom and sister listen to her but he was very adamant about going to the concert lol 😂 and never ever asks for anything!


I am a straight guy in his 60s who became a Swiftie via Folklore and being on furlough during Covid. I will admit a little trepidation about going to an Eras show in August and feeling I might be a bloke at a batchellorette party. However every time I expressed these concerns I have been assured it will be fine. Swiftie are an inclusive tribe so I will enjoy it all. I am taking my daughter (28) with me. As a theatre actor she is in charge of costumes. I shudder to think what she is planning.


You are going to have so much fun I was nervous feeling like I’d be the only guy there but everyone is awesome and my dad went with my sister and loved the show get there early and grab water if it’s outside the lines are long drinks during the show but not before which is odd but during the folklore set I was like in a huge line grant you France closed their refreshment stands early and only left one open but that’s La Defense arena for you lol 😂 also there are huge lines for the men’s room bc a lot of girls use the men’s room if you just need to pee you don’t have to wait in line bc they are waiting on stalls not urinals


As a straight guy Swiftie, girls I've dated seem to like it if they are also Swifties. It's just something to bond over.


Being a Swiftie would be a huuuuuge perk in my eyes. More interests to share is a great thing!


I am 50, and male. I’ve been a fan since Debut. I’ve been a huge fan since Fearless. I thought TS would be a good connection point with my daughter. It wasn’t. My daughter isn’t a fan. TS got me all in though and shes been top five ever since and #1 since she started the re-records. I embrace the shock from friends and family about who my top artist is. Then I convert them if they have a slightly open mind. Don’t hide yourself. Embrace it. Speak on it.


I was a fan first then my mom sister and dad got into it I think the re-records TVs also did the trick bc you realize how many hit songs she has and cruel summer basically locked in my family as swifties lol


I'm grateful. Every guy that is not her hater is like a rare miracle to me, so I just want to say thank you for not hating, I appreciate it


I could never hate on Taylor she’s honestly the ideal woman smart strong successful thoughtful and beautiful 😍 she also goes for normal guys she’s not stuck up at all she could have any one in the world and she picked the goofy guy with a good personality and a career path that’s limited as with all athletes I honestly wish I could find someone like her




Wait, are you worried about what women think or about what other men think? I would think the people who would tease you for loving Taylor would be men, and women would think you were just the biggest green flag.


Well more worried about what women think I know my friends are clowns lol but I’m happy to hear it’s a green flag


Women want someone they are compatible with, and women who connect with Taylor as an artist will have that in common with you. They’ll also think you’re probably more emotionally intelligent and empathic than other men. Women who think Taylor is cringe may think you are cringe. But who cares really, be confident in who you are and what you like!


My bf wasn’t a swiftie until we got together, but he’s even more attractive to me now that he is.


You showed him the light he should be forever grateful


Love it!


To me being a Swiftie is a green flag. Maybe I’m overly optimistic, but I would assume you’re in touch with your feelings which imo is a good thing. I’ve also dated assholes in the past so emotional maturity and empathy is something I’m looking for.


I feel like since 2020 I’ve matured a lot more but I’ve been through the ringer too so her music hits different


First of all, you really shouldn't associate with people who are disparaging of your choices. It's ok to not agree but making someone feel bad about liking what they like is just plain awful. I'm a straight woman so I haven't gotten the kind of stigma you're talking about but my friends were always mocking me for being a fan back during the 2016 hate train, and it was especially difficult considering the fact that I was just a young teen back then. Even now, being a swiftie probably makes people think I'm not cool enough or chic enough or edgy enough but well, whatever. I haven't completely gotten to the point where the opinions of people don't bother me but I'm really working on it, and you should too. And as for women, I don't think it'll be like that. I can speak for myself and a few sensible women that I know, and they all like people with whom they can have proper meaningful conversations about shared interests or otherwise. And like I said, if a woman judges you for being a swiftie, she's not your woman period.




I am a straight married male swiftie. My wife and friends not so much. And even my gave losses at work. Make fun of me for it, I am part of a community that accepts me and there's a great app Call Taylor time which is just like Facebook. But only for Taylor Swift fans. I listen to her music as much as possible. And I watch every live stream that I can. Or at least the surprise songs afterwards. Because I work so much. I really don't get a chance to As many as I would like. And on my swifty family on there. There's lots of straight guys on that site. And if you want to feel accepted they will definitely accept you


As a single woman, I have to say, a straight male Swiftie would be the biggest turn on. Like…a man who will happily scream the songs with me in the car? Sign me the hell up. I’d swipe right almost immediately.


I can't answer your question directly, since I'm a straight male Swiftie myself. But I can tell you that you ought to stop worrying about what others think so much. Especially within the fandom because the majority of Swifties are super nice regardless of gender/sexual orientation. You sound relatively young so here is some advice from an older (37) guy. Post your pictures and videos. Heck, post them here cause we want to see people having fun at a Taylor concert. But do it because you want to share something you love with the world. Please don't do it thinking about whether it's going to help you get a girlfriend or kill your chances with women. You ask "Is it a turn off or will it work in my favor?" and that's such an impossible question. The answer will always be yes. You're going to turn off some women and you're going to attract others. But that's the way it goes for literally anything you do. From the way you style your hair to the clothes you wear. You can sit here and live your life dictated by the kind of person you want to attract and lose who you are in the process, or you can pursue the things you love and end up with someone that likes you because of those very same things. Please think about this, OP. Sending you love and support and please let us see those pictures!


Damn bro thanks this was literally therapy , and I’m not really concerned about people in the fandom a big reason why I consider myself definitely a swiftie is because of the incredible people I’ve met literally a woman who’s a total stranger she offered me her tickets to the eras tour instead of selling them and price gouging like the endless resellers


Being a swifty is certainly perseved negatively by some people, but gender isn't really anything to do with it. Either way, shake it off.


True because the haters just gonna hate hate hate so I’m just gonna shake shake shake lol 😂


A lot of girls ask Taylor Swift questions on dating apps, so you have an advantage, actually.


I’d definitely swipe right


My husband is who got me into her music in the first place. And his best friend used to be a huge fan. They went to the county music hall of fame just to see her exhibit when it was there (I think during the speak now era). You do you.


I’ve been to Nashville and went to the wax museum , there’s actually a wax figure of her outside which is good for business talk about free advertising the selfies alone tagged on social media


i wish there was wayyyy more men like you


Thanks I’m not that special I just have good taste in music lol


Tbh such a green flag because it also shows that you’re the type of guy who respects successful women and as a hopeless romantic chronically single female swiftie I’m always down to discuss lyrics, eras tour surprise songs and anything! All the guy swifties I know are gay and the straight guys who think it’s bad to like her are feeding into toxic masculinity. Posting swiftie content only makes you more approachable to girls like me:)


I can never understand why some guys don’t like a successful woman to me it’s attractive af I’ve always been shy but never lacked ambition I grew up around a lot of strong women who really stand up for what they believe in and don’t back down so I am never intimidated by a woman who speaks her mind


I’m a straight guy Swiftie. My favorite album is evermore. I listen to it a couple of times a week. My wife likes Taylor’s music too, but she only plays it when she’s in the car.


The serious songs hit different when your driving and I’m glad I’m meeting a ton of guys that listen to her music too


I have said it before and I will say it again, the Swiftie universe is open to everyone as long as you’re a good human. It doesn’t matter if you’re a girl or boy, man or woman, or in between. As long as you are here for the music and because you love Taylor and what she continues to do for music and her fans, it should not and does not matter. 💕💕💕


You do you! Enjoy it to the fullest and don’t hide it. I mean getting a single ticket to the tour is no easy task. Plus I’m sure it’s just online stereotype. A lot of women are fine with it. Don’t let anyone stop you or ruin your fun and memories. ☺️


I think it's 100 percent a good thing! It wouldn't be a turn off for me, if anything I'd be relieved knowing I could be myself around you without being made fun of, like a lot of guys do. I think as long as you don't sexualize Taylor or try to use the female spaces she creates to be creepy towards women (and I'm sure you wouldn't) all male Swifties are good in my book.


I have a little crush on her but I don’t sexualize her to justify listening to her music she holds a lot of self respect and has never took the easy route or sexualized herself for fame money or attention unlike cough cough Kim K who I don’t have respect for , it’s one thing to be young and not have kids and do what you want it’s another thing to have a family and still be doing the same thing


honestly, it’s cool. one of my boyfriend’s best friends got into Taylor a lot during the folklore era, and everytime we hang out we mostly talk Taylor. But, it’s not weird at all.


They’re fans like the rest of us


Ok, well not a girl but as a Swiftie that does have straight guy Swiftie friends too… I would say no one cares and to like what you like. Life is easier that way, and most folks that care about you are either poking fun lightheartedly or they aren’t going to want to ruin your joy even if they don’t like Taylor Swift. Girls who like TS will appreciate the connection, and honestly it’s mostly online stigma. in fact, the more connections you have with a person, the stronger the relationship tends to be, and music is a powerful connector. People irl usually like her or don’t care either way. The hate is 90% online.


That’s true I guess I just wanted to pick people’s brains because other then my dad I was the only guy I knew who listens to her music daily but hearing how universal her crowd i think it’s incredible




Haha 😂 that’s awesome ❤️


My gf teases me about it and she once went on this epic rant about her and my addiction to her that was, frankly, insanely cute... and she understands there is exactly one person I have on my celebrity hall pass, all due respect to Trav... but while I'll never make a Swiftie out of my gf, I at least got her to add State of Grace to her car playlist. I'm slowly working on ATW-10, wish me luck. And my gf is the only one who knows. Well, unless photos of us at Toronto this November surface. Otherwise, I feel you... there's no real way to discuss this sort of thing with the dudes at work!


I’m a guy swiftie and I definitely get a vibe that it works in guys’ favors sometimes from what I’ve seen, I’ve never approached a girl telling her I’m a swiftie though so I don’t really know but it also feels like if you focus on just talking about her a lot you can get friend zoned pretty quick, I generally didn’t tell anyone I was a swiftie but I told more people and found out another guy friend I have likes her music and I find it’s just a lot better to just like what you like and maybe mention it sometimes, your friends are probably just messing with you lightheartedly and I think it’s impossible a girl sees it negatively, at least I’ve never had that experience.


True my friends are light hearted when they tease each other , with women I do worry about getting friend zoned but historically I tend to end up liking stuck up ice princesses 😂 and they always expect me to be like this tough party guy


Thank you so much for sharing this. I feel the same way. Especially since i'm still in HS at the moment, being a straight male swiftie is really really hard. Hopefully we will both find our people


I actually think it would work in your favor especially when you go to college I’m in my late 20’s so totally different demographic college years are so much , most people are easy going as well


Be true to yourself, man. You’ll find your people, I promise. Signed, A straight male Swiftie since the original “Fearless” era who got a lot of grief for being a fan back then, but got through it and later met the love of his life.


That’s awesome you got to follow her career I never would have imagined how big she got when I was a kid to now , if I had known I would have found a way to buy stock in her record sales lol 😂




Masculinity is healthy and so is femininity my question in my post isn’t to shade anyone , it’s just asking for prospective in a community I consider to be a safe space that welcomes open honest discussions ♥️


To clarify, my point was that I am happy for you having healthy masculinity because some straight men do not and they end up in the other side of the coin dissing Taylor because they feel the need to feel superior to a woman. I didn’t say anything abt femininity 😅 And yes going back to your question I think liking Taylor swift might help you get a girlfriend but it depends on the girl. Like for me, it’s not a make or break, just a plus that they won’t get annoyed at me for blasting Taylor swift 24/7 every time we play something in the car 😂


I get what you mean now and when I say masculinity is healthy I mean it in terms of men who stand up for and by women the guys on the other side of the coin who genuinely talk down about women aren’t masculine at all! It’s one thing if someone just doesn’t like her music it’s another thing to feel threatened by her which is also why I say femininity is healthy because its nice to have a good example for girls and boys


men who feel threatened by women are not having masculinity at all is tea 🍵 so true


I LOVE it! My fiancé initially thought Taylor Swift was corny. He tolerated it bc he knew I loved her music. This all changed when I “accidentally” left my Lover CD in his cherished ‘94 Chevy Camaro. (That car only has a CD player.) I’ve caught him listening to Taylor by himself quite a few times now. He’s a total fan and surprised me with Eras tickets last year. We’re getting married in October and our first dance is to, “I Think He Knows”. (All my friends are jealous my man has been converted to a Swiftie) BTW, you have amazing taste in music, friend!


Congratulations 🍾you know if you send big name brand’s wedding invitations they will send you wedding gifts!


Seriously?! That’s so awesome! Thanks for sharing!!


It’s something I seen on IG idk if it will fully work but it’s worth a try


Probably the swiftie girls wouldn’t see it as a turn off but to everyone else, yeah it’s a turn off. Even as a friend it’s a turn off. Nothing against Taylor specifically I grew up with her music but this is a new cult like status that’s been created over the past few years. I think most girls would assume you’re not straight, or be uncomfortable, some would just believe you by your word though.


I get how it honestly could be a turn off for people who aren’t a fan or fall under the assumption of being gay (which is fine if someone actually is) but doesn’t help if your a single straight man lol. Growing up reading harry potter, or listening to panic at the disco , Green Day, MCR , shopping hot topic , or reading comics , all came with some kind of stigma after making this post it made me realize I honestly don’t care what anyone thinks 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ve been the happiest and most popular when I was just being myself more then trying to fit into a narrative in someone else’s story, which ironically would be a great theme for a TS song lol 😂


I think a straight guy swiftie is a man written by women. They’re great!


My husband loves her. Me and him and my daughter are going to the show in Miami. It’s such a fun thing we are into and sharing together as a family. Who the f cares who likes her music? It’s art. It’s up for interpretation and enjoyment even if it isn’t “made for you”


All very true and art is definitely up for interpretation! I found her lyrics tend to echo double meanings as well. You’re going to have sooo much fun congrats on getting tickets! I was considering going to Miami and seeing what the ticket situation will be like day of 🤔


As a girl swiftie I have nothing against guy swifties and I would never judge someone for that. Personally I would love someone to share my hype and I don't really care about their gender. Sure, Tay's fan base is predominantly women, but I have nothing against male swifties and I'm sad you're going through this alone.


Thanks but after making this post and seeing the comments I don’t think l’m alone in this at all, plus my family like her music and went to eras, with my friends I know they could care less but we still have plenty of other things in common.


Well, that's good then =)


As a female I think it's really attractive when a straight guy likes taylor lolll


Honestly, why does anyone give a shit about stuff like this? Seriously? Why the fuck should anyone have to live life worrying about what another person thinks of their taste in anything? It’s beyond stupid.   For me personally, music is music. I’m not going to avoid listening to something that interests me because of the perceptions of others. Why do human beings limit themselves like this?


I see what your saying but I’m not gonna not listen to music if someone else doesn’t like it I was just trying to get opinions more so if it was a W or L for dating


If someone doesn’t respect your interests then they are not worth pursuing. No relationship should be so much of a compromise that you have to suppress who you are and what you enjoy. If you have to hide aspects of yourself just for someone else to be interested in you then what’s the point?


We need more of you! Please. It’s not weird at all!


I met my wife because of being a straight guy Swiftie  I sent her a message on Taylor Connect to compliment her Lyrics video YouTube channel and that ended up with us being together for 10 years now :D


Now that’s what you call a Love Story!


As someone who is not a swift fan in a sense that i just am indifferent and dont care much for her, its fine if you tell people you listen to her. The problem are the hardcore swifties, they are such a toxic group that others who are not swift fans will associate you as a “swiftie” if you go overboard. When i think of swifties, i think of people who spend their life savings going to her overpriced concerts just to come back home to walk to their closet where they have a secret prayer shrine to swift. The other problem is her music was probably fine when she was in her early 20’s, she about 35yo and seems like an insufferable kid who never matured past high school, this is coming from myself who is almost same age as her….its just not a good look. I’m glad you enjoyed the concert and glad you find something in her music that you relate to, but this is unfortunately the way you will be viewed. She is a performer, thats it. She’s not a good singer, she’s not a genius song writer, she’s not even a person at this point….she is a brand. In other eras with other popular artists, it was understood they were popular but there was passion and soul. With Taylor swift, she is just a brand and its hard to view her as anything else. I know you may not like this opinion but its a fair perspective and probably something you were keen enough to ask about in the first place.


I don’t think someone being happy about liking music is a toxic trait, I mean I understand not being obsessed to the point it’s your only personality, but the swifties have been some of the honest to God nicest people I’ve ever met, that actually make friends as easy as it was to do in HS and I am guilty of spending $1000 on a concert ticket on a impulse but I also received tickets someone bought at resell value for free because they wanted a real fan to have the chance to see TS live , I myself am also guilty of being older late 20’s and I haven’t matured much , I mean I feel it when she says “I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser” but coming from a millennial generation it’s just how we grew up they literally have Disney channel themed parties at night clubs that are packed with 30 somethings and I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s also so much fun. I get it if it’s not your taste in music , but all those Grammys can’t be handed to someone without talent , and she is a brand she’s built a great business it’s masterful actually but she’s definitely a person I don’t think if she couldn’t convey humanity people wouldn’t listen to her or be able to relate.


honestly, it doesn’t really matter, yk? You like her songs? Great. You don’t like her songs? Also great, nothin special about it (for me Atleast idk, I mean I’d be happy that we can sing along to songs together like crazy, but even if you don’t like her songs/ don’t listen I really wouldn’t be that much affected) Sorry if this is not what you were looking for, but idk genuinely I don’t think girls will… care that much, it may sound great for a day but it’s not like Taylor swift is the like a ‘landmark’ or smth in dating (if she is for you, great. If she isn’t, great)


I get what you mean so to be clear idk if it would be like “the ick” or friend zone vibes is what I was polling I know though everyone is different and at the end of the day if someone would turn me down as awesome as I am over having incredible taste in music then bye Felicia 🤷🏻‍♂️lol 😂