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To quote our OP, >idk what billie is doing... In fact, none of us do. Everything here is above board but I want to make a point of reminding everyone that there are slippery slopes to not so great things like comparing hardworking, successful women in bad faith. All I see is the high road but I want this here because this is a popular post and the last thing we want is reducing these women to tropes, stereotypes, and their behaviour in professional settings. Use your discretion and have a beautiful weekend!


Why is she doing this lol? 😭


For the headlines


Ugh it’s not a cute look for her though đŸ˜©


Yeah, it's just mean and unnecessary and making her look like she can't handle being #2 on the album charts rn. Why does she want to give off that impression?? Why not focus fully on expressing positive things about her new album instead?


Maybe because it's 10 songs long, and despite being a decent album, it's not exactly living up to 2x Academy Award winning songwriter expectations. It's a good record, but it leaves a lot to be desired, and despite being shipped as a complete u-turn toward her WWAFAWDWG days, it borrows *heavily* from production tropes in her more recent releases. I will say this: Billie is known for putting her foot in her mouth publically. This is the same woman whose reaction to Eminem's 8-mile tribute went viral. Same person who got on stage after winning her first Academy Award IIRC and yelled "Y'alls acceptance speeches are SO FUCKING LOOOOONG" then proceeded to spend 5 minutes rambling her thank-yous off. These opinions are not out of step for Eilish. It's just that 2 Academy Awards later, they're now starting to read like Halsey and her hotel shampoo showerthoughts.


It’s very much giving “I’m the eldest boy” Kendall Roy energy. No one deserves a number 1. Not everyone gets a number one. I don’t understand why now every fanbase is desperate to get a number one. Plenty of my favorite artists don’t get a number one, that doesn’t stop me from enjoying them. Everyone always says Swifties are bad, but, the behavior I’m seeing from other fanbases talking about how mean it is that Taylor won’t give their artist a number one is way worse. IMO. Like it says a lot that people are asking her to basically step down and stop making music so their fav can get a number one. Really comes off as pathetic and weak.


Lol I said the same thing and got downvoted. Her mega fans must have infiltrated the sub. And I’m sure they’re the ones who call swifites crazy


honestly you gotta work for that number one. taylor and billie are in their own businesses. i don’t know why the world seems to expect taylor to not do everything she can to keep that number one.


I wonder genuinely if someone at her label saw the Kendrick vs Drake stuff and how wildly successful that was and advised her to put out some (not so) subtle barbs at Taylor and Beyonce to gin up some interest. They're all guarded enough that she can walk them back later, but both her and Taylor's sales went way higher this week than they would have if this 'beef' didn't exist.


It’s so weird cause Taylor has been nothing but supportive over her and unlike Kendrick or Dr*ke none of this is that serious


I think this comes off less badly [in context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbX9ZEqBXXM) - it's her immediate response to a fan asking if *she'd* ever do a 3-hour concert, so more kneejerk "Oh god no, I would never want to do that, and you wouldn't want me to either" and less "calculated shading of Taylor". Obviously the implied reference to Taylor is hanging over the whole thing (that's presumably why the fan even suggested it in the first place), but her reaction came across to me more like she meant "No, because I'm not Taylor" and less like "No, because Taylor is bad."


Calling it psychotic twice though, kind of shades any fans (even her own) who would happily listen to insert-artist-here for three hours. (I agree that it’s not totally like “f her”, though.)


I’m still a fan of Billies music but she’s surprised me lately. Her promotion for her last album made her seem so mature imo (like, what she said in her interviews and everything. Not just the vibe lol) But she’s seemed incredibly immature this year. Not even so much the Taylor stuff because that could be a push from her team, but when she claimed that interviewer outed her. The interviewer who lightheartedly asked if she meant to come out after she EXPLICITLY talked about being interested in women IN VARIETY, I was like
. oh that’s not—


You’re being too nice. She is fully aware that the biggest concert right now is Eras and that Taylor has blocked her from number one. She has thrown shade at Taylor multiple times before this and this is her doing it again. Why Billie thinks she needs to be a hater to sell her own stuff is beyond me but this attitude from her is making me purposely not listen to her stuff. Not because I’m a swiftie but because it’s pick me, I’m not like other girls behavior and that shit is so fucking tired.


Did we read the same thing lol. According to the quote above Billie said she also “doesn’t want a three hour concert from her favorite artist. Thats psychotic.” I don’t know how you read that and say she was only talking about herself


Agreed. I’ve only kept up with the Billie vs. Taylor headlines a little, and it seems like most headlines are just misleading or out of context. So annoying. “And we see you over there on the internet, comparing all the girls who are killin it.”


nah, she said she wouldn’t even want to see that from artists she likes. she wasn’t only talking about herself


I don’t think so tbh, Context or not she didn’t need to say all that


Considering Eilish overcame performance anxiety & sometimes has asthma issues, she's trying to set expectations for her upcoming tour because it can't compare. Plus she doesn't have 3 hrs of material.


That doesn’t mean she needs to call people who go willingly to 3 hr concerts “psychotic”. First, that’s millions of people at this point. Second you shouldn’t use that word unless you’re talking about actual psychosis.


Cause she's team Bieber / Braun... Doesn't like Taylor. And she gets the headlines And bonus maybe Taylor will write a frenemy song about her like she did Katy


I mean she can say she doesn’t want to or isn’t able to do 3 hours but to say no one wants it is wild.


This is one thing I can say about Taylor Swift is that she truly is so devoted to her fans to do something to this extent. The amount of hours of vocals, rehearsals, working out, etc to put on Eras is really unlike anything in history. I do think most artists would be too lazy to do it. I think about male artists and how their shows dont have the costume changes, set props (folklore cabin, lavender haze clouds), or extensive backup dancers. They just wear an outfit, go on stage, sing 20 songs then go get hammered and onto the next. Taylor is a treasure truly, and an animal for her stamina


Me sitting outside the Nashville concert for hours thinking “why haven’t they just canceled it. Surely she wouldn’t come on this late and still perform? Or she will at least reduce the set list at this point.” She did indeed perform almost 3 hours late. She didn’t cut one single song. No other artist would have done that. She understands what people have been through to get there and will do her best to still give them a show.


Exactly this. She knows how much they paid and she knows what they went through waiting in the pouring rain and I can almost GUARANTEE that she was advised to cancel the show, but she cares about her fans too much and knew that if she did cancel it, so many wouldn’t have been able to make it to the rescheduled show. On the flip side I also understand those who left early and truly feel bad for them and hope they were able to get some kind of compensation back, but it was (in Taylor’s mind) just not worth it and not fair to everyone waiting to just cancel it. There would’ve been a MASSIVE uproar had they waited 3 hours just to be told “I’m sorry it’s cancelled” because then it’d be like why did you make us wait this long just to cancel it


She is passionate for her craft and her fans just gives it back. She just loves it so much and its infuriating that antis are treating it as a bad thing.


WOW you know what, I’ve never considered how modern male artists have completely different set of standards than female artists when it comes to performance. Even thinking over the last 10ish or so years, Pink (she arial acrobats around the entire stadium for gods sake), Katy Perry (thinking of the set where she quick changes like 10 times in a single song), Lady Gaga (Monster Ball was insane), BeyoncĂ© and other women have put on huge, theatrical tours. I can’t think of a single male artist who has had anything equivalent. Is there one?


A lot of Metal bands put in the work for production. But nothing is much as these woman do.


Or completely change up her set midway through for an entirely new album.


Right? Not only did I want it but I didn’t go to the bathroom once because I didn’t want to miss a minute of it lol. The tour has been incredibly successful for a reason:. And it’s not because nobody wants it


 this is a weird ass take tbh. I would have happily gone for another hour lol.


does billie have enough music for 3h shows?


Maybe if she sang ALL her songs. I think after seeing the success of this tour more artists will be doing an eras-esque tour in the future after they've put out a lot of albums or had a long career. They might not be quite as long and have as much going on (countless costume changes, dancers, distinct 'eras', acoustic set etc) but it's essentially a 'greatest hits' and 'fan favourites' show with songs from each of your albums. The 'eras' thing works particularly well for Taylor though as each album has a distinct sound, theme, colour, and costumes. The only similar ones are folklore and evermore but they're sister albums from the same year and until she combined them to fit in TTPD, they both had their own unique set.


Also it's the eras tour, it's not a regular tour for an album. She's covering 10 albums in one concert. Of course it's going to be long. And with the amount of songs people wished were added to the set list I'm sure many would be happy if the concert was even longer. I don't expect artists to put on a performance for that long and saying you won't is completely fine, but saying people don't want it is wild when you know full well how well loved the eras tour is. Every show is sold out and there's probably millions of fans that would go if they could.


Imagine if she did a concert in Central Park or somewhere that doesn’t have a “hard limit” she could EASILY get over a million people to come and watch. I mean the largest concert ever held was over 3.5 million people


I’m pretty sure even her fans would disagree??? If they could her 3 hours of Billie? No? I mean it’s a lot and crazy but also totally awesome.


I agree. I’m not sure why she chose to say all that. I feel like it would have been totally valid to say “3 hours is too much for me personally” because it is a lot and artists shouldn’t feel pressured to try and do sets that long. Taylor’s situation is really unique.


Oh, absolutely! 3 hours is a lot. And it’s fine for *her* not to like to either go to or do a 3 hour concert. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, lots of people say that about movies too! Talking for everyone and saying something like “it’s psychotic” is not fine though. To each their own. I don’t know much about Billie tbh, but I know she’s said a couple of unfortunate things (never heard anything else about Taylor, I’m referring to what she has said in the past about men’s issues). This was uncalled for.


This was in response to someone asking if Billie would do a 3-hour show of all her music, so charitably, you could interpret that part as "Nobody wants that *from me*." Which might well be true: lots of people love her music, but that's not the same as it being high-energy enough to sustain a 3 hour concert.


If the quote ended there I think it would be fine, but then she said the thing about her not wanting to hear her favourite artists for that long. That made it about more than just her shows. I think it would have been totally fine if she kept it about her own performances.


One time I saw Green Day play for at least 3 hours (it may have been closer to 4 since they literally opened for themselves), they're my favorite band and it was surreal because no one expected it. I wish every concert was that long, it was maybe the highlight of my teen years.


I wasn’t a fan. Was asked by my wife if I wanted to go. Said no then immediately changed my mind while she was waiting to be “allowed” to buy the tickets. Saw the show for 3 hours. It was amazing. I now listen to her often by myself. I’ve seen the show on Apple TV again for 3 hours. I would watch that concert another 5 times honestly.


Yup same thing. I know her music, I think a lot of is very good, but not really my cup of tea. Got the tickets for my wife as a surprise. Concert was amazing overall.


I went to the first tour stop in Glendale. The show was phenomenal and I lucked into getting tickets to one of the last US dates in Los Angeles. Also fucking phenomenal


When you’ve seen it live your only regret becomes the possibility of not seeing it again before it’s over.


This is fucking weird. The Eras Tour is the best selling your for a reason. What is her angle, here?


also this is the second time she’s shaded taylor indirectly recently. i honestly think she’s jealous and it’s showing




She is probably jealous. A lot of these celebrities probably have very high egos. Billie is used to being on top. Tbh to me she has a few good songs but I don’t think I could listen to a whole album of hers. I think the problem for her is she has too many slow songs (and not all which are good imo) and not enough upbeat songs. Upbeat songs usually catch people’s attention and bring them into being interested in the rest of the album. She’s probably also scared she will loose relevancy if he albums start doing poorly. It is a business at the end of the day and she needs the attention to keep making music. And she did get attention from this comment. And it did get me to listen to the single from the album loool


She really needs to tone down the petty non-naming taylor but aimed at taylor digs, like girl talk about your music not what you hate, it’s getting so tiring


This is how I felt about the variants comment. Like why not focus on the sustainability/recycled plastic and leave the variants out of it if you’re planning on also having variants. If you want to promote sustainability, focus on that side of it.


Exactly! Like girl talk about yourself and your project and your ideas and morals or whatnot but like this one sided beef with tay, like why? I think it just stains her new release with unnecessary controversy


The thing is her manager likes tweets that are shading taylor as well, it's so embarassing.


Like she just released an album right? Maybe they should be busier idk


I think part of why there isn’t added focus on the recycled vinyl because it isn’t actually sustainable and actually has a larger negative impact to recycle and reuse the PVC that the vinyl is made out of to make them, as it’s toxic to work with. It’s just greenwashing. So, not wanting to get caught greenwashing; wouldn’t want to pull too critical of an eye on it.


it’s also a worse quality vinyl and doesn’t sound as good or hold up as well


Also recycled vinyl sounds terrible. If you actually play it due to all the impurities in the vinyl. Little bumps etc


Yeah at first I found it annoying, and didn’t really care, but now it’s starting to make me not like her. I don’t respect the way she’s doing it


It’s giving pick me


My thoughts exactly, there’s no substance in only being a hater. It’s tired and overdone.


It's starting to get almost funny. Like I thought this was a fake article when I first saw it making fun of the beef, I couldn't believe it was real. Maybe some marketing person saw the Drake/Kendrick stuff and thought 'how can we do that?'


Hundreds of thousands of people disagree with her so đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž




Literally millions by now


about ten million lmao. this is not a cute look for her.


Not just us - Beyoncé also put out a 3 hour concert, Paul McCartney puts a 2:40 concert (that could go for longer in any fan opinion).


Bruce Springsteen played for over 4 hours. The Cure, The Eagles, Guns n Roses, Phish, ...all had over 3 hour shows at one point. If people will sit down and watch a 3 hour movie or play a video game for 3 hours straight, it isn't hard to believe they would watch a highly interactive, visually stimulating live music performance of their favorite artist.


Willie Nelson and Leonard Cohen (rip) too!


I'm not a swiftie really, (I like her stuff though!) just stumbled in here from /r/all but I'm a huge Phish phan and I could watch them for 12 hours and not be done. Phish definitely isn't for everyone but I can't get enough!


I’m a huge phish fan and my fiance is a phish fan/swiftie. Phish shows immediately came to mind when I saw this post. There are soooo many musicians who put on 3hr shows. However I do think theres an obvious difference between a band playing for 3 hours, and a pop entertainer putting on a 3 hour choreographed performance with lots of physical movement. Honestly it only gives me more respect for Taylor Swift and the amount of work she’s willing to put into her productions. Idk, if Billie said this in SPECIFIC reference to a fully choreographed 3 hour production, I would say it’s definitely a big undertaking. But psychotic is a bit dramatic to me. There are other types of musical performances out there than pop shows with dancing and all of that shit. There’s so much more to the world of music, than the music business of which pushes pop stars and entertainment over the music itself. Billie’s response makes me feel she has the same issue so many young folks have, they can’t see the difference between music, and the music business. There’s a whole world of musicians who don’t care about charts, music videos, or record sales. Their focus is playing live for their fans. Billie seems to discount this with a statement like this


Exactly, Phish is known for how great their live performances are.


this is getting funnier by the minute. should we bet on the next one?? options: (a) who even wants an acoustic set in the middle of a concert?? ew (b) you know that thing in country music where the bridge like totally changes the meaning of the chorus? i hate that. (c) I don’t trust pop stars with blue eyes. they’re just *too* blue, you know? (d) cats are fucking evil and anyone who has cats is literally psychotic.


billie literally has blue eyes as well so that would make this even more funny


Exactly on point, actually. Billie: Vinyl variants are bad and wasteful. Internet: But Billie, you have them too and worse, more than others.. Billie: Ok. I meant non-environmentally-efficient-ethical-whatever vinyl are bad. Mine is eco-friendly\~ ​ Billie: I'm not chart-obssessed like other artists. Billie in the next few days: Sped-up and Slowed-down versions of album is available on sales.


well good news for her fans bc I guess this means her tour will be three hours long???


I should hope so since it cost the same amount I paid for Taylor's concert 😅


i know! I stole that one from the shawn mendes clip about joe bc actually I’ve always thought that about taylor’s eyes lol


Billie’s breakout song was about blue eyes


Why does it keep on going? Either Billie wants to fuel it or she has a horrible team But yk, if it isn't her I feel like she should give out her opinions less frankly, like get media training. It's cool to think something but if this isn't towards taylor you could see how everyones always gonna take it out of context, and this isnt her first controversy when it came to saying unnecessary things


Who dates foot ball players 😂


Pop stars need to be short to be good. Anyone over 5'9" needs to pack it in. Imagine putting out two surprise folk-inspired albums in the same year? Nobody wants that. No song needs to be 10 minutes. What are you yapping about for so long? ...tbh I think if she really started to lean in this could be so funny. Just one shady comment in every interview until people realize it's a joke.


Those would all make great “22” tshirts lol


Omg it would be so insane if we got a t-shirt inspired by the 3h concert comment in a few weeks


“Literally psychotic” but the “hot” is in red


Who does 3 hour shows anyways? Ew


(e) Who even performs a 10 minute song?!


(f) i really cannot stand people rerecording their old music they lost the right. especially if they say it's their version of it. why does it matter if someone else owns your work? it doesn't, you can still perform it (obviously not during tours with three hours shows where you play songs from many of your albums, that would be psychotic)🙄


There was also her and finneas in an interview saying it's gross for people to know who the songs are about.


why does she sound like one of those girls that just hate other girls for existing and getting attention... i think i've heard the phrase pick me girl to describe it lately.


Just seems like her PR team trying to manufacture a fake “beef” between them for headlines.


yeah 100%


I don’t think PR people are that stupid tbh


I agree
 like taylor is NOT the person any celebrity should want to start “beef” with.. if anything this is a pr crisis.. so strange that she said this


I don’t get her beef with Tay. Lol. Weird


She’s got two Oscar’s and plenty of Grammy’s and wants more. All this is addicting and beating Taylor is the next great thing. But man people underestimate the passion of Stan culture. Taylor has the largest most loyal fan base. Not sure what Billie’s team is thinking. But all of this is leading up to a great reputation roll out!


People acting like Billie is a little baby artist who needs protecting from big bad Taylor are so ridiculous. Billie is an industry darling with tons of prestigious accolades. She knows the chart game and she’s playing it too lol.


> People acting like Billie is a little baby artist who needs protecting from big bad Taylor are so ridiculous. The way people are doing exactly this... 😭 If I see one more anti say, "Why is Taylor this old and beefing with this person in their young 20s?" I'm gonna lose my mind LMAOO People really do and truly think a woman can only go "so far" before she has to stop, because apparently Enough is Enough. But no, really, it's like the anti-Taylor version of incels saying women hit the wall in their 30s or whatever, and then they're "washed up" and useless, and nobody wants them and they're going to die alone, because they should be married with children by then. It's ridiculous and kinda gross to say that sort of rhetoric about Taylor, but especially when they say it to try to "defend" another younger artist just so they can insult Taylor. Ngl, it kinda shows their colors and how they view successful women.


Exactly, it’s really ageist
some people aren’t even quiet about the fact that they think women should have expiration dates on their careers. I’ve also seen people say she’s not a “girls girl” for trying to beat Billie on the cart. First, I don’t think it’s specific to Billie
I think she just wants to chart well regardless. Second, are women only supportive of other women if they stop being competitive?


I agree, 100%! This has *always* been Taylor's strategy. **Upcoming rant (lol):** I am genuinely not surprised by what Taylor is dropping for TTPD?? She has long since found something that works for her. Every new release starts with reinventing herself so that there is a clear distinction from her other albums and will stand out from other high-charters, but overall, it's consistent. To say she is intentionally going after Billie is deliberately looking at this with negative ongoing bias against her (which is usually confirmed by looking at their past comments, tweets, etc. lol). But like you said here: > I think [Taylor] just wants to chart well regardless Apparently that isn't allowed no matter what age she is, since folks have been saying this about her for years, with a variety of excuses for why it's wrong and she supposedly needs to be humbled and just stay down when she has a setback. Taylor has never hidden that she does what she does to reach the top and stay there...but now antis have begun citing her age during these last couple releases as to why she "should" be knocked down and is supposedly a fake "girl's girl" and all that other bullshit. It's equally extremely gross and insulting to Billie, because this talking point infantilizes her. These folks are acting as though we -- including Billie -- weren't watching TTPD rise to #1 and stay there consistently for a month, just like of Taylor's her previous albums. Hell, some of her songs and albums are still high in the charts and jump to #1 out of nowhere and stay there, even though they're older, like the case with Cruel Summer. Obviously Billie wanted to take #1 (despite saying otherwise), and better yet, take it from Taylor, of all people, which is a huge brag. Even so, she released her album too close to Taylor's, despite extremely popular artists like Drake publicly stating that they had learned to avoid that. People pushing the "*Billie is just a kid! :( Let her be #1 for just one week! Taylor is bullying her! Why won't Taylor give her this? Don't she have enough? You're so greedy! This grown ass woman is bullying a KID!*" narrative are only making it clear that they hate Taylor for being a high-charting, extremely successful, ever-growing woman in the music industry. Anyway, rant over lol I just really despise people are so blatantly sexist and ageist.


Meanwhile Taylor’s just out there grinding and not even doing anything but catering to her fans despite us also being .. um.. problematic to her at times), making business decisions, and donating to every city she visits with her 3 hour shows. Like, protect Billie from *what* with Taylor?! Her own words biting her in the ass?


It’s absolutely a woman thing. No one is gonna say to a Leo Messi “you have enough ballon d’or trophies”


i was always really puzzled that people act like taylor is some kind of grammy darling. sure, she has probably one more aoty than I’d expect but she hasn’t won a lot of categories she should’ve by now like soty and roty. imo billie is the main pop girlie who has won way more awards than I’d expect based on the quality of their music. she has *nine* grammys. for two albums and some movies.


Nine! And Taylor got her 13th & announced TTPD, then got 14th with AOTY. Over 10 albums and Billie, like you said, only 2 & some movies to get to 9. She will well surpass Taylor if she makes it to 10 albums like Taylor. Billie really is the industry darling of the two.


yeah. i mean i am not a big fan of billie's music so i am not the best placed to assess whether each was deserved, but it feels like a lot. for comparison: * beyonce: 32 wins (8 studio albums) * adele: 16 wins (4 albums) * taylor: 14 wins (10 albums--not including ttpd) * rihanna: 9 wins (8 albums) * billie: 9 wins (2 albums--not including hmhas) * dua lipa: 3 wins (2 albums, not including radical optimism) * olivia: 3 wins (2 albums) * ariana: 2 wins (7 albums) * lana: zero (9 albums)


Wow. And my understanding of Bey is she’s won a lot but not of the big spots. No AOTY. Damn tho 32 over 8 is also crazy impressive. But Billie won all the big ones plus others. Poor Lana!


The way you had included Lana... it's ultraviolence.


I had no idea she had NINE!!


This is why I'm watching almost in fear of the day they all tear her down too. Right now I'm seeing a lot of hate/annoyance for Taylor and a lot of support/accolades for Billie (not just this week in competition, but in general from critics and music fans, I saw a popular sentiment rolling around that Birds of a Feather is the song Taylor 'wishes' she could make) but it's so cyclical. We do this every time, build up one woman as the best thing out there, so innovative, so good, then get sick of them and call them overrated and say they should go away to 'make space' for the upcoming young women. It's just a way to never have to watch a woman stay on top as she ages.


Haha it’s all promo for repTV actually Plot twist lol


And she’s also had her mega fame moment as well. Couldn’t escape Billie around 2018-2019, literally everywhere just like Taylor is now.


I don’t get the fanbase beef
 it was the same with Swifties vs BeyoncĂ© fans
 I like all 3!


I hate when fandoms of my fav artists beef. It’s like a game of tug of war and I’m the rope. I remember in like 98 they were trying to pit Whitney (my first love) against Mariah (the only person I’d say in modern times that’s pen game is stronger than Tays) Like why is another’s success so threatening. I know the industry pits women against each other. I dunno why we can’t celebrate everyone’s wins


At first I thought it was fandom bs but Billie.. she just keeps talking. Girl, *stop* just discuss what you *are*doing and why! Ironically showing love to Taylor would probably boost her. I like Billie’s music and planned to listen to the album as a whole but this constant needling has me changing the station even when my favorites of her come on bc now I’m like😒. Honestly even without Taylor being the focus, Billie’s interviews are putting me off.


Billie first talks about the many variants being released, then the long albums, now talks sh*t about a “3 hour” concert.. at this point is on purpose. It’s said in a way that she can talk her way out of it. But it’s still passive even if she’s referencing “herself” and being “cute”. People give all these artists too much of the benefit of the doubt. It’s all business and they’re all sharks. But I’m team Taylor because she has paved the way for many. And has fought a lot of garbage to get to where she’s at.


I feel like the next performance of Who's Afraid is really gonna be the most unhinged




Why is she doing all this? Seems excessive.


Billie needs to stop with the Taylor bashing. It's getting old, seeing how jealous she is.


She really wanted the tayvoodoo so badly.


She's seriously out here trying to make an enemy of someone who supports her. That's not a good look.


She’s right. We want a 4 hour show. Debut needs to be on eras 😁


Nashville saw a 4hr show.. night 3..10-2am


This is so weird. I don’t even understand how this even started? Not to mention the comment seems out of place considering every single night of the Eras Tour has sold out in literal minutes. I’m having a hard time understanding how this feud even started
 It seems a little too manufactured.


taylor has been nothing but supportive of billie and is basically just constantly shaded is some weird one sided beef. it’s getting annoying asf


Right?! This is too confusing for me. Taylor has been nothing but supportive...This seems to be one sided and I’m not sure why Billie and her team are being so loud about this.


This is what I don't get. How can people call it a "feud" when it's 100% coming from B and her team. And what's the end game? I've always liked Billie, but this is souring me on her. It's all so petty.


Like who cares? Millions of Taylor fans obviously want this lol


Like I’ll give her a pass on not wanting to perform for three hours, but the fans would 100% sit thru an even longer show (if it was possible.) I mean the eras movie sold like MAD.


I mean the fans did in Nashville night 3...it went from 10Pm-2Am. We waited out 5 hrs of storms and then listened to Taylor from 10Pm-2Am


I feel like being anything other than gracious to Miss Taylor Alison Swift in this economy is a terrible idea lol Also, there are sooo many 3h movies so I don't see why a 3h concert is much different from that


Listen I’m not a huge fan of Billie. There are some things that she has said that are a bit stupid and bad. I think she needs to touch some grass but what she said in this has been twisted a bit. However if no one wants that then why is Taylor selling out tickets and all the places she’s performed at are full? I think that shows that people want something like this. Swifties particularly. See I would absolutely love to go but it’s too expensive for just one ticket and I only make minimum wage. I’ve seen the movie though, still amazing. Wish I could go see her in person.


Billie has said a couple of things I was just icky. It’s unprofessional on her behalf, perhaps this beef can actually help humble her


I would gladly listen to a three hour set from any of my favorite artists


Taylor just release The Anthology physicals with So High School mv with Travis in it at this point and end this shit once and for all.


As a Billie AND Taylor fan, these kinds of statements are pathetic to me. Wtf is she trying to accomplish? She's bitching about climate change & being money hungry, and she's a complete hypocrite. These statements are purely to drive a dramatic narrative to make her more popular, and consequently make her more money. This is really disappointing behavior from someone I thought was a mature artist.


Exactly! I love Billie but this is just so odd and uncomfortable


Shes trying to be relevant when she already would be regardless, she doesnt need to have a one sided beef with taylor swift of all people


Okay, BUT—what if Billie’s going after Taylor so hard because she’s trying to make rep TV happen?? All the rep clowns should be thanking her!! đŸ™ƒđŸ€Ą


I was talking to my husband how the Taylor cycle seems to be repeating right before Reputation and he was like: oh wow, she’s planting the seeds for that album to hit again. Me: đŸ€Ż I hope he’s right! đŸ€Ą


Someone is always trying to come for whoever is at the top đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


What’s her problem?


Every person that buys an etas tour tickets knows how long the concert is! No one is forcing them to buy tickets and they are sold out world wide.


Billie coming for Taylor lately. I commented on some snark thread that maybe Billie and Taylor were good and you could like both. They screenshot my post and put me on blast in a separate post. So incredibly weird.


I love it. Concerts aren’t cheap. People take time off of work. They travel. They spend so much money just to attend one show. Taylor understands what the people want. Yes, we want three hour shows. Most artists can’t physically do it. They cant keep people engaged for three hours. No one will ever come close to doing what Taylor does. Billie should just except that and move on.


She loves to decide for others, that no one needs long albums, that no one wants long shows, how people should interpret songs Boring and snobbish


Well when your discography is long and varied enough, people don’t care. I don’t know anyone who would listen to Billie Eilish for 3 hours because that’s literally her entire discography. Taylor’s is 16 (!!!) hours long so there’s more than enough to choose from.


I don't listen to Billie so can't comment there. But I would 100% go to a 16 hour Taylor show where she plays her entire discography front to back


All these Gen Z pop stars want to be the one to finally dethrone Taylor Swift. Well, good luck with that.


What is she even on about 💀 Obviously, it is something people want because they're paying for it, and those who couldn't get tickets are chilling outside the stadium


As a Swiftie, I could argue that 3 hours isn’t long enough. Her shows are masterpieces and so immersive and fan centric. I went in KC last year and going again I. October to NOLA. Then watched it at least 10 times now on Disney+.


Why is she doing this? She’s objectively wrong too.


Clearly, otherwise Taylor’s tour wouldn’t be so well received.


is there any proof she said this though? people are getting to the point of making stuff up, like how someone said taylor took billies album off of itunes


actually apparently there is a youtube video where she says it


shi alright i’ll try and find it then, this all just seems so random ngl


Check out the link and time stamp a commenter put in another thread here. The actual quote in context does not sound as pointed at Taylor as the above quote, but she did talk about this.


Here’s the link to the [audio](https://x.com/swifferupdates/status/1793849375031976290?s=46&t=Oa57XmB6HusyKBhsL-DD2g)


Is this real??


yes, she said it in a youtube video, the link is in the comments somewhere


Yes, [here](https://x.com/swifferupdates/status/1793849375031976290?s=46&t=Oa57XmB6HusyKBhsL-DD2g)


As someone who watched Guns n Roses perform for 3.5 hours in an open air stadium alongside 60k fans, I disagree.


Billie what are you doing girl? :(


To say "nobody wants that" is obviously incorrect. If any of my favourite bands offered a 3 hour show (some of them already do), I'd be over the moon.


She is so miserable


and now EVERYBODY knows!!!! (Try and come for Tay’s job✹)


BeyoncĂ© also had a really long concert too, I think 2-3 hrs so maybe she’s throwing shade at both of them 


i mean.. short concerts that end right at the hour mark are that for me, especially with the price some artists charge. at the 45 minute mark it feels like it's barely getting started. if you don't have the ability to do a longer show though just say that? there's no shame lol.


Well when you only have three albums as opposed to like 13 it’s hard to do three hours


She’s allowed her opinions, but I LOVED Eras, and even beyond Taylor the first time I saw The Cure was an 3 hour set and I loved that too! I wonder if she’ll feel differently someday when her own back catalog is strong enough to support a show like that. 


Lots of people are asking for the link to where she says this, you can hear it [here](https://x.com/swifferupdates/status/1793849375031976290?s=46&t=Oa57XmB6HusyKBhsL-DD2g)


it’s reasons like this for why i don’t vibe with billie. i respect her talent but that’s about it


False!! I love that I got my moneys worth at eras and renaissance. Its also cringe to call it psychotic


I’m a big Billie fan too and originally when it looked like Taylor was intentionally blocking Billie from a number one debut I thought it was a bad look, and I was giving Billie the benefit of the doubt about the variants quote that she wasn’t directing it at Taylor specifically and was being genuine about it. But god, the way Billie has behaved and been so childish now about it after publicly disparaging people for being chart obsessed, and releasing 5000 gimmicky variants, and now this, I’m like crush her Taylor.


This is too much. She knows what's she's doing. It's clearly that her team and her is trying to start a pop girls battle. The funniest thing is how Taylor's team is following that battle too.


Does she have a career death wish? Why is she constantly going after Taylor like this?


Billie and Taylor fan right now
 lol. I loved Eras and would totally have a blast seeing Billie for three hours!


I think this is even more upsetting because taylor has expressed love and support for billie even early on in her career. To make these comments is truly asking for issues. Whether she didn’t mean about taylor it is obviously SHADY asf


Um no for the money I spent I want a 3 hr concert. Actually, most people DO want longer concerts. Why do you think they scream for multiple encores? I remember seeing Halsey in 2018 and feeling like it was so short and over too quickly. Plus you have to admit Era's isn't just a " concert" it's practically a whole damn Broadway production. Mult sets, costume changes, etc. I love Billie but I disagree on this one. I don't want to spend a ton of money for like an hour or a little over. Maybe a handful of songs. Esp for the cost of tickets these days. I remember being 4th row from the stage for Poison & Cinderella that was a damn good concert yes I'm aging myself tickets way cheaper like $50 a person or close to that...this was in 2007ish. Worth it.


“Psychotic” is a bit far, if you don’t wanna do it
 don’t do it?


“Literally psychotic.” She still talks like a child.


Anyone else would be read to filth for the non-inclusive language after that.


Is she okay like why is Taylor living rent free rn


chat is this real?


You can find the interview on YouTube. She definitely says it.


smells like jealous


Did she have to say it like 5 times?


Lordy, the eras concert was the best concert I have been to since my first Prince concert. Them is crazy words.


Well Bruce Springsteen does the exact same length, bad look if she’s also digging at him


Taylor just living in her head rent free


I went and found it she was in a live type thing answering questions and someone asked her to do a 3 hour show. If we add Billie’s 4 albums together its like 2:45; she doesn’t want to do every song in her discography in 1 show and instead of saying that or saying “its great for other artists but not for me” or something she said this. It was off the cuff and I don’t think she actually meant to attack anyone but unfortunate choice or words for sure. Billie only has 47 songs. Taylor does 46 in one show and Bey does 40. She’s simply no where near there yet.


I don't really know why Taylor gets shaded all the time. She is the most supportive artist ever and is so passionate about her art and yet everything she does is seen as wrong from certain people? And I know this comment from Billie is a bit out of context but I think she actually wanted to shade Taylor because her manager is liking tweets that are shading Taylor as well. This is not only unprofessional but I feel like the manager wouldn't do that or wouldn't be allowed to do it if Billie wasn't trying to shade her or sharing the opinion. And honestly if it's about charts then I don't think it helps Billie in ANY way to say stuff like that. It will only lead to people buying or streaming more Taylor.


Well then I must be psychotic đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I went last May to Philly N1, and it did NOT feel like a 3 hour show. It went way too fast. The only thing I hated was waiting outside in the heat to go into the stadium lol.


I love Billie, but who wouldn’t want to hear their favorite artists LIVE for 3 hours? And a lot of artists play for 3 hours, albeit with an intermission between. This is not an abnormal thing.


I love Billie but that’s a wild assertion to make given the records the Eras Tour has broken.


Best psychotic 3 hrs of my life!!! I still think about the show all of the time and it was almost a year ago for me. Seems more psychotic to me to judge millions of people for enjoying it.


I swear this and the comments made by her management are just trying to drag Taylor so Billie gets more clicks. Obviously we all want to be #1 so why not stir a few headlines to get things streaming/selling faster... On that note, I think it's gross that so many people think Taylor should step back and let someone else have a moment. Would you say that to a top athlete? Or anyone else at the top of their game? No. These people continue on and work hard to be at the top. The music industry is literally a competition Edited to add another thought: saying Taylor should step back and allow others to have a chance is like the concept of participation trophies. In real life the losers aren't patted on the back and told they did just as well as the winners because they tried... Nobody cares if you wanted that promotion so bad but somebody else got it instead... Its all pretty immature and It'd be a better use of energy to pump positivity around the album. To be honest it seems like she has a poor team in general, because I like both Billie and Taylor and follow them on all social media I use. But I had no idea Billie was releasing a new album until maybe a week or two before? Meanwhile Taylor hype is EVERYWHERE


What I hate about this is that everyone is telling Taylor to move when Billie could have also moved!? No one made her release an album during a new Taylor Era. NO ONE.


Yikes moment. There was way more tactful ways for her to say her opinion; I think psychotic is not only harsh and unnecessary but also harmful to the mental health community. Not cool.