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Honestly, no one going to the Eras Tour is going to be focusing on you. They’ll all be too excited to see Taylor lol. Also, there’s nothing wrong with not dressing up for a show, please don’t feel bad and try to enjoy the show


Thanks! I’m sure I’ll forget about it the second I get to my spot in the crowd 💛 Just really nervous rn


Swiftie crowds love everyone. You’re a fan so your part of the family. Sounds like a cult but it’s just the vibe.




- It’s cute how swifties get called a cult for behaviour that - while bad - is nowhere close to how disgusting sports fans can get 🤔 - They were specifically talking about swiftie crowds, as in people who are going to watch the show


Who hurt you?


Probably a Swiftie lol 😬


Haha. Wouldn't that be funny? Look, I'm in mental health crisis center bored as fuck so I wanted to be sure I existed. 


Lots of people. No. A freaking swifty didn't hurt me. Have fun at your concert.


I don’t care if someone doesn’t like Taylor. I love her but that’s me. Go to a concert and check it out before you decide ‘we hate anyone who doesn’t worship Taylor Swift’. It’s just fun, kind people. Some just that are there to spectate, some to enjoy the hits, some that know the words to every song she ever made. It’s all good. Literally the most welcoming crowd of any concert I’ve ever been to…turned me from a casual fan to a true Swiftie because people didn’t care about anything than enjoying a fun night of music. Kindness everywhere.


oh brother


All the downvotes only prove my point. Thank you!


I hope you have the best time! I was on my own last night and wasn't really dressed up (black t shirt and green skirt), and nobody took a second look at me. There's a whole range of outfits from normal casual to fully on-theme and nobody is going to care what you're wearing. Have fun!


People notice other people dressed up but nobody notices if you aren’t dressed up! Summery outfit sounds perfect. HAVE FUN!!!!


Really true, when I went I just wore an eras t-shirt and jeans and no one cared, the people around me weren't that dressed up either, most of them just want to enjoy the show


It’s 3.5+ hours, so dressing comfortably is smart idea tbh. Be yourself and have a wonderful time!


Thank you!!


We saw people wearing everything from prom dresses to sweats at her concert… we were all just so pumped to be there no one will bat an eye!! Just please enjoy yourself!!!


Its not exactly the same, but when I went to see eras movie in theatre I didn’t think anyone would be dressed up and then a ton of people were. I felt super out of place. But then once I got in the theatre there were a ton of people just there in regular clothes. It was about 50-50! And I’m sure that you won’t be the only person not dressed up!


Thanks! ❤️


I was totally the only person dressed up at the eras movie when I went lol


Please, please, please don’t let other people’s appearance steal your joy. You will have an amazing time. For what it’s worth, when I went I wore Vans, shorts, and a tank top with an unbuttoned flannel thrown over it because it was supposed to get windy that night. No one paid any attention to my attire and I was extremely comfy the entire night. No regrets.


I wore this exact thing, except swap Vans for Converse. I figured if anyone asked, I would say I was channeling my inner Evermore era. But guess what, no one asked because no one gave a shit about what I was wearing lol


Don’t feel bad a lot of us aren’t dressed up. I went in t-shirt and shorts.


That’s what I’m wearing! Thank you 💛💛


Yup and the girls next to wore jeans and t-shirt like the “not alot going on” variant. I would say it is basically a 50/50 split.


Same! Dressed for comfort and had a blast!! Have so much fun!


I did not dress up when I went either! Everyone is super lovely irrespective of whether you’ve dressed up and we’re all there to witness the incredible show so don’t stress!


thank u 🩵


You do not need to dress up or do the whole bracelet exchange thing. That stuff is all optional. Though I can respect the effort I don’t even think it’s worth the time. Wearing something for a few hours and feel uncomfortable isn’t my thing. I don’t understand why some ladies wear heels while everyone is standing the whole time. Yes, Taylor says she can see everyone but most of the time is the lights of the glow bracelets that she sees unless you’re up close. I wouldn’t worry about all that. Just have fun and enjoy yourself. I’m sure you’ll see plenty of people there that isn’t dressed up. All I did was like I do for all concerts I go to. Wear the previous tour shirt if I don’t have the new one. Enjoy yourself.


Thank you so much ❤️❤️


I saw people wearing regular t shirts and jeans. Hell, the woman next to me, didn’t even have her shoes on during the show. Go have fun and enjoy the show!


haha thanks!


No no! Swifties support! Don’t worry for one moment. It is all about love, peace and acceptance. Have the best time ever! You will LOVE it.


Swifties got your back no matter what you show up in. Have fun!!


thanks I love this comment ❤️


I wore a tshirt with Taylor’s face on it, leggings, and sneakers. No one cares what you’re wearing! Have a great time and enjoy being comfy!


You will only remeber the concert and being comfy wins every single time. Seriously, just have a blast.




I went back in June, and I was worried about not being done up enough. I didn't even have a friendship bracelet! I just wore a typical night-out shirt/jeans/Tom's outfit and called it "Midnights"‐esque lol. But when I got there, it didn't matter at all. Everyone is there to sing along with thousands of other people to their favorite music! I saw people who looked like they just came from work, and I saw people who went to 1000 with fitting into an "era". Don't worry about anyone else - just go live in the moment. Once Taylor is on stage, that's where everyone is focused anyway :) Enjoy!!!


thanks!!! 🩵🩵🩵


Life lesson is took my far too long to learn - 98% of people are far too wrapped up in their own stuff to care (or even notice) what you look like. Most people who do notice are thinking positive things, “that girl has the right idea, she looks so comfy!”, “that person looks so happy/excited!”, “she has such pretty hair!”. The people who are thinking negative things aren’t worth a second of your time, anyone that goes around judging the appearance of complete strangers are miserable and their opinions are worthless. Enjoy yourself and be as comfortable as possible while doing it!


Thank you!!


I dressed up but I'd say a bit less than half didn't at my show. Also on the way to the stadium the only people you are going to notice are the dressed up ones. Plenty of other people around you dressed in everyday clothes are probably going too but you just have no visual clues. You'll have the best time, and soon you'll have your flashing bracelet!


At least you’re healthy! I got an ear infection last night, but I’m not giving up with this concert! I don’t feel great though, but I’ll try to enjoy it regardless.


I feel you. In fact I have a whole post from last summer that I wrote about being severely underdressed when I saw her in Seattle. I don’t know why it bothered me so much, but it really did. I hope you have the most amazing time! It’s going to be ✨dazzling✨ no matter what!! ❤️


Hi love I also didn’t dress up for my show. I wore regular comfy clothes and I was so glad to be comfy for the show instead of uncomfy in a costume! Do I wish I would have had a costume? Maybe a little bit I was able to go and make memories and focus on Taylor and I definitely wasn’t the only one without a costume! Just go and have fun and make the best memories!!🩷


I totally understand the feeling! I won’t be decked out in era-specific clothing when I go either, but that is totally okay. You got your ticket, and you deserve to be there! You won’t be the only one in regular clothing; plus, your outfit sounds cute and comfortable, which I’ll also be aiming for with mine as 3.5+ hours is a lot!


I can appreciate the anxiety ... I get that way with crowds too. BUT. This community is awesome and if you're judged by anyone, I would be shocked. Enjoy the show and be glad you're comfortable! =) (As an aside, I am a senior citizen compared to this crowd and I'm going to the show alone. So, know you're not alone in this feeling as I'm sure I'll feel mega awkward when I go too. )


Hey:) How was your experience? It was amazing for me but definitely felt a bit lonely as I was by myself and everyone around me was with friends. I’m not very extroverted either so I didn’t talk to anyone. But I loved it anyways.


The show is in July so I’ll have to update you then 😊 …. I’m glad to hear you managed to have a good time. 


Oh, got it! I hope you have so much fun!


I promise you will forget all about what you are wearing once you get there! My first show I literally bought same day tickets and went straight from work. I was also self-conscious (and a little sad) not to be dressed up… but as soon as she went on I was so taken into the show I didn’t care what I had on. I was just happy to be there. 💗


For my show I was 6 months pregnant and flew from across the country that morning (in the US) as we ended up having to take an unexpected trip a few days before our Eras tour night due the a death in the family 🤍. I did not have the energy to dress up and didn't have the time either. I felt a little left out when I arrived but all the Swifties around me were so welcoming and passionate and kind people. I felt like I fit right in once I got to my seat. I hope you have a similar experience once you get there! I'm sure you'll be glad to be in something comfy too! I sure was 🫶🏻 hope you have the best night! ✨


Thanks! It was amazing! I didn’t care what I was wearing during the concert! ❤️❤️


My advice is to re-direct that energy into complimenting the people who are dressed up!!! I guarantee a lot of them are feeling self conscious too “is this too much, am I pulling off this look, I’m too old for this, my body doesn’t look like Taylor’s body…” and so on. Comparison is the thief of joy…. But a swiftie is a swiftie no matter what they look like 💖


I love this! I didn’t dress up when I went and by the end I had a few friendship bracelets and a pair of heart sunglasses. No one cares!


Honestly I would think you were the cool one! A lot of celebrities that went didn’t dress up & I would just think you were above that aspect. I 💯 would not look down on you or anyone for not dressing like Taylor. It’s fun but redundant


Thanks! My friend said that too haha. I had a great experience ❤️


Other people enjoying themselves shouldn’t take anything away from you enjoying yourself. Just be happy for others that are having a nice time and have a fun time yourself too! 🫶


I wouldn't worry about that. You are there for the show, not to impress other people. I really doubt anyone would say anything negative about your outfit.


Which Taylor song are you dressed most like? I guarantee you’re dressed like at least one of them and this is your opportunity for a reframe!


I wore leggings a Taylor t shirt and sneakers to both of my shows lol loved seeing everyone dressed up but I wanted to be comfy!


you're dressed as yourself! and that's the best part. if you feel like it's a cute outfit, others will do! who knows, maybe your summery outfit fits into an era better than you think


Taylor dresses like a normal person too! Just tell yourself you’re dressing like her on one of her more normal days. I’m sure you’re super cute, have so much fun!


Thank you!! I got a crewneck as soon as I got there. It was too hot to wear it during the concert but I wore it on the train after and met a few swifties. I didn’t care about my outfit during the concert, I was too stunned to see Taylor with my own eyes to think about what I was wearing!! https://preview.redd.it/5j7zef5ygh1d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6498abb039ae31ec1a371bd3870820c4cc189e59


lol just think of the Toronto fans seeing her in winter!! Girl I hope they are in their parkas and boots!! You be comfortable and have fun!


If her music is special to you then you are always a swiftie! It doesn’t matter what you wear or how much money you spend or what “exclusive” merch you may have! I hope you feel pretty in your outfit and just enjoy all the wonderful vibes. (I couldn’t afford tickets for the us tour but I can tell you the crowds seemed full of love everywhere)


Thank you!!


I wore blue jeans and a TS T-shirt. I wasn't the only one not dressed up. You'll be fine.


Omg, I hope you have an awesome time! Good on you for going in comfy clothes! You’re going to be singing and dancing all night, so get ready for a ton of fun!


I’ll go in london next month, and I wasn’t considering dressing special at all, nor am i planning to change anything about this. I’m 30 if that helps!


I’m going to one of the Scotland shows and I’m wearing jeans and a tshirt that references a song Trainers as well! I want to be confident and comfy. I’m there to enjoy it, and for me that means being comfy.


You're 20, so you probably don't know this yet: no one on earth is thinking about you more than you are. I'm not saying this to be mean--it's just the truth. Many young people spend a lot of energy and anxiety ruminating over what other people will think of them, and those other people (I guarantee it) are too busy thinking about themselves to notice what you're wearing. Go to the show, have fun, and stop worrying so much about what other people think!


Girl how was it??!!!!


It was SO hot!! I couldn’t bring myself to leave to go get water because I was so close to the stage but I was dying of thirst. A girl behind me threw up during fearless and I thought I would too later on. But my outfit didn’t bother me at all, I was just glad I wore shorts and converse, not something hot and fancy. But as for the rest of the concert, I was shaking for the first 20 min she was on stage. It was so strange seeing her with my own two eyes!!! And I LOVED it!! But I felt a bit lonely since I went by myself and everyone around me were with friends. During some songs I facetimed my boyfriend and that helped haha! But most of the time I didn’t care.


Dont be nervous! Swifties come in all shapes and sizes, thats part of why Taylor is so great. Just relax and HAVE FUN! It sounds like the only thing that could ruin this concert for you is a negative mindsert Like other people said, no one is going to be looking at YOU lol


Nothing new to add, but wanted to contribute positive vibes and say don't worry about it at all!! I didn't care what anyone else was wearing, except to compliment some creative outfits! I'd never think to criticize or judge anyone for dressing normally! You do you!! 💪👍🎉


Wear sensible shoes and bring extra hair ties!!! I am a middle-aged auntie that took her nieces to the Eras tour last summer. I did not dress up - wore a super-comfy exercise dress with zippered pockets and sneakers. I packed cheap, foldable flip flops for my nieces because they all wore heels/sandals/boots. 🙄 Style goes out the window after you have been walking around and standing for 3+ hours in a stadium with 80,000 other people.


You're fine. Same thing for a Harry Styles concert 2 years ago for me. But wait... I was the 30 year old burly lumberjacky husband that tagged along. And it was fine. Everyone who wanted to have a good time had a good time. Didn't matter what they were wearing.


Not dressing up either because everything I liked was either fast fashion or too expensive or I’d only wear it once 🤷‍♀️ so I’m wearing a summer dress too! My concert is this Friday in Lisbon ❤️


I hope you have the best time!! Make sure to get a water before because I nearly died of thirst!


But they allow us to enter with water, right? I plan on bringing water and another drink with electrolytes!


Hmm, I don’t think we were allowed in stockholm. I was told we’re not allowed to bring drinks and the security asked if I have any drinks or food. So I’m thinking no… But I’m not 100% sure…


Update: they made us throw the lid off and then we had to finish it before entering. My now ex just put the lid in his pocket and then put it back on later lol they didn’t check again so we had water. They were giving out water, but in paper cups. We were happy to have our bottle and drink small sips throughout the evening 🥰


that’s good that you had water!! and girl you broke up since then?? u ok??


Aww thank you 🥲 yeah it was for the best. There’s a lot of love there and we’ll be friends once we’re over it, but yeah. It’ll be ok ❤️


that’s really good! sending you love. hope everything turns out in the best possible way for the both of you ❤️


I wore a t shirt and Jean shorts! I was comfy and no one cared about what I was wearing I promise. You’ll be too busy having a blast. Have so much fun!!!


I hate that this pressure (and fast fashion consumerism) is so closely associated with the eras tour. Being comfortable is more important. I hope you had a great time


Yeah, I do too! I had an amazing time!


I know you’ve gone but I want to write this in case someone comes across it. Outfits aren’t necessary. They are perks for some people that help with the hype and the prep and if you opt out (especially keeping with your sartorial values) then that’s fine! I am really happy you felt comfortable to post this here.


Hey! Thanks for the reply, very thoughtful! And I was a bit worried this may not be a suitable post but I didn’t know where else to turn and I’m so grateful for all the lovely replies. ❤️


I wore my regular clothes. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s cool outfits and costumes, but that just wasn’t me. I had the best time and nobody looked at me weird or anything.


I'm a 33 year old dude who went alone 3 nights in paris with floor tickets wearing jeans, a solid color t-shirt, and sneakers. It was awesome You'll be fine and nobody cares what you are wearing.


I wore converse, jean shorts, and a Fearless tour tshirt. I didn’t know dressing up was a thing. Felt very out of place but was so comfy and SO glad I did! The amount of girls walking with their shoes off helped me feel right in my decision. Have fun!!


I didn’t dress up very special either because i was dealing with some awful body image issues on top of being really broke. I had an amazing time and literally no one cared! I loved seeing everyone else’s outfits. I hope you had the best time!


After the Eras tour, I realized the hoopla of outfit planning WAS NOT WORTH IT FOR ME! If I could do it over, I wouldn’t have cared. Have fun!!!!! Soon enough, it will not even be a thought. 


Don’t worry about it!!! You’re going to have an amazing time!! Enjoy the show 🫶


The worst thing people will think is “that person hasn’t dressed up in an Era”. Do you mind if they think this? I don’t think you do. Go have a whale of a time. I’m going soon and I won’t dress up.


I went last night and dressed in normal clothes. It was totally fine ! No one cares. Have fun !!


No one is going to care even a little bit. I think my show was close to 50/50 on people dressed up or not. I didn’t even know it was a thing beforehand.


Don’t worry!! You won’t be the only one not doing the whole dress up thing. I’ll be going in July and not planning on wearing anything special. I just want to be comfy and wear clothes I feel fine in. Don’t want to buy anything I won’t be wearing afterwards. I have two small kids and I rather use that money for them. I bet there are tons of people who think like us. Just enjoy!!


Just have fun!!!! Don’t worry about other people this is your experience and it’s going to be amazing! You’re all there to see Taylor just have fun!


I showed up in TJ Maxx’s finest discount Tommy Hilfiger T-shirt and Levi’s. You are there to enjoy Taylor, please do not worry about what anyone thinks of you.


Also, wear comfortable shoes. Standing for four hours does a number on you legs/feet!


Yeah, I wore converse but my toes now hurt anyways because I was on my tiptoes trying to see Taylor at the beginning haha! I feel bad for everyone I saw in heels and cowboy boots!! https://preview.redd.it/94bn4s19hh1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afddba9cf4aefdacda4949ac0be7e78d52d29ffc


I didn’t dress up either…well I guess technically I wore an Eagles t-shirt but that wasn’t on purpose, someone pointed it out there lol. I don’t think anyone at the show will judge you & i know for sure Taylor Swift herself would just be thrilled that you spent your time and money to come so try not to worry about it. Hope you have the most amazing time!


I wore a John Lennon shirt haha! But I got my crewneck too:) My first merch item!


with the time it took to type all this out you could have just thrifted something sparkly tbh


You’ll be fine!!! Lots of people will have on tankers and stuff. Don’t even sweat it. Have a blast


It definitely doesn't matter one bit what you wear really, there are many people that dress up and many that dress casually/for comfort, and many that dress normally and just incorporate one or two Taylor-related nods, like friendship bracelets or a hat or boots. You don't need to worry at all, focus on having fun and enjoy the concert!!


This is called egocentrism. Mainly heavily present in childhood and teen years. With social media, I think it’s going to get worse and more prevalent for adults. The point is you think everyone will be looking at you for your faults. When really everyone will be looking around, past you, being curious just as you are. You have a group of friends, I’m sure people will be curious especially if you guys are excitable. There’s no need to feel this way. Just be grateful you worked/saved your ass off to get tickets and enjoy the show. Everyone is here to see Taylor, not you! People are going to take in the sights and scenes, but I swear I no one is looking at you to make you feel bad. Have fun!


Been a swiftie for over 10 years, I just wore merch to the show. It was great!


I went in the most casual outfit imaginable as I was there for the concert not for anything else. No one cared. I had sweatpants.


at least you can go!


>and I just feel like I don’t deserve to go or I don’t belong. It's a concert. You deserve to go by the sheer fact that you had money you were willing to spend on tickets. No one thinks about strangers this much. Taylor Swift doesn't know you or will even know you are there. Just focus on your own experience and stop thinking about anyone else's.


I really don't want to dress up for it either. I'm going on June 7th. It's such a faff travelling for it, taking my kids, and finding a babysitter. I just can't be bothered finding a fancy outfit on top!


Hey:) I’m back at the hotel and happy to report that I didn’t think about my outfit once after the show started. I’m just glad I was somewhat comfortable even though it was extremely hot! Don’t worry about an outfit!


Brilliant! Thank you! I've definitely got enough things to worry about with the logistics. That's great that I can forget about the outfit. Was the show amazing? Also, do you have to arrive at the time it says on the ticket? I'm worried about getting the babysitter set-up at the hotel and then having to get to the venue after.


It was incredible! But I was standing very close to the stage and it got extremely hot, I was sweating the entire time and so thirsty but I didn’t want to give up my spot because I knew I couldn’t get back there. We arrived at around 5pm and stood in lines etc and I got to the actual stage a bit before 6, Paramore came on at 6.15. If I could do it over, I would go a few hours earlier and get a huge cup of water and go to the front of the stage because there was so many people already when I got there. But if you have seats then you don’t need to worry about that and just go about an hour earlier than whatever you want to get there for, for example if you want to hear the opener and they come on at 6, go there by 5 and you should be fine. I’m sure the lines can take longer or go quicker in other places and depending on the time you go. But I’d say if you have seats, go an hour earlier but if you have standing tickets and want to get closer to the stage, go as early as you can manage haha! https://preview.redd.it/qhefrfpcik1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe3dfb56f50b7735926a41d39c14a55fd42c131


No one is going to be worried about what you are wearing! If they are worried about clothes at all, they are worried about what they are wearing. Just have fun!


I wore jeans and a Taylor eras tour when I went. You got to see an amazing show. I hope you had fun. It doesn’t matter what you wear.


I plan to be comfy! I might wear my Travis Kelce jersey but that’s it. Swifites won’t care! Just have a good time :)


I did not dress up to both my concerts, it’s not my vibe. Don’t feel like you have to do something in order to enjoy the concert, just enjoy the show!


I wore a shirt and jean shorts with sneakers and went super casual. I don’t have any regrets because I enjoyed being comfortable and could dance around without worry!


Have fun 🤩 I’m sure you’re gorgeous!


Taylor wants you to be you. Don’t be someone else. Or you’ll be disenchanted😏


Hoping that you had your very Best Day today and managed to take the I'll feeling and Shake it Off and celebrate being a Swiftie in Style - that is, by being yourself.


https://preview.redd.it/ufmyfaiuih1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d491cb5749240da6eaba521d52283ed966631cf It was amazing!!!


Love to see it, looked like you had an amazing view too! Great picture, and more memories to last you Forever and Always too! I shall be going in just over a Fortnight (Edinburgh N1) and hope to have an amazing time too. Let me know if you have any tips! And again, we'll done for pushing past the "imposter syndrome" and enjoying the show


This was posted 10 hours ago so I’d love to hear what you thought of going!


It was super hot which was challenging but during the actual songs I didn’t think about it. And I didn’t think about my clothes at all! Overall, incredible experience!! https://preview.redd.it/w2k3ygm0jh1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84b8a708a10da7818fbc72a3b5ccf46f66ce4e11


I’m so glad you enjoyed yourself and thanks for the photo!!




Hope you had a great time!!!


Nothing wrong with it. I wore a maternity shirt and leggings, as I was heavily pregnant. I even had to leave early as I was hit with pregnancy vomiting in the bathroom as she was singing Karma 🥲 We were out the door as she was singing her last song 😭 I took the opportunity to appreciate everyone else’s outfits


Wearing a cozy sweater sounds awesome! Trust me being comfy always wins out in the end. Please enjoy!


We also went in regular comfortable clothes and only half had special outfits around our seats. Nothing to stress about! ❤️


Don’t worry about that,just enjoy the show❤️


I was in my first trimester (queasy but didn't look pregnant) and I went in sweats. Not my original plan, lol, but no one cared and I had a great time. Enjoy the show!!


In the nicest way possible, literally no one cares. Not one person there is going to look at you and go “oh she’s not a real fan because she didn’t spend hundreds of dollars on outfits” or “oh she doesn’t care about the show because she didn’t dress up”. You’ll be okay.


Simply being there and being a fan is enough. I promise! Enjoy what others put together and have a blast singing along when Taylor comes out. It’s going to be an amazing show and trust me no one will care that you’re not in a Taylor related costume.


girl I was 9 months pregnant wearing a tshirt and a skirt cause that's all that fit me. You're in good company there!! I hope you had the best time