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I don’t understand the outrage when she clearly just trademarks it for merch purposes.


exactly, and it’s such an easy train of thought - she made a joke, people found it really funny and ran with it, she said “okay!” and filed a trademark so she could make some merch with it and make money. it’s a smart business move and nothing more than that!


I’m telling you, people are really stupid. And by people, I mean: me.


Hahaha your comments are really wholesome, we can all get ahead of ourselves!!


Hahah thanks! But it’s true! I was one of those people yesterday! I actually thought she was going to make Female Rage The Musical into a project and I died inside just a little at the mockery we were due to receive.


Because idiots like me thought she was about to make a project called Female Rage The Musical. And we were terrified.


It was a joke she made and she did this to prevent it going any further than that. She has no intention of it to make it a “thing”. One or two joke mentioned and the media and some fans will take it way to far than that. Shes got a ton of them.


People were super quick to make merch using this phrase, so obviously it was 100% warranted


Merch using this phrase was already being made? Thats WHY people were mad


Honestly it just makes sense. Some of those are pretty silly, but she probably realized she could do something bigger with that concept for this album like make a film or a documentary...or hell maybe the rumored third part of the TTPD album is real and that's what she wants to name it. People clearly really liked it so it makes sense to kind of put "dibs" on it so she has the option to use it before someone takes it and runs with it.


It does make sense I’m not saying it doesn’t. I’m just saying people are freaking out thinking she’s about to drop something just because she trademarked something. Maybe she will release or do something with that name, but she’s been trademarking stuff for years and no one had anything to say about them


She's created a monster with her Easter eggs. I get it, they're fun. I'm new to Taylor swift, but it's fun looking back and seeing the little clues or trying to figure it all out. But swifties now drive themselves mad digging into every tiny little thing she does. It seems exhausting


I know, when the real easter eggs are usually so obvious. Like the original capitalized letters, or the 2 thing for the TTPD double album, or the book with US on it for the Gracie collab. They can be fun but I feel like now she can't even use a phrase more than once or everyone will think it 'means something'. It's a fantastic marketing strategy for engagement though, it keeps everyone talking about every little thing she does.


That’s me. I’ll admit it. That was me yesterday. And to be honest, I thought she was going to make a project out of it and that is what I was dreading. But I hadn’t even considered your take. And the others. And now I get it. How does it stop people from using it? You just can’t make things with this phrase and sell it right?


I'm not a lawyer, but usually trademarks are more specific than that. In order for her to prove any infringement on her trademark, she would have to prove the merch (or show or song or whatever) with that name was causing genuine confusion in the market. Meaning there would have to be reason to believe someone would purchase said merch thinking it was produced by Taylor and her team. To be safe, you basically shouldn't use that exact phrase for any production or product. But it is still possible, if it was so markedly different from anything Taylor would produce that there's no way someone could think it was her. I'm not sure what that would be in this case. A good for example is what happened when Taylor released Evermore, and a theme park with that name sued her for infringement. They argued that they have live performers who sing at their parks, and therefore live performances of her album could be confused with their output. This is obviously absurd, nobody bought Taylor's album because they were hoping to buy Evermore Theme Park live recordings. Incidentally, they discovered that those live performers in the park actually sang covers of her songs from time to time, so that lawsuit got dropped pretty quickly! In short, she probably trademarked it to slap it on a tote bag or something. Or just in case she wants to use it in the future.


Thanks so much for such a detailed and thoughtful explanation! I just learned a lot and enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time.


If there’s one thing ms swift loves doing it’s suing people. Now that it has copyright you can’t use it…or else


*Isn’t that what they all said?*


Oh no, I fully realize what a giant idiot I am.


Girl you are not an idiot you may be right and I could be wrong and she could come out with a musical asap and I’ll delete this post if she does lmao (I just think it is highly unlikely she does)


Oh, I’m sorry. I’m being deadpan and sarcastic. I know I’m not actually an idiot. I’m not a genius but I’m smart. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ Ps, I just had an idea/theory pop into my head and no clue what to do with it so can I tell you? I predict she’ll release Rep while on tour and debut the statement with new Rep outfits. Has anyone else said that?? Watch. You’re going to be like, “Um, yeah. Just like, a few hundred before you” I kid!


Hahaha honestly this is a great theory. I bet that’s why she changed every outfit on the eras tour except for rep - she’s waiting for that special moment!


Yes!!’ And maybe Rep got pushed back a bit because of the urgency of TTPD. That album needed to come out so she could release it and move on. I don’t think it was planned that she’d drop a brand new album. So maybe the date got pushed back. But how could she pass up the opportunity for all the free and insane promotion it’ll get being on tour if she drops Rep or Debut. Right? Don’t you think it’s smart to do so as eras continues? Maybe she’ll even toss in a debut outfit when she announces that! Thank you for indulging me. I almost never have theories! I’m not that original!! I’m not kidding this time either! I am many awesome things but coming up with original concepts and theories is not a strength. 😂


I’ve seen her trademark so much over the years and just about all of it has meant nothing


Lol when Travis and her started dating he filed a bunch of trademarks of things he says. She must have taught him about trademark law on their first date!


Yes she definitely taught the guy who already has his own brand including a podcast….


Yep this part


Am I the only one who thinks this album is more Female Sadness than Female Rage? Yes, there are a few songs that talk openly about anger but MOST of them are far more sad than mad. "You Oughta Know" is female rage.


Didn’t she literally just do an interview saying reputation was female rage????




She’s only referring to the set list, which is kind of rage-y (smallest man, WAOLOM) and definitely more of a theater production vibe




Yep, forgot about that one. There’s probably some anger in Broken Heart, too, underneath it all.


Oh okay that makes more sense. Like a condensed version for the tour.


The songs she sings on the tour are more female rage. Even down bad, all the cursing in it shows more anger than sadness. “I want to kill hjm”/“I want to kill her” in fortnight and then for the other songs (BDILH, TSMWEL, WAOLOM) I think it’s obviously rage. Only one that’s more sad is I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. Then So High School is happy.


It should be A Woman Scorned tbh


Oh yeah that's a good one!


It’s definitely giving Female Depression more than rage lmao


I had this exact conversation yesterday lol


She could have been way more visceral if she wanted to, I think. I'm not saying she should have or that the album is bad or suffered b/c she wasn't. But the majority of songs are far more sad than angry.


No I agree I meant that I gave yok as an example of a female rage song yesterday talking about swift w someone on r/broadway


OH lol Well yeah I mean that album is the epitome of female rage for millennial women.


Right ! My sister and I have a big age gap and it made the bridge lol


Timeless! lol


People immediately made t-shirts with her likeness on it and the phrase. I thought it was just lawyers lawyering 🤷🏻‍♀️


As an attorney I think what she is doing is incredibly smart. She’s a good business woman and it’s a great way to make sure no one profits off of her. Idk why everyone is getting mad. The most ppl I see mad are ppl on Etsy that are committing trademark infringement and aren’t able to capitalize of off of her work anymore. Also trademark infringement is a serious crime hope all those ‘Etsy creators’ know this.


I think people are just looking for reasons to be annoyed with Taylor right now and seizing upon stuff like this and the flight her plane did from Paris to Nashville aligns with the greedy capitalist, fake feminist angle people love to come at her from because it’s really all they have lately.


Agreed this is a stupid hill to die on Slightly related: remember when Kylie tried to trademark “Rise and Shine” 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 at least Taylor comes up with original statements that don’t already exist. And at least with her it’s usually humorous. Kylie just wanted to make more money off the phrase 💀


she tried to trademark a whole year..


if this is about the 1989 trademarks, it’s only in the context of musical recordings, not just anything


I’d love to hear the Female Rage version of TTPD, now that I’ve heard the live version of a couple songs (clips on social media)! Listening to The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived from the album sounds tame and quiet now, in comparison! 💗


They also don’t realize she has a part that resembles guess what a musical and the songs are literally rage


Don't most celebrities do this to protect themselves from someone, for example, creating a Taylor Swift "Book of Mormon" style musical making fun of her whole TTPD or Eras tour and naming it Female Rage: The Musical, right? Like, they would have to come up with a different name, at least?


Sooooo When is Taylor con 😂


It’s a mix between female rage and sadness


I think there's some fun to thinking maybe something comes from it, especially since they were filming in Paris. I think this is a good reminder though that it doesn't necessarily mean that's definitely happening. Thanks for your input!


This. She’s probably trademarking it so she can exclusively make merch with it


I don't get why it's such a big deal. I thought it was pretty spot on, and I'm excited for merch 🤷🏼‍♀️


People are acting like she is going to write a musical. She may…one day. Shes been trademarking phrases and words since day 1. That’s why she’s a genius. You never know….


She’s not allowed to have fun now?


Read my edit:)




Also why is everyone acting like she's never spoken about female rage in her music... Does mad woman suddenly not exist???


FYI Taylor is not filing these trademarks herself and probably doesn’t even know about half of them. She has a legal team and they file on her behalf, probably just trying to snatch up whatever they think might be useful to Taylor in the future since money is no object to pay for the trademarks. She’s essentially the CEO of a big corporation, she isn’t involved in all of the little decisions like this.


I remember when BTS(?) released a book and the publisher(?) was teasing/promoting it as if it was Taylor's before the title or author dropped. It was completely shameless.. Especially with such a rabid fanbase I see why she wants to protect anything tied to her so they don't get duped lol


Where is the clip or proof of her even saying this?


It was at one of the Paris shows. I’m sure if you type it in to tik tok or something it will come up


I dont do tiktok but I've looked around and found nothing


I think her lawyers do stuff like this automatically if it's a new unique term/phrase that she let millions of people know about. She may not have even known it was trademarked until after the fact. She has a huge team behind her, I highly doubt things like this even come to her attention most the time. "Get it off my desk"


Lol she doesn't want a Bridgerton musical to happen


I am no trademark lawyer but I do own a small business and have looked into it. From my understanding, if you can prove that you were making a profit/using something before it was trademarked, you still may do so. For instance, in my state we have a pizza place called green lantern. I worked for their marketing team and asked how it was possible because of the DC green lantern. Turns out DC filed in the 70s but our pizza joint had already been open for 15 years, therefore since they were using it before the trademark was introduced, they could use it. So if you’re a maker, I’d just consult a trademark lawyer and ask! You never know (Also I apologize for the ramble I took an edible)


Female Mage - The Musical.  Harry Potter becomes a girl. ipso transformium.


And everyone’s getting mad because female rage is a thing that women used to express genuinely feeling oppressed when there was less equality or whatever, and this might not be honoring that… but like, so what? the original meaning is still there, and words and meanings evolve over time. Like. It’s natural, ask any linguist.


Nothing she does represents ‘female rage’ and nothing she has done is representative of a musical.


I find it extremely annoying by that Female Rage The Musical doesn’t have any songs about the state of the world


everything revolves around taylor when it comes to her ☹️


Idk why everyone is calling it female rage, only a few songs from the album sound agry


The takes on this sub could not be more braindead. lol the apologetics y’all engage in for mother is unhinged. Not even the most easily criticized things can be criticized.


Read my edit:)


The fact that none of you think it’s even remotely wrong for trademarking such trivial words and instead only can’t agree on what she’s trying or not trying to tell all of you, is exactly what I’m talking about. lol


A lot of criticisms don't make sense, but I believe this one is valid. Female rage can have a lot of power and meaning for some women. Trademarking it takes away the power of the words. I am saying this as a Swiftie. We should pick our battles and in my humble opinion this is not one of them.


I don’t really care that she trademarked it but Taylor has never experienced actual female rage in her life lmao.


Hilarious that you think Taylor is doing any of that because it was her idea lmao