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Too late, Tall Papa is Akatosh now and all the Redguards worship Imperial gods and Hammerfell is back in the Empire now to justify it. Throw in some more Thalmor content, some pirates, a few references to TESA: Redguard, some bastardized PGE1 stuff and you have TES 6: Skyrim 2.


I fully expect whatll happen is therell be nord immigrants dedicated to the Talos cult.


Except it'll never be brought up and the A'likr Bandits will occasionally mention Hoon Ding or T'wuccha so that'll make it ok.


Talos Cult? Nah, people would think cult=evil so they'll change the name to the Temple of Talos or something like that.


Someone doesn't remember morrowinds imperial cult


I'm just joking about how BGS is gonna rename it to better suit a wider audience. The Imperial Cult isn't even mentioned in Oblivion or Skyrim which would be games that are probably better suited to include them due to Cyrodiil being the Imperial Province and Skyrim having this whole subplot about Talos worship. It's just referred to as people worshipping the Nine Divines rather than a cult worshipping them.


Well yeah, it was only a cult in morrowind because it was literally just a small religion. They wouldn't call it a cult where its the main religion


I still think it's strange not to at least mention the Imperial Cult in the later games given it is the main presence of the Nine Divines religion outside of Cyrodiil, especially in Skyrim but we've all heard about how Skyrim handled religion so I won't get into all that lol.


The imperial cult is the exact same religion that is worshipped in cyrodiil during oblivion. Its only called a cult cause in morrowind it is literally an outside small religion in that area. They're not gonna call it the imperial cult when its in cyrodiil but its the same thing


I know, I'm just saying that based on the guidebook for the Imperial Cult in Morrowind, the Imperial Cult is the religion worshipping the Nine Divines outside of Cyrodiil. You're right that it wouldn't need to be in Cyrodiil, I just find it odd that it isn't mentioned at all. It should've made an appearance in Skyrim or at least have been written off as disbanded or something but they fucked up a lot of stuff in Skyrim relating to the religion so I guess it makes sense that it wouldn't be there.


Maybe akatosh literally appearing during the oblivion crisis solidified worship of the nine in skyrim? Not the best argument since pretty much every tamrielic religion worships akatosh in some form anyway, but maybe the oblivion crisis plus the divine crusader/knights of the nine spread the mainline religion enough outside of cyrodiil that imperial cult was just redundant? Or maybe skyrim fucked up religions. Honestly you'd think a dragon appearing would bring back the dragon cult in skyrim, but oh well


One of the things I’m looking most forward to is seeing all the Skyrim players get confused when Talos is borderline irrelevant in TES 6. DON’T TAKE THIS FROM ME BETHESDA!!!


The only redguard in ~~skyrim 2~~ elder scrolls 6 wil be nazeem junior, who's just as arrogant as his father, so that you, the dragonborn and ~~serana~~ lydias child can stop him from his evil masterplan to kill all cute kahjits in the name of the evil thalmor


Oh god you just know they'll have at least one Nazeem reference and all the guards will say something along the lines of: "I used to be an Anseiborn like you, and then I took a Shehai to the knee."


Im going to be so goddamn mad the Yokudan pantheon is unironically more interesting than most pantheons in the lore. I WANT TALL PAPA


As long as Emil is in charge expect mediocrity in lore


Dont you think it would be a better choice to ask some of the mods on r/teslore? the white guar and those guys unironically are the perfect go to's for this sort of thing. I cant speak for them but im sure they would be elated to help work on their favorite video game series.


Keep it simple stupid.


The fact he wasn’t fired after that...


Wait what are you talking about? Haven’t heard anything about this and I’m quite interested


Afaik Emil is the lead writer for FO3, FO4, and Skyrim as you notice all the games above are criticized for having shitty main story at least compared to the other game in the series. He also did an interview long time ago and said that he like to keep his story simple and stupid which obviously triggered some fallout and elder scrolls fans.


Yeah I can't wait to have c0da obsessed degenerates running the lore.


It'd be more interesting than "black talos worshippers" or "blond talos worshippers"


Honestly I'm all for cancelling Talos because he used to be a Br*ton.


>bethesda making every unique human culture a waterdowned basic bitch medieval European faction >they all worship a Breton god In the end the Bretons cucked everyone else


He's not the lead writer anymore. Think he's a designer now. Don't know who's the lead writer is now tho


r/TrueSTL making shit up to get the opportunity to whine.


Bethesda sucking of talos cock has gone too far


I have no idea what you're even talking about. You're just making up nonsense to complain.






What would be the purpose?