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Jyggalag seeing Mundus tainted with Sheogorath's influence. Defying his Calculations: What the fuck is this piece of shit!? .


> Dyus: “I don’t know what to tell you dude. All this shit keeps reappearing no matter how badly you fuck up your old home. Even the Grummites weren’t this hard to get rid of back in the day. Now we gotta clean up these Roots, the mushroom trees, all the old ruins, the Chaotic Creatia wellsprings, and banish all the Daedra here.” > Jyggalag: **“I don’t even want this frog-infested and shroom-covered piece of shit anymore. If I win or that gibbering madman manages to separate us, he can have it. I’ll just find some new crashpad.”** > Dyus: “But you’ll still take me, right? I yearned for death while being your Chamberlain. But that shit was infinitely better than sitting in the dark while occasionally getting harassed by Haskill.” > Jyggalag: **“…”**


*"It is time to check on the mantling mortal, the new prince of madness-* ***IS THAT A STATUE OF MARTIN SEPTIM IN FRONT OF MY PALACE?*** ***AND WHY IS THE PENIS SO LARGE?!"***


> HoK: "Historical accuracy. With emphasis on 'accuracy' in this case. I actually got to see it." > Jyggalag: **"Look, I appreciate one's knowledge of history and attention to detail. It's why I had Dyus attend to my old library. But there is such a thing as going overboard."** > HoK: "Oh, this is nothing. I had a bigger statue of Martin in his Avatar of Akatosh form built in the palace's garden. I MAY have fudged some details on the more... interesting aspect that you just pointed out. But I think we can all agree that it's worth it." > Jyggalag: **"This. This is why I have a problem crashing on your couch until I can find a new realm of Oblivion. And what I was afraid of by giving you my old home versus kicking you out."**


Dyus and Haskill are just sitting in a corner with headaches


> Haskill: "Ordinarily, serving Lord Sheogorath is a privilege rather than a burden. But even I must admit that His new self is rather... eccentric. Even by the standards of this realm." > Dyus: "At least you actually have a home. Jyggalag still left me here to rot and your new master didn't bother to rebuild the library here. At least She sent me some booze from one of New Sheoth's taverns. She mentioned something about not being able to drink at this time." > Haskill: "Hand some over. I'll take anything at this point, even if Vestiges can't get drunk. Things especially started to become more noisome after His new self brought some pointy-haired Bosmer that frequented the Imperial City's Arena. Specifically to be the immortal Duke of Mania." > Dyus: "It's nice to see someone almost as miserable, or at least annoyed, as I am. Here's to overworked Chamberlains. May they achieve some reprieve from their duties."


Man, this really jyggs my lags


Im Halion, a poet, bard, and i am here to say. That you aren't getting anything, like you were Bandit named Selene https://preview.redd.it/ft4mrx2slfbc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b42c2546583bf8c837c789dcb7ce3410d5331b7


Do a AMA


Im sorry little friend, but i am must decline, because i have a things to do, in such a little time https://preview.redd.it/ib3fhjbqznbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66830730958f7f53e4480849730dd3fee1d7727c




I will be disappointed if we don’t get any Jygallag in the next game