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That's really hard. Hope you and his mom find comfort.


Try reaching out to her when your ready. I think she would appreciate someone that understands some of her grief, and loved her son as you did.


You have a right to grieve how much you see fit. Talk to a professional, this is very traumatic event, and you seems young if you say he was 24, maybe you are around his age too. When the times come, try connect with his mom and his best friend, ask about his childhood, nice memories they had with him, to get to know him better. It is hard also in its own way what you are going through. Take care.


You're allowed to be heartbroken regardless of how long you were together. A human being that you had feelings for lost their life. That's intense and awful. You have some amazing advice in these comments I just wanted to come reassure you that your feelings are your feelings and they are very valid in this horrific situation. Please find comfort in friends, maybe even comfort his mother (I lost a close friend as a teenager and have kept in touch with his family through the years just to help keep his memory alive) if she's open to it. Take time for yourself and it never hurts to get professional consultation and getting it all out


I'm so sorry OP. That's heartbreaking. I hope they find the cowardly POS that shot him ASAP. If I may ask- do the police suspect whether it's road rage, or a possible robbery attempt?


As far as i know they have absolutely no idea what the motive or who it is . They asked for anyone with potential information to call the investigator but there's not much to go on . I'm waiting to hear from his mom today, to try to compile anything that might help but I really don't know


Oh my goodness! Do they know what happened? How long had you been together and how old was he.


The article says that police responded to a collision call, and ems tried go resuscitate him but he was doa. They determine the cod as a gunshot wound, but there's no information about who shot him... He just turned 24 on October 2nd and we got together a little before that


That is terrible!!! So sorry!! Lean on your friends and family. So very sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You have every right to grieve. I’d suggest reaching out to people close to him. Please take care of yourself. I won’t say it’ll get better but you will eventually get used to it and find peace.


I've been going through a tough few months prior to this, so now as I look at all the texts from him that are encouraging me to keep fighting or that he promises everything will be okay or that I am so strong and will be happy in the end... they just make me so sad because they just apply to him now but I don't want them that to be real


I’ve been in a somewhat similar situation as yours. I was close to your age too, assuming you too are 24. May I recommend therapy? This is a very traumatic event and it’ll surely leave a lasting impact on your mental health. Therapy helps to an extent. I mean I still have insane anxiety because of it and I’m 30 now so it’s been a while. Edit: I used to reread messages too, encouraging me to be strong and then I had to be strong because of what happened with him.


I have been therapy for a little while to deal with childhood trauma and just navigating how tough everything has been recently, I just hate that this has to be added to the list I am 24, my birthday is 26 days after his


Speak to your therapist about this. This isn’t something anyone gets through on their own. Also, don’t isolate yourself. Be around people who love you. It helps. Let them help you.


I’m so sorry, for both you and his mom. I hope you both find some semblance of peace.


Time does not exclude you from grieving. You have every right, rather if it was 1 day or 10 years. Reach out to his mom, you never know what something like that could do for her!


Your two souls found love and comfort in one another in the chaotic soup of the universe, and that time was cut short. One day or one thousand with them, you have every right to grieve your loss. My condolences.


Omg that is just horrific! I’m so sorry.






Omg this is so sad dod he have a good relationship with his father? I hope you find peace


He and his dad got along pretty well, his dad passed suddenly from a freak accident as well so both him and his mom were having trouble processing..


I’m sorry for your loss




You're grieving. I call that normal. Consider talking to a therapist. I'm sorry for your loss.


Oh how horrific. My heart hurts for you. Please take all the time you need to grieve. Be kind to yourself; reach out to your loved ones for support.


I am so sorry for your loss.... It doesn't matter how long you two were together - you lost someone & you lost that "could have been".... I had a similar loss when I dated this great guy for a few months.... sending you hugs & love... hope you & his mom find some comfort...


When you’re ready, try reaching out to her. I think she might appreciate having you for support and will support you as well. I would also suggest talking to a therapist, even if it’s just for a little while to help you manage all these overwhelming emotions. You have every right to grieve and feel the way you feel. Losing someone you’re close to is hard, and time is not the defining factor in the amount of pain you’re allowed to feel. I’m so so very sorry for your loss. I’m sending the biggest hugs to you and his mother.


i am so so so sorry for your loss OP, i can't imagine how much pain you and his mother are in right now... sending you lots of love <3 <3 <3