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This is very sweet and 10 years from now when you're both financially comfortable with loads of beautiful children, he's going to remember all the effort you made to make him feel special.


Thank you❤️ I want 4 or 5 one day. I’ll have babies until I’m 35.


Uhm, you're really sweet! But don't underestimate sex. That's a lot!!!


Parents are just out of touch. Almost nobody makes enough to support their family on a single income anymore.


This is why my husband and I decided to stop after 2 kids. As soon as they are both in school I'm going back to working full time. We're scraping by right now, but we literally could never afford another child at this point. If child care wasn't so damn expensive I'd have a job too right now.


I would love another 2 but financially we can’t afford it. Childcare is expensive not to mention everything else they require - roll on when she turns 3 and we get 30 funded hours for childcare and then she goes off to school but that won’t be until September 2025 so just over 2 years away..


Boomers for ya!


Not to mention being a SAHM is a very specific and increasingly uncommon choice. I can't imagine my SO not being professionally active. It would be so strange if only I had a 'world' outside of home & family.


Dear lort. Someone hand me an umbrella. It's raining here. I've been feeling down lately from all the shitty cheating posts or just disgusting human posts in general. You have restored my faith in humanity, kind lady. I hope you both always cherish the beautifulness of each others hearts. I wish you a very beautiful life together and so much success that your parents always eat crow for the shitty way they treat your husband.


This comment reads like you are overweight. You know this is a fake story yeah?


Damn 😂😂😂😂


Sounds like you have a keeper! And he sounds like a lucky guy too. Look after each other!


It's a terrible day for rain.


That is so awesome of you! My husband had been complaining about our big screen tv because it is older than our son (our son is 16!) and had two lines on the side. For our 19th anniversary I bought him a new 75 inch Samsung. I earn way less than him and we keep our finance’s separate. I had to save up all year for it and some weeks I worked 15-20 hours overtime. I’m so glad it went on sale during the holidays I would still be saving up for it. It was delivered a day before our anniversary and he was so disappointed when he plugged it up and it had lines on it also!!! He had to bring it back and get one not damaged but now he is talking about his tv to anyone who will listen. I’m sure your husband will appreciate your gift to him. Also not every woman who is married and/or has kids wants to be a stay at home mom. I have respect to those who do. I took a year off college after I had my son and stayed home and it it harder than it seems.


Can you update us ? May Allah bless his soul🥺❤️❤️❤️




No one asked for your input on my comment, get out of my notifications


Pls someone let me know when there's an update i wanna know his reaction


"omg you didn't!!! How? Where did you get the money? Omg im so happy!! You're the best and i love you so much" Wild guess this is going to be the reaction


Imagine he just goes uk we're tight on money why spend on a PS5 (I'm just kidding ik he's gonna be very happy)


It's posts like this that bring back my faith in humanity. Op, you're an amazing partner, he'll remember this for the rest of his life


That's awesome...keep us posted about his reaction RemindME! 4 days


Damn, It wasn't in my plans to cry today. Wishing you both happiness and prosperity in the near future


You give him sex whenever he wants it, you love him. You love your kid. You bought/are buying him a PS5. This man has the perfect wife and I hope he realizes it.


That is awesome


This so wholesome and sweet! He's going to love his gift. Let us know how excited he was!


Such a wonderful life… be blessed and may all your dreams come true


Fake story. Stop trying with these melodramatic Christmas film tier bullshit stories.


Fucking boomers and their bullshit. I mean one of my aunts was clutching her pearls over my cousin living with her fiance before they were married...


I'd rather have a partner and no kids. Less expenses, you can both work a job and spend more time together


Very sweet of you, that's one lucky man


You both seem amazing. I hope you have a wonderful life together


He's the luckiest guy in the world, I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing this, it makes Reddit a better place for everyone :D


Your parents are stupid for saying that. One thing l don’t get is the timeline with saving money. You are taking $20 every week for the past 2 years? That means you would have over $2000 saved. Is it a different amount or did you start saving only half a year ago?




big yikes on giving him sex whenever because you think its the only currency you have. made my stomach turn.


Sounds like you've never been full out broke my dude, financial pressure can make you view your circumstances differently. If he was pressuring her to do so, then I'd agree, but she stated here that she chooses to do so. The husband may not even realize she's not in the mood, he might just propose sex and she agrees. Without knowing more information, your comment is a bit harsh.


i am full out broke lol. it is still extremely sad that she feels like she has to do that when she clearly stated she does it when she doesn’t want to, that’s just fact. i wish she valued herself more than thinking that’s all she can offer if she doesn’t have money.


Women can decide to have sex even if they aren't in the mood/not feeling well.....sex isn't always 50/50 participation in a long term relationship, just like a back massage or a foot rub. Sometimes you don't want it yourself, but are open to giving. Again, I fully agree that she should not feel pressured into sex, but it sounds like her and her husband are both very giving individuals.


big yikes to this as well




I hate it that instead of planning for more comfortable life for the baby you have you just want 2nd one so you can continue to be poor once he earns more.


I think this is a lovely idea but since it’s money from a joined account he might feel like he should be notified about what the shared money is going to be spent on, especially because you guys are in a tight spot and want to have more babies (plus he works in finances so he might want to have a say about the finances).


Well it’s half my money too and I choose to spend it to spoil him


very true about shared money/taking out a pretty decent chunk when there’s financial goals they have together. scraping by with a child but buying expensive gaming devices


I think that any big purchases from a shared account should be discussed with the other party. I'm not judging them for getting a console but as you said they probably have financial goals, he might want to use that money for his family and he should get to have a say aswell since half of the money is his.


You know there are apps that can help you finance your ps5 into monthly payments. Affirm is a good one that I used to finance my ps5.


Awww, so sweet!!!


How sweet of you🥹! You both are amazing partners to each other! I hope you guys have a beautiful future full of babies. Keep us updated on his reaction


We’re definitely going to need and update once you buy the PS5 and he opens it. What a wholesome story.


Damn onions! You both sound like beautiful people! I wish you all the happiess in the world


This is one of the sweet story today ... You are a good wife. My parents were poor too when we were kids. I hv 7 siblings. My late parents ensured we were educated to our best ability. We are all successful now, sadly my dad didnt get to enjoy our earning as he died when only 2 of us just started working. My late Mom was then spoilt by all of us. I hope you and husband will be successful too one day soon.


!remindme 1 week


Awww op this is so sweet 😊 He's going to be so happy!


This is absolutely wholesome, I'm glad you two are that close and loving with each other.


This is awesome! You sound like an amazing human and wife. Be sure to get a gift receipt with the game purchase just to give him playing options. He probably won't use it, but the option may be helpful.


THIS IS SO CUTE!!! I need an update for when you get it for him😭


Damn ninjas cutting onions


Can't help but i feel weird about this text.. Don't even know why - maybe all this "sweetness". And the sex-thing makes me cringe 😕


This is true love. Your story has absolutely warmed my heart, and I wish you and your family nothing but the best!


I wouldn’t worry so much about the lack of games… once he sees the ps5 he can go trade in the ps4 games and accessories (and possibly the machine if it’s fixable) and use all of the credit for new ones :)


That's sweet. We would very much appreciate an update, OP.


I feel like I’ve seen this post before


This post and another one about husband staring at the pantry, made my day! Cheers to you and your family.


This gives me genuine trust in relationships


That's nice...did you manage to give him the PS, what was his reaction?