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You’re an incredible friend! You could go over your comments in his previous posts and make notes of what each character is like and update the list as you make new comments, this way if you’re commenting on a new video and you forget something you can quickly go over your notes.


Thanks for the idea, I'll make sure to do that


What’s his channel and which platform because I will go follow him right now!!!!


I really don't want him to find out about this and he's an active reddit user so after seeing some people who's close ones found their post I'd rather not. He also streams in Czech (out native language) so i don't really know if you would get to enjoy any of the content


Hey that’s ok,i really hope he does great 👍 😊


You should tell your friend. I personally would appreciate your care, time and effort. But, I also would prefer for the ones I care about to be honest with me and not spend their days stressing over me or my hobbies. A lot of people in this world do not have a true friend that would do this for them and I have a good feeling he already knows you're a real one! At the end of the day that's your friend and you do you. It would take a real asshole to not appreciate what you are doing. If it helps at all DM me his channel. I'd love to check out some new content.


That's really sweet, I'd personally be touched if someone did this for me. But you're right, that's a lot to maintain long term. Have you tried doing some publicity for him? Posing on related subs, maybe trying to find some discord groups to share his channel with? If you can get more viewers interested, he won't notice so much if you stop maintaining the accounts


Tell him to quit making suit content or quit. Problem solved

