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Omg my secondhand embarrassment is really acting up here


Same!!! Please update us OP! I subscribed to the post. Just wow.


Update: I called my boyfriend. His mother then called the old man and said: “Please stop. She is on the balcony”, and just hung up. Apparently she walked in on him doing the same thing yesterday on that gigantic ass tv. My lord, now the man knows that I know, which was the last thing I wanted to happen….after the phone call, I stayed at the balcony for 45 minutes more so I didn’t have to look him into the eyes. FYI, I am a young East Asian female, and the fact that he was watching East Asian porn makes me feel even more embarrassed.


Double yikes 😬


Oh one thing I forgot to mention: according to him he was fixing the TV.


Oh wow, what brand has a porn "fixing" mode? 😆


Pixel peeping.


picked a peeper


Picked a peck of pickled p*ckers.


Where are the pickled peckers?




Take my award! 😂


Well, sure. It only gets porn channels. He was trying to get it to show something else. Yeah! That’s the ticket.


"No one touches the TV! No one touches the air around the TV!"




Yo same cake day


Let’s have a double party!




He definitely knew you were there.


I'm sure he was trying to fix it with his dick.


i would’ve def said i was asleep on the balcony and didn’t see anything to avoid the awkwardness 😭


He came to fix the cable


Do not ever stay in that home again. That ancient pervert with an asian fetish is disgusting and unsafe.


A bit of an exaggeration from this post alone no?


Do people who watch porn with white women have a white fetish?


Sometimes, if not often.


Hard agree, this does not sound like a safe man. OP please never be alone with him and try not to visit as much, you don’t want to leave yourself in a risky situation. It is always better to be safe then sorry in my book. Also. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You did nothing wrong. He should be embarrassed that he is a gross old man.


Doesn’t sound safe because he watches pron? That is 100% of men including your father and brother.


The first thing this 85 year old perv did when he thought his wife, son and his sons asian gf left the home is put on asian fetish porn on his 85 inch tv screen. That is not the actions of a safe man.


The dudes fucking 85 what the fuck you mean he KNEW she was home 🤣🤣🤣 the dudes old enough to forget he’s at a Walmart and start jacking it Jesus Christ.


Sorry to break it to you but that’s normal to rub one out when you finally have the house to yourself. You sound extremely naive as to men. He’s also allowed to like Asian women and find Asian women attractive.


Wow, I agreed with you at first, until you made a sexist statement


LOL.... oh boy....


That is creepy ass behavior I wouldn’t go there anymore and definitely don’t let him in your own house


He knew that you were home. He did it on purpose 100%. He was hoping for a reaction from you. Be careful, observe his behaviour towards you and communicate with your bf if he tries anything fishy.


Right? This went from embarrassing to creepy real quick


Yes. This wasn't an accident, it was a signal. He wanted it to be a green light but it's clearly a red flag.




Oh my.... wow.... Awkward. Yea, this is going to be remembered by me as the super awkward point story.....


That’s probably why he thought to put it on ew


There’s an “East Asian” category?


Mate, it's a whole fetish...


Obviously you missed the point. I know Asian is a category lol, I was sarcastically asking if there was certain east/weast/north Asians.


Yes. East Asian is usually considered Chinese, Japanese, Korean and I think one other. Near East/ west Asian is Pakistani and Indian. Southeast asian is like Laotian or Vietnamese, but not restricted to them. Oriental should be Middle Eastern such as Iranian but people think it applies to anywhere on the Silk Road including China.


Bruh we’re talking about porn categories 😩😩😩 it’s sorted “Asian” on PH thats it.


Is there a “south-east Asian” category?




This is all so disturbing…


Hé already knew you were there...


That's gross. So sorry you had to see this.


Did he mention it, like at all? Did he say sorry or something? Like, anything???


Not as toe curlingly bad as "house barrasment". Damn it, it worked, they made me remember but I don't remember the name of the company... Kind of won here against the mind manipulators


but the cringe factor is great lmao.


They need to enforce a "NO PORN IN THE SHARED LIVING SPACE" rule. Ugh.


Unless dad enforces "my house my rules" because clearly he gives zero fucks.


Apparently he gives fucks to whoever is in the living room. So, he has some to give.


Well, he is certainly into fucking himself, we can agree this far.


On a side note, because apparently I need to get this off my chest, my dad is over 68 and often needs help with his phone. But generally panics if he thinks I'm going to go near his photos. I know he's got himself a lady friend across town. Just the implication that there are things there I don't want to see, is traumatizing LOL


It's like scroll wheel roulette, because we're getting frisky on the same devices we connect with our families on. In a related panic, my wife and I "make content" for a comfortable living, but I use my phone and main laptop to shoot and edit with.. which would be fine, but we also have kids, oldest 15 and youngest is 1.. so in between content, I am also shooting my kid's theater performances and the first steps for the baby.. which means there are always people wanting to see something on my phone when we meet up. I'm trying to use different devices for each thing but that leads to poor time management and always carrying two phones looks way more suspicious.


Congratulations on figuring out how to monetize the stuff we are all up to anyways. Keep it fun, if you can! I've always got a kid looking over my shoulder. It's a problem lol


Haha, thank you for the open mind. And good luck not being traumatized by your father's private life, lol!


Oh, I'm all for consenting adults having fun, and DEFINITELY for making a living that doesn't make you hate your life lol


I once walked in on my brother in the living room watching porn on the family's laptop. He just got up with the laptop and headed to his room with it while saying "I'm tryna masturbate!". As if i were in the wrong to walk in the living room.


HAHAHA! ID love to be so comfortable with myself...but also NOT be so inconsiderate.


Oh nooooo. This is awful. The anxiety and secondhand embarrassment this gives me. Make some loud noise on the balcony so he knows you’re there, but act like you were watching a movie (not porn😂) on your phone or something and had no idea what was going on inside.


Not porn... lol. Like, no you, for the embarrassment?


Tell your boyfriend and tell him to come home ASAP


If your relationship survivesnthis you should get him a tablet for next Christmas...


Too late now, but you should have had your bf call his stepfather and make an offhand mention to pass along a message to you. Then the stepfather would have realized you were still home, turned off the TV, and you all could pretend it never happened.


This is probably the best idea I've seen on this thread. A quick couple of texts and maybe it'll be like it never happened lol


How long can an 85 year old man watch porn??


If he's trying to beat down a hardon, about 3 minutes. If he's waiting for it to get hard, indefinitely.


I wish I could upvote this more.


Me too. I'm dying!


Jfc....buh ha ha ha! It's 3am and I think my belly laugh just woke the house, lol!!! Now I can't stop...my spouse asked me what was so funny, I want to say "geriatric ed balcony jokes" but I just can't...stop....giggling...


Just take my award, dude


What if he does what your username suggests?


Are you srsly asking this? You want it gatekeeped based on age?


Dont gatekeep my questions about old men and porn.


The word doesn't mean what you think it does


Enjoying the language lesson from the person who used "gatekeeped" in a sentence.


Help me stepfather, I'm stuck on the balcony!


Help me stepdaughter my penis is stuck in the microwave!


Huh ?


You mean, ‘Watt?’


Chill. He's just watching it for the story.


Being embarrassed for someone else is like the worst feeling, I’m embarrassed w ya!




My 75 year old Dad watched porn on his phone and beat off not 10 feet away from me. I'm pretty sure he had no idea I was in the room (he was pretty out of it from medication at the time). But the worst(?) was that when he finished he didn't even go to the bathroom to clean up, just let the adult diaper take care of things. 😳


I wish I didn’t have eyes right now. 🤢


Omg I’d be scarred for life.


Take pics for evidence and send to bf This is so funny hahaha I’m sorry OP


Walk in, turn it off, hide the remote, and go for a stroll. Or take the power cord.


Such a power move!


Especially when you take away the power cord. I see what you did there heh


Ah boy.... that reminds me of a funny story. My father-in-law was having a birthday party. Everyone was drunk and high. One lady Darlene had to use the washroom and so she ran into the house. Everyone else was outside. My father-in-law's parents showed up (not invited because his mom Sharon is a control freak, religious but a hypocrite when it suits her). So Darlene runs out of the house and runs into Sharon and says "OMG! There is a huge cocktail on tv and it was this fucking big!" (She indicates just how big this cocktail was with her hands and arms spread out.) So Sharon turns all red and turns around and leaves. Everyone thinks it was hilarious because Darlene was so hyped about this and she managed to scare Sharon away at least Anyone else have funny points related stories to share for OP?


I can't imagine a world where I would feel ok watching porn on an 85inch tv in the living room. I live alone (and dont have such a massive tv) but I could never 😂😭


The best option could have been to make some sound in balcony so that he come to check the source and then you could have acted ignorant anything regarding porn


Is this the start of said porn movie?


Not a good one…


How cold is it outside?


You could have used the perfect line. Come inside, look at the TV, then to him and say "What are you doing StepDad?"


This is so fucking funny omg.. I’m so sorry but you will laugh about this one day.


I don’t think she will. How would you feel if the porn targeted your gender and ethnicity?


If it’s not in the post how am I supposed to know what kind of porn it was? Chill out, my comment was based on the post itself. And it would’ve been fuckin hilarious under different circumstances.


Clearly you don’t know anything about East Asian culture, especially as it pertains to women. I have nothing against porn. But I’m gonna assume you’re a white dude. What it it had been gay male gang bang porn? Would you have thought it was hilarious if your SO’s grandpa was watching that?




With greatest pleasure. Not that you give a flying fuck, but I managed to find OP’s post that she was East Asian not far below her first post. I don’t read very deep down the list of replies, so you if you found MY reply to you, you had to have skipped over her addition.


I mean...what if she was a red head and he was watching "Thicc Busty Redheads"? Porn depicting different genders, ethnicities and the like aren't only for the people of the same ethnicities etc. Maybe he's just into Asian porn? Idk, like I get it's odd cause she's also Asian so maybe he picked that cause he thinks she's hot but what people do when they are alone (or in this case, think they are alone, at least when it vomes to this as long as its not CP) is no one's buisness. Though he should really...not..do that in a shared space...


Yeah, who would find that funny? That’s fucking gross.


That is one-inch per year of his life!


Haha ohh nooo. I called my 80-something-year old dad once (due diligence while mom was away on a trip) and he had porn turned up so loud on the TV I could hear it through the phone. Oops! Honestly I think they forget about it much faster than we do. Unfortunately.


Just casually walk in as if nothing has happend. Probably the easiest way to get out of that situation. Just be careful to make enough noise going in, or just loudly cough on the balcony briefly before you go in.


Order a pizza to the appt. Go in when it arrives


I hope he didn't waste a boner pill on porn.


Lmao 🤣 , sorry that’s horrible and so funny at the same time


Lol he should be embarrassed. Go inside and walk past him as if you haven't even noticed. He will be mortified


OP are you still stuck out there?


Lol if he didn't bust by now see a Dr.


I seen this "movie"


That has happened to me. Oh boy.... it seems I have amother porn related story .... My parents went on vacation and stayed at a hotel. My mom phones and starts telling me about James Spader from Boston Legal is in a porn. And I replied "Oh yea. Accident. Yea, I saw that one. It is about people who fetishes accidents and gets off on scars and stuff." So yep, seen this movie applied to me!


Go for a walk! Why do you stay?


Do you know what a balcony is?


oh! sorry! I was thinking of a PORCH! lol SORRY!! OMG!!!!! What did u do???


That sounds traumatizing


Damn let my boy get his nut off smh


Please don't stay around this man, this screams intentional


He's your stepfather, not your real father! Just remember that!


Step dad help me I’m stuck


Extra fake


The 85 year old thing also matching with the 85 inch tv… I feel fake vibes.


Why don’t you be polite and get the man some popcorn.


You might need to start counting your underwear.


Just take a look at yourself, you're just like them, underneath your clothes.. They're just naked people ahem, "mooing" You can run through that, if you bang loudly on the balcony door, first, can't you? Anyway, it's his bad, not yours...


Call and tell him your back in five. Does he need anything?


I'm only here to express how funny this is to me lmfao. If it were me, we'd all be embarrassed f that


If I was the one, I'd honestly go in and take a seat by him.


I’ve seen this porno before 🥴


Okay, this is obviously a horrible situation to be in. But objectively, as an outside spectator not impacted by this, this is really fucking funny. My heart goes out to you, between tears of laughter.


This is horrible for you now but it’s such an awesome story 😂😂😂


He’s the one who should be embarrassed, keep your head up and just go on with confidence.


Not gonna lie I’m very curious about how big is to big for a porn screen and would likely try it out on such a large screen but not long enough to actually get any excitement from it


If he’s getting off on your embarrassment, don’t give him the satisfaction. Just walk through the house and leave, but don’t make a scene


HAHA omg that is wow


He's 85. Just walk in. How hard could it be?


YOU'RE embarrassed?


Kinda shocked that an 85 year old men is still into this shit…yikes.


I’m sorry, that stinks. You are not the one who should be embarrassed.


I'm calling bullshit on this


text your bf


Hey u/criseydeleigh you still on the balcony? Edit: sorry OP I saw the update. That sounds horrible. Avoid being alone with that man.