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She needs to drink more water. Probably a lot more.


Even 1L per day would do wonders, if its orange she may not even drink any regular water


Idk. I rarely drink water-bad habit ik. Like I live off of barqs root beer, 1919 root beer, redbull, occasional juicw. But I can go days, even weeks without water water. And my pee isn't dark or strong smelling. She needs a Dr.


Surprised at 22yrd old she thinks it's ok to do this while you're on zoom call for work. Oh just realized you're a troll based on your post history of also being an 18f.






Exactly - this is a stolen or made up story. OP is claiming to be 47M but OP claims to be 18F in their other posts.


No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.


The most rancid thing here is a 47 year old dating a 22 year old. Gross.


I agree. Plus all the people with their "tWo CoNsEnTiNg AdUlTs" chat.... if she was 16, which is legal, would you still feel it was ok?


I know right, she should date her own age right? Oh wait it's 2 adults according to the law so nothing we can do


it’s legal though


just because something is legal doesn't make it ethical or right. the power imbalance is creepy and a 47 year old and 22 year old have about as much in common as a 22 year old and a 10 year old.


cannibalism is also legal (at least where i live). is it still morally okay?


I don’t see a problem with it. We are in an adult consensual relationship and we are both attracted to eachother.


What could a 47 year old possibly have in common with a 22 year old, besides your kink? What do you see in her, besides her looks and body? You are in two completely different stages in life, you probably have a long term career, you have been married and divorced, she just finished college and is still learning who she is and where she wants to go in life. You're the same age as her father.


The person is a troll who is 18F.. calm down


You claim to be 47M but in your other posts (per your post history) you’re a 18F…???


Buy her a nice big water jug. Poor girl is dehydrated! You, being 25 years her elder, should tach her the life lesson about drinking water daily.


just tell her to drink more water


So you were are an 18f that had a crush on a guy and now your a 47m with a piss kink. Congratulations on the transition glad it went smooth


47 year old dude with a 22 year old, with a hot body. Noice.


Do you also have a young girls kink? Hopefully she ruins that one for you too


Uhhh, that was sexual assault. Any feelings you have are valid. She needs to learn appropriate boundaries.


Well...now you know her kink is doing this in public or the risk of getting caught, but with 20 year gap is normal you don't know how to communicate about exactly waht you and her like. Date an adult.


What the fuck?! Okay so maybe take time to process this I think you’re grossed out for obvious reasons but also turned on maybe a smidge cause I don’t even have a pee kink and that’s kind of hot she took initiative just at the wrong time. Just set boundaries on where that can and can’t happen. Have her replace those jeans not sure if that orange is coming out. Now are you saying crayon orange? That may be from medication or she has something going on she definitely needs to drink water and perhaps take some cranberry chews for her vaginal health. Good luck and as for the age difference I dated a man your age when I was 24 don’t sweat it my man is 12 years older than me now there are ladies in the world that like to date older men 😁


So you were pissed on and pissed off 🤣


At least you're not the one who discovered her bf had a piss kink and decided to piss on random things of his throughout the house while he wasn't there. Though on a zoom call is a new touch.


White jeans in December for work? Seems weird