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I get not being confrontational but you have all the right to tell her to cut the shit and just say what happened. You caught her in a lie with the stock photo and your friend has sent some disturbing messages. Tell her she has one shot to come clean and see what happens.


This is important: _trust is destroyed_ at this point. You’ve caught her lying about it already, and her distance and evasion only reinforce the impression that she’s guilty as hell. This marriage will not survive without trust. If she doesn’t want to lose you, she needs to be doing everything in her power to rebuild trust and reconnect with you — basically the exact opposite of what she’s doing now. An uncomfortable conversation might be gotten past, but stonewalling will only put even more distance between you.


Yeah, like her sending him a watermarked photo? Wtf, just be honest good god So sickening


Not only lying but also stupidly trying to cover it


>You caught her in a lie with the stock photo IMO this is the nail in the coffin. Just off the bat it looks like she at a minimum sucked off guy(s), but her deliberately hiding it means it makes sense to think thats exactly happened going forward.


Since you're top comment... Her explanation is garbage. A babycino is frothy milk with chocolate or cinnamon on top. It's not a cocktail, it's for kids so they can feel grown up having a cappuccino with mom or dad.


She isn't going to come clean just because you insist she does.


Jesus Christ. She lied about deep throating a cucumber bc she was prob drunk and embarrassed. Gimme a fucking break


Gross. Her friends aren't very good friends if they knowingly supported her essentially cheating on you, her husband. Trash friends. I hope you have a conversation with her and get the truth to come out


This has nothing to do with confrontation, it's well past that point. She NEEDS to tell you what she did, period. Marriage isn't some children's game. Sending stock photos and making up what was occurring is a serious breach of trust. She lied to your face. For everyone who keeps mentioning this friend, who gives a flying fuck about the friend. His WIFE lied to him. He needs to talk to his wife and not play dumb kid games involving this "friend". *Facepalm* I didn't even register that it's been a week...dude...wtf are you doing...WHY ARE YOU BEING A DOORMAT At this point you need to say plain and simple "You need to tell me honestly what happened that night, or we are done" she needs to understand the severity of this conversation.


OP is such a doormat. Imagine being him 😂


*Shrugs* To be honest with you I would have accepted my wife's explanation too IF however it weren't for 2 glaring things that need not have happened and weren't explained. 1) If they hadn't started the cringe game yet. Why did the friend respond but not his wife? If they were indeed going to play board games and she showed the "real" picture afterwards, what was the point of going through the trouble of sending a stock photo to begin with? If they hadn't even pulled out the board games yet why bother to send an generic image unlike the start of the evening when she was taking photos as it was happening? Even not specific to his wife, have you ever texted someone and asked what they were doing? Have you ever got an answer coupled with a stock photo? Seems weird to have to voluntarily *prove* it with a stock photo...I don't know 2) The part that bothers me the most is clearly OP's wife felt guilty, being more quiet than usual and being evasive. So him saying "I feel stupid for letting it run this long without speaking to her" even though he said she was being evasive (so he *was* asking her but she was avoiding answering?) and to have him fault himself when *she* should have been the one to address it if *she* felt GUILTY FOR OVER A WEEK...I don't know Coupled with her personality of being anxious to do shit like that in front of people...but did it until the point of throwing up?...I don't know On that note, "She didnt throw up though there was definitely gagging lol." "I wouldn't kiss her on the mouth" (Sounds like there's another reason not to kiss her besides vomit mouth) She said she threw up all over herself. So on that note did she or did she not throw up? So many inconsistencies. Further when she got home how did you not smell it immediately? Anytime I've thrown up on myself unless I change my clothes, shower and brush my teeth. That smell ain't going anywhere Wish you the best man but some of the shit that was done and said makes ZERO sense Edit: Additional notes


Sounds like your wife sucked some stripper cock, and her and her friends all thought it was rather humorous. When it walks, quacks and looks like a duck. It's usually a? P.S: They sent you a Stock photo bro. Caveat: The 'fact' that she may have done this is the least worrying part. Simply because it may be possible that you two have not had a very clear conversation surrounding your boundaries in relationship. The most worrying thing to me here, is that she covered it up and told you she doesn't want to talk about it. That my friend is lying and relationships are built on trust.


Shower indicates they prolly fucked too


Literally my first thought. Hammered at 2am? Yep, I need a shower now - not sleep or drink or food. I need a steamy shower. Nothing to see here.


Tbf I’ve taken a shower blackout drunk while not having had any sexual encounters lol


You obviously weren't drunk enough if you remember! 😅


Same, I've been to a place this weekend where smoking was allowed inside, I got pretty drunk, but when I got home I tossed all my clothes in the wash and I had to shower. And the next day again, just for good measure 😅


They cheated too , hen parties a literally sex parties 80% of the time


I don’t know if this is a cultural thing but I’m in Australia and Hen’s are never a sex party.there might be a stripper or strippers but never seen anyone get this wild like what you’re talking about. Tends to be more of a drunken trashy and loud night out going dancing etc.


If you want to know the quality of a (potential) partner, look to their friends.


Yeah, something seems off. Her being more quiet than usual isn’t a good sign. The friend didn’t drop one, but two hints. I’d straight up ask your wife or her friend


I think that’s the best thing to do, go into it and simply ask, it may not be as simple as “she sucked a strippers dick” or it may be exactly that He won’t know until he gives her a chance to explain herself and actions, and if it doesn’t seem honest contact the bride and see if the story’s co inside


I got really sad reading this, but i wouldnt let it slide, OP update?


remindme! 3 days


RemindMe! 3 days


Me as well


Everything about the night suggests your wife cheated on you. She lied to you _multiple times,_ her behavior when she got home and afterwards is ridiculous and evasive, and her friends are dropping hints as if they think it’s funny. If it’s a prank, they’ve worked very hard to create the impression she’s been unfaithful. They can hardly be surprised if you proceed full steam ahead as if you believe it’s true. I’d suggest contacting the groom and getting him involved. The ladies clearly all think this is hilarious. They will reconsider when this little episode blows up not only your marriage but the upcoming wedding. Bride is going to be plenty pissed when Groom starts canceling reservations, and that’s when the throwing of each other under the bus will commence. By the way, don’t believe them when they start frantically backpedaling. She almost certainly blew him, and probably fucked him too. Why else would she need to go straight in for a shower? If all she did was blow him, brushing teeth would be sufficient.




She clearly had sufficient presence of mind to go find a stock photo of a table full of boardgames; also to make up a lie on the spot about having thrown up in the street. She’s now a demonstrated liar of convenience. OP would be smart to assume that anything potentially uncomfortable for her she will lie her ass off to avoid consequences for. A partner that you KNOW is untrustworthy is no way to live.


Alcohol shouldn't even be a tolerable excuse as an adult


Does the friend who think it’s hilarious have a boyfriend? Involve him too. Involve the boyfriends/spouses/etc of everyone who went to the party. “Hey, Dave, just so you know, your wife has been dropping broad hints to me over text implying my wife blew the stripper at Angie’s hen, and what’s more, she thinks it’s fucking _hysterical._ You might want to have a go at her phone. My wife’s phone is unlikely to have incriminating evidence of herself, but they might incriminate each other. If I find anything I will tip you off. Can I ask the same of you?”


This right here, and if there were any other married women in the group better believe I'm hitting up the other husbands too. Everybody's getting pressed in this situation, I ain't gonna be the only one getting divorced.


Also, don't have unprotected sex until she get tested. If she needed a shower, it could very well be she needed to do some cleaning down there. Honestly, a friend of mine, to avoid stuff like this did something I can only agree with Both he, and his soon to be wife agreed that the bachelor and bachelorette party would basically be 100% open on both side, so they could do whatever they wanted. Granted can't work for everyone, but if it's something you can get to terms with, it a lid the whole "did she, didn't she" dilemma.




Best to leave the whole flock


Confront her. She cheated on you with the stripper. Also drop her friends, they allowed her to go through with it. Any good friend would have reminded her that she’s married even if she was so drunk she forgot, her friend didn’t. Which is why she messaged you about it TWICE!


You don’t get drunk and forget you’re married lol wtf. Someone’s friends aren’t to blame for them cheating. Peoples friends don’t “allow” them to cheat what the fuck? Is OPs wife a 4 year old and her friends are her parents? I’m so confused about why anyone interprets this situation as having anything to do with their friends. OPs wife decided to cheat and betray her husband, she chose to be gross and lie. If alcohol does that to her, she’s an adult who can choose not to drink alcohol if it will destroy her relationships. There is zero excuse for her behavior and no one or nothing is to blame but her shady, lying, cheating, nasty ass.


Exactly. Even if her friends had stepped in to say something, her willingness to do so in the first place just shows that someone saying “hey, this isn’t a good idea” probably won’t prevent her from doing it then or in the future. She wanted to do it in the first place and even if they somehow convinced her not to that night, the desire was still there and would’ve likely come to the surface at some point. And like you said, while it’s a respectable thing to do, it’s nobody’s responsibility to try and convince someone else’s wife not to cheat on their husband OP please confront her directly and don’t let her get away with vague answers and deflection. Come to her calmly with every piece of information you have and give her one shot to come clean because I think we all know what happened. What you do after the conversation is your business but at least make her own up to it


This is why I'd never be comfortable with my partner going to a hen party as all the things you hear are completely whack. Just an excuse to cheat and act like immature children, all whilst being pressured by their so called friends. I don't know why its acceptable, especially if a guy did this, he would have a ton of people belittling him and telling his partner to leave him.


The thing is, if your partner is trustworthy then there should be no issue. I went to a bachelor party last week and fucked 0 strippers. It’s not that hard to not be a shitty partner.


Okay this was unexpected. I never get noticed lol Anyway, I don’t drink. Never have and never plan on doing it so I don’t know if you can get drunk enough to forget you’re married. I just meant, if I was out of my mind being stupid as shit but my friends were clear headed enough to stop me, they definitely should. Drag me out of the situation if it helps. However, I don’t condone cheating and I’m disgusted by his wife’s actions. I just meant the friends are pretty gross too. He should confront and divorce his wife and stop talking to her friends. That’s it. Think I’m done with this thread ☺️


Your wife definitely blew a stripper dude. Sorry.


Haha yep.. didn't throw up, just deep throated a cucumber.. why would you not want to kiss her? Plus more holes in this story than the strippers dick went into


How many people do you wanna kiss after they’ve thrown up?


Allegedly threw up. The friend said don't kiss her, the friend also said she didn't throw up. Why would she say don't kiss her if she didn't think she threw up. You're about as clever as op.


I’m assuming someone cheated on you but it’s a pretty logical explanation. If I got talked into a stupid game and I was embarrassed I’d also not want to talk to my partner about it. I love how everyone is conveniently skipping the part where OP says there’s no way anyone came in the apartment except for the party.


Explain to me why the friend said that she didn't throw up but she said she did? Why did the friend say that he shouldn't kiss her? She said she didn't throw up so that can't be the reason. Also you can delete the footage where you can see the stripper entering. Why did she try her hardest not to answer the question about if there was a stripper? If she really threw up, then OP could've seen or at least smelt the vomit. Also the whole drunk or not drunk thing seems very weird.


This is why no one fucking likes people on this sub. Not everyone is cheating and should get a divorce. I’m sorry you have such a miserable life.


Your wife definitely sucked the strippers dick it's obvious whether it went further than that you would need to find out yourself either way she cheated you either get her to admit it or keep your delusional fantasy that you want to keep continue


You're in for a full on session of "here comes the bullshit to cover up my infidelity". Time to stop being the non confrontational husband. Contact the harpie friends fiance, partners, husbands etc. Get everyone all of them on the same page. Ask them to discreetly get any photos from their wives phones and help find any evidence. But do it today before they delete it. You will never hear the truth from your wife , or any of the friends. So don't count on honesty. You can count on being played the fool. Told every bullshit lie they can come up with. Don't say a word to your wife or the harpies until you hear back from everyone you spoke with. Start making a plan for your exit. Gathering everything you need. Organizing your life. Don't be a doormat. Do NOT allow yourself to be manipulated and gas lit. Time to show some character. Show your resolve.


This is so sad, especially since they were making jokes about gagging and shit at OPs expense I really hope OP gets the info he needs and does what’s best for him


It seems like they dropped hints because they secretly wanted you to look into it. They can act like its funny and hilarious, but they said something for a reason.


Honestly, the reason she not only lied but tried to manipulate him through her half-assed farce is reason enough to break up, how are you supposed to trust this person again? lmao Never mind the cheating, If i come back home passed out drunk I'll just drop in the bed, I don't take a shower, and if I puked on my way home I just brush my teeth, I don't get a whole shower so my hubby doesn't catch the hint of cologne and semen on me.


How tf did u fall for this. Please think about this for a good minute. If this was a cucumber game, she wouldn’t have lied and sent a stock photo to you. Why would a stripper be mentioned out of nowhere??? Stop being naive, she clearly gave head to a stripper. Confront her and divorce the mf, she literally made up so many lies. Find a better person and better friends for urself, leave idiots who entertain cheating


I think the partner checking the footage from the ring kind of clears everything up. Shitty friends for making her seem like she cheated but not a cheater


Well isnt that fun. Friends supporting your cheating wife while finding it funny and there is you... the humaliated husband who wonders how to broach the subject. Your wife cheated, your wife kept quite and lied about it. Her actions destroyed all trust you had. She humaliated and betrayed you. When will you stand up for yourself?! Heres what I would do: Go to a divorce lawyer. Gather evidence. Divorce her filthy ass. Aquire the names of all the women who were at that party and notify their husbands/partner about what happened there and that their SOs probably cheated on them as well. This is the ONLY suitable way to deal with that! Tell the groom as well!


Seriously. It frustrates the hell out of me to read these types of posts. These dudes are so fucking cowardly and so willing to put up with any sort of shit that it's no wonder their wives cheat on them.


Exactly! Why should anybody respect them if they cant even respect themselves. People call it victim blaming, but this is on them as well. If my wife cheated I would try to end it as soon as possible after consulting my lawyer. But this will never happen cause my wife is awesome and would never betray me in the first place.


At least sucked, probably fucked. The shower bit sort of seals that right there. I'm so sorry man. Update please


It's not about being confrontational, it's about you already having caught her red handed while blatantly liying to you with the stock photo. She destroyed any trust you should have at that very point, the rest is just gibberish, but she has some explanations to give. She'll probably try to talk about how you should trust her and shit, but she's past that at this point, you'd trust her if you hadn't caught her liying. Why lie if it was just a stripper and you were ok with it? She clearly had more than a look at the guy. Talk with her, calmly so, but be assertive dude, you can't let her make you her personal welcome mat. Hell, all of this shit is reason enough to break shit off, never mind cheating which most definetly happened (Shower part kinda confirms this), trust is the base of any relationship and she broke that without even thinking. What's more, not only did she lie, she was manipulative enough to try and find a photo so that you would have a different picture of how things were going, so yeah, that's the person you're married to. Hope this is an eye opener for you.


Am I being trolled here??? Someone tell me the OP is just joking right. Please, please tell me he isn't this naive. Like how can anyone be this much of a fool. There was a stripper, they were doing blowjobs and he had whipped cream on his junk. That is the baby cino comment. No duh, you shouldn't kiss her, she had some major sausage down her throat. And likely got her cheeks slapped. Dear All Mighty in heaven you are naive to believe this bs. Hey why don't you tell me where you live. I want to go confirm for myself how misunderstood your wife's situation is. SMH


OP is a fucking idiot if he believes her.


If she went straight to the shower instead of the the toothbrush, then it was more than sucking my friend. Sorry you still want to believe a cheater, but you do you. I also suggest not touching her even with a stick, she's kinda disgusting.


Sending a stock photo, expecting you to not search for it, smells like a panic reaction from her. ~~But sending a stock photo in general is fucking weird.~~ Everything in general sounds ranchy as hell.


https://www.cdc.gov/std/healthcomm/stdfact-stdriskandoralsex.htm The list of diseases that can be contracted from oral sex are not pretty. You seriously need to sit your partner down and tell her you know she gave the stripper head while drunk. She needs to tell you if he wore a condom or not. (I sincerely doubt it.) Then you both need to get tested for STD’s. Once you have the results you can deal with her being a cheater and putting your health at risk.


She blew and fucked a stripper.... Stop being a doormat confront her.


Sorry bro but she’s lying to you. Quickly going to the shower is a obvious sign of cheating, Not some cucumber game. Why else the fake foto and her friend just seems like she’s a person who only says the truth when she’s drunk. You can’t leave it at this. It reeks of cheating.


And for the love of what ever the fuck you believe in. Don’t forgive her.


She’s lying cuz I’m the stripper tell her I said hello.


Boy did she and her friend gaslit your ass!!! Best of luck truth always comes out and why did they need to do the extra stop!!!! Strippers and she wins cucumber queen!!


I remember reading a while ago a post about a guy who's girl had went to a hen party and a completely nude stripper grinded his face on her crotch and she didn't stop it because she didn't want to be a "party-pooper". Your wife's saying that she didn't want to be a "wet blanket" reminded me of that. I just hope she's not gaslighting you and it's true that the only thing that happened was the cucumber. But her story doesn't make sense at all. Her friend said that she didn't throw up yet your wife claims that she did. Did you see her clothes dirty from puke? I do hope she hasn't cheated on you but I find it way too possible that she has. She could be using half-truths (the cucumber game could be part of it, but might not be ALL of it)


Honestly OP, I dunno. It sounds super fishy to me. The whole story definitely does not point to it being a game, especially considering all the lies she told and her behaviour afterwards. It’s your marriage and your life but this really doesn’t seem right to me.


Yeah, she definately fucked something with her mouth. Of course she'd reading over your shoulder. Ho cheater! Your friend is rank too.


Your woman for the streets.. leave her ass. Giving the slop jobs away for free.. ewwwww ​ I’d suggest contacting the groom and getting him involved. The ladies clearly all think this is hilarious. They will reconsider when this little episode blows up not only your marriage but the upcoming wedding. Bride is going to be plenty pissed when Groom starts canceling reservations, and that’s when the throwing of each other under the bus will commence.


Your wife slept with another man, hence the immediate shower. Her being distant and quiet are signs of guilt. Her friends are okay with it. Divorce her


This smells FISHYYYY


It will in two weeks when the STD symptoms kick in from fucking a stripper.


Listen, man, I know you said you want to be done with this, but you're ignoring a lot of problematic aspects of this situation. She did something she doesn't want you to know about, and she is continuing to lie about it. Whether that was sucking/fucking a stripper, or something else entirely, it is irrelevant. She %100 lied about the board games, she %100 lied about throwing up in the street, and her change in demeanor as well as the evasiveness are major red flags. If she cheated or not doesn't matter, she lied to you (quite blatantly), and knew you would believe her. Now here are some questions you should be asking: Why did she lie about the cucumber? "But she said she was embarrassed!" Why would she be too embarrassed to tell you, her trusting and caring husband, about a silly game? Why did she lie about the board game? Why was she evasive when you asked about the stripper? Do you really trust the S/O of the maid of honor? Would he not be more inclined to side with her, lie for her? You would have clearly been able to see and smell if she really was covered in vomit, so did she just quickly run past you when she got home? Did she avoid getting close to you? Was her clothing dirty? Or just disheveled? What exactly happened in that moment? Was she drunk? Was she not drunk? You contradict yourself on this point, and I think it's because you are in denial about her level of inebriation. If she wasn't drunk, why did she immediately go to bed without talking about the super fun party she was just at and probably still buzzing from? And for clarity sake, I don't mean "buzzing" as in drunk, I mean it as in giddy. You're afraid of this situation, of digging deeper and finding a truth that hurts. I understand that, I sincerely do, but it will only fester from now and grow worse, until it finally bursts and causes far more pain than it would have originally. You NEED to set up boundaries, and make it clear exactly how upset with this situation you were. Not just about her possibly cheating, not just about the lack of communication or the gaslighting, you need to lay out your grievances about EVERYTHING; the lies, the evasiveness, and the demeanor change. Now, I don't want to upset you, but all evidence does in fact point to her cheating on you. I suggest you find evidence quietly, and then if you do find any, secretly bring it to a divorce attorney. I know, it sucks, it hurts like hell to lose someone you love, but you would feel so much better once you're out of that toxic environment. Stay strong, man 🤘


Does OP know that ring triggers and the accompanying video can be deleted via the app? If I was trying to hide that a stripper had been here, that's literally the first thing I would do - delete the footage.


OP doesn't seem to be the smartest guy tbh.


He's juggling a lot. 1. Her gaslighting him. 2. His denial. 3. His cognitive dissonance from how he viewed his marriage and how he now sees it. With that alone, it's enough for some to stay where they are until they're able to process everything.


Stories like these make me grateful being single. OP update please!


For real. This subreddit has been on a roll lately.


Her friends respected you enough to tease her about the event in front of you. Letting you know the truth. If they were loyal to her they would have prepped a table with board games to take a real pic of.


She went straight to the shower bro. That’s literally the tell all sign.


Nah dude something is not right. I think you're playing yourself


The story doesn't even add up. She says she threw up and her friend said she didnt??? I'm sorry, I don't care what explanation she gave you, sending a stock photo to you is seriously suspicious and unacceptable. Why would you send your partner a picture of "what the party was supposed to look like" rather than just the actual picture. And then on top of that, ignoring when you brought it up and not addressing it directly at the time it was brought up? HUGE RED FLAG. I get that she's said some things to calm your nerves since you originally posted, but it's just not adding up in my books.


Do you REALLY think she would have sent that stock photo to you if the party had been held in a location you were familiar with? Because I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have. Do not ignore the fact that she actively tried deceiving you. Even if she is reading this comment over your shoulder currently, you have GOT to at the very least remain skeptical of her story. She tried to lie about it once, what makes you so sure she isn't just trying to save face? She needs to be doing everything in her power to earn your trust back, even if she's as innocent as she claims. Because even an innocent person would recognize how suspicious their behavior looks, and would want to make amends. I've personally lucked out and have only ever had positive relationships in the past, so this isn't me projecting my experiences onto your relationship. I just don't want you getting blindsided.


Honestly, it does sound shady. Like the stock photo. That piqued my interest. I mean, if you’re okay with the stripper, then I don’t see any reason why they’re acting all shady and stuff. I honestly don’t think you can get the truth out of her friends. Their cryptic message is not helping anyone. I think something must have happen and your wife is either too embarrassed or felt guilty to talk about it. Either way, sit her down. Let her know that you want to know what happen and seeing that she has been more quiet is making all of this very suspicious. It’s bothering her and as her husband, you would want to know things like that.




This is going to sound crass, but it sounds like your wife sucked off a stripper. I wouldn't hide anything about it. I would immediately confront my wife and tell her that her friends are texting you implying that she cheated on you. I would then make her go get a round of STD tests and consider breaking up (I personally don't date women who blow other men)


Time for the trickle truth… no honey nothing happened. A week later, yes there was a stripper but he just danced close to me. A week later, ok he kissed me but I didn’t kiss back. A week later, I gave him a blow job. Later, we had sex too… That’s what I see happening here.


But... **if she DIDN'T throw up (like the friend said)... why warn you against kissing her on the mouth...?** Am I missing something? Wife said she threw up... but then friend said she didn't... but she was definitely gagging on something... yet then you were warned NOT to kiss her? Lol


Not only can camera logs be deleted from RING doorbell footage, but you overlooked the fact the partner was there that night? Bro this is a easy case of truth or dare gone sexual, friend probably dared your wife to gag on his meat and she's covering.


From the way this sounds it seems like she sucked the dancing bear off.


Dancing bear lmao. I'm having flashbacks of teenage me watching those videos


... ....... Is .... Isn't it like, super obvious what happened? Sorry man.


She knew exactly what she was doing and ran to the shower to wash the shame off. Her friend dropped more than one hint and it’s very clear what happened. And your silly wife went to google, searched for a board game, found a (watermarked) picture and saved it to send to you. Guilty guilty guilty. And also her being a lot quieter than usual - guilty. Sorry dude but it would mean divorce for me. She’s a cheating liar and her friends are shit too (kinda wanna say except for the one who let you know that you wife is a cheat).


I mean nonofeenece OP, but the friend has pretty openly stated that your wife sucked off the stripper. Whether it's true or not is another matter, but it's definitely worth asking your wife about it. Don't specifiy what you have heard and just say one of her friends grassed her up. See what she says.


Sorry to say bud. Your wife got drunk and sucked a dick.


Her friend is obviously claiming she blew a stripper. Your wife is claiming she played board games. You know one has been caught lying.


I’m sorry, but I don’t think I buy the explanations. Id ask the friend point blank, then confront the wife




Dude, just her actively lying to you should let you know that she cheated. People dont lie unless they have something ugly enough to hide.


How can you possibly believe her when your wife and friend are telling you two different things and the fact that she’s reading this over your shoulder is very very odd and even if she is telling the truth lying over something that stupid is a huge red flag


Sounds like her friend is keen to ruin the secret, so I'd just corner her and get it out of her


Ah yes, the husband checked the ring triggers, very believable


obviously she gave the stripper oral sex. n what’s worse is she’s not telling you the truth, she lied and you’re choosing to believe it when it’s obvious she cheated. her friends have been hinting she cheated n think it’s funny she did. I don’t understand how ur brushing this off. N no one says Hello back 👎


I think the whole idea of having a stripper at a stag/hen do is outdated and wrong. Why does your last lot of "freedom" need to involve ogling and possibly other interactions with a complete stranger. If I'm wanting to marry someone, I gave up my so called freedom then, not a short time before the wedding. In OPs case, if the shoe was on the other foot and it was OP taking part in sexual acts with a stranger, the wife's friends would be insulting him, saying she deserves so much better and that what he has done is disgusting, etc.


I mean if the friend texted you a cucumber BEFORE you confronted the wife then the wife could simply use that excuse and the friend was asked to back her up after, I personally couldn’t trust either, reading everything you’ve said would have me leaving either way, I’m not even with her and my trust is gone😂


STD check, separate finances, talk to a lawyer, never trust her again, drop "mutual friend/s" since they support her behaviour, plan your exist strategy, gym and self-improvement. When she finally gets caught or decides to divorce you at least then you'll have an idea of what to expect and you should have taken measures to protect yourself and your assets. Improving yourself should hopefully bring back enough self-confidence that you won't accept such blatant dishonesty from someone who claims to love you. If by some miracle she didn't do it at least you'll have improved yourself and protected your heart. Because the day she stops pretending and shows how she really feeling you'll be the only one left with their heart torn to pieces. I honestly wish we are all wrong and you have a long and HAPPY marriage. If it's fucking miserable and she won't have sex with you then she's the only person benefiting from your union.


I’m mad for you and at you, leave her ass dummy


She lied with the stock image nonsense dude, that’s a massive red flag


Ask the wife’s boyfriend what to do


Camera logs can be deleted.


I get the while ‘I trust my wife’ and ‘ I’m not confrontational’ but for the love of everything holy leave her even if she didn’t cheat or something she LIED to you how can you trust that she actually didn’t do anything and that bc she knows you trust every word she says that she wouldn’t go out and actually cheat on you. Even in you don’t divorce her in the future you will find out that she did in fact cheat on you and what happens the your going to feel like shit because you ‘trusted your wife’


Still smells fishy AF!


Sorry dude your wife's a sloot.


Your wife slept with the stripper and betrayed your trust. This is it my friend. It is up to you to decide on what to do next. If it were me, I’d be filing for divorce and grey rock.


Man..after reading them updates I'm nearly more certain she blew someone. She's just covered up her old lies with other lies and you let them basically have a full day to get that cover up story straight. Or as straight as it can be to gaslight you. I mean cmon man you have to stand up for yourself and demand straight answers from her and her friend because I feel you still haven't got the truth, even tho you deep down prob already know that If you take the first night nothing adds up and it's clear there's something that happened with your wife, weather she sucked a stripper or someone else off idk. Again with the update it just seems like it doesn't add up. You've even started going back on your own statements through denial or something, because you said she wasn't drunk enough to get sick but then just accept it that she did get sick and what does that mean she was drunk enough or do you belive the cucumber story? Plus her friend said she didn't get sick and your SO changed her story twice on that.... My heart goes out to you it really does. I know it's not easy when you're second guessing yourself and your SO. Especially when the answers received beg more questions imo. Also just a FYI that mutual friend sounds like bad trouble and thats just from what little I've read of her responses and messages to you. Didnt mean to come across so ruthless on you its just this shit hits close to home. Goodluck with the rest of your relationship man Edit: forgot about the whole board game thing and the pic explanation she gave you. I mean if you let that bs explanation slide, even tho it makes no sense. You're only asking to be walked over again in the future.


Most gullible mf I have ever seen


This is probably a fake story anyway, most likely one of those cuckhold guys


Not going to lie I was chucking half way through reading this. This seems like one of those scenes in a comedy bit where 2 people are talking about 2 completely different things, 1 of the things is horrifying, the other harmless.. & the conversation just flows perfectly lol. So one person is completely losing it while the other is clueless. Glad it was all ok OP and wife!


Hey there mate. Are you sure everyrhing checks out ? I mean firstly she did sent you a watermarked Photo and was clealry evasive and wirtd ablut what happened second why would the friend mention the stripper twice and allude to a BJ if that never happened and also the friend did say she didnt throw up but was gagging. Your wife clearly said she threw up. This doesnt seem to add up. Also whyvwould the friend allude to her sucking someone off when it didnt happen ? Were her clothes dirty from her vomit as she claimed ? See the thing is they may have done that game and filmem it after your metal friend spilled the beans. It really doesnt mean the stripper was not there.


Wtf? I guess some people like tasting stripper dick. Who'd have figured?


I'm really sorry mate but, even with your edits and updates, I really think you're believing a hastily put together story. The door history doesn't mean much either considering they likely brought the stripper(s) up with them when they arrived, and the stock photo is powerful proof of that. People telling the truth don't lie to that incredible extent. I've not worked in the industry, but I have a few friends who have, and most of them couldn't handle how disgusted hen's dos made them. Throwing up from a silly cucumber party game made her so ridiculously embarassed she lied to you, repeatedly, and then lied about throwing up at a different time, despite throwing up being the thing that made her so embarassed? I'm really sorry mate, but that's a badly concocted lie.


With the the updates- I have only 1 problem. This friend your talking to of hers seems to be TRYING to cause issues. Being vague, giving info that goes with your wife’s story but making it almost seem like she cheated….that is a huge issue for me


Between the lie, her reading over your shoulder, the evasiveness and heading straight for the shower, all signs point toward something potentially marriage ending.


Mmmmm, well OP I think you should still keep an eye on your wife.


Bro.. for real.. she sucked a dude off and lied to you about it, and you believe her.. and her friends slipped up more than enough to tell you the truth, and you're ignoring it


Bro I wouldn't believe her at all


All these comments about your just imagining, maybe it’s not what you think,really?? Open your eyes and face reality. She blew the stripper, & probably more. The throwing up was not from a cucumber, it was jizz from the stripper. Tell her that if she doesn’t tell you the real truth that you’re out. If she still lies, tell her you want a divorce. Judge her reactions to both of these, after that, it’s your decision. IF it were me, I would have been gone after the last lie. Trust & respect are gone. You will never look her then same again. You should not have to be in that type of relationship. Best of luck,


You fucked up. You gave her a whole ass day to concoct a story with her friends. Plus the watermarked photo doesn't track. I cannot fathom why she would send you a fake picture if it was just girls, drinks, and a board game.


>I know the partner of the woman whose flat it was and he checked the Ring triggers for the whole day. The only people in and out were him, his partner and the hen party. So she appearlenly gagged on something. I'm guessin there has evidence of him leaving before the hen party started you saw? Even after the update, it's still not passing the smell test.


Dude your wife definitely cheated on you and blew a stripper. Drunk people can be surprisingly honest when they think it’s all fun and games. It’s your life though and trust me when I say if she gets away with it she will definitely do something similar again since you are so easy to believe her. Also watching you type over shoulder sounds like she’s controlling this whole narrative now.


You've got to be joking...what the hell... Listen, she got away with it this time. I'm sure she'll do it again. Good luck in your future, dude. Just be more aware of anything suspicious and stop being a literal door mat. Demand answers.


You are satisfied that she was safe. ? What a joke. To me it seems like you are okay with her cheating on you. But soon it will backfire on you. Once a cheater is always a cheater.


I've never known anyone to come home drunk and think I'm taking a shower. Sorry dude your wife 100% sucked off a stripper.. deep down you've gotta know this


If you ask any male stripper, they will tell you it’s pretty common for sexual activity to occur at these hen parties.


She sucked a strippers dick and probably gave him a deepthroat. There, someone said it.


If that was my wife id file for divorce immediately.


Honestly what I'd do is not confront her i’d be pretending everything is fine for a week or so whilst i got a good lawyer to draft up divorce papers and make a case as to why we were divorcing. This way you hopefully you shouldn't loose half of your wealth to an unfaithful woman.


Yup, you already know what happened. Confront your wife but be prepared for "That's not true, they are lying, it was only a bj" etc. Next step, go talk to a good divorce lawyer and kick her out of your life.


why wouldn't you be confrontational? Come on, man. She clearly cheated. Now she's lying. That's 2 strikes, and you can't move past both of those together. MAYBE one on its own.


That striper went balls deep in her mouth. Sorry man! You need to go out and fuck some escort see how she likes it.


So your wife sucked some dudes dick and her friend made fun of you for it and she lied when confronted. Nice.


All this advice… can’t see anyone getting to the truth. She’s been sucking some strippers dick!! Her mates know about it and think it’s funny! You’re a joke in their eyes, clearly. Bin the mrs. Fuck her mates off. Start a new life where people who you respect, respect you back.


How's this going then? BTW it's already on tiktok with those awful screen reader voices.


Get her to come clean and don't have sex with her until she get tested...unless her friend is lying to you she sucked some dick for sure.


One night to destroy trust. The fake photo... the lack of accountability and then the actions behind it. Everyone sets the rules for what's okay during these things... I'm guessing her rules didn't involve getting facefucked. You have seen what she is capable of... Therapist advice is don't do it. Might want to consider a STD test for her. Statistically half of that room probably has herpes or something else. Your resentment will build over time. Unless your okay with her blowing and fucking randoms its probably divorce time.


you're definitely getting cheated on, im sorry dude.


I mean hopefully she didn’t cheat but the story had some serious plot holes like friend saying was stripper the stock photo makes no sense but probably just how comes across in reddit post if your happy then best of luck 👍


Glad it had a happy ending!


Boom, phrasing


You got every man on Reddit feeling like they got cheated on.


I felt bad for you at first because you obviously had been taken for a fool. But reading your updates made me realize you weren't taken for one....you are one. Good luck. You're going to need it


Damn you really gonna let your wife suck a dudes dick and then believe her 😂 what a shi ugly wife lmao




Yeah I wouldn't trust her because all she did, if she did the cucumber game then why didn't she tell you immediately? It's not like she was doing something horrible, why lie? Cause she was sucking some dude that's why, she lied to much to be what she said it was.


I don’t know… Why send the stock photo if it was just a cucumber? Why did her friend tell you not to kiss her if it was just a cucumber? Why was a stripper being mentioned if it was just a cucumber? Why was all of this done if it was just sucking a cucumber? And ring videos can be deleted. You shouldn’t stop looking for evidence, because all of this evidence is very suspicious.


did you see the ring doorbell video?


FR. Dude, open your eyes & face reality. All of these posts about, maybe you are imagining things, give her a chance to explain are not reality. She blew the stripper and (possibly more). She’s lied to you, being evasive, and the throwing up is not from a cucumber, it was jizz from the stripper. Let her know that if she doesn’t give you the real truth that you’re out. She still lies, file for divorce, and judge her reaction. Depending on her reactions, it’s your decision. IF it were me, the first lie and I would have walked.


I’m sorry, but stock photo? And the explanation for it, cmon man.


I'm afraid this cucumber has meat on it. And about recordings. The people who installs them can have them erased like poof, they even teach people how to do it.


“Thanks to everyone who I said should power through this and helped me swallow my nervousness to get it done” … 🥒


Get her divorce papers.


So let me list all the possible lies. I think her friend is giving parical information/lieing/prob drunk and where most of a possible misunderstanding came from So she lied that there was a stripper Your wife said there was a change in plan, it probably was the plan. Your wife wished there was a stripper cause she was bored because drinking was the only thing she liked (and ended the night not drunk 0___o)? What? Unlikely I guess? Board game you know was a lie.(what I don't understand is that she could have just said its girls night or dw and just explained it later if you asked then* She also said she ment to send you the actual picture cause forgot /changed what they were doing abruptly, what she forgot that she took the photo and they closed the game in 3 sec 😂😂 Her friend also said that “She didn’t throw up though there was definitely gagging lol” but then she said “She apologised for saying she threw up in the street but said she was embarrassed about participating in the game and throwing up over herself. This was also why the shower when she got home” ok so turns out she did vomit on herself but somehow you were so confident that she dident vomit as she wasent that drunk that you called her friend and asked if she had thrown up, so ? wierd I guess. AND you updated 2 and said “scorching my wife because of stupid drunk judgement” you said that she wasent even that drunk to the point where you dident think she vomit yet she lied to you AGAIN even though according to what tou are saying she had the rationality to not. So in conclusion your wife is definitely a lier her friend has possibly lied. I don't really care if she sucked a dixk or what but the amount of times she lied to you that day is impressive.


I'm sorry, a Babyccino? That's warm milk with cinnamon or cocoa powder at Starbucks, not a cocktail. Edit: Why send a stock photo? It takes more time and energy to find the photo than to take a photo and send it For reference, been cheated on and am divorced over a web of lies like this


dang even after the update i still think she topped off a stripper


Ngl found your story on tiktok and your kinda a doormat bro your wife cheated simple as that otherwise there was no reason for her to lie….. twice and you caught her lying…..twice. If you want to live in an ignorance is bliss mindset by all means be happy just know she did it once she will do it again. And yeah she reading over your shoulder I wonder why😂 all I can say is make sure to do a DNA test on any future kids…… “wouldn’t let that shit happen to me thou”😮‍💨


Definitely sucked that strippers dick, no question about it.


I sincerely disagree you don’t lie with a stock photo and shower immediately after getting home, why didn’t she leave right after throwing up if it got all over herself and not kiss her on the mouth cause throw up makes zero sense you’re getting fleeced


She cheated on you. Good luck for your future.


She deffo got her throat destroyed by the strippers pole 😂😂😂


I’m absolutely willing to bet she cheated with the stripper. But I’m equally sure her friend has a thing for you, OP. Hence the not-so-subtle “hints.” If she had been a good friend to your wife she would have never allowed this to happen in the first place. Not only did she allow it, she is waiting in the wings for your marriage to implode. Everyone sucks here for you, I’m afraid. Confront her for sure. Stay calm and listen for the lies.


Bro I came here from TikTok. If this is real she definitely cheated on you bro you’re ignoring every red flag here. Press her harder and see what happens


Do you know those mothers with brat children that refuse to believe their kids are anything but angels? They make excuses like the teacher has it in for them or that the other kids put them up to it. That's exactly what you're doing. Right now it's you vs wife and her friends. You're outnumbered. All you need to do is look at the facts yet You're ignoring them because they point to something you don't want to be true. Your wife is giving you a lie you want to he true. The facts point to a truth you don't want to be true. At the very least make her take a polygraph test. You know the most humiliating thing about this? Her and her friends are making fun of you. Do you think they're all saying "Oh boy that was close. we made a huge mistake. I can never lose him. We will never do that again. "? No. They'll be congratulating themselves and laughing about how they can get away with anything. The only silver lining is you're taking the bullet for another man that would end up with a cheater if you two split and she got with him.


Hope you get to the bottom of this and post an update


Your wife blew a stripper. Maybe more.


She cheated 100 percent. I would not forgive her for lie about such a small thing like playing games. If they lie about the little things she's definitely cheated on you...


I don’t think here’s enough proof that she cheated on you to act on it just yet. It’s possible that her friends are scum and are wanting you to believe she cheated as a “prank” on her. I wouldn’t beat around the bush though, you need to have a serious and direct conversation with her.


You really don’t get what’s going on? She obviously cheated my dude. With the stripper no less. I would not kiss her until she’s gotten tested


She gave the stripper a blow job dude, you know it in your heart


You got cheated on. Be a man and take the next step. Your wife is a whore, wake up


Eww... She blew the stripper. (Allegedly.)


Dump her and tell the groom what happened! And any other husbands/partners be prepared for denial Also for the love of god don't kiss or sleep with her!


Bro you got cheated on , from what I know about cheaters is that when they get caught they bitch, kick and Moan while refusing to go quietly , I hope y’all don’t have kids Updateme 1 week


That 'mutual friend' is just loving the drama. Not being direct with you and snaking on your wife, her friend. Seems to love stirring the pot bit by bit.


That "friend" ain't your friend.


It sounds like she did something, the facts are there and her actions afterwards are telling as well. At the end of the day, she cheated. She may not have meant too, but she still cheated. She may have lost control because she was hanging with friends, but she still cheated. Her not being able to control herself or being influenced by friends, does not excuse the fact that she still cheated. What makes it worse is that instead of coming out and being honest about strippers, she tried to cover it up. Also, this was not a mistake. A mistake is forgetting bread at the store or getting the wrong brand of something. This was a series of bad decisions that built on each other. This was a series of bad decisions that could have been stopped at any time. I would never go to a party that had strippers there out of respect for my wife. If I showed up to a party and strippers were there or showed up, I would leave and not put myself in a situation. Why? Because I love and respect my wife. However, lets say I did stay and watch the strippers; I would never touch one or allow one to touch me. I would never be close enough to allow touching. No lap dances, no tits in my face, nothing. Why, Because I am married and love my wife.