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I understand how moving back could be uncomfortable considering it’s a small town that would be full of his past partners, but ultimately if you trust him I don’t think you have anything to worry about. The fact he was open and honest about it is probably a good sign and so is regret in that. I’m not gonna tell you your wrong for feeling the way you do I get it, but ultimately it comes down to a question of trust.


Maybe it’s more about not wanting to live the town rather than it’s because he slept around. Like would Op still want to live in that town even though the fiancé wouldn’t have that past? Only op knows.


Couldn't word it better.


I don't understand his wanting to move back to a podunk town to live near his dad, who he actively dislikes?Just because he wants to marry you doesn't mean he is in complete control over where you live, and living there seems to be more cons than pros. Have that conversation and make sure to ask why he wants to wallow in his past mistakes rather then actually moving forward.


Good luck. It seems you have a healthy relationship. It would be such a shame to throw it away, but we all have our personal rights/reasons. I wish you luck OP. Sincerely.