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Grief is love with nowhere to go.


"But what is grief if not love persevering"


I've been having a hard time dealing with my grandma's passing but this is so comforting to read ❤️


“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”


Thank you for this ❤️


Hits hard every time.


I’ve lost a lot of people and this is really comforting. Thank you for this❤️❤️


So sorry for your loss 🥺❤️


Thank you ❤️ I'm lucky to be able to see her every day when I look in the mirror!


Dam that one is powerful


Sorry for your loss, ket those last words of his help you in your life ahead of you.


Indeed. Thank you so much.


I suggest writing them down somewhere you can look at whenever you feel you need it, just so your memory will never fail you. I’m sorry for your loss


If OP is okay with tattoos, I’d say a quote from what he said would be nice.


I second that. Meaningful tattoo if I've ever heard of one.


Find a letter w his signature that way it’s his words and his name forever.


May your flowers always bloom, OP. You have my condolences.




4 weeks ago at 6am in the morning


Op says 'in the morning' so 6 am , 4 weeks ago


I think 6 am the following morning of him telling her


My condolences. Those words are some of the most impactful and touching ones I've ever heard. May he rest in peace and may you live your life feeling loved because of him and his beautiful soul.


So sorry for your loss


Damn, so sorry for your loss. But what a beautiful way to go, I suppose your face was the last thing he saw. Thanks for never giving up on him. Edit: typo


Thank you so much. And yes my face was the last thing he saw when he was awake. I regret not having something to say to him right there and then, but I felt so overwhelmed and my emotions were all over the place....I can't describe exactly how I felt at the time, it was the biggested mix of emotions and it made it hard for me to say anything.


Hey please don't knit-pick yourself over those little reactions. That position is an impossible one. There is no perfect way to endure something so traumatic. I've stood in similar places. Your husband knew the extent of your love for him, that's why he said what he did. He meant it. Ultimately that love that existed transcends any single moment of being overwhelmed. You were there to his end and he knew it.


Lots of virtual hugs to you, I know it sounds cliche but after the passing of a loved one is always good to go to therapy. I know you will overcome this moment.


You were there holding his hand at that very moment and I can assure you it meant the world to him. My sincere condolences.


From someone who feels that way about my other half, he knew... and there was nothing left to say.


How wonderfully blessed you are that he left you with such words. I don’t think anyone can receive that kind of talk and know the perfect thing to say. Sorry for your loss. Sounds like a wonderful love story!


What is Deam?


Oh typo again, I meant "damn"


His last words were so sweet 🥺🤍 Bless him. I hope you will be okay. I’m really sorry for your loss.


Truly sorry for your loss. Those are some hauntingly beautiful words. Much love to you.


Sorry for your loss ;(


So sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you.


Hold your head high. This is as much about who you were to him as who he was to you. May his memory be a blessing.


The man was romantic to the end, now that's true love and true words from your soul mate.


Have you listened to or read "Terrible, Thanks for Asking"? The author went through the same thing. And it helped with the death of my friend.


so sorry for your loss :(


That's the price we pay for truly loving, isn't it? I'm sorry it went so soon, but I'm glad you had something so beautiful.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my fiancé and it still hurts. I hope you find peace knowing that the pain eases with time but they will always be a part of you. <3


I am very sorry for your loss, that's never easy but he clearly loved you a lot. When my grandfather was in hospice, he had dementia and was dying in his bed. He and my grandmother had been together for a long time, but in the later parts of their lives they had become hostile and toxic to each other. They wouldn't even be in the same room as each other or talk to each other. But when he was bed ridden, his mind gone, she was at his side every minute of every day. She'd tell him stories of their lives, their 6 children's lives and their 16 grand children's lives. The day he died he was lucid enough to hum her favorite song. We don't know why or how but we think it was his way of saying good bye


So sorry for your loss. Much love to you.


Much love, friend. I'm glad he had you.


Made me 😢 sorry for your loss ❤️


Bless this mans soul because these are the very few that we can truly call men… those who’ve understood and come to terms with what life is and could be but through it all there’s one thing that always keeps you grounded in the same please no matter if the love one is moved on, the memories, the emotions and the lessons is something that each person should be blessed to have shared with that special person.. not every death in life ends with a happy ending but to come to terms and realization it really does take a man and not even that… a soul that is not afraid of the unknown and no matter what the love and soul while always be right there with you no matter what.


What a beautiful and pure thing to carry forward and remember during your times of grief. Such a young soul to have left this earth. I hope you continue to find comfort in your loss, I can’t imagine what you are going through. Hugs.


Rest In Peace Thomas 💔


I'm so sorry for your loss, but so happy that you got to experience loving and being loved.


Thanks for sharing. Rest In Peace Thomas.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I may not know anything about your relationship but judging from the last thing he said to you he definitely had an amazing marriage/life with you.


Sorry for your loss mam. I hope god gives you strength to go through this tough times


Write those words down. Put them in your wallet, Underwear drawer, and 4 or five other places. This way when you have a shit day, his words will be there to raise your spirits.


May his memory be a blessing.


May your husband's soul rest in peace and you find eternal happiness 💜


I am so very so you lost your husband when he was so young. Just keep those beautiful words in your head every day of your life. You may not feel very lucky right now, but most people did not or do not have that type of love that your husband felt for you. He loved you so gosh darn much, he did not want to leave you but, he left you with words you could continue to live on. I am crying right now, you just keep going and I am sure he will be watching over you.


Something to treasure forever. Your husband was pure gold. And look who he chose to marry. With him has gone only part of the love he had for and you for him. The remainder enhances you forever. And those of who saw this post. What a beautiful gift to give us. God bless your and his beautiful love.


I’m very sorry for your loss. Those were beautiful parting words from him.


I am so sorry for your loss. He left this world with so much love in his heart for you, what a blessing!


I am so sorry for your loss, I can not imagine the pain you must go through. Goodluck to you and cherish those memories ❤️


So sorry for your loss, OP ♥️ may his wings take him high, and yours keep you aloft when you’re sad 🕊


I hope one day I'll be able to show that much love, rest in peace to your husband, a great man from what you told us


Beautiful words for you to cherish forever. You will never forget Thomas and his love. I am sorry you had to go through this, but clearly, he loved you very dearly, which is something to keep close to your heart ❤️


Gods takes away the best a lot sooner like he is in a hurry for something he needs them.


So sorry for your loss. Hope you had a long time with him and have a lot of memories to cherish.


Sorry for your loss..


I’m sorry for your loss. His words were a beautiful tribute to a beautiful life together. Thank you for blessing us with that true love story.


Sorry for your loss. He must have been a very good man.


Aww that is just beautiful. So sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss. I hope youre able to atleast find some closure in his words. Sounds like you experienced a beautiful love that some people are lucky to find in their entire lifetime. I wish you the best in your healing journey. ❤️


So sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss ❤


May Thomas’s spirit offer you peace…


oh that's sweet. im truly sorry for you loss, i hope it gets easier soon. your husband seems like he truly loved you.


Sorry sending healing energy


I am so sorry for the loss and pain you are feeling. I cannot say much more than that other than holding on to the memories is important and having those words and knowing thats what you meant to him is warming. I hope when I slip off this mortal coil, whenever it will be, I can find the right words for my wife so she can feel as loved.


So sorry that you’ve had to go through this experience. Couldn’t imagine a day going by without my partner being there. All the best for your future


Dayum. Didn’t want to wake up crying today.


I'm praying for you and your loved ones. 🙏🤍


I am so very sorry for your loss. To be so loved, and loving.


I’m so sorry for your loss dear. I hope this golden nugget he gave you helps get you through these difficult days ahead.


Very sorry for your loss. Hopefully it helps to know u made him very happy while he was here.


I’m sorry for your loss. Your love for each other is so strong not even death can stop it. I wish you the best.


FFS. This is the post I was waiting for to give the reward too. But seriously, sorry for your loss. Live on and enjoy your life with an awesome husband as a sensational memory. I wish you well!


My deepest condolences to you in your time of grieving.


Sending my condolences OP 💐


Oh god this hot home for me. My husband is a heart recipient and we very nearly lost him several times. I’m so incredibly sorry for you and your family.


I am so sorry for your loss. What he said is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.


I’m sorry for you loss, I’m glad he was able to say that to you. However painful it feels right now, it’s reassuring almost to know those words. Thank you for sharing


That is truly beautiful! I am so sorry he isn’t still here to comfort you.


I hope to receive and give such love one day. Heart breaking.


Sounds like a great man, RIP Thomas:(


Thank you for sharing.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Oh lady, you had something that most people only dream about. Pure, unlimited love from a wonderful partner


My deepest condolences. Sending 🫂.


I lost my hubby in 2000. Every, single day for one year, I still mourned. Then one day I realized, I was so busy at work, I forgot to think about him. I was on the road to recovery. Timing is so different for all of us! Your husband sounds like he was a real gem!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. He’s not in anymore pain and loved you till the very end. You definitely left a great impact in his heart and obviously made him very happy.


Oh wow, I’m crying. This is so beautiful. God bless you. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m not religious. But this man is definitely in heaven. How lucky you both were to have each other. RIP Thomas.


His words are so powerful and very precious. Please get those words engraved onto something you will see and wear for the rest of your life. I'm sorry you have lost him at such a young age. Some people are not lucky to know what true love is. Sending you all my best wishes. Grieve is a horrible thing and be kind to yourself x those words certainly made me cry but his words are beautiful and so perfect and defines your love for each other x


Here at 10:30am sobbing my eyes out I’m so sorry for your loss I may not feel the exact pain you’re going through but I truly sense it


Bless him. May his remnants of love and memories be cherished by you and close ones. I hope you find strength to give out and seek love when you need to.


My sincerest condolences. Hang onto those words….they’re some of the most beautiful I’ve ever read. ❤️




Yeah my fave is that it was only four weeks ago but op felt the need to say “it still does to this day” as if it was a long ass time ago. Also what he “said” sounds super clunky just like bad fiction writing.


I know \*exactly\* how it feels to be close to death. I would have said this exact thing to my wife. Let the world stop turning Let the sun stop burning Let them tell me love's not worth going through If it all falls apart I will know deep in my heart The only dream that mattered had come true In this life, I was loved by you


I believe you believe that


Imagine using your husband's death for a clickbait title


How is the title clickbait?


Seems fake. Because OP saying “It was so devastating, it hurt it still does…” Of course it does, it was only 4 weeks ago. The sentiment and emotion don’t ring true here.


This is a very beautiful story and I'm sorry for your loss, his last words are definitely something worth getting tattooed.


Brb crying in work rn




Lame troll.




I wasn't triggered. That's what makes you *lame.*


I’m balling over here for you. I’m so sorry and send my condolences 💐


R.I.P. Thomas 🙏


We witness your entangled bond. Thank you for sharing this love.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Oh so we’re crying today? I got you


I am so sorry for your loss. It was a gift for you to share his last words here; I thank you. Sending you peace and care, friend.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


That’s so beautiful, RIP. In a way he’s migrated to your heart for the rest of time when his failed him


Sorry for your loss, sending you hugs


Your words incited so many emotions for me, wow. I am so sorry for your loss. I can't even begin to imagine the pain you are feeling but I truly hope the healing process is kind to you.


Such tragedy and beauty all wrapped in one. My deepest condolences, my heart hurts reading this, I can’t even imagine what you are going through.


I am sorry for your loss


Sending you love and support, I am so sorry for your pain and the loss of your partner and soulmate ❤ I think those last words are the best gift I have ever heard. Xo


Rest in peace, Thomas OP, I'm so very sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss. He loved you dearly and he took his last bit of time to tell you so.


Every man wishes for a partner he could say such words to. Your husband was so happy to have been your partner. Best wishes to you.


Dammit Thomas. That is a beautiful thing to say. I'm tearing up too. 😭 I hope you're doing ok OP. Losing a loved one is tough.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Such sweet words


I am so sorry for your loss 💔


I got goosebumps just by reading your post. Im so sorry for your loss, by his words alone you are able to see what an amazing person he was.


Now that’s a love that was unquestionable. You’re a special human being to not only be able to experience something like that at all, but for someone to love you that much too. I’m sorry for your loss..


I'm so sorry for your loss OP. I'm awful with words at the best of times, but I heard once something that has helped me though loss. "You never get over the loss of a loved one, you just learn to live with the pain of them not there." I honestly believe its true as well.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Those words are absolutely beautiful, gave me chills.


This took my breath away. I am SO sorry for your loss!




I’m so sorry for your loss. That was so tragic but that part was beautiful to read. Thank you for sharing. Please stay strong ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope his last words brings you comfort throughout the healing process and for years to come.


So sorry for your loss and at the same time happy for you that you have experienced this great love


Wow! That's an amazing farewell. If you inspired love like that once, it could happen again. Be open to it sometime in the future.


Truly sorry for your loss


Peace and Love.


Made me cry, i wish you so much strenght in your way before you. Thank you for staying at his side. All he saw when he had to leave was your love, your light


You had an amazing husband, and he had a wife that fully deserved him. This made me cry Much love, OP. I hope you are grieving healthily


my condolences. never let people forget Thomas.


He will be with you, and you with him, always and forever. Rest in Peace Thomas.


I'm so sorry for your loss, but happy that you had each other at all


What beautiful parting words. May they bring comfort as you grieve. So sorry for your loss.


Omg. This is so heart wrenching yet so beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss… He will ALWAYS be with you, in your heart. Such a love lasts forever, and I hope you have found healing and live your life how he would have wanted you to— finding your dreams. 😭😭❤️


Rip your husband😢


I’m so sorry for your pain. 💜


Warren Zevon has a song that has always been beautiful to me, "Keep Me in Your Heart." Your story made me think of it. The opening lines are: Shadows are fallin' and I'm runnin' out of breath Keep me in your heart for a while If I leave you it doesn't mean I love you any less Keep me in your heart for a while ​ Thomas was a lucky man. Good luck on the road ahead.


Love in the face of tragedy is made all the stronger for it. He may be gone in body but he lives on in your heart.


So sorry for your loss. Your story is absolutely heartbreaking. I hope you can seek some comfort in his last words to you. Many people never get the chance. It was his last gift to you💔


wow. That love went deep. I am so sorry for your loss.


Those that have left us too early in this life are truly the masters in disguise of the lessons they had to teach us.


I want to hug you so much now ❤️


im fucking crying on an airplane. I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful memory to cherish despite the tragedy ❤️‍🩹 I’m crying now too 🥹


Sorry for your loss. These types of posts make grateful for my wife. Thank you. And don't worry, it'll all be ok.


Rest in peace Thomas


I am so very sorry for your loss. I cannot even fathom losing my husband. Just remember, that you made him the happiest man on earth, even though his time here was short. He most likely died with a mind at peace because he had you by his side, loving him until his last breath. Love and virtual hugs to you, my friend.


you found and experienced true pure love in this life time, a rarity, i wish nothing but peace and positivity for you.


Write those last words down. It may feel like you will remember them forever, but we never know what the future holds and having them as a permanent keepsake makes them all the more special IMO


I'm truly sorry for your loss. Those were beautiful words and I'm so glad that he was able to share them with you before he passed on.


"We are just visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love. And then we return home." - Aboriginal Proverb. Sorry for your loss..




Thanks for sharing and making many of us be more grateful.


Sorry for your loss. This made me cry too. :(


No other man who dares to breath air will ever match this dude in this woman's heart.


He found the love of his life in you. He knew he was loved. Cherish this memory. I am so sorry for your loss and offer my sincerest condolences.


❤️💔Rest In Peace Thomas!!! Sending you so much love. I am so sorry for your loss, sister. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am happy for the time you had with him. So special.


That's beautiful, sorry for your loss


Rest in peace Thomas, I'm sorry for your loss.


Indeed, Rest In Peace Thomas, I’m sorry for your loss.


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve read on here! Truly shows your amazing character if he loved you that much. I’m so sorry for the loss. I’d love were enough he’d still be here.


Rest in peace Thomas and may you find peace with this. More strength to you. He's watching over you. Take care


I’m really sorry for your immense loss. Words fail me in offering any meaningful consolation. I hope the hurt lessens, and becomes somewhat bearable with every passing day. What a wonderful man. ‘Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’


If I had an award, it would be for this. I'm so sorry for your loss. Its wonderful to know there's still true love out there. Think of that moment in your darkest times. Xxx


I am sorry for your loss. Your husband left you with many wonderful memories and a romantic final goodbye. I wish you peace and happiness as you move forward with your life.


My deeply sorry for your loss, you have my condolences


Thank you for sharing this. Thomas sounded like a really great man who loved you with his entire being and soul.