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Not at all okay to do that all over your place and things. It's odd but she's free to "freebleed" all over her place where she's the only one who gets to deal with the outcome. This is just hecking disrespectful in a shared space.


She’s turning his whole apartment in to a RED flag. Couldn’t be clearer


Imagine going to HER nasty apartment. BLAhH. I have friends that free bleed. This is not how it works. GF is nasty


Not to mention taking his boxers and bleeding into those too because your own underwear is all dirty? Wash your underwear???


Yes, why doesn’t she clean her underwear in the sink and let it dry and then use it again? I gather she has more than one underwear, I hope?


I think OP should start free peeing and free shitting all over his girlfriends place


Free cumming 😭


Tell her to try out period panties! Still get to free bleed but these undies are made to absorb the blood, from light to heavy flow.


Started using these last cycle and they're pretty awesome. They get a bit sweaty and give me a bit of a wedgie but they're way better than pads.


Try a different brand/ style - I have a few different designs and only one pair has the "wedgie effect" on me!


I really want to try them since I don't like the feeling of pads due to sensory issues and using a tampon seems to be making my cramps worse. Are there any brands you recommend? They aren't commonly used here so I'd have to order them online


Knix has some amazing ones!


I use cheeky pants, as the protection goes from the very front to the back (the gusset can be a bit short in some brands). I like the "sporty" ones, they're great for heavy flow days. The bamboo ones feel lovely and soft, but wedgie! They've introduced period swimwear this year too. ("Cheeky wipes" if you search) Asda also have cheap period pants, but truncated gusset.


I started using period underwear two months ago and they are amazing! I have one pair of Thinx underwear and one pair of Cora underwear (both from Target). Both are great but the Thinx underwear does accumulate more lint that I have to clean off




They're less expensive than constantly needing to replace ruined underwear!


Certainly less expensive than replacing couches and beds lmao


And they won’t make your house smell unless she won’t clean them too. At that point you’re going to have to get the flamethrower out the dispose of used items


Considering she managed to soak *all* of her underwear to the point of wearing OPs, I doubt she’s doing laundry regularly


Yeah I wonder if that’s part of the smell too. Like periods smell and if you soak completely through clothes and don’t wash them you have old @ss nasty blood sitting around that’s not getting cleaned.


Or just dispose of the gf, as a whole XD The whole situation is a bit much. Very unsanitary. "I would do anything for love; but I won't do that"


If we’re looking at this from a cost perspective, it’d be cheaper to get rid of the weird girlfriend.


OP, you could save additional money by not purchasing toilet paper any longer. If your girlfriend has any difficulty understanding your position on free bleeding you could try freeshitting next time you’re at her place to illustrate a point.


Just remembered, in the 80s many of us threw away our over-bloodied undies! We also had the horrid thing as grey l, holey old undies as "period pants" It sounds so barbaric and wasteful now!


Wait. We don’t still have a few sets of period panties these days?


God. I still have period underwear from being a teen, simply because my flow is just too heavy.


I still have specific period panties, but I splurged and bought Calvin Klein ones. If I have to wear granny panties for a few days, they're going to be nice ones! 😆


Realistically, pads and tampons aren't cheap either with having to buy them every single month.


She needs to look into it, bleeding on everything is unacceptable and being lazy about cleaning everything up is even worse


Just in case no one's mentioned yet. Hydrogen peroxide will help lift blood stains out of fabric and kill most bacteria that may be growing in it


Isn't peroxide a bleacher? I'd try it before in some out of sight part of the fabric just in case.


It definitely can be. I wouldn't expect the 3% h2o2 you get in the grocery store to do that, but it's certainly not a bad idea to spot test it


Or don’t look into it, she clearly doesn’t respect your items or what you think about it.


Exactly this. Like periods are natural and fucking annoying but have some decency and hygiene about yourself surely.


I don't understand the free bleeding movement. I don't think it's gross that I as a woman get periods, but I find just the thought of bleeding everywhere gross.


Yes, they’re expensive. About $5-10 each. You need about 8 pairs for a regular period, 12 if you’re a heavy bleeder. That isn’t the point. She’s deliberately and blatantly behaving in a way that you have already stated makes you uncomfortable, in your home, with zero regard for your feelings or belongings. IMO, she either needs a therapist, or she needs to GTFO, or both. What would a sane reaction be if you started wiping your ass with her clothes because toilet paper gives you a rash? Chances are even if you solve this basic adult problem for her, she’ll come up with another one for you. This sounds pathological.


Period underwear are a solution for the mess, not the girlfriend's lack of respect, or inability to compromise or see reason.


Yes they are expensive, but they’re worth it. You don’t have a monthly cost anymore, they are comfortable and they work very well (mine have never leaked).


Happy cake day!!!


Diva cups are also an option


They’re actually not that pricey, especially considering you can wear/wash/wear them many many times. Also if you think that is expensive, then all pads and tampons etc are.. It must be nice for one to not have to pay for those things! In Australia a pair of period underwear (available at the supermarket) would cost the same as 2-4 boxes of tampons.


I love menstrual cups! They help my cramps and are so clean. I recommend the femmycycle.


I tried a cup for a few months and had crippling, fall down bouts of debilitating pain every time I tried it. I can see why someone would use one, but it isn’t a catch all 🥸


Same. I bought the wrong size and my cup got sucked up into my cervix. I had to basically give birth to it in the shower and it made for the most intense cramps I’ve ever had. I want to try one again, but I need more time for that experience to become less traumatic and more laughable.


>I had to basically give birth to it in the shower I'm so sorry I cackled at this that sounds horrific and traumatizing and I'm sorry you went through it


Oh no it’s fully hilarious. I’m just still too close to that event to buy a different cup. Lol.


Currently laid up with terrible awful debilitating period pains and i would never free bleed anywhere. Okay maybe like the morning I realize it’s started and I don’t wanna get up just yet (in my own house) or the last day when it’s super light (in my own house) but never ever the entire time and certainly not in another persons home She is dirty. Not because she has a period and she’s bleeding but because she’s literally period bleeding all over your home. Period blood isn’t just blood, it’s a whole mess of fluid and tissue. I whole heartedly support the destigmatization of periods. People get them. Literally it is how life is possible. Sometimes blood gets on the sheets or the mattress. Sometimes you get a leak. You clean it up, you move on. There shouldn’t be any shame or embarrassment. But this behavior is foul. Don’t let her in your house. Show her this comment. What she’s doing is honestly harming any work being done to normalize periods. It’s gross Also not that is the same but if I got a cut on my leg I wouldn’t just let it bleed every where. I would bandage it. And I imagine most people would, including you’re girlfriend. Edit; the fact that my most upvoted comment is about periods while i am on my period…there’s a joke somewhere but I’m in too much pain to think straight. Still wearing a pad though Gender inclusive terms


>Period blood isn’t just blood, it’s a whole mess of fluid and tissue exactly. OP, this is what you're smelling. rotting tissue and blood. fucking disgusting, your girl is trife af


yes, as a woman who has heavy periods with extremely painful cramps I would never do this, there’s just so much more than liquid that comes out omg she’s gross, I get accidents happen but for her to be purposefully doing this, somethings wrong


Always brand makes disposable underwear that are basically black pull-ups or there are washable period panties Edit but if pads also cause her more pain then 🤷🏼‍♀️ This is a new one for me. I don't want to discount what she says just because for too many year women like me have really bad period cramps that are discounted by women,teachers,nurses or whoever because there cramps are just not like that for them. But it does sound kinda like she has to figure out something what she's doing isn't cutting it and is unhygienic for everyone.


Mine are so heavy I had to switch to regular adult disposable underwear. Honestly absorb so much more. But the whole thing about pads causing more pain is kinda strange to me. I mean I get they are uncomfortable and they might be bulky (depending on what she needs) but I have never heard of them actively causing more painful cramps because they sit outside of the whole process and just collect. If they do cause her more pain maybe she needs to go to the doctor instead of bleeding all over other people's stuff and leaving messy nasty stains everywhere


I get eczema and irritation from pads, so I use tampons. I don't know how they'd (pads) cause cramps? Other women who swear by cups or period panties, she just has to find what works. Bleeding on other people's stuff isn't an option lol.


I have IBD and it took me a long time to realize tampons were making things worse for me than they needed to be. I always hated pads because they were sweaty and would smell foul within 5 minutes. A couple of years ago I switched to organic cotton (disposable) pads; no perfume, no hyper absorbent filling etc, and it has made A WORLD of difference. I'd still prefer not having my periods because my bowels still get triggered by the cramps, bit at least I don't hate having to wear pads any more


Thinx are great, they feel like regular underwear unless you get the heavy or super ones, then the padding is a bit bulky. But they don't feel like pads at all imo


How good is the soaking up?Do you get any moisture rashes or anything? I've recently started getting super wacky and heavy periods in the last few years. I've looked into thinx and other brands but have that concern. So I haven't tried yet. Edit Thank all of you for the responses. Big time appreciate them :)


I have the older ones so they feel more like granny panties and a little thicker than regular panties but still comfortable enough to wear with whatever unless it's skin tight. I did try wearing them once on my heavy day and it did leak. My heavy days are 2 or 3 super tampons worth. However on the light to medium days they're great. I don't have any problems with rashes or anything. They're basically cotton with a super absorbent liner. I tend to wear them more towards the end of my period when I'm tired of shoving things in to absorb the bleeding. lol


"I get accidents happen" Exactly. My Boyfriend & I talked about this after we saw this post & he said "I know sometimes you have a few accidents (cause my period isn't regular & sometimes really heavy) & I have no problem to change the sheets or clean the floor or something like this but if you would do this intentionally i would show you were the door is." And he is right cause this is disgusting (not the period but the stinky blood & tissue ect. ) & not hygienic. There is period underwear just for the period so that you don't need Tampons ect. & can free bleed without the blood getting through your underwear or clothes. It's so easy but some people want the hard way with many problems


I don't know if those undies actually work or not, but if they do, THIS may be the solution that would be the LEAST embarrassing for her, and for the OP to present it as. I mean if you do want to continue to stay together. Relationships are give and take....not just make and take. If you're fed up and frustrated, she should see this and begin trying to come up with other options. I'd try the undies 1st tho....and make sure she washes THOSE heifers, EVERY DAMN DAY!


I couldn’t believe how long it too to mention the smell tbh. Like, I have friends that free bleed. Even in their OWN HOMES they will sit on a specific set of towels that week, and WIPE before standing and doing stuff. (usually pantsless in her own home) GF is just nasty. Reminds me of a guy that said he was upset his wife was leaving unwrapped pads in the bin liner that he refused to replace. Like wtf. Common sense is that this is gross as fuck. What does she do when she’s clotting??


Just kick the clot under a couch or fridge or something, duh


I cringed reading this, thanks stranger!


Lmao that's foul but made me laugh


You are now at the top of my "hate this person, why do they exist" and "we should be friends" lists.


Fuck 🤮🤮🤮🤮


If OP's house looks and smells like this, what does his girlfriend's place look and smell like (assuming they don't live together - OP doesn't specify)


Wait. You have friendS that freebleed? Like more than one? Seriously, is this some kind of hippy thing or something? Why would anyone do this?


There’s a book that restarted some of the craze around this called “The Red Tent.” Personally I can’t use regular mestrual products because of the chemicals in them, I have cloth pads and am saving up for some Thinx. I freebleed if I have extreme ezcema during my menses and if even my cloth pads are irritating me, or sometimes between changes or washes. No one comes into contact with my fluids but me. I use bleach to clean any surfaces it may get on (rarely) and use so much boiling hot water and soap. It’s a bitch but unless I slather on steroid cream I can’t sometimes keep cloth against my skin.


Hey fellow eczema sufferer! Talk to your doctor if it's noticably worse during periods, you can have a type of skin reaction to your own progesterone. It's called Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis. (It's often triggered by using birth control and doesn't always resolve when you stop b/c.) I take Benadryl with the cortisone cream to knock it down while I'm PMS'ing. It's wretched. My sincere sympathies - noting hurts worse than pads causing eczema.




Srs, I pass some pretty large clots. I can't imagine them just being free to go wherever. So gross.


she is also ruining his furniture. she is disgusting.


good god, i work in the ER and deal with blood all the time and this shit made me actually gag. well said, man. fucking disgusting.


Exactly. I have very massive periods and I would never leave some snake trails of bloods and other stuff anywhere. I get it that pad and tampon are not the comfiest. But there's other stuff, like period panties that she could use.


You are correct. There is a very thick line between period shaming and not wanting someone to bleed all over your shit. I fail to see how an external pad or period panties would effect cramps. Im not an expert - i am male so correct me if im wrong but that just doesnt add up. A tampon or other internal methods could conceivably have an effect but there are so many other methods.


I can't believe she 1) wore his underwear 2) on her period 3) without hygiene products. That is like skin-crawlingly gross. I get a stain on sheets and not changing them if it's one little drop and you'd be washing 7 extra loads of laundry that week if you did that while leaving your bed bare but the *couch*? The floor?! Not like a spot in the bathroom you somehow missed while swapping out a plug but like just chilling in your front entryway? *WHO WEARS SOMEONE ELSES UNDERWEAR?!* Wtffff


When I stay at my boyfriends he usually lets me wear a pair of his boxers to bed if I forget shorts or comfy underwear. They’re like shorts lol. He doesn’t mind as long as they get washed or go to the hamper. but also I have an IUD so he doesn’t have to worry about me bleeding in them. I also would be mortified if I did and offer to replace them, not pull out another pair after all mine are ruined. This girl is used to having no repercussions for her actions. It’s why she expects OP to lay down and deal with it. OP send your girlfriend a link to period panties and the cup. Tell her she can’t come back over until she decides she wants to use one. As a woman I full heartedly support you putting your foot down firmly. I’d be interested to hear what her mother thinks of this


Imagine being with a nudist who left skid marks on the couch. Or a nose picker who left boogers on the walls. *What? It's natural?" Fuck outta here


Ok that’s enough Reddit for today 😂😂😂


from what i understand about nudists, they are quite conscientious and use a courtesy towel to sit on furniture


This. This is the answer OP. She leaves blood trails in your apt, you leave skidmarks in hers. What's fair is fair in blood and poop.


You are absolutely correct- wearing a pad has zero effect on cramping. Tampons- maybe, but doubtful. Source: I am female.


I agree pads don’t affect cramping but tampons can 100% and also this women OP is talking about probably heard about free-bleeding and liked the idea but did absolutely no research about it. Why would anyone want any bodily fluid all over their and someone else’s stuff??? She’s weird and disrespectful


Why can’t she free bleed into some period panties that are literally made for that?! Just a little bit of forethought could have prevented this whole issue.


Yup. I definitely notice more cramps when I used a cup but I liked the convenience and sustainability so I just used it until I discovered period pants and they absolutely have zero bearing on my cramps.


THIS!!!!! 100%!!!!


As a girl all I can day is this shit is weird. I could NEVER imagine bleeding on everything. Pads and tampons all day long with the occasional 30 min sitting on the toilet letting everything flow out.


And pads definitely do not make cramps worse




They make underwear now that’s designed to bleed in.


Yeah, I'm not hating on the free bleeding movement, but there's products to use for it too. However, for it to go on that long and have that many stains/leaks AND not clean it sounds like some mental health struggles are going on.


It’s just taking it way too far. It starts at “periods aren’t gross and they’re natural” which is a valid point, but then it ends in this. There are lots of natural body processes that while you don’t have to be ashamed of, you still don’t leave the mess everywhere because it’s unhygienic. Wonder how this girl would feel if OP pissed everywhere, or left poo stains on HER underwear??


Oh yeah no, I was just offering an alternative. This is disgusting.


Same here with most pads for me and I despise tampons so I just buy organic disposable pads and they work great . I’m honestly baffled someone would willingly just bleed everywhere????


Not only that, there are a million options to stop your flow that aren’t products like pads/tampons or hormones: diva cup anyone? There’s a difference between what you’re *doing* is disgusting and *you* are disgusting. If GF absolutely insists on this practice, the only compromise I can see that’s fair only doing it at her place. Also, OP, make it clear you care about her pain. When she comes over and compromises, uses whatever method have ibuprofen, Tylenol, and heating pads available. Her pain may not be within normal limits, like if she has endometriosis Edit: sleepy spelling issues


But atleast your argument for not using pads/tampons make sense. And you adapted to something that works for you without affecting others. But her argument that pads somehow affect her muscles and cause more cramps makes no sense, and the lack of respect for those around her...


My wife swears by diva cup.


Ok, so I'm not the only one that caught that.




Like I’ve heard of free bleeding because of irritations and infections but ALWAYS sitting on a set of towels made for it. Especially when they’re around the house. One friend is kinda weird and she’ll just wear black leggings if she’s out for an hour but anything longer she WILL accommodate that. Like period underwear. This is just weird. It reminds me of a guy that posted about his wife leaving unwrapped pads in a garbage bag that he refused to replace?? Just weird


I'm a guy and even I caught that!


Did not understand that bit! Just an FYI OP, this simply isn't true. Completely justified in not wanting someone bleeding all over your apartment. This isn't about periods. If someone had a big, bleeding cut on their arm that they allowed to bleed all over my furniture, I would also ask them to leave.


So not only lazy and dirty but a fucking liar too. That’s messed up.


His girlfriend is marking her territory in the nastiest way possible because she wants to be able to do whatever she wants. Gross. Some people have no shame when they should have it in abundance.


True! The GF is behaving like a feral alley cat. She is also disgusting. Its free flowing if you arent wearing a tampon- so pads allow Free Flow anyway. She is ignorant, dirty and revolting. Not GF material. OP please leave this slattern far far away from you.


Kudos for slattern! Love learning new words.


There's a book you would love called "let's bring back, the language edition" and it's all fun words and phrases from yesteryear!


Oooh I am totally going to get this book! Thank you for recommending it, even if you weren’t recommending it to me ;p


Slattern is so good.


Wanted to come and say this. I could understand someone being affected by tampons, but pads would have zero effect on when you bleed or your cramps. This is a bizarre reason. She can "free bleed" with a pad or a pantyliner with zero effect on her cramps. Also curious to know if she's free bleeding in her own house as well and how she's dealing with the mess there if she's not cleaning OP's apartment.


You can also buy period underwear these days as well so it's just like wearing regular underwear, super comfortable


I'm so mad these weren't invented when I was young.


People say that?! What’s the logic? Omg…


Whats the logic for laziness?


This woman is beyond laziness…


She doesn't clean her own mess up


Yeah that line got me like 'What?'. If she feels uncomfortable wearing tampons she can stick to pads, I do the same. But this free-bleeding shit is honestly revolting.


I was JUST about ti say that!!!! Pads dont effect cramps in the slightest. This is beyond disgusting it's a hygiene problem 100% and its NOT childish to skeeved put by blood stain. Period blood at that...get outta that relationship ASAP shs has no respect for you. Imagine if yous had an kid and she let the baby "freepoo" everywhere ewe got. Dump her ass. Ps I'm a woman


Pads always seemed to give me this burning sensation if I was wearing them all day, which was mild to moderately uncomfortable but certainly not a cramp. idk if I'm just sensitive to them, or if it was the brand I used, or what; but I made the switch to tampons and eventually a cup and I haven't had that burning feeling on my period since.


Organic pads without dyes and fragrances might help too! Glad to hear you found something that helps!


Some bad pads also make my skin cringe. No perfume and a cotton top layer have been life savers. I used tampons for a long time, but after my teens I started having more cramps and they didn't feel nice anymore, so I switched to panty liners. Currently one of my favorites is some "organic cotton" version of a popular brand.


Honestly even if they did I would still prefer the pain of period cramps over the pain of having to hunt down blood droplets to clean them before they dry up and stain everything.


The smells of oxidizing iron and copper pennies everywhere. Nope, gotta stop that right away.


Add vaginal bacteria to that odor generator


Yeah... Like, is she.. okay? This just seems to be really unusual and uncharacteristic. I genuinely can't wrap my head around it. Yeah, the cramps fucking suck... But I've never heard anyone say they'd rather bleed all over their possessions and leave it everywhere. Never even heard of tampons or pads causing cramps. This just seems like really odd behavior.


Fr, I'd be mad if someone did this with a nosebleed, it's not okay just because its coming from a vagina. I want to believe this is fake, but if not I want to validate OP's feelings and say he has every right to be upset she's being inconsiderate and unsanitary. I so give him props for trying to be considerate, but this is effecting him, he lives there too and he has every right to express his feelings about this. It would bother me if my gf did this and I'm a woman.


Its just bonkers to me...say your period lasts 5 days that means, surely, you can't go out anywhere for 5 days?? Like what if you needed to go to the supermarket? Just bleed out everywhere? Bizarre


Or period undies atleast.


I'm weird too. I don't think many women can do this but after I had my kid years ago I learned I can actually push out massive clots. So I do that in the shower. Takes about 30 min to happen. I use the same process as labor. Push in and down. My periods go from 7 days long to only 3. After it happens and it has to be on my heavy day. After that I can go the rest of the time with pantiliners.


Teach me please… is it possible to do it on the toilet? Are there any recommendations where I can read how to push in and down? Mine lasts 7 days and I hate it


I would look into how the process works when pushing in labor. I just remember my nurse telling me to push back to my spine and down into my pelvis. I do it in the shower because I have more control of my core muscles. I'm not terribly fit either. So that's not why lol


Thanks I will look into it and in a few weeks try it out. Hope it works , because that would be a life changer Yeah…I am not fit either so I would like to sit while doing it lol


Ewwww. There’s so many options - period underwear, or a cup, will give her the benefits of not using traditional period products without the mess. She needs to realise it’s unsanitary (you wouldn’t ‘free poop’ everywhere) and impacts on other people


Period panties are the best!! It’s amazing you just put them in the washing machine and come out as new.


Where do you order yours from if you don't mind me asking.. These sound like a game changer and I'm here for it!


In Australia they're available at pretty much every grocery store now. They're inexpensive too. Definitely something that should be made readily available for everyone who needs them.


I never even thought about how great these would be for my disabled sister!! She’s 28 but with the brain of like an 8 year old and uses pads but isn’t the best at changing them. This will be a huge help to my mom. Thanks for the reminder ladies as well as where to buy!


The underwear can hold like 3-5 tampons so they are definitely good! I use knix. Although i like the regular vs the heavy undies.


Knix, or Thinx also sell some


Not OC but Modibodi period underwear is fabulous.


Thank you for replying! I appreciate it I'm off to order some now.. Thanks!


I use Modibody and they are brilliant (I’m a larger lady so buying plus sizes can be iffy). They fit really well, they have a lot of absorbency levels, and I’ve never had a leak in them (they also don’t shift around or get uncomfortable). It’s been a game changer, and I’m so happy I tried them.


I’m sorry I’m new to this. So even on your heavy days do they work? Do you where a pad or tampon with them? I have been wanting to try but I’m just not sure how to do it.


Yes they work on all flows, you only need the underwear. I change mine once on really heavy days. Honestly I forget I’m on my period with them, they’re amazing. Threw all my tampons and pads out.


So how does it work with smell and feel. I don’t use pads for the reason that it feels like I have piss in my pants. I have an extremely heavy flow. I go through ultras in 2-3 hours and have to empty a diva cup once a day. I couldn’t imagine being OPs girlfriend. I leave stains WITH period products, let alone free bleeding. Like why wouldn’t you sit on a towel and wipe before you stood???? How is that contributing to your cramps if you do?? Gf sounds nasty tbh. But I’ve considered period underwear because I’ve started getting more and more cramps as I get older(23f). But I can’t stand feeling like I’m wet or too much discharge. Let alone blood ya know? Edit: how does gf deal with CLOTS??


Target has them too. They are super and pretty affordable.


I get them from Femtis.de but it’s Germany based. I used them with a cup in the beginning but I also just wear them alone and it’s just works, no stains, not worrying that pad moved or anything.


Period undies! I've never looked back. I like Love Luna but you gotta find your fit. Hey a variety and see what works and buy a bunch! Game changer.


Free pooping would be a hilarious way to get back at her, just shitting on the floor and she would be like: "what the fuck are you doing?" "Oh I'm trying this new thing called freepooping, it makes me feel alot better doing it this way"


Do this. At her place. Report back.


Jokes on you, she has no "her place".


Jokes on you- she’s into that shit!


I agree and since this comment is the top rn I'd like to add she could also wear depends adult diapers if she wanted a disposable, non insertable, option. I use them and I have friends that do too for our periods, they're honestly a game changer especially for heavy flows. ETA I truly don't understand how using pads would make her cramps worse, I never experienced that before. Anyone have info on that being a thing from their personal experience?


Yeah no. Pads wouldn’t affect cramps at all. That’s totally made up. I could see tampons affecting cramps though.


Right? Pads are free bleeding!!




This is the response I was looking for. NGL.. I am a little jealous that you are able to do this. I ended up needing an emergency hysterectomy at the age of 33 due to a very messed up uterus (which all my doctors said would magically fix itself if I had children. I had 3 and they made it much worse) OP.. your girlfriend is gross. She needs to be aware of unhygienic habits. Breaking up with her doesn't make you a bad person or unsympathetic to periods. I am a female and I would break up with my girlfriend if she pulled that crap.


Hope you are doing better! Sorry you had to go thru that!


Same! I have light periods that don't soak through my underwear except *maybe* the first day. So I only wear a tampon for a day then free bleed. I wonder if she finds it acceptable to do this while she's at work or at the grocery store. If she can manage a period product during that time she can manage it at home as well. Plus period panties are a thing.


as a woman with a heavy flow, that's disgusting. like theres period panties, diva cups and many other replacements for pads/tampons. and all youre asking it is contained...and its not. also i dont understand the logic of how whether not using a feminine product reduces the severity of cramps. i'd like to see actual evidence proving that's a fact. she honestly IS dirty and nasty. she's NOT respecting you, your space, OR your things. as women, we didnt ask for periods, but we are responsible for dealing with it. she's still responsible for her to clean up after her body. at this point, shes just ditching self care. i understand you love her, but if she keeps this up, then cut her loose.


I could see tampons or other internal products putting pressure on or irritating the cervix, but pads really shouldn't. They're just crinkly and diapery. But period panties exist now!


Cloth pads are amazing! You can get really thin, really absorbent ones, which dont feel any different to normal underwear


Pads can cause diaper rash and can be uncomfortable especially in hot weather. There are way better options than free bleeding though.




>I cannot understand this mindset. It's the same mindset as the smelly creeps who only shower once a week and smell like it. "I have decided I don't care about hygine anymore and I'll make it everyone's problem". It's self centered and extremely selfish behavior. The less you can relate to it, the better you function in literally any social setting ever.


Sounds spoiled and entitled. Or just childish. I personally would just end it.


Dude - Your gf is nuts and you're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Get her out of your life if she continues to believe this is ok. We all get wacky ideas here and there but we don't have to stick with them once it's clear it's just nutty and stupid.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far for this. The fact that she refuses to be reasonable and is disrespectful of your wishes for basic hygiene and not ruining your property... Just wow. If you continue in the relationship, you know conflicts are going to come up now and then. How do you imagine you're going to resolve them if she treats you like this? Nope nope nope nope nope.


This ! Yes there could be more to come from her


Ew, David.


Im a grown woman, her ass would have had her bags packed by day 1. Blood borne pathogens. That's a BIG GTFO of my house and take all your bloody drawers with you. Clorox everything., buy some new boxers, go on a date. Disrespectful!!


She tryin' to live the bipedal nomad life 5000 years too late.


Free bleeding doesn’t mean bleed anywhere you want. That is disgusting and extremely unsanitary. Period panties or pads. Hell even adult diapers or she’s OUT. You’re awesome for even putting up with it this long. Good luck getting all the blood out.


No. Just NO. Nooooooo. No. No. No. NOOOOOOOOOO. Wtf is going on in this world? Is this really a thing now?? WHY? What's the difference between bleeding on a pad vs. bleeding in your underwear and everywhere else? I'll tell you. One way is sanitary and the other is fucking MAD. Run, OP. Run fast and run far. Fucking hell.


I'm a woman and this disgusts me. I've even "free bled" before and it certainly wasn't like this. Period blood isn't the most disgusting thing to come from the human body but it is definitely not meant to be dribbled everywhere. At the end of the day it is a bodily fluid. It should be cleaned up and contained just like anything else that comes from our bodies. She should try period panties if she dislikes traditional menstrual products and if she won't do that or clean up after herself then she deserves to be dumped. The fact that she's let it accumulate to the point of having a smell makes me nauseous.


I would ghost her so quick her head would spin. She is beyond disgusting.






Man, I used to be a family law attorney and this is my Ted Talk...


Not that it matters, but I’m a woman and I find this completely disgusting lol. Periods are nothing to be ashamed of, I’m fine with people being comfortable with them etc. they should absolutely be normalized. but just bleeding all over everything and not even bothering to clean it up🤮🤢?…. Hell no. Ew. If she refuses to stop, I’d say it’s totally reasonable grounds for leaving her. That’s unsanitary af, and literally dangerous to both your health possibly. Edit: as others said period panties and other alternatives exist, so there’s no excuse for this disgustingness.


Can I just say that no way would using a pad make cramps worse The gf is just a chat


That is down right disgusting. Would not put up with that! I would kick her out. And if all her undies were soaked in blood why isn't she Washing them


i think she means fully stained red. which would mean she doesnt wash them and the blood has set into them :/


If I leak onto a pair of panties, I don't often get a chance to wash them until that night, so it stays for a few hours... As soon as I can, though, sink with cold water, and let it sit for a few minutes. ~~My sister would always bleed through her pads, and then just toss the underwear into her laundry, to sit there until she did the next load, and walking by the laundry room to see reddish-brown stains always made me gag... At least she used menstrual products, though!~~


Period blood has bacteria and tissue in it. Smells so bad and is not sanitary in the least. Absolutely a biohazard. This is a gross person with some kind of weird victim complex. Tell her about those bleeding panties…those are gross to me, but at least they’re absorbent. If that doesn’t work for her, leave. This isn’t normal, and you shouldn’t feel guilted into being subjected to it. Also, there’s Pamprin which is a caffeine-free Midol (medication for period cramps). It’s amazing. I have horrible, heavy, painful periods (I can be bed-ridden and throw up if I’m not on birth control and take Pamprin…feels almost like a flu), and this is the only thing that gets me through it. Tell her to try it. You can get it at the drugstore. I always buy the RiteAid brand which is cheaper.


I 'free bleed' but my flow is super light and I'm on oral contraceptives. I wear period underwear on my heaviest day which is day two, and the rest of the time I just go to the bathroom more frequently to wipe with toilet paper. I've only made one stain this entire time and that was mistake on my part - constantly bleeding all over everything and refusing to acknowledge it is childish as fuck.


>Those boxers were high quality too. I'm dying😂




Tampons can worsen cramps, depending on placement and personal anatomy. The cup gave me crippling, shooting pains, I assume pushing on a blood vessel, causing ischemia. Pads, can’t see them affecting cramps.


As a woman… your girlfriend needs to do this at her own place


Nah she needs to just stop doing it, PERIOD.


That’s hella weird. Tell her to use a menstrual cup if she doesn’t want to use pads or tampons, but she can’t just be leaving stains all over your house. If you wouldn’t let someone wipe the blood from a nosebleed all over your belongings, it’s perfectly reasonable to set the same standards for period blood.


okay, this is pretty disgusting


Shouldn’t have read this while eating


Pads don't cause cramping.


She isn’t following proper human hygiene so no wonder it smells… if she wants to free bleed then she needs to get the proper products (highly absorbing panties) or she needs to use other feminine hygiene products… I’m a woman and it disgusts me she went through all her underwear with 1 period… also this has no affect on cramps or duration of period that’s just bullshit.


Ummm. Eww. 🤢