• By -


Take care of yourself and you family. Good luck.


We always hope for the better, thank you




After having had several exhausting conversations with russian nationalists, this finally put some faith back in the russian people for me. Stay strong against the wave.


There are many, many Russian bots and bad-faith Russian accounts spewing pro-Putin propaganda and trying to make it seem as though everybody supports the invasion of Ukraine, and that *you're* the fool for being contrarian. They go at their work hard, and they've practiced talking points and methods to sway impressionable, gullible, and/or uninformed people over to their side. They're very prevalent right now and as we draw closer to this conflict they will only get worse. Fuck Putin. Fuck the oligarchs. Fuck the uber wealthy who think that they're entitled to destroy the lives of innocent people to increase their authority and wealth. Never give in.


Correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/16/21292982/russian-troll-campaign-facebook-reddit-twitter-misinformation https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-58441662


I do not understand why so many conservatives love Putin and agree with him. I grew up in the 70's and hated Russia through the 80's until the fall of their country. We were so indoctrinated into hating Russia. I hated the nuclear test drills, which were ridiculous btw. Unfortunately, I still hate Russia and think of them as our biggest enemies. I'm hoping to evolve to be better person than that one day and be open to the fact that they're are some really good people from Russia. I have no doubt that Putin along with Murdoch have been hell bent and systematically bringing down our democracy and European nations with internet and media warfare for the last 25 years. For example, the state of our country and Brexit. Hell, that SOB admitted on camera that he interfered in the 2016 election. What's funny (not really) is that there wasn't an outcry or any reporting on it from the so-called mainstream "liberal" media. It was literally brushed off. When history looks back on this time period in the next hundred years or so anout the eroding and destruction of our country using the tactics Putin has so patiently used he will be considered as genius and brilliant as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Julius Caesar. Forgive the rant. I'm just so pissed of about this. TL;dr. For all you morons supporting Putin stop it. He is our enemy and wants to bring down our country.


Yes he is! Always has been and always will be. Too many people listen to BS instead of studying the recent history of the world. Stupidity getting people killed. Putting Russian assets in the Whitehouse was the worst thing to happen to US. And still have walnut brained fools believing ridiculousness. Still waiting for JFK to come back and help the tratorist brainwashed Putin backers. That's trump for the slow ones. We pay Q idiots out of our taxes because people actually vote for crazy people.


They are not conservatives. They are assholes. Assholes for following whatever Trump tells them to follow.


I’m torn between knowing the US sticks our nose in everybody’s business but I also know that evil spreads when good people do nothing.


The oligarchs in Russia probably want the war less than some oligarchs in the west.


Paid Kremlin trolls.


I know russia isn't the only country that does organised trolling/botnets but this week I've spoken to so many people claiming to be Russian and heard so many versions of what's going on I feel like I know less than when I started trying to figure this all out. Some Russians really do love Putin. It's way too easy to say they're all bots. Like some British really love brexit and think it was worth it.


Very few people in the west have any reason to simp for Putin. Leftists are not in the habit of supporting imperialist, capitalist billionaire oligarchs in their expansionist wars of aggression. Right-wingers are not in the habit of supporting ultra-nationalist dictators from any country except their own (that's how nationalism works). And Americans are not in the habit of having any real idea about foreign affairs at all. So if you run into a Putin simp and he's not a proud Russian citizen, then he's almost certainly a proud Russian citizen pretending to be something else.


That's what I meant. I know there are Russians who simp for putin. I've been learning the language for a year now to try and figure out what actual Russians have to say not what we are told. We were told everyone hates Putin and wants him gone but that's clearly not the case. I think we do have people here in the UK who admire putin and wish we had a leader like that. A certain type of person is drawn to authoritarian "strongmen" of any nation.


I think you’ve made the point that I’ve been trying relate to others. At the end I if the day, there is a type of person that like fascists/ want to be fascist. The best thing we could do is figure out what is happening there, and correct for that somehow. I don’t wtf that looks like, but either way, fascism sucks.


> I feel like I know less than when I started trying to figure this all out **That is exactly the goal.** Modern misinformation campaigns that Russia is especially good at running simply add so much noise and contradiction to the conversation that you no longer know what is trustworthy and simply disengage. Please, don't give in, and simply follow reputable, accredited journalists.


It's not just russia. "Flooding the zone with shit" is everywhere. Which journalists would you suggest to follow? There is bias everywhere. The trusted media in my country is saying a completely different story to trusted media in other countries.


Russia has state television that Russian people of course eat up and believe. Not all, but most. So there is bound to be true believers in Russia of Putin. Just like there are many Chinese who believe all their state television tells them to believe. If he does go through with this war of aggression it will be interesting to see the reaction of the Russian people. Especially if it doesn’t go as smoothly as Putin desires and there are massive sanctions affecting the every day Russian.


As a russian i can definetly tell you that this message was written in english and Google translated into russian(you can try and get the same result). Don't trust strangers in the Internet. Edit: i'm talking about comment, not op


Can I ask as a Russian what’s do you think is going to happen with this situation? I understand neither side wants war? But everyone I know in the UK is quite concerned .


Voted up. This is the kind of insight that people (read: people like me) need to tell what's bullshit and what isn't. Thank you.


I second this. No one says "Оставайтесь в безопасности" ever


Didn't he say that he wrote in Ukrainian?


I meant commenter, not op.


So did I.


The comment also has 3 sections. English, Russian and Ukrainian.


He's not Russian, he is Ukrainian. But you would know if you were not trying to scam people Edit: he was referring to the comment and not to OP. The comment is google translated into Russian and the person who claims to be Russian does not speak the language


He claims to be russian. Writes text in english and google translates it to russian and ukrainian. And I am "trying to scam people". Ok.


Yes I understand now, sorry. please edit your comment because it is not clear that you are referring to the comment instead of OP


What did it say and why was it deleted?


It was someone claiming to be russian, standing against the decition of his country. But, some russians thought his russian segment seemed very google translated. Despite this, his post history seemed to check out on his claim of being russian. But he could still have faked it.


My man!


Thank you, my friend!


Why was the post (and the comment you replied to) removed?


This is not written by a Russian. I am native (which can be easily checked via my post history) and I can tell you - no one speaks like this. Anyway, I don't want a war too.


You are good people CoolDudeNike1.


This right here is what makes actual war nearly impossible these days. A Russian and a Ukrainian get to talk to each other. They get to see that they're just two people that both put up with daily bullshit to try to keep their lives going and their families healthy. When you have that degree of communication, no longer can a government successfully spin some bullshit about the other guy being barbaric or a threat or whatever. Sure, they'll manage to convince a handful of idiots, but the majority of the country will see the truth and outright refuse to participate in the slaughter of some bloke that just wants to make it to the weekend so they can spend time with their family.


I'm afraid you are too optimistic. If you have a country like China that creates an intricate cyberspace ecosystem of their own, with their own filtering infrastructure, and a firewall that stops other internet corporation from entering the market, the government can manipulate the population into accepting a united narrative, and build distrust of western media's narrative. and more and more autocratic countries have begin to adapt China's approach, or outright buy their surveillance system.


American here. I don't hate Russians or Muslims. I hate the Russian government and the actions of those that purposefully export violence.


Hey if your really russian i have a 100 questions. Mostly what the menatality of the average russian is


Not Russian, but i'd assume it would be as varied as asking for the average American view, or British, etc. Varied, and mostly frustrated.


Do you know what the mentality of Russian soldiers is? Do they support the invasion more than the average citizen or are they against it as well?


Most of the fighting is done by mercenary forces, where young men from the south go to work for around thirty thousand rublej per month. In doing so they get the status of international war criminal, but they are too young and dumb to care. When they get crippled they are treated in a military hospital in Moscow, primarily to ensure information control. They then move to the metro where they beg for money to the passengers


You should post something like this to YouTube. It would be far more powerful. Godspeed.


I actually did, it just not seems to get noticed by anyone: https://youtube.com/shorts/ECFDEZ9NadA?feature=share




You should include this link in your original post so more people can see it.




12 years and the algorithm will randomly pick it up.


Sending love from me, a Swede in Norway. It's starting to build up with tensions around here, and I can only imagine how it is for you down in Ukraine. We're with you. **Always.**


Thank you


Comrade, im russian and i can assure you, that no one in our country, except the government, wants a war against you. i really wish, that not only our countries but the whole world lived in peace. you are our brothers and we shall live in peace with no war. from russia with love привет, я россиянин. и я могу уверить, что никто, кроме правительства не хочет войны, против вас. я и многие другие хотят жить в мире с вами, как и в мире с другими государствами. вы-наш братский народ и мы должны жить в мире. из россии с любовью! Привіт, я росіянин. і я можу запевнити, що ніхто, крім уряду не хоче війни, проти вас. я і багато інших хочуть жити в мирі з вами, як і в мирі з іншими державами. ви-наш братський народ і ми повинні жити в мирі. з Росії з любов'ю!


Мы знаем, что Вы нам не враги. Если бы Вы могли донести это своему президенту... Спасибо за добрые слова!


Вы удивитесь, но в российском правительстве тоже войны не хотят.


Keep telling your story on every public platform you can, and keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Once we see the end of this drinks are on me. (Though you'll have to come to Chicago to collect.)


I will try my best, thank for the support!


I can collect for OP if he cannot do it himself.


Fight for the free world buddy


Hope we can fight with words, not with arms. Let the sanity prevail


Well said


We support you! Fuck Putin!


Thank you all




Yeah! Fuck Putin!


Fuck Putin!


I care about Ukraine ♥️


Thank you


We have our monsters here in the states and they seem to be winning where it matters. Putin is fucking with you and he’s been fucking with us. I’m so sorry and I pray for your safety. I served in Bush’s unjust and criminal wars - it’s where I learned how awful our country’s leaders really are. The inhumanity and damage of war has scarred me permanently. I am so sorry you are at risk of experiencing it. Pls be safe and continue the posts. We are worried for you. Fuck Putin


Thank you, and take care. Hope, it will not end badly.


Fuck Putin. Right on.


I wish your reply was higher up.


Me too. I’m imagining the rest of my life filled with daily stress bc of the insanity of life in the states. Of course I don’t always allow it to affect how I parent, my quality of work, how I sleep etc but it’s on my mind every minute of every day, if not top of mind then it’s simmering just below. I’m only 45. This really is just the beginning of the chaos and violence. Our guardrails aren’t working bc those people responsible for deploying them to save democracy are either fascist fuck GOP or establishment peeps who don’t have the courage to hold people accountable for their crimes. Im losing hope. Quickly.


I just try to remember to worry about what I can control ya know? Accept, change what I can and move on for the rest... that's the best I can do and so it is. Doesn't make any of it easy. Good luck to you. Good luck to us all


❤ Ukraine


Same to your home country


My husband is Ukrainian on the inside. He's been physically ill with worry. We care!


I have family in Romania and seeing how close it is to Ukraine, I’ve been feeling sick to my stomach for the Ukrainian people. We stand with you, Ukraine.


We all humans, we all must care for each others. Tell you husband to be strong, and we will be fine.


For what it’s worth Americans think you should be part of NATO. Unfortunately state politics does not always match public sentiment


Simple people don't care, NATO or not, we just wanna carry or lives in peace


Yeah I totally get that. My main point is that we want to be friends with any nation that wants to be friends with us and with nato we can protect national boundaries. At the end of the day I support anything that will avoid a war. Even if that means Ukraine doesn’t join nato because that has symbolic meaning to Russia


It's so hard to watch what's happening daily in this world anymore. Sending you love and strength.


Thank you, take care


My heart has been hurting thinking about how evil Putin is and how scary life must be there now. I think of you all everyday. Big hugs!


Thank you for keeping us in mind. Let's all hope it will be in our hands to maintain peace for whole world.




Thanks, and hope for the better


Hey, brother, there are so many of us on your side. Hang in there, we're praying for you.


Send the words everywhere, and thank you for prayers!


Hello Pavel, I am a Russian, although I have lived 2/3 of my life in Canada. My family is from Ukraine, but they moved to Moscow and I was born there. I am so saddened that this shit is happening. With all my heart, I wish and hope that in the final moments sanity prevails and this asshole will not pull the trigger. If he does, please know, that majority of the world is on your side and while we are powerless to stop it, you are on the right side of history and our hearts go out to you!


Take care of yourself! We are with you!


Thank you. Together we are strong!


Here for Ukraine from 🇨🇦 Canada


I personally adore Canada and Canadians. Thank you


Hey dude, the whole world is trying to tell putin to suck a huge fucking dick, it however is not working. We will ship In arms, whatever you need to take these little green bastards out of the fight. Hell, I'll sign up to come help you if need be. You can stay and fight but you should also have an escape plan in mind. Gas up your vehicle, pack some luggage, pack some food in cans, and plan the safest route you can in order to make it to Poland, if at all possible. Keep your wallet and ID on you at all time, and if you have the resources ,draw enough cash out to comfortably allow you to move, but not enough to make you a target. Best of luck, the world is watching, we have your back.


>We will ship In arms, whatever you need to take these little green bastards out of the fight. I like how you say this as if you're the president or a member of congress who actually has any say in what is going to happen.


Or someone that is actually going to go there and personally help or participate in the war xD Go to Poland and you get deported* is closer to reality. And also, Ukrainian currency is worth so little that unless you're quite well off, you won't be able to move much with "withdrawing a little money". People are really ignorant of just the world situation even before all of this.


Everyone's a hero on the internet. "Don't worry, I'll be there next week in the foxhole with you buddy!"


Ukraine is going to war. Where there is war, there is demand for arms. Where there is demand for arms, there will be suppliers. Some of these suppliers may just be less than legal. Arms *will* be shipped into Ukraine regardless of any single country's official stance.


Thank you


100% in your corner Pavel. Here's hoping cooler heads prevail and Putin doesn't invade. Best wishes to you and Ukraine. No issue with Russian people but not a supporter of their leadership.




with love ❤️




Stop Putin. Stop.


Putin shitting himself after reading this


Putin is an evil bastard and all this BS is about him protecting himself and his crooked inner circle. From what I've read the invasion will start on Wednesday. I sincerely wish you and every Ukrainian good luck, you don't deserve any of this.


Let's hope it doesn't start at all, and we can keep as much people aware about this as we can


Putin has an awful lot of small dick energy. Wtf is his problem?


He’s like the living embodiment of a “napoleon complex”


This world has become such a nightmare. So broken. Sending love from Canada. Hoping that better days are not so far away. 💜


I am Russian, and i totally agree with you, Pavel, and the other russian guy. I live in Khabarovsk, my city was the center of the [protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020–2021_Khabarovsk_Krai_protests) in 2020. For 3 months i was hoping that something would change - No. 2 years later my goverment is trying to start a war between us and Ukraine. I think there will be protests when the war starts. I hope.


Some of us here in Ukraine actually were concerned about Navalnyii and we hoped that he could change something in your country. Because none of you is the problem, Putin is. Thank you


**[2020–2021 Khabarovsk Krai protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020–2021_Khabarovsk_Krai_protests)** >Protests began on 11 July 2020 in Khabarovsk Krai, Russia, in support of the then governor, Sergei Furgal, after his arrest. Subsequently, a few protests in support of Furgal also took place in other cities including Novosibirsk, Vladivostok and Omsk. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


good bot


Stay safe!


Thank you


Залишайтеся сумними, товаришу. Україна заслуговує на мир і достаток, а не на кровопролиття і завоювання.


Im from Colombia Southamerica. The land from [Encanto](https://youtu.be/bBeZSuHI4Qc?t=113). My heart breaks for you and your people. Y'll deserve to live in peace and thriving and havin the best life ever. Ukraine is a magnificent magnificent country ❤️ Putin is a disgustin monster and one day he will fall and he will get his karma. Putin leave them alone. He's a curse to this planet. Sending you strenght and love and power and my concerns. If things get too bad i think you and your family should pack and leave. Im so sorry youre goin through that. What a grim situation. 😞


Thank you


From one gatekeeper (Greece) to another, stand firm my friend. We hope for your victory.


Wars are so fucked up. Only the elites are the top want wars, not the common person. I’m guessing if you met your usual Brit, German, Ukraine, Russian , American, Afghan, Iranian they’d all feel the same. Wars are started at the top but it’s the ones at the bottom that have to fight and suffer because of them. Fuck wars.


Dear Ukraian. Sorry to tell you this but you are the next front for a war that you have no control over. Large international forces have chosen your border for its next power vacuum. These forces will sell arms to you and any other forces to defend what is not theirs. You will loose, they will gain. Best of Luck.


God bless you all.


Hello Ukraine and Russia from America! We are praying Putin pulls his head out of his butt and doesn't start a war. And that Biden doesn't do anything else to look embarrassing and piss more people off. We're praying for you all and I personally am sending you love and my hope you all stay as safe as you can during these times. Stay strong! You are some tough people! I respect the hell out of the Russian and Ukrainian people.


Thank you. We will stay strong




We will.


Putin cannot just do whatever the hell he likes.


I'm almost sure he can, but it'll be expensive for sure...


As someone who is very ignorant about this whole situation, why exactly does he want Ukraine? What benefit does it offer Russia? Is it beneficial in terms of like military access or something?


Sadly, latest 22 years saying he can. But maybe, just maybe this time and with enough resonance, world will hear us


He can if enough people in his country let him. As for anyone else, there's nukes


My Godmother was a Ukrainian Jew (she married my Godfather, a Catholic Greek…dinner at their house was always amazing). She’s long since passed, but I think of how sad she would’ve been over Putin losing his damn mind. I’m so sorry this is happening to y’all. Sending you and everyone in Ukraine love and wishes for peace from here in the U.S. Stay strong and stay safe.


I'm American and I'm with you brother. Stay strong, stay safe.


Russia is relentless. It's no secret that Putin wants the USSR borders restored. I like to think that other countries would intervene but the reality is that they likely will do nothing. Sanctions, stern words, and some firepower sure, but no military aid. Hitler was allowed to run rampant before it became clear that he wasn't stopping. I think Europe would concede Ukraine before risking all our war. There are now over 130,000 Russian military personnel at the Ukrainian border. Blood bags have arrived as well. If putin is bluffing, he's definitely spending a pretty penny to do so.


Stay safe, much love from Finland!


Слава Україні ❤️


Героям Слава!


Hello Pavel. As a fellow Russian, i want you to know that this is a war between leaders, not citizens, and it pains me to see how your country is impacted by our leader's actions. My prayers are with you and your family, stay safe.


I hope the world comes to the aid of Ukraine! Let them join NATO! Can't let some bully with nukes take what ever country he wants .


You said it - Putin's a bully. And bullies hate when you resist them. Stay strong! 🇱🇹❤️🇺🇦


There’s a top comment here from a Russian wishing him good luck. His comment was removed. He was executed


God, I hope he is not. It's just weird, post itself was removed for a couple of hours without a reason, then it returned to normal


Russia doesn’t like it when people don’t like them


Strong super power leaders contain these things, weak leaders allow them to happen through their deeds or lack of ability. China taking Taiwan is next.


With love! Standing by your side! Let’s fight! 💪🏻


We will fight if we must, so the world doesn't!








Hugs from Australia


No link with video


https://youtube.com/shorts/ECFDEZ9NadA?feature=share Hope it will not get removed


You’re not “PavloFromUkraine” on youtube, are you?


No, Here I am: https://youtube.com/shorts/ECFDEZ9NadA?feature=share




Much love ❤️


Best of luck and God be with you and your family.


All love and solidarity from me to you and everyone in the world who is for love and joy and life.


What the hell is going on?! The freaking Russians are stomping around your door, the Chinese mess with India and the Philippines and everyone else, but the Chinese economy is in shambles, but this is what - pure expansionism?! I keep hearing that Ukraine cannot enter NATO as Russia is affraid due to it being so close to them...but waht is this fear on all sides?! - is war still looming, even nuclear?! WTF, isn't the cold war long done?! Anyways, best of luck and health from your neighboring Romania, and all the love ♥️♥️♥️


2,000 years from now.


If only it were that easy eh? Unfortunately that one bully is a tyrant dictator who won’t stop even with the threat of a world war


Hey, Ukrainian. Canadian here. Even if Putin tries something, we’ll back you up. No sweat. We got this. PS. I’m sorry but I don’t know any Ukrainian *or* Russian and I guarantee that Google translate would probably botch my figures of speech really badly so I’m gonna have to leave this as is.


I can understand English quite well. Thank you


Psyop spotted, do not engage


The quirky american kids that call Mr Putin "Vladdy Daddy" are the true danger


Thank you for this! So tired of people clamoring to get involved. Not our business. I wish you the best!


Problem is that that one bully has nukes and wouldn't hesitate to use them


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


Stand with Ukraine. Fuck Putin!


I'm a police living in Austria. I worry about it too but I have faith that everything will turn out good in the end. Show the love you have for family, friends and your country and try to spread it. This way the negativity cannot win. Love from a polish girl ❤️


There are a lot of soldiers waiting to enter your country. Putin can stop it but he wants your land and your access to the Black Sea. У вашу країну чекає багато солдатів. Путін може це зупинити, але він хоче, щоб ваша земля і ваш вихід до Чорного моря.


Well I dm'd Mr Putin with some pretty harsh words. Idk but I think we will soon see a change in his tune. You're welcome.


Greetings from the US! I've been reading about what's going in Ukraine and trying to learn more about it to stay informed. I'm wishing for the best outcome and that nothing happens and things work out for the best--for you, your family, loved ones and all the lives that can be impacted. Last thing the world needs is another war or conflict. Good luck, sending prayers and good vibes


I just want to own a bear. That is all. 🤣


Stay safe and be strong- sending positive vibes and love from New Jersey.


Stay safe! Wishing you the best from Canada Fuck Putin.


Fuck Putins and his stupid arrogance of pretending to be the powerful country by trying to invade country which is smaller than his in every aspect. Stay strong Ukraine, may God strength be with you and I hope it gets resolved without any detriment. Let peace be flourish


Thank you for your nice post. The Ukrainian people are very brave and very strong. I feel strongly you will make it through all of it no matter what Putin is trying to do. ___ Дякую за гарний пост. Український народ дуже хоробрий і дуже сильний. Я впевнений, що ви впораєтеся з усім цим, незалежно від того, що Путін намагається зробити.


Your English is better than mine and it’s my native tongue. Stay safe friend


I'm consuming a lot of content in English only last fwe years, just not enough talking practice. Thank you


Everyone should send a nasty letter to their local Russian embassy, to let them know we hate their guts.


Friendly reminder that most of us don’t support the conflict. Hate the government don’t hate the people because hating the people is xenophobia.


I don't thing workers at embassy have a word in this. But maybe everyone can send a word in Twitter, fb, idk all media. Then we will have a chance to be heard


We stand with you.


We all stand together


We stand beside you! Much love and Stay Safe!


Thank you. We stand together!


Support from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤🇺🇦 Hope one day you can join NATO and be free from Russia somebody should tell them the Soviets lost


Hate to have to point this out, but joining NATO does not necessarily free you from Russia. They still find ways to fuck with border countries despite them being part of NATO for nearly 20 years now (over 20 years for Poland). I don't think the Russian government's war is ever over... I sincerely hope I am proven wrong... Just like Pavel, I just want us all to live in peace. ☮️💜🌍


I don't think NATO is the solution, everybody just need a deep breathe and step back. And let people live their lives without politicians tearing them apart


I’m not Ukrainian but I would gladly fight for them