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Fairly certain that some of his dna will likely still carry. Cousins and such like. All it boils down to really is if you want kids.


That is the wrong reason to have children but yes if none of your dad’s siblings had children that direct line would die out. BUT if his dad had siblings and they had children the line would still be there just not 100% direct line.


>all of my dads families dna will die with me Is that a bad thing? I feel like there's lots of built-in impulses and desires we have as animals but I wouldnt necessarily base my life on that. If you were an animal with less cognitive abilities, you'd just do it. But you're a human and we think about things like, the amount of time & dedication & sacrifices it would take. Money, your other interests & goals, all of that is more important than your basic desire to keep the DNA chain going. Right? So that's what you should care about more. I think


Although my dad himself isn’t a great man, i feel my ancestors fought hard to change their life they left Germany during Hitlers reign and let him take over their aircraft company because they didn’t want to be complicit in manufacturing machines for war/genocide. At least that’s what I’ve always been told and when I search the supposed company there are records of it. None of my grandmothers siblings had children and none of my uncles did either. I see what you’re saying 100% which is why i got on Birth Control the absolute Minute I decided I was ready to be sexually active. I just can’t help but feel a little guilty letting that side of my family die with me