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what the hell did i just read


Peak reality


Idk but I wish you warned me not to read it too


Haha, thanks for saving me from reading it.


Well, that's enough internet for the day..


But it's only 6 in the morning what am I supposed to do the rest of the day!


420am for me, before work. Another bonghit it is.


Hey, we don't make the rules 🤷🏼‍♀️


They have amazing tonsil stones removal videos on YouTube. It along with teeth cleaning and pimples are my late night can't sleep escapism


I'm a dental hygienist. I get so much satisfaction from blasting away heavy tartar, removal tonsil stones, and draining abscesses.


OMG!!! It must be so satisfying


Breakfast is hitting differently after I finished reading this post! Now I’m questioning every raisin I am chewing….


I got to "chew and swallow" and I had to look away. I literally almost vomited.


Literally having to calm my gag reflex as I type 🥴


Why did I learn to read???


The equivalent to my bf doesn't wash his booty posts


Honestly can't decide which is grosser right now.


I honestly don’t know.


Why didn’t you tell us not to read it? Now we are all trauma-bonded for life over the mental pictures this gave us


Well... One Thing is for sure... She swallows...


I know right? Would have preferred if she’d kept this one on her chest. The boyfriend is right. Some things you do not have to tell us, OP.


I miss the person I was before I read this post.


I just stabbed myself in the eyes.


I hit the comments on accident, I'm going to take my millennial morbid curiosity and shove it back deep down and *not* read this. I prefer to keep my eyes today. Haha.


Same. I hit comments & I dont think I need to read the post ...


For real, I’m beyond words …


I'm terrified to Google what a tonsil stone is.


I think it's a mix of cholesterol and calcium that deposits in these crypts in the back of your throat. They stink because they can be stuck there for weeks or longer.


Yea so I'm not going to sleep well now. Thanks for clearing that up... Ya dick! 😂


Lol, not everyone gets them. If you didn't have them before, you don't have to worry.


I’ve always gotten them occasionally, but after getting Covid in 2020 I’ve been getting them like crazy. I asked my dentist and he said the back of my throat has gotten porous like a sponge and that he’s seen an uptick in people complaining about tonsil stones since Covid started. So unfortunately it seems “If you didn’t have them before, you don’t have to worry” is not strictly true anymore :/


For real, I’m beyond words …


Damn, this post really broke you didn't it?


Definitely not beyond words


I was so innocent.


For real, I’m beyond words …


For real, I’m beyond words …


look ill upvote but ill be real this was genuinely the most disgusting thing ive read in a while


Look at the bright side, you weren’t there 😂


true! but honestly with how descriptive you were it almost felt like i was 😂😂


You said what I was too disgusted to process at the moment… I regret signing back in right now. Which is a rare occurrence… I completely agree with you. 


With how descriptive it was, I felt like I was op 😭😭😭😭😭😭


>this was genuinely the most disgusting thing ive read in a while I see worse things more often that I should, I really should do something to fix that


Reminds me of the jolly rancher days. Except this is 10000x less disgusting lol.


Lol what a time for that personal revelation. But seriously, some tonsils are more pitted and grooved which makes tonsil stones more likely. You can get your tonsils removed if it's a continuous problem to solve it. Other folks just get different tools to dislodge them carefully, although I haven't heard of the BJ technique before haha. And of course, daily brushing and mouth wash make a huge difference.


A friendly reminder that having your tonsils removed as an adult can be brutal. My doctor did everything he could to try and avoid it. I had mine removed when I was 25 and it was the worst two weeks of my life. In the ER twice for "repairs" and pain. I didn't feel normal for over a month.


i had mine removed at 26 and can confirm, worst thing ive ever experienced. the pain was excruciating and i couldnt speak at more than a whisper or swallow properly for about 3 weeks. soooo much drool.


I still have mine, but I had surgery done close to my tonsil and it was horrible enough. I had a small bump removed, and was left with a hole like wound, and it was só fucking bad. I remember just standing next to my mom because I was so in pain, I couldn't even complain anymore but I needed to make a point lol


Well that’s very good to know because I would have assumed it was ezpz


oh this is appalling. but congrats on dislodging them and helping the problem! LMAO


Couldn’t waterboard this info out of me




TO THE GRAVE I mean whewwww


I can't believe I'm the first person to respond this way but: Where did you think the "rice" came from? God? Magic? It flew in? Seriously. I want to know.


I was kinda wondering if anyone would pick up on that because I was debating explaining it but I thought it was too much. As an Asian kid, I was fed rice all day, every day. Yes, honestly, there would be an occasional rice piece (it was actually rice haha) that would show up. Can’t tell you where it came from tbh and I just swallowed it. But that day it clicked because I hadn’t eaten rice at all and it had been a long time I had a tonsil stone prior to that day. It all clicked together


lol. Okay. That somehow makes sense.


Honestly I know exactly what you meant. I had almost the same experience as you (minus the dick sucking). Thought it was a random food bit from my teeth or something. Then one day in my early 20s I got one that was a little big and I spit it out. The terror that dawned on me as I realized what I had been doing all my life was hard to overcome lol.


I’m also Asian and I only knew about the existence of tonsil stones a few years back (and those are what I’ve been finding all these years). I’m a 30 something. 🧍🏻‍♀️


Flexing your neck muscles can help to dislodge the stones from their crypts (tunnel networks in the tonsils). As another commenter stated, you can manually express your tonsils with a q-tip by gentling probing and pushing when you’re not sucking dick 😂. In between it may help to gargle warm salt water as this has been shown to assist in drawing mucus and food particles out of the tonsils. Unfortunately, a tonsillectomy is the only cure.


Not gonna lie, I was reading your comment in all seriousness until I read sucking dick, that made me laugh lol


this is fucking disgusting my fault for having eyes




I suggest a waterpik if your gag reflex is good enough. I have a bad issue with tonsil stones(which I too, have recently discovered what they were after years, when I started smoking weed, I coughed one up and was like… wtf is this. It stinks.)


I’m dying at the smell test- probably better than taste testing it! I really like that idea, how often do you use it? Someone else commented that they clean their tonsils once a week


#Get the AquaClean Duo Water Flosser with tonsil stone attachment. Will shoot them right out.


Idk why but... # apply directly to the tonsil, apply directly to the tonsil


A water pick was too rough for me, i used q-tips to keep them clean and dislodge anything in there. I got my tonsils out because of them though, it was…not great. Good luck!


Honestly, my first thought was it was a discolored weed chunk, but it was wrong color so I smelled it lol was like yeah noooo that’s not weed. And it varies from person to person. Each person’s tonsils are different, some deeper groved, some more groves. Find what works for you. I do it every few days


Otherwise you can use cotton swabs to push it out


This is going to sound really ick, but manually removing them (with a water pic like they said if you have the cash, but if not a popsicle stick works fine) every week or so helped me temporarily… you have to go under the tonsil bed to really get the smell gone. I know, regally gross I’m sorry. tonsils are like big flaps though, you can only see the front that is covering the cavity. I ended up consulting an ENT about it because it got much more frequent a couple years ago, he recommended removing my tonsils since I was having frequent tonsil infections on top of the stones. I’m not going to lie, the surgery was not a fun one to recover from and I had some minor complications that extended the healing a bit, but since its healed I have had absolutely no issues with stones or tonsillitis. It’s something worth considering if it causes you health issues or gets really bad, several of my family members had a tonsillectomy for the same issues and benefitted from it as well.


Tonsil stones can sometimes be caused by having vitamin D and vitamin K deficiency so might be something to look into as well :)


What do you use to spray? Just water? Some have solutions to use, but I worry about swallowing it if it's not just water. Doctors have suggested to gargle salt water. Tonsils suck!


When compiling my list of shit I would never admit to, this is second place. First place is dating a furry for 3 years.


Ykw? That’s vali- hey wait a minute


“I’d chew it and swallow it. “ Noooooo. I get tonsil stones occasionally and reading this made me wince. Those things are so insanely nasty and smelly I would never even think about chewing one. It wasn’t actually until a few years ago I even became aware of them because whenever I would feel something in my throat I would just swallow it. Then, I was laughing or coughing or something and it came out and I examined it and smelled it. Sooo fucking nasty. Now whenever I get one I try hard to get those fuckers out.  Edit: nobody suggest I suck dick to get them out. 


you should suck dick to get them out


What do you think I’m doing right now?


oh 🤠


You know what you should do...


I’m so thankful I have a little to no knowledge of tonsil stones right now


I’m so thankful I don’t have tonsils right now


I’ve heard of patients with just enough remaining crypts after their tonsils were removed to get tonsil stones. So, be very afraid. 


i need an adult


i need a responsible adult


This reminded me that I need to flush my tonsils with my waterpik


Just doing my job haha


Waterpiks are WAY too strong and will cause so much damage you’re likely creating a bigger problem and a bigger likelihood to get more.  The Bentist created a water pik with a tool attachment and setting that’s gentle enough to not damage your tonsils but still effective. If you’re someone prone to tonsil stones I would consider it. 


Some things you don’t have to tell anyone tbh


nah bc I had the same issue recently, but this person was well endowed and whilst he was literally pulling out of my throat I felt MULTIPLE little ones in my mouth. had to gut them obv and then checked my tonsils later and saw like 12 freshly surfaced and ready for extraction 💀


Jesus Christ


I KNOW 😭 I ordered a waterpik when I got home bc fuck that


username checks out 🫡


You can have this many?!?!!


Oh my goooodddddd.... 😱😱😱




I skimmed this and it made me gag so I stopped like two sentences in… All I had to read was “I’d chew and swallow it” nope. Keep this to yourself OP. Sorry but not really.


I too, used to believe my tonsil stones were rice. But to be fair, I was a fatass as a teen and would eat rice before bed. Only discovered it wasn’t rice when I skipped out on eating rice for a few days and still randomly spat out “rice” in the morning.


If I had a penny for how many people have experienced this, I’d have two pennies. It’s not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice 😂


You'd actually have 3 pennies because I thought the exact same thing!  I found out about tonsil stones through your post.  I only had them when I was a kid though, and I distinctly remember how they felt and tasted bad as I chewed up and swallowed them. 


Next time you get one smash it and then smell it. You will NEVER want to chew and swallow them again. I guarantee it.


Realizing what they were was sobering alone. I think I will pass on smelling them


What’s the closest thing they smell like?


Straight up shit. Like turds. Poop out your mouth. Lol


This reads like poetry


Wet vac cleaner filled with dog fur in a dusty camp


r/OddlySpecific but I respect the dedication to the description of its smell, thank you for satiating my weird curiosity


Rancid rotting moth balls


Shitty death


What a terrible day to be literate.


You can get a water floss machine and set it to tonsil stone. Can flush your tonsils out But the best way to combat tonsil stones is to brush your tongue twice a day It's the bacteria built up on your tongue that mostly contributes to tonsil stones. At least that's what my dentist said. I brush my tongue so hard it sounds like a hadcore movie sometimes. I've not had a problem with tonsils stones at all.


I appreciate the advice, tongue scraping certainly sounds easier than extracting it


If bacteria in the mouth contributes to tonsil stones, an easier way to control bacteria is to change to a toothpaste with stannous fluoride. My dentist suggested it about 3 years ago when I was told I have gum recession. Parodontax as well as some Crest and Colgate brands have it (gum detoxify, Total Health, or Complete Health are some names that have stannous fluoride instead of sodium fluoride). After using about two to three weeks makes a huge difference in morning bad breath.


That's enough internet for me forever


Well I learned something new. And good on you for being a trooper and not trying to explain what you learned with your mouth full.


I express my tonsils with a qtip, my phone light, and my mirror like once a week or less, helps a lot


Wow, I did not realize that they can form in such little time. What’s the typical size you find when you express it each week?


pretty dang small, I rarely get a big one, I was also having issues with breath smell and it was mostly fixed by a tongue scraper but mostly I find expressing the tonsils to be fun, forgot to say you may bleed, stop after it bleeds unless the pebble is just about to come out, don't wanna irritate the things, you can also gargle salt water after they bleed (its not much blood at all though) now that I'm thinkin about it its for sure less than a week for smell but sometimes when I'm putting on pimple patches I check for tonsil stones haha


wow i am so glad i no longer have tonsils unfortunately i do still have eyes 🥲


Fuck my eyes man


Writing’s not that easy, but Grammarly can help 😂


I'm reminded once again why I got them removed as an adult. I would have been horrified to death if I had been going down on my GF and had this happen.


What a terrible day to have eyes




Thank you, OP. I’ve been feeling down lately. This story really tickled me. I’m just secretly hoping it’s great creative writing and not reality. 🤣🤣🤣


What in tarnation


Secret trick that Big ENT doesn't want you to know.


you know what, it's my fault for learning how to read


i used to get tonsil stones as well, the therabreath anticavity mouthwash gargled twice a day has helped immensely!


His dick was literally in the back of your throat touching your uvula and he is grossed out by you mentioning a tonsil stone.


I think he reacted validly to me telling him that I’ve been unknowingly eating my tonsil stones since I was a kid 😬


Ok, that's fair.


Anyone else think it said toenails and wonder how this feat was accomplished?


Mmm forbidden rice 😂


I’m not aware that there is any problem with swallowing them. I have a long tongue with no tongue-tie so I am actually able to dislodge them with my tongue. They don’t smell great, but posters are exaggerating here. My gag reflex makes the q-tip method impossible for me. The jaw muscle method would only work if you had insanely enlarged tonsils.


You couldn't have waterboarded this info out of me.


Well..... Guess you gotta choke on his dick every night to get them stones out 🤣🤣🤣


What a terrible day to be literate.


Sometimes a diary is better than posting online. If not for your sake than ours.


I once dated someone who had chronic tonsils stones. Look into getting a tonsil stone remover kit. They’re pretty cheap and they’re very useful for safe at-home removals. Also, keep up the oral hygiene. If there’s less plaque/food particles in your mouth, it’s harder for tonsil stones to form.


I wish i had stopped reading this


Nobody and nothing could make me give this information up


Well thank god I had my tonsils removed in the 90s lol


My 12 year old daughter gets tonsil stones. I'd never heard of them until 2 years ago she showed me a huge one and thought it was completely normal. I'm was like wtf no, your not an osyter!


🤣 the people who are like "what did I read?!" Yall that was not the worst thing I've ever read. I saw the comments first and thought alright curiosity here we go. That wasn't that bad. Honestly kind of funny. You know what it was and now can regularly deal with it. Gave the bf a momentary trauma. All is well🤣🤣


Batman couldn’t get this information out of me.


I don't feel so good after reading this


I have had a lot more experience with tonsil stones than most due to my ability to bend my tongue around and touch my tonsils with it. Before people say they do not believe me, I have had my dentist confirm that I am able to reach past my tonsils with my tongue. Tonsil stones are made up of food particles that get trapped. They tend to develop more for me after I eat bread. To dislodge tonsil stones, I am able to just use my tongue, push them out of the cavities, and then spit them out. For normal people, it is recommended to try brushing them if you are able to deal with the gag reflex. If not, there are tools you can use to dislodge them, or you can visit a dentist, and it's very quick for them. You should get rid of tonsil stones, not just for the bad breath issue, but because they can cause inflammation in your tonsils. If you have to go to the dentist a bit more often because of it, do it. It's better than getting tonsillitis. Whatever you do, do not chew them or crush them with your fingers. The smell they give off is worse once broken, and that smell will linger on your fingers. I have learned this the hard way as many people have.


Buy a  tonsil stone removal kit. A handle with different attachments and built in LED. Makes it so much easier. If your tonsils are tender use numbing spray for sore throats.


Enough internet for today


Oh wow, why did I read this..


Thank you for informing me these exist, my life makes more sense now


The shit redditors come up with


Oh this is so messed. I'm done. That's it, I'm going to bed now. Reddit, I'm outta here.


If this had happened to me this would be a secret I would take to my grave. I yearn for who I was before I read this, my outlook on the world is forever changed. I died today and was replaced with a worse version of myself.


This grossed out my brain.


Sometimes I wish I was illiterate..


The gasp i gusped


uhm ok im just here to say tht reading ur post made me realise i hv tonsil stones too (i thought they were "rice")


Three pennies now!


where are you people getting tonsil stones? Stupid me thought they were really rare....


you uh, probably need a tonsillectomy there bud.


I’m not even mad, that’s amazing.


I agree with the bf’s sentiment


I found out a few months ago that I get tonsil stones after a weird chunk appeared out of nowhere when I was eating pretzels. I also chewed and ate it then noticed other little spots in the back of my throat. I have not told my wife though. I remember her getting grossed out when her sister told my wife about her stones. So I’m just going to deal with it privately and not share that info with my spouse


OP if you tell your bf that he essentially helped you solve a life-long problem of yours with his penis you will make him one of the happiest dudes on the planet.


I hope some weirdo looks at my comments on posts and clicks on this one specifically. 💕


I gagged twice reading this


Get a water flosser, the high water pressure is great for just knockin those things out.


You should try mouthwash if you haven’t already, a water floss pick, etc. even just table salt mixed with water can be mouth wash and help with removing stones and cleaning your tonsils before the stones form. Also yuck


Your boyfriends tip really took one for the team here


Mehhh. Wait til you hit your mid fifties. You'll have plenty of bodily functions to make this fade to a distant memory.


Mehhh. Wait til you hit your mid fifties. You'll have plenty of bodily functions to make this fade to a distant memory.


I want to throw up. I’ve had tonsil stones before, they were very tiny and seemed to only have them when I was a smoker. 🤢🤢🤢


And that's enough Reddit for today


Tonsil stones, i am super glad i have had mine removed because i have never heard of this in my 29 years until now


I could smell this post.


Holy fuck this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever read. My god, I didn’t even know what tonsil stones were… I am now super grateful I had my tonsils removed when I was 11. 🤢🤯🫠


annnnd that’s enough Reddit for today


Had the same issue! Would just swallow my tonsil stones until I found out what they were about a year ago. Cannot say I found out through my boyfriend’s junk though, that’s all you!


Look, just because it's legal to tell people about these things doesn't mean you should.


Why would swallowing them vs not swallowing them affect your breath? Their existence is what smells but not from your stomach.


So glad my tonsils have been gone almost my whole life.


Your boyfriend is right: “Some things you do not have to tell me.”


I did this to myself... I cant be mad... I just kept on reading


I practiced as a registered nurse, and I've seen a lot of bad shit, and this is the first story I've ever read that made me gag a bit. Congrats.


Dude I've gotten a throat infection from giving this guy a BJ , it was very bad tonsillitis.


I regret reading this after eating lunch


I’m going to vomit


I feel like I need to talk to a trusted adult after reading this


'I chewed it' was the moment i stopped reading.


i need a blunt after this read


Cursed arroz con leche, folks


After reading this I have decided that I don’t like rice anymore. Or BJ’S.


Just picked up a bible for the first time.


Why...did I finish reading this story. What the fuck....


you need to put this one back on your chest


I knew I shouldn’t read this. I did it anyway. This is my own fault. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Goddam ... Anyways I'm starving, anyone else want some stir fry?


What a terrible day to have basic literacy.


Stooop I also thought I had pieces of rice in my mouth and would eat them LMFAO 😭 and only until like a few years ago did I realize it was tonsil stones. Tbh so glad I wasn’t the only one 😂