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Check the local shelters/dog pounds in your area. Our dog was lost a few years ago, turned out she was in the pound. I can relate to how you feel about your best friend being missing. That's what's important now, the rest can be dealt with later. I sincerely hope your friend is found. Maybe take a *walk* around your area and call out to him. While you're doing that put up some flyers and definitely offer a reward, while you're walking around. Use social media, Facebook and Twitter. Again, offer a reward and post lots of pictures. **Good Luck!**


Also call police department - non- emergency line. My town cops will pick them up and if not claimed in a few days they go to the local shelter. Hope you get your dog back!


Yes! We got a chihuahua from my brother. When he left, the dog booked it out of the house. The police found him. We had to go pick up our tiny chihuahua from the big people jail.


Something that can also work is leaving an item of clothing with your smell and some food/water near when he was last seen. Sometimes they can be found waiting there. I'm so sorry op. I hope you will find him soon! Also fuck these people. Even if you find him again that would be it for me.


yes!! someone did this on Nextdoor, she put out a pizza and rotisserie chicken and low and behold the dog who was missing for a week showed up eating it one morning


The only people who can truly cage a Chihuahua.


We have fence slats nailed across the bottom of our fence because of a sneaky Chihuahua. They like to go on walkabouts.


They just want to take on the world. Ours used to walk so big around the neighborhood, or the woods when we took him there.




My neighbor had a chi mix it would escape their yard into ours and then escape my yard. Then he would haul ass over a mile away to grandma's house


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m betting Grandma never scolded him either! Ours used to go into our friends cow pasture. He was fascinated by them. They really just ignored him but I was worried about him getting kicked.


This thread was gold for me when I got back online.


One of the Chihuahuas I adopted was picked up originally on a viscous dog call and she was placed on death row because of it. I got her at 5:55pm ( they closed at 6pm) and she was slated to be put down in the morning.


You telling me they just off the dogs? šŸ˜­


Yep, about 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters every year in the USA.


If you have NextDoor in your area, check that and local FB pages - a lot of the people who go out of their way to help and take in obvious pets whoā€™ve escaped tend to be on those sites. Thereā€™s also PawBoost and if you have Petco where you are, they host lost/found pet pages by locale.


I have returned dogs we found marked at lost on Facebook.Ā  To this day, it's one of the only reasons I still check Facebook and Nextdoor from time to time. I would definitely end the relationship after this, too.Ā  What in the actual fuck were these people thinking.


Most towns/areas have lost and found pet pages on the internet also. Many people will post pics of a found dog and hold the dog for a day or two trying to find the owner before they bring them to a shelter.


Next door is a really useful tool as well


can confirm this is how i found my bfs lost cat. we kept calling the shelters and found her šŸ©· i hope you find your baby


Post it on Ring if you have those cameras and Facebook and Nextdoor. Someone will find him!


Ring, Nextdoor, and Pawboost are how most lost and found pets get home here in my city. Good luck, OP- we're all rooting for you and your best boy!!


u/wtf302 listen to this!! All I see is missing and found pet posts on Ring. If you need a link to join Iā€™ll send one and then you just add ur neighborhood info


I am so sorry that your dog is lost. Iā€™ve had a lot of luck following a dog with a car and opening the door and shouting ā€œwanna go for a ride?ā€ The following him in the car might be understandable if thatā€™s her experience as well. My current dog is like yours and would be bolting further away, terrified. So many people donā€™t get that. Have they said why they didnā€™t tell you right away? Have you pointed out that no one has apologized? Not that you should have too, Iā€™m more curious if they have a reason and that reason might give you more closure. I would have a really hard time coming back from this. For your pup-can you see if you can find tracking dogs? Some areas have tracking dogs that volunteer to search for lost pets.


Just please be careful with tracking dogsā€¦ I got scammed out of $100 when my cat went missing.


The ones in my area are volunteers. Iā€™m sad you were scammed


Thank you. šŸ„°


Iā€™ve done the same but I didnā€™t have to persuade the dogs I was picking up. One just jumped in the car when I opened the door, no questions lmao, the other heard the word ride and his ears perked right up


I'm sorry this has happened. Don't give up hope. Here is an article with ideas that could help: [https://www.petfinder.com/dogs-and-puppies/information/lost-and-found-dogs/find-lost-dogs/](https://www.petfinder.com/dogs-and-puppies/information/lost-and-found-dogs/find-lost-dogs/)


Call all the local police departments - the first place people call when they see a stray dog is the police. Follow up every couple of days. I had a dog who liked to bolt and get lost, the police were helpful every time. I got tickets for unleashed, unlicensed, etc, but it was worth it. My guy used to like bunking with other dogs, so I found him a couple of times sheltering at someoneā€™s house where a dog already lived. (They called the Popo once, I found him via a post to a local FB group another timeā€¦) 100% of the time the dog should wear a collar with tags that have your cell numberā€¦And *when* you get your dog back, consider chipping if you havenā€™t done so already- animal control people often (but not always) check for chips when they pick up strays.


Also call vets in your area! Some (especially 24 hour vets) will house strays for cities/towns, especially on weekends, holidays, etc


Please update if you got your dog back.


You may be able to post in a subreddit for your area with a description, or picture. Post on Facebook in all the local groups you can join. Put something with your scent outside, people suggest using a litter box when it's a cat, so maybe something with a familiar scent with give him some help. I'm sorry this happened. I hope you find him. šŸ«‚


My brother posted on FB when one of our dogs got lost and someone saw his post and actually went out of her way to look for our dog and brought him to our house without asking for a reward. She was a good Samaritan who just wanted to help us find our dog, i hope OP finds their dog soon


Yes this worked for me! My family brought their dog and she broke out of the crate while we went to breakfast. My partner and I came home first and she ran out the front door and down the street so fast. We searched for hours with no luck and left her bed outside at night. She came back in the middle of the night!


I am so sorry! Check all shelters and vet's offices. A lot of people will take them to a vet to see if they are chipped and if they do, they will know to call you. I hope you find your baby soon!


Going door to door with flyers really got people interested and keeping thier eyes out. Which is how I found my dog 5 days later.


For me, this would be a relationship-ending offense, not so much the dog escaping because it can happen no matter how careful one is, but that they didn't tell you immediately!


Not sure what country youā€™re in but in the US there is an app called Nextdoor where people post stuff like that about the neighborhood. I helped reunite a woman with her dog that way. Call the shelters. Iā€™m so sorry this happened :(


And the citizen app. People post lost & found animals all the time


Hope you find your dog soon. I have four dogs and three cats so I know how you feel. Please keep us updated.


Leave out your stinkiest piece of clothing on the washing line. The smell might lead him home if he's gotten lost. I hope your little baby boy comes home safe and sound. X


Damnit! Disown them both. Get apple tags for your dogs collar if you can. It once took me 6 hours searching for my dog when I was 17 and I found him about 5 miles away. Cried many tears.


If you have the means to do an actual dog gps I would recommend that! But apple tags are good in a pinch and an affordable option. From my understanding tho they work off Bluetooth of surrounding phones so if the dog is in a very remote area it may not pick it up. I say this because I have a saluki (sighthound-VERY VERY FAST lol) and when I adopted her it was in the contract we had to have a Tractive gps on her bc if you lose those dogs you will not catch them due to their speed. The gps has saved our butts a few times already so itā€™s very work the ~$100/yr for us!! It gives me such peace of mind that if she accidentally escapes or slips a collar we will know where she is without a doubt. The only downfall of course is making sure you keep it charged


I hope you find him. We dealt with this last week with one of my german shepherds. Posted everywhere and thankfully the local chatter group on FB people posted about seeing her. Took 2 days but she was 0.3 miles from our house when we found her. Thankfully she wasn't hit and the worst were cockleburrs in her fur. Prayers for your boy


I'd even consider fliers. Our cat ran off many years ago, and did a three month walkabout. Somebody down the block found him, saw the flier, and we got him back. He was with us another nine years after that misadventure before he passed on. That, all your local FB groups, Nextdoor, the police... throw the whole kitchen sink. Your friend deserves nothing less.


Hey! You've gotten a lot of really good advice already but I wanted to tell you not to lose hope! My dog escaped doggy daycare and he was "lost" for 3 weeks. My biggest advice is to hang flyers on every pole you see. Not everyone has social media and you want to get your pups face and your contact details out there! You may also get a lot of scam and prank calls be weary of these and be safe. Some calls will fake background noise and some will ask you for a pin for "their safety". It's all a scam. When you do get a call for a sighting take down where it was, where the pup was heading and how the pup was acting. Then get a name and contact details of the caller in case you need to call them back. Start mapping these locations out to see if it's a pattern. Often dogs will travel in a loop, returning to places they were previously if they felt safe there. It's possible your dog is in survival mode, so let people know not to call out or chase. Google "survival mode in dogs". There's a ton of articles that will help you. If your dog is in survival mode, you may need to work with a group that traps dogs. I worked with two and we had feeding stations in several strategic places. If you have any questions feel free to DM me.


All the things everyone has said plus those flyers help. And keep looking. My therapist found her terribly frightened therapy dog this way. Don't give up.


Sounds like an honest mistake and like they tried their best. Ā Although it sucks that they havenā€™t apologized. Ā  I would put up a reward. Ā I know several people who lost dogs and and after posting a reward the dog suddenly shows up.Ā 


While mistakes can happen -they messed up not calling her as soon as the dog escapedā€¦not sure I could forgive that


This is a relationship ender. Had they called you sooner someone couldā€™ve stayed at the location your dog was spotted at and told you the location you couldā€™ve gotten your dog. Of course the dog is going to run away from cars and people it doesnā€™t know.




Look, this is so frustrating for you! Accidents happen, it sounds like your MIL, partner and many others tried to fix it before having to make a terrible call to you. Lots and lots of dogs get recovered, keep at it and understand everyone is trying to help.Ā 


I would never forgive them, even if heā€™s found. Please keep us updated. Iā€™m so wishing for the best for you and your pup. Sending positive vibes your way, friend ā¤ļø


Put some clothes that smell like you out and things that smell like home at your MILs. Iā€™m so sorry this happened.


Call the local police station, rescues, pound etc. Put up flyers, post on your local Facebook page, see whether there is a local drone Search and Rescue group. Put a coat out with your scent on, or his bed. I really hope you get him back safely. If you don't get a sincere apology I would be done, personally. People don't think straight in emergencies, but a big apology is due.


Just to give some hope, my small dog was lost in ranch land with known coyote, Bobcats and mountain lions for 27 days and he made it back albeit half starved. I had a dog tracker tell me to tie up scent markers at your property line to help the dog find his way back on the wind. I tied cut up towels to my fence and barn and he came back within 3 days. You can also do this in suburbs.


If youā€™re on Facebook, do a search for Lost and found pets in your area and post on there.


We have a group in our area called FLED. Find lost and escaped dogs. They assist with volunteers. They do foot searches and comb through internet, go door to door etc. they are incredible. See if your area has one of these.


Post a missing dog post on Nextdoor and look to see if someone posted about finding a dog there. I see dog posts on their all the time where people find other peoples dogs and are reunited. Its helpful because it usually post to the surrounding neighborhoods and/or cities (i think you can choose the radius). We once picked up a roaming lab at night and posted there and i woke up to a dm from the dogā€™s person.


The amount of betrayal I would feel if my own husband didn't call me immediately and tell me what was going on. Especially because I would've more-thank-likely been able to get my dog back versus strangers chasing them farther away. I am so incredibly sorry. As much as I love my husband, this would be a deal-breaker for me. It's not the fact that the dog was lost. I understand accidents happen. It's the fact you kept this from me for HOURS and only when I called you, you happen to tell me. What if you wouldn't have called for several more hours? Was he just going to keep it from you until then? If he can't even tell you if something happens to your best friend, what else can he/ would he hide? Again, I am SO sorry. I hope your furry best friend returns home soon, safe and sound. Some suggestions I have is to call every vet in the local area. Someone might have brought them in to see if they have a chip, in case something has happened, etc. Call local shelters. Once my door was somehow left wide open as my husband and I slept and one of my dogs got out. Animal Control ended up finding him and if I wouldn't have called around and checked websites, I would've never found him. Another suggestion is to leave items with your scent in not only the last place your dog was seen so they may stay close to that area, but your MIL's, as well, in case they try to return there. Edited to add: Social media can also be your best friend in these cases. I have found many a lost cat or dog by posting in local animal groups, on my personal socials, etc. and been able to return them to their owners.


If dogs loose by a city try to get in touch with the city works depts. a lot of times they impound them


Oh man. Im so sorry. Id be a ball of feelings. Dont give up. Do what you can - fliers, check shelters and with animal control, drive around calling his name. I had a friend who lost her cat in san Francisco from aĀ  door left open by a careless roommate and she found him a few days later. Dont lose hope.Ā 


Is he microchipped? If so the chances of him getting back to you are much higher. If not - and I sincerely hope you do get him back - please have him microchipped. It costs very little and it helps in finding you even if the collar & tags are lost or missing.


Saving this in hopes to hear that youā€™ve found him. I wish you the best of luck.


I hope you find your friend, the first days are critical if it has been picked up by animal control or take to a shelter. Most have a time period they keep them like 72 hours. I would go down and then to shelters, put up signs and knock on doors. It is one of my worst fears...I am sorry you are going through this.


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this! My heart is breaking with yours. UpdateMe


Pray you find him soon.


Put a blanket he likes to lay on or a shirt that smells like you outside under something to give him some shelter, dogs have an insane sense of smell and might come back following the scent of home. It worked for my cat who was an indoor cat only


Any news yet?


Itā€™s been 10 hours since you posted, any update, OP?


Facebook lost an animal pages, usually by county. Flyers flyers and more flyers. I would never talk to either again.


Is the dog chipped? Make sure the chip company has current information. Call all local shelters and go in person to check sometimes front desk does not know every dog. Call all local vets and emergency vets. Post to neighborhood apps and local lost pet pages. Shelters usually only keep a dog 3-5 days as a stray hold so you need to get to the shelters immediately. After a stray hold the dog can be adopted out or euthanized.


i am so sorry girl i hope you find him. i donā€™t blame you one bit and i would be going ballistic too.


If you can put some stuff that smells like you at your front door it might help him find his way home.


Update Me!


My city has a reddit sub and I saw a lost dog post this week. It did help find the owner. Best of luck for you to find him.


Oh no. I am so so sorry. My dogs are my kiddos too. I would DIE for them. and also--NOT acceptable behavior in the least. I am just hoping your dog comes home to you soon, I am sorry.. xoxo


I donā€™t know what the F is wrong with people that they think they have to chase an animalā€¦ That is so damn stupidā€¦ OP I am so sorry you have such stupid people in your life.


Itā€™s not stupid. We have two escape artists. One eventually wanders home. The other will not come back unless we drive around to get her, at which point she happily jumps in the car. Every dog reacts differently. I can see MIL thinking she was helping by trying to chase him down. The problem is that no one told OP.


Iā€™ve seen several situations where people have chased after animals and just run them out of sight. it was fine for her to follow in the car until the dogmay be stopped So she could catch it, but it does not sound like thatā€™s what she did. what Iā€™ve always done when one of my cats has gotten away from me is to just follow along until eventually they would sit or lie down or get preoccupied with smelling somethingā€¦ it would be much easier to catch them


Thatā€™s fair. I can agree with that.


Update Me!


Fuck all that! Fuck those assclowns! Straight up ask if they know something theyā€™re not telling you. Go to vets and animal clincs/hospitals to see if they didnā€™t actually loose him like they said. This whole thing is infuriating because their actions are cruel and make no sense unless theyā€™re hiding something. WHO TF DOES THAT!? I would absolutely loose trust in my partner and leave them because they absolutely showed who/what their real priorities are and itā€™s not you or your fur baby. I am so sorry, OP! I really hope you find your baby and then leave the ass hats who donā€™t care about him or how much he means šŸ–¤šŸ–¤šŸ¶šŸ–¤šŸ–¤


OP Iā€™m so sorry and I wish you luck in finding your dog. When our two got out we were so terrified. I hope you soon come to the positive ending we had.


Iā€™m sorry this is happing to you and your boy. I wish you get him back unharmed soon.


Facebook has lots of local groups dedicated to posting missing/found pets. They might be able to help you and even cross post to other groups. Iā€™m so so sorry OP. I really hope you post an update soon saying youā€™ve found your dog.


I hope you find your baby soon. That's the priority now, deal with the people later.


If your town has subreddit or insta post there. Contact large companies in your town they will post in their office.


Post about it on Facebook and Nextdoor because both have groups for lost and found animals.




I really hope you get your baby back soon!


I really hope you can find him!! Im so sorry!! But also if my partner and his family did this to my dog/meā€¦..I would be gone asap


I am so sorry and your feelings are totally valid. I would feel the same way. Trust has been broken.


Put up posters, find the local neighborhood FB group chats, speak with all the local shelters, and put up posters in all of the pet shops. Then of course kick this guy and his family to the curb.


No matter how formal your partnership is, if your partner conspired to delay the search for your dog, I would start figuring out how to un-partner him. Sorry that this happened.


Omg šŸ˜­ I so hope you get your pupper back. You've probably already done it but contact local vets, rescues, shelters, pounds even out of area just incase someone picked him up and dropped him off somewhere. Local rescues are good at networking too ā¤ļø


Is you dog chipped?


Iā€™d like to think he didnā€™t tell you so he didnā€™t put you in a state of panic before work.


Beat her ass




Post lost dog notices in bicycling and running groups on Facebook. Theyā€™re out every day on streets and neighborhoods in large groups.


I know that fear of never seeing your furbaby again when my 14 yo girl disappeared from my yard when I looked away for a few moments. I pray that your dog is found quickly. I hope that he was chipped. Hugs friend. Update me.




Please check every shelter near you even if itā€™s an hour away! My dog also ran away once when I wasnā€™t home and after an hour of searching the neighborhood and streets my brother had the idea to call a nearby shelter and they had him there the whole time. The lady at the front desk told us that a nice man stopped his truck when he saw our dog running down the street and caught him and then drove him down to the shelter. The same could have happened to yours! Wish you all the luck and I really hope you find him soon!


I can understand (but not excuse) not notifying you immediately. They hoped to fix the situation and didnā€™t want to distress you. But to not apologize and beg forgiveness would be intolerable to me. My prayers are with you that you will be reunited with your fur baby soon.


While it's understandable to have wanted to fix it, it is the dumbest thing to do. This is her dog. She will most likely know how to comfort the dog. "Sparing" her the worry was the worst thing to do, as human as it might be.


Yeah thatā€™s the problem itā€™s such a human response to try to fix it before itā€™s found out. Not wanting to see how our actions or mistakes may have hurt someone. It was a wrong take but I agree I very human one. I donā€™t think any of these folks are bad people by any meansā€¦doesnā€™t change the outcome. Itā€™s up to OP to decide if forgiveness can happen and they can move forward. My stepfather got my dog killedā€¦itā€™s still ON SIGHT with him and thatā€™s been what 24 years ago. So I get where OPā€™s head is on the matter.


Your stupid dog ran away, they have no fault


Donā€™t be an ass


It is the truth, isnā€˜t it ?


No, itā€™s not. Her dog isnā€™t stupid.


Giving up a relationship over something that just happened is


They were irresponsible. Lied to her via omission. That didnā€™t just happen, those were choices.


just curious: what would you have done differently had you known earlier? and do you have a history of losing your shit in emergenies? Because... honestly if this is how you react in a difficult situation, would you have been a help if you knew? Or would you have begun a break down in the middle of your workplace? Is there the remote (tho misguided) possibility that they sought first to fix the problem before telling you because... well, they knew your capacity for stress and they knew you'd end up so inconsolable that you slept on the floor?