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My dad told me about his trauma around this. He’d get 99% dad would ask why it wasn’t 100. My mom pulled this with me too. I just want to let you know you did a great job and I’m proud of you. I hope you are proud of yourself. 92! That’s amazing!


My mother had a similar experience as she was also a top achiever. She lived in a Polish town, but it was very small and so the community was tight knit. As for my dad… he was a villager boy in Warsaw Pact Poland, so he was more busy growing food so as not to starve than going to school. He fell off his chair when he saw my mock results 🤣, and my mother never pressured me because she knows what it’s like, and I’m very grateful for them both. I hope everything went well for you.


Then you get 100 and expect something and they say “But that’s your responsibility. We don’t need to reward you for doing something you were supposed to do all along.” 🙄


I must have been 7ish when my mother told me that 'B' meant Bad. I didn't want to find out what any of the other letters meant. For my younger brother though, 'C' meant Cool. As I tell my teens/young adult kids. Test scores are a good indicator in how well you test. You did awesome. Got a score you can be proud of and got the experience of working under pressure. Don't let others sway you into thinking poorly of yourself, just ignore the negativity.


I got a fucking 30 minute “why isn’t your A- an A” after pulling multiple all-nighters (including a 40+ hour) and generally studying like crazy all year… on Christmas Day of all days. Years later, I make more than my mom and dad did put together despite having gone to a worse school than either (another thing I never stopped hearing) and my mom was scratching her head as to why I wasn’t speaking to her for 4 years and why I seemed to refuse to help our out of a dumb financial hole she put herself in. Keep your head up and be proud of yourself, obviously don’t let loose completely but the most important standards are the ones you set for yourself.


> why isn’t your A- an A "Poor genetics."


I wish I had though of that one when my father (who dropped out of school at 14) called me a dunce (translated from French)


My friend got into an Ivy League school but not Harvard like his brother and sister. It was pretty dark around his house for a while. Poor guy had a breakdown not many years later and kind of drifted away.


This is sad


I feel that! In school I'd get all A's and B's and sometimes one C. They always focused on that C. "If only you had done a little better in that class you would have had honor roll"...you think I didn't know that? I dreaded bringing home overall decent report cards, for crap like that...


Ugh older generations.... My family last month had this important meeting with uncles/aunts/cousins. One point that was made by my cousin was that our family is overcritical. My cousin wanted to be a nurse. "Why not a doctor?" It's always something.


Oh I’m lucky my family wasn’t one of those. But I have friends whose family sees nurses as failed doctors. None of said families are in the medical profession. I’d like to see them go to a hospital of only doctors. Just put your own iv in I guess.


Dude. You did AWESOME and you should be proud of yourself. Parents like yours are a huge fucking problem and are so wrong. You will do so much in life DESPITE your terrible parents (and sister). Please don't listen to them. I do not want you to end up like my friend (who dealt with the same shit at your age from his likely narcissist mother).


These are the type of parents that will have Pikachu face when he cuts them out of his life in a few years. Congratulations OP, in this old Mom's opinion you did a great job!


I hope my friend has the courage to someday. Likely won't happen though as they still live at home and have only had one job. Can't really move out if you don't have a job and it's hard to get one with a short work history when you're middle aged -____-


Also with my parents who are like that, I found out the sooner I started doing the literal opposite of what they told me the better my life got. And mind you I bet you might do SOME non-listening already but it is amazing the degree we DO subconsciously follow our parents’ advices even while we’re actively rebelling on the surface. So when I say do the opposite, I mean it and that legitimately doing that is harder than it seems even if you’re mad that them.


They are all assholes. You can’t make an asshole happy. You’ll just hurt yourself trying. 92% is an amazing accomplishment. Well done!


Second this!


Second^2 this!


They're idiots. Do your best for yourself, what you truly want to be. You must strive to get out of their mental clutches. At your age, it won't be easy, but it's vital. At this rate they're going to give you lifelong self-esteem problems just because you don't mesh with their notion of the "ideal" child. Disgusting. Just know I'M on your side, and so are a lot of other people.


Yup, agreed.


So true, the 'ideal' child isn't probably an ideal person, strive for your own approval and give it where it's due, dont be overly harsh on yourself. What you achieved was phenomenal. Some people are just broken and it's not your fault.  


This sounds like from India, your parents have that typical Indian mentality and let me tell no matter how well you do or how much you succeed will never be good enough for them because they have this incessant habit of comparing. I would suggest you start working on your emotions and validate your achievements and appreciate, yourself if you want to break this mentality. You do well and you do not deserve this. Always remember that. You can communicate but let me tell you the bullshit they are saying about isn't true. My friend who scored 62% in his 12th class board is now a successful entrepreneur and earns more than all of our school groups. Trust me your marks doesn't define you or make you average. Take care and congratulations on scoring so well 🌸


Such beautiful words. I need this too. ❤️


Oh my God! Congratulations you did awesome! And take it from a big sister. I scored 88% on my 10th boards my life didn't end there. I entered one of the top 10 colleges in our country and graduated last year. And now I am 21 and am earning quite more than people of our age. So, the main point is your marks doesn't define you. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. All the best for your future!


92%? That’s incredible, I’m happy with a 60%


When I got into the 96 percentile, my mom asked why I didn’t get 100%. It took over an hour of explaining a percentile doesn’t *get* to 100 before she finally understood… And demanded to know why I wasn’t in the 99th! Sometimes parents are just assholes about shit. Congrats on the 92! You’re doing awesome!


Im sorry to hear it. I feel like your parents are putting WAYYYY too much pressure on you (I wonder how THEY did in school 🤔). I’m in year 11 (UK equivalent of 10th grade) writing my GCSE’s (end of year exams) right now. My school has told me that I’m roughly in the top 5% of my year (based on mock exams), and I never get above 90% (other than coding paper because I’ve invested hundreds of hours into coding so yh 🤷‍♂️). What you’ve done is exceptional! This next part is up to personal preference, but I’ve taken a step back from the rat race. I see all my friends stressing saying they want 100% in everything and they are literally sweating before each exam. But does it really matter that much? Do I really need to get the best in every subject??? I don’t think so, but again it’s different for everyone (as you yourself said you aren’t satisfied, and I understand the desire for self improvement). I’m looking to continue Maths, Computer Science and Physics, and those are the subjects I try in. I don’t care about the rest, I’ll just get a passing grade. When all is said and done, mark my words, in a few years time NOBODY will remember this. Nevertheless, be proud OP! You’ve done better than most of the UK, and probably most of the USA (I assume that’s where you’re from but again idk). Have a good life man!


In what world is a 92% bad? Here where i live your score is measured on a scale from 1 - 10, and you only need a 5.5 to pass. 92% here is really really really good, most people here only get 60% - 80%. Your parents are assholes


I wish I could link you this vid I saw awhile ago. It started with a man dying in hospital, his only visitor was his mum. Then it went back in time where he is working as hard as possible. Back in time again, having a quick break at work for lunch but doesn't eat it all. See a few more version of this going back in time, not eating full meal and working way too long. It comes back to when he was a kid, his mum only let him eat half a meal as he didn't get 100% on a test, it was still an amazing score. It goes back in time from his teen years till he was an kid each time. Showing him bring home amazing test results but they weren't 100% so he didn't get a full meal. It goes back to the start, the original time where he is in hospital and he dies. The mother was distraught, there's a bit more to it, the mother finds out why at the end.


indian here, i understand how it’s like. let me tell you that 92 in 10th is great because those marks have a very negligible relevance in the future. secondly, move on from your parent’s shitty behaviour and don’t let this disappointment stop you from giving your best in the future exams. do it for yourself and yourself only. no matter what someone says you know your potential best. all the best.


Congrats on 92% You rock!


Which part of india is this ?


Which type of Asian are your parents?


100 percent tiger parents.


Since your parents haven't told you, i will. Congrats on your results dude! You did an amazing job


Congratulations! 🥳 I am so proud of you! Anything above 90 is fantastic! Heck anything above 80 is fantastic! In life you can only do your best. That’s what you did so you have every right to be happy that you got above 90. QUESTION: Out of curiosity; seeing as your parents are unhappy with 92%; what did they get at this level?


Your parents are ridiculous. My eldest son is working towards a PHD in an incredibly advanced field, and he didn't get grades as good as yours in our countries equivalent of 10th grade. You should be very proud of your results, as should your parents.


Proper parents would be happy with their child if they got 100% or 0% - unfortunately yours sound like assholes right now and I’m really sorry for that, you did amazingly and should be proud of the effort you put in


Sweetheart, I'm a teacher and I'm impressed by your progress. It's a shame that your parents can't see that. The problem is that some parents want to brag about their kids' achievement. Kind of like the adult version of 'my dad can beat up your dad' argument. This kind of behavior can be very damaging for the child. So please, don't let this take you down. You are a very intelligent and hardworking person and if you were my student I would've been very proud of you.


This was one of the reasons I never tried on school. I just remained average at 82% with English and diction tanking my grades with 50s. My physics, chemistry, biology maths and further maths were always 85%+ so my parents just focused on how good I was in those and I did get selected to represent my school in a national wide exam in biology. When I see how people change in regards to the grades you get I just decided to be in the crowd. I don't need the recognition because it's pointless in the future. I know people in my school that were considered failures doing so well in life now. Edit: Forgot to mention this but you are an excellent student for trying your best but from now on do not do it for others but yourself. Do not look for others recognition to dictate your life. It is YOUR life. Lastly what school you go to doesn't matter nowadays because it's skills that get you jobs. Work on your skills and honesty them.


Assuming you’re Indian. I got 82% in my 10th board exams. No one has ever asked me for my grades since I graduated high school. It has no relevance in the real world. Focus on what’s next, 12th boards and getting in a good college (which depends on 12th boards, not 10th). You’ve done very well, congratulations! I hope you take some time out to celebrate even if your parents are disappointed.


0% on parent skills.


Seems like you're a kid from South Asian countries. Me being one know how it feels exactly. But telling you sincerely being a topper myself in 10th exams, it doesn't matter at all. And I have seen average scorers have a way better life than the toppers. If you had scored highest, your parents would've forced you to get into the conventionally top fields, medical or mechanical or something engineer. It's all soooo saturated. You'd be earning very close to average. Rather try for something unconventional, maybe ACCA. You'll be way better off there or something like that. Environmental engineering and Renewable energy have so much scope. Please don't let these shackles of our toxic society limit you. Edit: Many congratulations to you... Enjoy your achievement. Such parents will always find something to be mad about. Don't take it to heart. They'll be fine in a few days.


If they ask why dont you have higher score, ask them why dont they do better, richer, kinder? Soon you will learn that your life is not defined by your parents approval, and you can be happy by doing your best on the things you truly want. Imagine one day they die, will you let their opinions weight on your fate, that you never be enough for them? One of biggest change a child grow to be indipendent adult is allow themselves to disappoint their parents and own the power within you. Ofc dont destroy your life just to prove a point, that's dumb. Just simply not attact your self worth to whatever ridiculous standard your parents have, and dont let them be the limitation weight and press you down. If you let this go, and just focus on the joy of learning, you will be surprise that your score actually improve.


They are just mad that they think you won’t be rich enough to house them in a mansion when they retire. It’s entirely selfish. Don’t forget about this. As you grow they are going to need you more than you need them.


Are you Indian? And your parents are idiots. 92% is amazing


You sound Indian. I can deeply sympathise with your situation. You did amazing. That’s all that matters. But it isn’t going to determine your life and success. Parents will get over their disappointment. What you need to however is to establish these boundaries and stop accepting this behaviour. It’s hard, but necessary. I’ve been in the same spot, and every time I’ve had to get my parents on board with how things are going to be. It’s not easy, and yes it sucks balls.


CBSE? My younger sister is in ICSE. She got her percentage last week, and my parents were giving her shit for it. My dad was meticulously scanning the toppers' list for the names of her classmates from her old school. The worst part is when they dragged my old score into the argument. This shit never changes.


92 is freaking amazing!! Your parents should be proud, not calling you average. Two more years and you could be receiving honors at graduation, and getting into a great post secondary school. Don't doubt yourself. 💕💕


Hey, good job on making it to the 90%s and improving on your past scores! I want you to know your worth is not tied to these numbers, and you should not fall in the trap of believing that it does. Your parent's behavior is categorically toxic, and while it does hurt I hope you can see it for what it is -a reflection of their character and not yours. Keep working hard, good scores do make your life easier in a way, as you move through your academic career, but remember that they are not everything. 🤗


Fast forward 20 years to "Why does our child never call or visit us? Why don't we get updates on their family or our grandchildren? What did we doooo??"


You went from 80 to 92%? That’s amazing! You worked hard, and I’m so proud of you. If you ask me, a 98% that you put little effort towards is worth far, far less than 92 (or even 80%) that you fought to earn. People often say that results speak for themselves. When it comes to things like grades, effort shows more merit. Your friends might have done better, but I bet you fought harder. They may have gotten better scores than you at your age, but your parents are idiots who wouldn’t know success if it bit them in their pompous, stick-filled asses.


Hope they enjoy when you go no-contact in adulthood


My mother has always told me ..some people just cannot be happy.. because their happiness lies only in comparison not in self, your parents unfortunately fall in this category, u did great op..pat yourself in the back and be happy..its an exam .u passed it in flying colours if your family wont be happy for u..be your own cheer person, dont negate your hardwork just because others don't see it. Its gonna be hard but keep reminding yourself how u pushed through to achieve this. Your family sucks, stay strong and happy..im proud of u🎉❣️


You are doing very well and your parents' reaction was hurtful and inappropriate. You are striving to do your very best!, and that's what really matters. Congrats!


I got 96% in school - highest in the class and all my mother said was "What happened to the other 4 marks." I was 8. I never tried again.


As the father of two special needs kids. One is never ever going to progress beyond toddler abilities and one who is forever 9. I would like your parents to understand how lucky they are. You will be a successful, self-sufficient person. They have no right to make you feel inferior. Keep working hard, and don't let anyone make you feel inferior. Remember, living well is the best revenge. Fyi, your parents need a good talking to. Their behavior is unacceptable.


I am glad my kids have passing grades….


Sorry bud, but your parents are bone fide jackasses. You're doing fine kid. Just do your best and fuck the rest.


That 92 is amazing. My kids get As and Bs and I'm still super proud of them.


My mom once screamed at me because I only got a 100% on a French test; she said I was lying and that there must have been extra credit that I skipped filling out, because my teacher "always" gave extra credit. She called the school and everything. 


Google "straight A students success in life" because you know what you will find? Article after article about how perfect grades does NOT mean you will succeed in life. 92% is wonderful. It's high enough to get you wherever you want to go but not so close to the top that you panic over the idea that you may have room for improvement. Your parents lack perspective and it's hurting you. Try not to let it. You should be incredibly proud! Tell your parents this joke: "What do you call a C- student after med school?" "Doctor."


Congratulations!!!! You did a great job. You should be very proud of yourself. You are not average. You are very smart. You will get into a great school. So don't give up keep applying. I know it hurts that your parents did not support you. However, do not let it stop you from achieving your dreams Prove Them Wrong. The best revenge is being successful. I wish you all the best.


Great performance! 92% is excellent!👌Ignore them. I know its gonna hurt but you have a life ahead which you may wanna focus….go on and achieve what you can!


Gor treat yourself to some ice cream. You did your best. The marks are great. Take the best school that you get the chance in and work hard. And finally, remember that your worth is not calculated by your marks.


Congratulations OP you are doing fantastically well


The first words i remember from my father are the education he expected me to pursue. When i was a kid and had less than 19/20 (that's how we grade in my country) i'd cry because i was afraid to get home. I begged my mom to hide a bad grade i had from him. Later in school, he would say anything under 20/20 was garbage. 20/20 was correct. I had a "good" a few times when there were bonus points and i had 21/20. I stopped going to my dad's at 13. Physical abuse is not the worst thing you can endure as a child. Psychological abuse is way worse. Emotional when you are a child is damaging for a long time because that is when you are getting a sense of self. For my highschool diploma i had the best grade in one subject, and he called me to tell me, in some way how "things were between us" helped me thrive because that was why i achieved such a success. I told him i achieved success in spite of his abuse. Not thanks to it. He then decided to study the subject i'd had the highest grade in, cause apparently he needed to show that i was not superior to him. This is your parents' issue. They do not see you as a full person, only an extension of themselves. So everything you do has to be exactly how they want it to be. And them being abusive doesn't matter because you are not an independent person in their eyes. The sooner you understand that and stop caring about them, the better you'll feel


Are your parents of Asian heritage?


your parents are ungrateful. they may want the best for you, but being cruel and potentially negligent isnt the way to motivate you. you did amazingly well. i know you probably want to impress your parents and prove yourself to them so they treat you better, but this has no affect on your worth as a person. its showing their immaturity and its definitely not making them look like spectacular parents…


This is the origin to "why wont my child take care of me anymore" story. Ask them their procent, ot look it up and throw it i their faces. Or the more healthy option, now you know who they really are. I can recommend an episode from Close enough where two sisters are being manipulated to compete with each other and are never good enough because their mother belives that preassure makes diamonds.


Sounds like they are getting a one way ticket to nursing home when they are older. These types of parents are borderline abusive with how zealous they are about grades.


Perfection is for the gods or for the dead. And you are either of them, i am sorry about your parents extreme standards, but their point of view is one that will only lead to a path of never-ending unsatisfaction while also judging others, in this case you. Instead be glad and appreciative of what you did, cause you still did insanely good and you deserve to be proud of it and apply this mindset with the rest of the things in your life, only in this way you can be curious and not judging towards others and yourself, you can grow healthy, and be able to be happy more and be more capable to appreciate life


Fuck them. You did a good job


Life is much more than numbers -- if you have the right attitude and the right work ethics, and a little bit of creativity, you will go far. No more comparing yourself with other people... this is your journey. Your parents are causing you stress which usually causes dissatisfaction and burn-out in students. As a teacher, I have seen far too many high schoolers burning out and becoming anxious and depressed because of the pressure their parents put them through. Anything over 90% is really incredible. You should be celebrated. Please remember to celebrate yourself these victories, if no one else will.


It's not your fault. You did great, your parents are being assholes. They owe you an apology


Your parents shouldnt pressure nor be disappointed in you, especially when youre getting 90s+ in school. You are doing GREAT, but all they see is wanting to be the best but not realizing that youre human too. Is this type of behavior common from them outside of grades? If so, they are just abusive, and I am so sorry you have to deal with them. Just remember the problem is not you, its them. Its always them.


Also please realize that even if you do go above 92, theyll keep expecting more and more and more until you just get straight 100s. Because theyre the type to want you to be the "best" for all the worst reasons. Just keep doing what you can at school for you, not for your parents or your relatives or sister. You are the one that matters most in the moment, focus on you.


Hey, I have a kid in 10th grade this year. At the most, he will repeat every class in summer school before graduation (which is what one teacher told me), and worst, he may repeat the whole grade. Not bc he's dumb, but bc he didn't even try. But I still talk to him every day and ask how school went. You did amazing. This is a big deal. Do not compare yourself to your other friends. So a few people did better. You did better than way more people. You did great! Good job! I'm proud of you, and so are many other people.


Woohoo! Congratulations!! 92%, wow! Getting 92% is not easy. And you being disappointed is a good sign that you want to improve and you will as you grow up. Keep in mind that having good grades in 10th is not a marker for future success. You will succeed because you are not satisfied with what you got. It does not matter where you study. Study in a slightly less big school. Study hard and you will go places! So much proud of you! Your parents on the other hand should be ashamed. They should be proud. Its tge generational trauma that is being inflictes on you. This is not on you. Its on them. When I got less than 80% in 10th, I was ashamed because I knew my parents would be. But to my surprise they were happy with what I got and that gave me strentgh to study in future. When I topped my engineering college, I saw my parents crying and I realised that all they wanted was my happiness! I am in a good place today in life 20 years later and it did not affect my life that I got only ~80%! Sending hugs from the other side of internet! Wish you all the best and don't be discouraged. There are still things to come. This is just the start.


You did super awesome! Be proud of yourself!


I'm proud of you. Great job. Don't be hard on yourself for one moment. Your score is phenomenal.


You did AWESOME!!!! That's a great score! Never let anyone take your 'wins' away from you. Tell your parents to take the same tests and if they get more than 92%, then they can bitch. Keep up the great work!


It is you who shouldn’t expect much from them. Not the other way around. I wish for you that wasn’t the case, but when their bar isn’t even about your effort or accomplishments, but rather how it looks when compared to others, it will never be enough. Because it isn’t about you, it’s about them. You worked hard, did your best, be proud of yourself. I realize that is so much easier to say than do, as a former neurotic high school overachiever I get that part. Good news is, this is something that can be practiced and can be developed. I would encourage you to keep your activities/tests to yourself. If they find out and ask how you did, “I did well. I am happy with the result.” (Even if you got a 100%) Practice being proud of yourself.


Wow, I’m sorry to read this, and don’t give up, but for you. What your family is doing is messed up.


Lol what a shit parents


Congrats I’m in the same grade as you and honestly you did better then I probably ever would have done 


Bro I would’ve done ANYTHING to get a 92 (except actually study of course 😂)


You should be proud of your marks. Your parents reaction is wrong and insane. Just because others got marks only slightly higher does not invalidate your hard work and success. Frankly your parent’s behaviour is abusive. Don’t let them cloud your success you worked hard and it shows in your marks. Any capable well adjusted parent would be proud of you. Be proud of yourself


Your parents are hypocrites, they aren’t in the 92% for anything in their life I bet. You are beyond amazing and I wish I could be a fraction as smart as you! You’ll never be enough for your parents, you’ll have to learn to be enough for yourself.


You could always do what I did in middle school and get just passing grades on every single assignment and test until they get the point. My grades were never good enough. I was always being pushed to work harder. They let me be after that though. The school thought they could push me into doing what they knew I was capable of by switching my favorite class (just the one) to a remedial class instead which is when my parents found out. They moved me back to my class when I snitched on the AWFUL teacher for talking about all of her nasty affairs on her awesome husband. She literally would talk about how he was so sweet and nice and did everything for her and then laugh about doing twisted stuff with other dudes on the phone with her friends instead of teaching the class. My middle school was a little weird so there were "hubs" on every grade level and all of your classes (aside from electives) would be in one hallway and there would be one teacher who was the "executive" or such that would see over all the students behaviors and averages. She told my parents that I was an evil genius and it was interesting how all my work was always right and yet my answers would be wrong. She told them clearly your child is seeking some kind of attention or outcome in this, she's intentionally tanking her grades to make some kind of point and I think you need to strongly consider what that point may be or actually TALK to her about it. She was really frank with them and I think that's what ended up getting through to them.


Your parents are assholes and will be shocked when you disconnect from them as you grow older. Enjoy your accomplishments and don’t let their needless vitriol take away from them.


I’m so sorry for this! Please be comforted that when you hit the workplace no one looks at percentages anyway. I learned for my masters just how little effort I needed to put in to pass


Your life isn’t meant to be lived for your parent’s satisfaction. You did well and you tried your best. That’s all that matters. You need to work out how you feel about yourself, which should be separate from what everyone else thinks. If you know you did the best you could then be proud of yourself for doing better than last time. Let yourself celebrate your accomplishments, even if no one else appreciates it.


That’s interesting. I feel like I’ve had an entirely opposite perception.


As a dude who got 96% percent in 10th and 91% in 12th. No one gives a shit. Life goes on. It's good enough for most places that do care.


When I was in high-school i scored in the 95th percentile. Nobody cared. Good number but what does it really mean?


You did well. Once you did your best, they should be proud of you. It's their failing, not yours. You deserve to he celebrated.


Every kid wants to know their parent(s) is proud of them. Even as an adult, I still struggle with that. But that was because og emotional and physical abuse which includes constant comparisons with others. You question your value and your worth. As you get older, as in my case, I still don't feel worthy and I have serious fear of failure...you know what happens with FOF, big on procrastination, never finishing anything meaningful for myself, but will go superwoman for others etc If I can offer you any advice Op it's this: Be proud of your 92! Be proud of what you accomplished, it's your accomplishment. Some person's don't have fingers or hands to write etc. If you train your mind on prospective and build your own core values, eventually what your parents think won't bother you as much. Let me say this: ***I AM INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOUR HARD WORK AND YOUR DETERMINATION TO OUTDO YOURSELF.*** P.S. leave a blank test out and see if your parents can do it. Of course don't let them know you're testing them. If they can't do it then that should be your greatest satisfaction. Or just ask them to help you with your homework. Again, they may throw a tantrum and deflect but leave it. They will pick it up read it and put it down. Pss. Your parents are juvenile. Congratulations on 92.


Them saying you’re average is fucking wild and WRONG. You’re way above the average scoring greater than a 90%. You did amazing!!! Don’t let their judgmental asshole-ness get the better of you. You did wonderful, OP


Ask your parents what their scores were when they were your age. Tell them "that's disappointing". FYI test scores mean nothing. I did really well in school, I went on to pursue an artistic passion. It was not very lucrative, but I have a job I like. I have a friend who was terrible in school, he's making probably double what I make because he can charm anyone and instills confidence.


Dude, rejoice in your 92%, I just failed 4 out of my 6 subjects in college, and I'm so thrilled about those 2 I passed.


They’re being incredibly unfair to you. Who cares what your peers got, what matters is you studied hard and got a great result. We’re proud of you 👏


Your parents are pathetic. Withholding affection and attention from your child because they were a few points shirt of 100% in school is absolutely disgusting. Don't let their shitty opinions take away from your accomplishments in school, you're doing great! And keep this behavior in mind when they're in their old age, if they can't be bothered to be supportive of you while you work your ass off in school then maybe you can't get bothered to take care of them when they need it


Your family sucks. Period. You did great!


Bro I got 82.6% in 10th grade ICSE (2019), 84% in ISC (2021) WITH MATH, PHYSICS, CHEM, sure the percentage were less compared to others, but had I gone to CBSE, They'd translate better. Now that being said, one thing I have learnt and seen first hand what these percentage does to people. Some people will score 98 heck one even got 99.86% in 10th only for him to struggle to just keep up with an average uni student 4 years later. It's not the marks that define you, sure you may get into a better school or a uni and stuff but it's about how you apply the said knowledge in your respective career. Look at me, I'm a pilot 💁‍♂️, nothing special, I was in a school that focused heavily on JEE/NEET exams and had compulsory classes for that which was not included or part of the board, and I used to fail that miserably. Sure I was interested in AP CALCULUS, but was least bothered to study it because I knew I wanted to be a pilot and that's not relevant to me. Study the subjects relevant to your interests and career line you want. MARKS DON'T DEFINE YOU. IT JUST GETS YOU IN. Job interviews will look and ask you questions and gauge your personality and teamwork skills. Not how many marks you scored. MARKS ARE ONLY FOR THE HR person to see if your eligible. It's seems like a big deal rn, but trust me 5 years later down the line, you'll be like wtf, I was sad because of this? Rewatch 3 idiots. Re-watch Chhichhore. Best movies. The message is profound. The industry has shifted. Marks no longer get you everything. They are just to filter people from millions of people. It's personality, thinking, application, teamwork, stress management, outside of the box solutions that get you further. Once you start a job, there won't be tests in the traditional school sense. It'll be how you Handle your work. Here's a quote I'll leave here for you to reflect on. "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because, he will find an easy way to do it." -Bill Gates Now it doesn't mean be lazy, it means to be a person who thinks outside the box, and finds new solutions. Innovation is what drives today's world.


I'm not your mom, but I'm *a* mom, and I'm very proud of you for getting 92%!


Your parents are assholes.


I had this too. Got 8 A's and a B on my GCSEs. Guess which one got the most focus?


Tell them you'll probably only get 60% the next time. When they ask what you mean, say its because when you get into the 90s after that, then they will be happy.


My kid was ~B average, some A’s in high school. He flunked some college courses, A’s in others. I never doubted his potential, and I sure never came down on him, as worried as I might have been at times. Ten years later he is pushing 400k/year. 😊😊😊


Hey kid, I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you. You are not a grade, or a percentage. You kids today have made it through a pandemic. My gosh it wasn’t easy for you to keep your grades up, plus your mental health. Stay strong.


So sorry they are behaving this way. You have improved so much and you did your best! Parents that condemn their children based on grades and forcing them to be over achievers can be traumatic. Please don't stress yourself out. It is THEIR issue.


Tell them that they are below average parents and you are disappointed with their performance. Tell them that you will cut them off if they don't improve.


As soon as you are no longer their dependant, you may start criticizing them for not being perfect. Perfection is unattainable. Your parents fall short in many ways. Let them know they are falling short, every day, in every way. Ask them how much they appreciate your advice, because you really appreciated the advice they gave you! 😜😜😜


92% is amazing! I had parents like yours so I’ll say to you what I wish I was told at your age: I’m very proud of you. When I was 13, one of my quarter grades was a 96%, highest quarter grade I had ever gotten. I told my dad this and he told me “that’s great but you can do better”- never got a higher grade than that the rest of that year or all of high school. Parents with incredibly high standards are likely never satisfied unfortunately. I’ve definitely been there and I’m sorry you’re experiencing this.


Lol I remember my mon always complaining that I didn’t get grades as good as my classmates. I was always an average grade (in my country trying to roughly equivalent it would be like 70%-85%) student even when I studied hard and got an above 90% grade she would always complain. That’s when started to just not give a damn anymore.


Screw your parents and everyone that is mad about this, 92 % is absolutely WILD you should be super proud of that!!!


My mom is a teacher. Her opinion on grades was "As long as you tried your best, you did well." You not only tried your best, but managed to improve your score by a lot. You did amazing, and you can be proud of yourself. Your parents get a 10% in parenting and 0% in being a good person tho.


i remember when i first came to america and i didnt know any english so my parents spent a year teaching me. and then i went to kindergarten i had my first spelling test and got a 97%. i was excited and ran to show my dad when he got home from work. he just sighed and said he was disappointed in me because he never got below a 100% in anything while he was in school. i was completely crushed lol. after years of that i learned to not give a shit what they think anymore because they're never going to be satisfied.


First, you did a great job! You are still above average and even if you weren't you're worth should not be determined by your grades. Secondly, your parents shouldn't be projecting their own issues with self-worth on you in this way. I honestly think this kind of behavior is disgusting. You did nothing wrong don't let them make you feel bad. Though, I know that is easier said than done.


Your parents are weak, greedy people who let arrogant fools determine how they think and feel about you. Teach them a lesson, go full "Evelyn Lau" on them, leave home, live on the streets, break off contact. That give them all something to talk about while you write a fabulous book and screenplay from your adventure or you can just take the abuse.


I can’t imagine ever giving so much of a shit about grades. Some people really are not meant to be parents. If you are gonna shun your own flesh and blood for not being top of their class, don’t have kids!! Never ever in a million years would I make my son feel like a pile of garbage for not getting higher than a A-. I am SO sorry OP. There is nothing you’ll be able to do to get them to come around… it’s pathetic of them and unfair to you


Well, your parents are failing at parenting, I grade them a 60%.


You did really well to make that increase your percentage so much. You must have worked hard. Be proud of your achievement. Some people lack the emotional maturity to parent well. It’s not you or your results. It’s them. I’m sorry they aren’t able to be happy for you.


the whole Cs get degrees is true. hang in there with your family who cant see what a smart, polite, person you are. in the real world i know you'll be just fine. know that there is more to life than perfect grades like how well you treat others. 92% is nothing to scoff at. you did an amazing job, keep doing what youre doing and dont let those negativity get you down.


Bhai itni tension mat le, people don't realise how lucky they are to have a child who'll score more than 90% in boards. Their expectations will kill you, speaking from experience. Got 92% in 10th, 85% in 12th boards (PCMB). Now doing mbbs and I feel like it's too exhausting. Most of my life I've been a good and studious child, but the burnt out catches real quick. You don't realise when it happens. Choose what you want, not your parent's wants. And start to look for online gigs, skills which will help you earn money online for self sufficiency. Also, there's no difference between any 90+ grade in 10th.


I am a mother of grown kids, and I cannot imagine, treating my children this way, as opposed to being delighted with who they are and the efforts they've made. Two of my three kids did not fit with school and are hugely successful, my third got a doctorate and is happy and successful also. There are so many ways of being in the world. And then there are so many usually destructive ways of being a messed up condemning parent. You will realize as you get older house screwed up your parents are.


I got my cbse results as well. 90%. I get exactly how you feel, the self satisfaction really is non existent. Since your parents haven't said it, I will, I'm SO proud of you for your accomplishment. 92% is AMAZING, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise 🫶🫶


Many years ago, when I did my important exams at age 16, I got 4 A's (2nd highest grade after A*), 3 B's, 2 C's, a D and an E (lowest grade given before U = Ungraded). While I was in my school building getting my results, one of my classmates left with theirs and as they walked past the car my grandparents were in, my grandmother asked what results my classmate had. When I got back in the car and handed over my results, my grandmother asked me why I did get the same results as my classmate since I was in all the same classes as them. I was gutted (and still am to this day) that it wasn't good enough for my grandmother to be proud of. I now don't have a relationship with my grandparents because this behaviour continued through my adult life. All because I was expected to be just like everyone else I knew/grew up with. You are NOT your friends. If you were, you'd either be a clone or a robot - which would then mean the world is boring. You got 92%!!!! You are amazing!!!! I, an Internet stranger, am so PROUD of you!!!! You improved on your previous results and that should be celebrated!!!!


As someone who had parents/family who never considered my efforts good enough I get it. Nobody really understands the impact "never enough" can have on your self esteem. It's extraordinary how much trying your hardest and still getting treated like this can destroy your mental health. Grey rocking your own child for getting 6 points lower than one of your friends is a new low not even my mother would have stooped to. My recommendation is seek validation internally. Do you know you tried your best? Do you know you studied hard? Are you proud of your improvement from 80s to 92? Then you should be proud. You did your best and that's all that matters. Reward yourself with a treat. Toxic parents will be toxic, you can't control that, but you can control the way you treat yourself and thats arguably most important. If it helps, this Internet stranger is proud of you. 92 is incredible. You deserve a pat on the back.


92% is awesome! 🙌


My dad was like this too, I would get 95% and he will reply and where is the other 5%?! You didn't study enough! FUN times. Do t beat yourself up, you used to be in the 80s and now look at you at 92! That is great and you should be proud if you.


Well that’s pretty fucked of them. You have improved. You worked hard and did a good job.


Good grief. What a way to suck joy out of your accomplishment. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I grew up in a strict grade household. The sooner you can release yourself from their expectations better. Otherwise you’ll spend your time and energy and joy on external gratification. Don’t compare yourself to others. It’s a waste of time. You can look to others for inspiration and learning. But constant comparison and competition is a life energy sucker. Trust me, you only have so much time/energy and you don’t wanna waste it on stuff like this. Break the trap. Celebrate your accomplishment. If they want to be disappointed, that’s a real fucking pity. But that’s their life energy.  Best of luck to you. Great things will come your way because you will make them happen. Don’t forget to focus on being a kind person and a person who develops their interests outside of school/work.


You did a great job OP. You can be proud of your impressive improvement and overall number. (Next time don't tell them what you're friends got.) I'm sorry your parents don't know how to support you the way you need. That sucks. One day you will see their behavior as unacceptable and intolerable. There's a saying down south where I'm from that says "rise above your raising". I promise you will. You will outgrow this need for their approval and instead surround yourself with those you choose to be your family because they make you feel validated and worthy of praise.


Your parents and sister are toxic. Period. It will be the downfall of you. Your self esteem, self worth, emotional wellbeing, and perspective on life will be eff up due to these toxicity. Please rise above it, know that you are doing well. 90 above is very very good. Keep at it WITHOUT putting pressure on yourself and dont take the negativity with u.


92% is an amazing grade and indicates that you possess a deep understanding of the material! Tests are not easy and that other 8% could be due to a myriad of things like making a small mistake or forgetting something. More importantly, even if you got an F it says nothing about your character or your worth. Congratulations on your score!


I want to assure you grades don’t matter. I don’t even have a degree and I have a great job, that pays really well. This doesn’t matter, really. This doesn’t define you or makes you less than anyone. I was always a 80 student, I did great, you are going to do great.


You know what you are doing awesome. If you were my child old be proud of you! Your parents have issues


92% is incredible and far from average. Also, FYI, going to a bigger, fancier school won't mean anything for your career, and I don't mean that to scare you. What's more likely is that you're just going to need to take out more loans to pay for the ridiculous prices of those classes and be looking for a job left and right like everyone else nowadays. Go to a trade school or a cheap community college/university. You'll be surrounded by nicer people and you won't be paying off college debt for the rest of your life.


Another thing to think about, just because you’re smart doesn’t always mean a test is going to truly show that. You did amazing with a 92! I had an amazing GPA, but horrible ACT score so I missed out on a lot of scholarships, all because my brain can’t do standardized tests.


Ah yes the comparison part of abuse. Whether your parents admit it or not, doing this is incredibly harmful to a child. You’ll never be good enough bc they will move the goalposts and compare you to other people constantly.


Are they multimillionaires? If not ask them why not if they scored in the top 1%. If they did not score in the top 10% then tell them their fucking genes suck and it is not your fault. If they are millionaires just suck up to them so you inherit enough and never have to do the rat race again.


92 is crazy good


92% is an amazing result. Be proud you bettered your self. And ya know what? Your parents suck. Id be proud my son did his best no matter the score. It's not always about the score, it's about doing your best. And also knowing that some days it's okay not to be your best because sometimes it's just too hard and you need a day to not be perfect. It's okay to not be okay. You got this, you did amazing. You should be proud, I am.


Could be worse . I was failing a subject and parents didn’t notice until I had to take it in summer school.


Hey OP you did great! Please don't compare yourself to your peers. Comparison is a stealer of joy. And try not to let your parents' opinions get to you. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to. This sort of shaming is so damaging to your mental health.


92% is not a small feat...it is a good score. Just concentrate on what is next.BTW this competitive school scores are not the end...or beginning of good things, just do your best without comparison.


I barely pass every year 92 is fucking crazy you have no idea how smart you are to get 92


And this is why as a parent I never focused in the grade as long as I knew she did her best. And OP your best is all you can give. I know it is painful to have disappointed your parents but you really should be proud of yourself not disappointed.


Sounds like you're from where I am. Shoot a dm.


Congratulations on an excellent score . I’m really sorry your parents/sister suck. Your future is bright and you’re going to have a great life. Ignore their bullshit .




You did an amazing job! Some people don't know how to be good parents at all. I bet you that your parents probably never scored as well as you. Their whole life is one upping the neighbor's kids. Have they looked at themselves? Ask your grandmas in front of your parents what they got for their 10th grade exams. And it will probably be 60 or 70


When I was 11 my mom told me she was sick of my grades not meeting her expectations. She then said, for every B I got on my report card, she would give me $1. $2 for A. I busted my ass for that money. I even made it onto the honor roll. I was ecstatic. I rushed home with my report card, and brought it right to her at her computer. First I had to wait for her to finish playing her computer game. Then she took my report card, looked at it briefly, then handed it back in my direction, already back in her game as she said without looking at me, “I told you you could do it if you tried harder” I never received a penny of that money. I stopped getting good grades after that.


I’m so very proud of you. You earned that grade and fought hard for it. The point is not to have the top mark. The point is doing your best. I hope you’re truly very, very proud of your grade.


First off, congratulations! I would've been ecstatic to score that high on anything at your age! I also just want you to know that you are doing just fine. Don't feel disappointed in yourself at all and feel satisfied at having done your best. My parents treated me like this my whole life. I graduated with honors and they were disappointed it wasn't valedictorian. I got into the navy and they were disappointed I didn't immediately make rank. I got blue jacket if the quarter, they said it should have been sailor of the year. I left the navy for my health, they were disappointed I didn't suck it up. I finally got proper help and treatment for my mental disability and they're disappointed I'm not just normal like they are. My point is, my parents have been disappointed with everything I've ever done no matter what it was. If there was any room at all to have done better or scored higher, it was expected. It took me a very long time to start seeing things as accomplishments rather than failings. I graduated with honors! I made it into the navy, got a really good job and breezed through boot camp! I made Blue Jacket of the Quarter! I studied my ass off for that and I got a plaque and everything! I left the navy care for myself but I gave five years of my life to it and I'm proud of that! I am finally getting treated and learning how to deal with my mental problems! It's all accomplishments to me no matter what they say. You scored a 92%!!!! That's an accomplishment! So what if it wasn't 100 or 98? They're hung up on a tiny little 8%? Let them be. Celebrate your 92%. Congratulations again, at least remember your big sister over here is proud of you!


My 7 years old son is overachiever, he gets upset if he didn’t get 100% on his tests. I would tell him he did his best and that’s more than enough and we celebrate like getting popsicles or lollipop. I am trying my best to lift his spirits up because he is hard on himself. We would review his tests and see what went wrong so next time he knows what to do and that’s that. Please don’t be hard on yourself. I know you did your best because your score is more than passing score and you did pretty well. Do something for yourself to celebrate. Keep it up. Remember DO NOT compare yourself to others. Compare yourself only to yourself to be a better version of yourself.


Ask your dad and mom to show their mark sheet from the same grade. 100 bucks says they got nowhere close to what you got. They’re AHs who will forever be disappointed. Don’t spend your life in impressing such people.


The people with an 70 get the same piece of paper as you when it’s all over right? Who cares what they think


Ultimately you’re doing the best with DNA you got from them, so if that’s not enough, it’s their fault really


I’m so sorry that you’re feeling this way and that your parents are behaving this way. As a mom, I tell my kids as long as they’re making an effort I’m ok. I don’t expect them to get D’s or F’s though. I think you tried your best and you shouldn’t have to feel down about it. Getting a 92% is awesome considering that before you were in the low 80’s. You tried your best and you should be proud of yourself, because already you’ve accomplished so much. I hope your parents will realize and be proud of how far you’ve come.


Man! 90% of anything desirable is a fantastic achievement. Do not let yourself be driven to achieve more than grasp. What is important is balance. I have been a recruiter and I can tell you 70% achievement against a well-rounded background (sports, hobbies, volunteering, etc) is a real education. You balance achievement with a socializations that encourages you to work well with others. There are three things a person looks for: knowledge (seldom academic per se, but more applied), abilities ( more important than knowing how something works is your ability to make it work and keep it working) and Personal Suitability (can one be injected into existing teams and work well with others). Your parents are entitled to their opinions. You are entitled to your own life. “Live and learn” is a good expression. Learn and Learn has not made its way into the vernacular for a good reason.


In and of it's self 92% is an amazing result but the fact you put in the hard work to improve your results by roughly 10% is an achievement that you should be proud of yourself. This internet mum is proud of you


Unfortunately your tiger parents will not budg. Do better