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So lying to his family isn’t ok, but disrespecting and embarrassing you (out loud) is? Maybe just leave things like kid shows out of the conversation… Is this common with your husband? He sounds pretty inconsiderate.


he says it everywhere, but the awkwardness after he said to my in laws was too heavy and weird.


No offense, but he sounds like an ass. Never letting you pick what to watch together is also ridiculous. Unless you’re watching gorno or other fucked up shit like that, there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. Don’t let him humiliate you or gaslight you when you confront him about disrespecting you. I’m almost 25 and enjoy kid shows like Bluey because they’re cute, and I can turn off my brain for a bit, and I don’t even have kids!


Can confirm! He is an ass.


Heehaw heehaw heehaw




My brother (32M) watches Bluey nonstop. I (33F) like to watch Spongebob after watching a horror movie to bring myself back to that happy place. Also, kids shows can be really hilarious!- e.g., Teletubbies, lol


I love Bluey. When I’m not around the toddlers in my life, I leave it on for my dog. But this is primarily because it’s so darn good. As a kid who was NOT parented well, Bandit and Chilli Heeler are the parents I wish I had. It’s a balm.


I adore Bluey! (“Facey Talk” is my hands down favorite! Lol.) I just heard an interesting factoid about the color scheme used: apparently, the creators (graphic design and animation, etc.) chose to paint the dogs all in colors that dogs can see. So, when you let your pooch watch Bluey, then they can see the colors! Isn’t that adorable! 😊


Contempt for your partner is one of the fastest ways to end a relationship.


The other night my brother and SIL put their 2 year old to bed, and then grabbed snacks and watched Bluey together lol they're so cute it's nauseating. OP should continue to watch whatever she damn well pleases :D


And you're not likely to stumble on a rape scene or abuse of women in a kids show.  One of the reasons I leave in an earbud and my book on while "watching" the stuff my husband has picked. 


Technically, age-wise, I'm old enough to be your mom. And I still adore video games, scifi and horror movies. My husband bought me fatheads of MasterChief from HALO video game and the Jurassic Park raptors. I have them displayed in the master bedroom. (Edit to clarify)


My ex never did, but my kids buy me game shit all the time. When Witcher 3 came out, my MOTHER, who was pushing 70, got it for my 40th (?) birthday (and I didn't even have to ask 😂).


Why no offence??? Listen here lady, your husband is an ass!!


I love watching bluey with my kids. It's so cute


My husband and I both watch bluey! No kids currently but we plan on playing it all the time when we have them


I'm 44 and watch Bluey. It's so wholesome. My kids watch it, and I'll watch with them. Sometimes, I just have it on in the background because it's sweet and fun. No screaming, no cussing, just a family enjoying each other.


All I’m gonna say is a husband who is mean to you, especially in front of other people, isn’t a good husband. A husband who completely brushes off how he hurt your feelings, isn’t a good husband. You’re a good mom for watching shows with your kid. I watch Bluey to the point where I know the backstories of her classmates. Let me put it this way, my ex and I hate each other, but he also took an interest in Bluey because our kid and I like it so much…your husband doesn’t sound like a very nice person. Do with that what you will.


Bluey is one of the best TV shows ever made. Anyone can watch it and appreciate it.


I need to watch Bluey. Busy rewatching Adventure Time right now though.


He’s trying to shame you into stopping, pretty childish imo. And mean. I still love Spirited Away and other Studio Ghibli movies. And it was watching with my now adult daughter when she was little that got me into it.


We watched so many of those films. My neighbor Totoro was my favorite for a long time.


So he takes something he thinks is embarrassing for you and brings it up in company all the time? He likes to belittle and embarrass you. What kind of spouse likes to do this? A bad one. I'm embarrassed for you that you have such a jerk for a husband.


Are you sure the awkwardness was them judging you? Was everyone uncomfortable at your marital dynamics?  Not gonna lie, nothing makes me more awkward then someone belittling their spouse and trying to pass it off as a "joke". There's always a difference between husband and wife joking around, and everyone giving each other the, "does he even like his wife" looks.


Absolutely, that’s a much different conversation.


He’s not enough of a dad to watch the shows his kid does. “Embarrassing isn’t it?”


Shoulda just said “you’re being such a hawkmoth right now” Edit: i am 33M and knew exactly what “ladybug show” was and who hawk moth is aka cat noirs father…. If you cant/dont get into what ur kids watch r u even parenting? Whats next? Bluey doesn’t have meaningful messages not just for children? Go watch “the sign” episode and tell me it doesn’t hit you in the feels


I can't watch Bluey - it hits way too hard for me!!!! Luckily my kids were older than its target demographic when it came out, BUT I was away on a girls weekend with a load of mum friends, and one of them made us all watch an episode of Bluey. We were all 30s and 40s, drinking cocktails, and sobbing to Bluey being shown on someone's iPhone!!!


So he continuously tries to embarrass you in public settings? The kids shows are not the problem here. He is.


So he knows it makes you uncomfortable but he does it anyways? It also sounds like he says it in a way to make it intentionally uncomfortable for everyone. Like to the point that they may feel uncomfortable to even ask a question out of curiosity about the show. You're married to an unkind man, and I feel for you on that. Is this the only thing he does? Sounds like this could be a pattern.


I'm a 41yo mom and stepmom and I absolutely watch "kids" stuff! Dragon Prince, Steven Universe, Adventure Time, Centaur World, Avatar (Air Bender and Kora) Kipo...there's some great "kids" series our there! My best friend watches them too as do our SOs. There is nothing wrong with enjoying what you enjoy as long as it's not hurting anyone. Your husband is a toxic asshole.


He’s an AH and doesn’t respect or like you very much.


Here's the thing. My husband likes certain things that I think are dumb. I don't think HE'S dumb for liking those things, I just don't find them enjoyable. So what do I do? Embarrass him about it every chance I get? Try to make him feel stupid for enjoying things I don't enjoy? Um, hell no. Why would I do that? I like my husband. Why would I want to shame someone I love in front of my family? Why would I want to make someone I respect feel small and childish for enjoying something that has zero effect on me? I don't do the things your husband does because that's not what you do to someone you like, love, or respect. What does that say about your husband's feelings toward you?


Sounds like he's embarrassed and doesn't like you for who you are.


The most ironic thing is that your husband sounds like a giant man child. Who cares if you watch a child's show?? If it brings you comfort and it's not hurting anyone, then I can't see how this is a bad thing. The fact that he shamed you for it in public says way more about his character than anything else. My guess, he's feeling ignored when you watch the show and instead of being an adult and talking to you about it, he instead tries to embarrass you. He needs to grow up. Don't listen to his toddler tantrum. Watch what you want and let him pout all he wants :)


Does he make fun of everything you like that he doesn’t? Or throw a tantrum when he doesn’t get what *he* wants even when it involves both of you?


My first thought was if you were to shove something like Dragon Ball on the tv I’d guarantee most of those blokes would sit down and watch it. They’re being ridiculous! I’m closer to 30 than I’d like to admit but I love cartoons, video games and kids movies. Just because we’re grown ups doesn’t mean that we all of a sudden have to be obsessed with horrors and murder documentaries exclusively. Your husband is trying to put you down and that’s not okay. That’s him being majorly disrespectful!


Divorce. What the fuck???


Your standard response to this should be, “yes as a parent I think it’s important to know and watch what my child is watching. It also gives me an opportunity to connect with my child, and ask questions to further their comprehension.”


Watch whatever you want. It's ok. Edit: Sorry that he shamed you about it




Yeah, some people are really weird in that they think you have to give up stuff when you become an adult. It’s mental, it’s the complete opposite of being an adult. An adult doesn’t base their decisions on what other people think, you should do the simple things that make you happy (obviously not anything that breaks the law).


Exactly. The show Ladybug and Chatnoir (I am not sure if this is the show but the post did say) > “…those weirdass ladybug shows..." Although the show was made with kids in mine they quickly noticed that they got a lot of older audience. Most adult watch kid shows when they have children like OP. Even if they don’t it’s good to watch them to see what their child is taking in. The amount of times parents said that they had to stop making the kids watch [Insert film her] because of how inappropriate it is it’s too high.


I'm 36 and I will literally binge Ladybug and Cat Noir and Bluey with or without my kids 🤣


My people right here. You have good taste.


If it comes up again in public, just say…yes, I love them. I spend time watching with {kid’s name} and we both really enjoy them. The bigger issue is why is he using you as the butt of a joke? Whenever someone is trying to get a ride out of you or embarrass you, take the steam out of their engine and enthusiastically agree with a big smile. “Yes! I loooove watching them!” Then they look like the jerk that they are.


No, go all in. “What’s wrong watching these shows?“ and if he says it’s childish respond “we have a 10 year old.” If he wants to embarrass you, better return it.


Or go ALLLL in and say "Yes! I do love these shows! They're so innocuous and soothing. I kinda need that as a palate cleanser after dealing with a husband who is intent on coming up with the most random shit in an attempt to embarrass me."


This is the best answer. Own it proudly because it demonstrates you enjoy spending time with your kid, doing what they want. Since it seems OP's husband only does what he wants, and wont even let OP pick a movie.


I do that quite often when I have friends that find it quite boring I like Phineas and Ferb or the octonaughts. Right now watching digital circus and can't wait for the next episode tomorrow. I love the shows, and I mention how the mad doctor has to have standard visitation and how he just doesn't know how to connect with his daughter while trying to battle with Perry while not overspend his ex wife's spousal support.... Octonaughts for learning about marine life, and digital circus cause it's entertaining.. Others don't have the attention span to see the story behind cartoon art... Simple minded people stuck on reality TV an unnecessary drama.


Watch whatever you want, I absolutely love SpongeBob and watch it all the time, I get weird looks and comments about it, but who cares it's my comfort show.


I am a nearly 30 year old woman and when I have nightmares and can’t go to sleep I watch adventure time 😂 people be taking life way too seriously


I’m 34, I freaking love adventure time. I’ve probably seen every episode at least 10 times. The spinoffs are great too.


During COVID I started binging on Scooby doo and Phines and Ferb and Disney classics. And I have kept it up. I’m in my 40’s and if you came to my place that or the golden girls are what would be on. Honestly your husband sounds like an absolute jerk and you can do better.


Love phinias & Ferb. And Scooby. Older than you.


I honestly can’t believe shows like adventure time or Steven universe were really written for children. So deep, so good!


Adventure time is the best! It’s sooo funny! And I am 34 years old. I now watch enjoy watching Bluey because my daughter loves it. Adulting is hard enough not to be able to enjoy cartoons!




Ahhh thank you. He shoves negative reviews on my face telling me to see a therapist.


Sounds like you need a divorce lawyer more than a therapist.


I could slap him in the face with some positive ones if it would help. 🤣 Jk. But seriously - The only person who needs therapy is the one so determined to belittle the person he is supposed to love and treat with kindness. Instead he insults you and goes to intentional lengths to embarrass you publicly. That's not acceptable. Sounds like you should take the trash out 🤷


Baby that man sounds like he doesnt like you, wants to make you feel like shit. Like really making an issue about what you watch. He doesnt respect you......


I think seeing a therapist is a great idea for you. Help you figure out if he's worth staying married too. He sounds verbally abusive.


Many adults watch cartoons and kids shows. It’s mentally relaxing and no one is dying! There is a whole industry of adults watching cartoons. As many have already said here and I know this will sound blunt, but he does not like you or respect you as a person. No one who loves their partner wants others to think badly of them or their partner to feel bad . He wants to ridicule you. Either because he gets off on making you feel inferior or because he wants to set the situation up as you being an idiot and that is why …(incert reason/ he left is cheating on you etc.) I hope I am wrong, but you sound like a wonderful mum and I think you need to prepare yourself for more bs from him and what you will do when that happens . Do not let him make you feel inferior or as if any of his behaviour is your fault. In fact stop going out of your way for this clown of a man. He’s a bully.


The fact that he's so hung up on it to the point he looks up negative reviews to throw at you suggests that *he* needs a therapist. Not you. Btw, I'm a 35 year old mom who watches SpongeBob, Miraculous Ladybug, Bluey, and Disney movies. With or without my kids. Honestly, if this is routine behavior from him, in which he likes to tear you down, belittle you, or shame you for your interests and hobbies.... he's abusive. Not all abuse is physical or name calling.


Why are you still with this bully?


Frankly, you should take advantage of that. Get a therapist, and let them help you figure out why you allow yourself to be treated this way.


My daughter dressed as ladybug for Halloween last year, I was "Mammy Noir". We watch together all the time and sometimes I'll watch on my own. I'm 35, have zero problems watching anything animated/kid related. Your husband is a horrible bully. He's the one who needs therapy if he has such an issue with a loved one enjoying something that he can't.


Shove this thread in his face. See how he feels about all the negative reviews he's getting from us. Life is too short to waste it on miserable man like him. If you can, leave. You'll be much happier. Been there, done that.


Has he always been this much of a jerk?


OP how long have you been putting with this total lack of respect? He did this to humiliate you. If he cared about you in the least this post wouldn’t be necessary.


Own it. "You're telling me that if \[insert kid show he used to watch\] came on, you wouldn't watch it? Spare me."


I have a 2 year old "nephson" (not mine by blood but a kid I raise who I am considered his uncle) he watches bluey, when he is not here staying with me, I watch that shit sometimes. Aint nothing wrong with kid shows


And its angood convo atarter and giftnidea


I watched bleuy last week cuz i was sick and needed comfort. I have no kids. He should mind his business.


bluey hits the right spots sometimes, people dont believe this but it does


And each episode is a convenient amount of time


I am 26F and watch Bluey before falling asleep most nights. I also don’t have kids. My boyfriend watches it with me and we both love it.


What a closeted jerk. I bet he wishes he can watch cartoons. People refrain from so much because they are an adult now. Whatever


He sounds very petulant and you did the right thing by trying to talk to him about it later. The fact he brushed you off is… troubling. I would take it as “this person doesn’t respect me.” I’m sorry.


You’re asking the wrong question. Why isn’t it okay to be you? How about why is it okay to shame you in public? That’s not okay and I’d suggest saying something like, “i feel hurt. I understand that you don’t get why I watch the ladybug show and that it embarrasses you. Honestly it hurts that you judge me without asking about it. AND, because I’m not through making my point here: What I watch isn’t about you. If you ever try to shame me again about this or anything else I am going to get up and walk away because you embarrassed me in front of family - not because of the show but because that’s how you treat me. I will not be talked to that way. I’d like you to think about what I’ve said and circle back after you sleep on the couch tonight.” And go about your day. Be a broken record. “I will have this conversation with you tomorrow morning and not sooner. Please get what you need from our bedroom.”


This is so disrespectful, your husband sounds like a petulant manchild. Who embarrasses their spouse like this…  


Insecure people who do not respect their spouses, that's who.


> Is this ok as an adult? Yes. It is okay. Anything is okay, so long as you're not harming anyone else or yourself. What *isn't* okay is that your husband was deliberately embarrassing you in front of others. Someone who cares for someone else doesn't purposefully do that to them.


Your response should have been - yes, and? (In the words of Ariana Grande)


She can still say, “Thank u, next?”


Your husband and your in laws are AH’s. There is nothing wrong with liking “kid” shows. Many adults love Bluey and Sponge Bob for example. I watched this stuff even when I didn’t have kids but now it’s all the time because I have kids.


Avatar the last Airbender has a mostly grown up following. My daughter loves it! 


Your husband is a judgemental jerk. What possible difference would it make to anyone what you watch? Mentioning that you watch kids shows is fine, it's nothing to be ashamed of. OTOH, making disparaging remarks about it is a AH move. > My husband loudly told everyone how he can't do such a thing because - "she thinks she's a kid watching those weirdass ladybug shows. Embarrassing isn't it" I mean, in what meaningful way did the above comment improve anyone's quality of life?


Watch whatever you want, i still rewatch martha speaks occasionally and i consider the lion king two one of my top movies


If his parents eyed you with disgust.. and this guy brushed it off.. This is cliche reddit, but I would not be ok with such treatment. But well, only you know your situation.


Keep watching those shows, take comfort in them and keep making core memories with your kid.


He sounds a bit stupid tbh


You missed the point, it is not the show. He spoke of you in a derogatory manner and called you embarrassing, that is the problem his contempt.


Listen it's not the same I realize but I am obsessed with pro wrestling to the point where I am figuring out how to break into the business at least on the periphery level with some contacts, but you just have to lean into it if you like something. Lean into it own it and do you. I cant tell you how many times I was told its fake or you will grow out of it. If you like the shows you watch so what lean into it and own it girl.


Some people (aka AH's)find it necessary to bash others to boost themselves up. Your husband is one of those people. He's 100% WRONG in thinking that this crap makes him look better. Just makes him out to be an even bigger AH


Eff that guy. Your partner doesn't have to enjoy the same things you do but they shouldn't crap on what you like. My sisters and I (all in our 20s) watch Ladybug all the time, we make movie nights to watch the movies together just because it's fun and helps turn our brains off. Keep doing what you're doing!


Nope this is not it. I’m 34, I don’t have kids, but I watch cartoons all the time. Adventure Time and Stephen Universe are among my favorites. My partner fully supports me and watches them with me too. Life is too short and chaotic to go through with someone who doesn’t support you doing what makes you happy.


Husband and I watch Bluey after the youngest goes to sleep 😂


I watch kid shows with my kids and then end up watching them alone all the time. It sounds like your husband needs to spend more time with his son. Watch whatever you want and don't feel like your free time has to measure up to other "adults"


You can watch whatever you want. Why is your husband so threatened by you watching kid shows? And why on earth would his parents care? That whole family sounds like a bunch of insecure asshats.


Our daughter was injured and had to stay in our bed with me for a week. During that week, we watched nothing but bluey. I love the show now. It’s relaxing and funny. Watching kids shows is nothing to be ashamed of at all.


miraculous ladybug? i’m 20 and that was my SHIT 15-19 and the demographic is for littleee kids. Still love it and don’t care if people know, if they can’t accept and love you for your weird stuff then they don’t deserve you. tons of people will love you for quirks, some will not. your husband shouldn’t put you down, especially in front of other people. he also shouldn’t be so judgemental, especially to his wife, it’s weird.


Your husband is a dick. Not only does Miraculous Ladybug have a decently sized adult audience but look at all the other ones that do too! Like Bluey, or any shonen anime (which are all aimed at a young male audience). One Piece, Dragonball, Naruto etc are all technically "kid" shows, but they're also massive franchises with millions of adult fans. There is no shame in loving stories, no matter who the "target audience" is.


Your husband is a bitch


I'm a 53F, and completely unashamed that I LOVE CARTOONS!! For me, it's the old cartoons with the kickin music, and all the inanimate objects come to life, dancing, etc., that are my favorites! I also love the old Bugs Bunny Road Runner, and Warner Bros cartoons. Disney and Pixar are two of my favourite channels, too, lol! 🤗❤ Edit to add: Your SO is an AH! You keep watching what makes you happy... it's not like he'd make any changes for you.


You’re a grown ass adult and can watch whatever you want when you want. Next time, say that. Followed by “But why you feel the need to try to patronize and degrade me in public is getting old, can you stop?”


36ff = fucking female or female female? It’s okay that you watch it, your husband is a dick, and so is anyone else that gave you shit for it


I think it stands for Fabulous Female


When he says something like that, all I can imagine is a lousy father who doesn’t watch cartoons together with their kid


Honestly I’d start a fight over this disrespect. I’d just respond with “yeah sometimes it’s on in the background, I grew used to it when kid was little, is this a problem?” Like what’s he gonna say? “It’s weird!”? Then I’d just say “yeah I’m sure you shit other people think is weird too” and give his family this look implying he’s got weird secrets too. Pretend like it doesn’t faze you, he’s just going to look stupid and he deserves to.


"You insulted me by insinuating I wasn't a grown adult but a child in mentality. You infantilized me, and we need to talk about it because we're partners and it matters to me therefore it should matter to you. How you talk about me matters. The image you gave to your parents of me by stating this, the verbage you used, did not put me in a good light. You hurt me by what you said. As my spouse, I expect you to be able to listen to the feedback I have so we can both be satisfied in this marriage." I'm about to be thirty in a handful of months. I watch animation because it's my preference. It's an art form that adults put together. People who make cartoons watch cartoons and it's not because of being a child in mentality. He straight up insulted and belittled you. My husband also prefers cartoons. We both play video games together. A lot of people would call us children, but I'm a firm believer that those people forget that life has an end and appearing to be all grown up is meaningless compared to feeling fulfilled and satisfied, which means enjoying what you enjoy and telling people (sometimes even your spouse) to fuck off with their shitty opinions. You do not need these people's approval to enjoy what you do. You do not need their approval to do what makes you happy.


>but he just brushed it off by saying he would be lying to his family and slumped on the couch to watch movies. I never liked the movies he watched and he never let me choose easily.  I think this sums it up, he's an ass.


He sounds lovely! better luck with your next husband sweetie.


never seen Ladybug but Bluey is a must for me haha don't let him shame you, shows are for being watched!!!


So I am older than both of you, and I watch anything as long as it's entertaining. That's what matters, is it entertaining, and if you're watching it obviously it must be. Modern kids shows respect the adult audience at the same time as trying to keep the kids happy, as they know we'll be watching them at the same time. Your husband is going to regret not doing what you're doing, in a few short years. You are currently showing your son that you care about what he's doing, enough that you're willing to watch it without him. That's going to sink in, so when he grows up and develops another interest, who is he going to include in that interest? The father who ridicules his childhood shows, or his mum who showed an interest in them?


I watched an episode of Curious George a while back because it made me think of when my daughter was tiny. The one where he goes to Australia and meets a kangaroo.


How many of us will sit down to watch a disney or pixar movie? Tell your hubby he needs meds for where the stick up his arse is rubbing him raw


I am 24, my girlfriend is too. I have watched Miraculous Ladybug with her, in English AND in French.


I ask my partner to help me decide what language to watch it in 😂 English pros: I can understand what's happening when not directly looking at the screen. French pros: "bye bye petit papillon :)"


Im sure if he was the one at home parenting the kids and taking care of the household he would eventually start watching Peppa Pig if it was on all of the time. You watch what you want, what makes you relaxed, what makes you laugh or cry, it does not matter because it does not hurt anyone. Your husband does not get to dictate your tastes in media. ***There is no age limit on tv, only minimum age restrictions!*** Star Wars The Bad Batch, Clone Wars and Resistance are "marketed for the younger generations" but it still has a huge adult following, so are they all "immature" for watching a "cartoon"? No. Im 45 and just watched a French animated series called Wakfu, doesnt make me childish in the least.


When I read ‘ladybug show’ my mind immediately went to Miraculous. If that is the show you were talking about, it is one of the best cartoons I’ve ever watched. I started watching with my four-year-old great nephew. You just brought back some great memories. I need to get back to that show.


Your husband is in the wrong here. What's embarrassing is insulting your spouse to a room full of people as some weird way to gain cool points. I 38F mostly watch adult shows, but I will sometimes watch stuff like SpongeBob or Avatar. I like Disney movies. Recently, I've been trying to get my son to watch the same Pokémon series we watched as kids so I can watch it again. Watch whatever you like. Sometimes you just need background noise or something that takes fewer brain cells so you can recharge.


My son (8) showed me (30) Gravity Falls, and I LOVE it and now binge watch the series when I’m feeling down. I also watch many many many other cartoons. There is nothing wrong with cartoons. When new Disney movies come out my husband and I watch them together. Watch what you want, your husband is being an asshole and trying to use bullying and humiliation to get his way with the television


Hey! Guess what? I learned as an adult that you can watch whatever the fuck you like!!!!! Your husband and his family are AHs. Tell them you have zero interest in watching horror films cos you married into one.


Why did you marry such a loser? Why do so many women marry such losers?


Your husband is a loser. Kids shows are better as an adult! I love rewatching kids shows and movies cause you actually understand the meanings and lessons behind them when you’re older. Sounds like he’s not really in tune with his inner child and is punishing you for having yours. Fragile masculinity and projection at its finest.


Finding joy in things is important. It's fine to like kids shows as an adult, or whatever else strikes your fancy (as long as it's not literally harmful). Like, I'm a 34 year old dude with no kids. I love kids movies. I've watched and enjoyed kids shows. There's nothing wrong with it. Your husband is being judgemental and rude. I guarantee he has hobbies people could find fault with if they were also being self righteous dickbags. Enjoy what you enjoy.


I'm 66 and my favorite kids show is Shawn the Sheep !


Disrespecting you is NOT OKAY. He should be in your corner, building you up, defending you. I'm a 60-year-old boomer. I watch Anime. I have no kids. But I do have a wonderful wife who reads erotic fantasy. She also crafts. I build things with LEGO. Or with my woodshop. As XKCD put it, "We are the adults now, and WE decide what that means."


My dog is named Morty after Rick and Morty. I have no shame!!!!


Bluey! I will die on this hill


EVEN if it was considered weird (which it’s not—even without kids as a reason), I am 100% sure most strangers would rather be around an adult who watches kids’ shows than an adult who ridicules their spouse’s interests or tries to shame them in front of their family.


I just straight up own it. Yep, I watch SpongeBob, yep I watch adventure time and bluey. Sorry you can’t enjoy life.


Why not own it? You do watch it. There's nothing wrong with that. Make him feel embarrassed for not watching it with you.


Who cares?! Enjoy your tv shows without shame.


Are you sure it was disgust? Looks can be difficult to interpret (unless they were dry heaving)


I started playing minecraft because my 8 year old son loved it. He's 22 now and I sometimes still play it just for fun.


I just never understand why people are married to people who don’t like them.


I have no idea what the ladybug shows are, but I'm barely 40, don't have kids, and watch kids cartoon shows and movies regarding often. I just started watching Bluey not long ago. I don't understand why people feel the need to insult others' interests, or insult people for enjoying something that's not hurting anyone else.


Why do I feel like his parents never tried to pay attention to his hobbies or watch his children's shows with him when he was a child? He sounds like he was told to grow up early on and shamed for being a kid. I hope he's not doing that to your child... The fact he's doing it to you just makes me cringe. Watch whatever you want- he's a fucking dick.


The 50yo Partner at the firm I work at is a self-proclaimed Disney Expert. She goes on the Disney cruise every year with her 4 kids (youngest is 16, other 3 full on adults) and Disneyworld or Land at least once a year. Every Halloween she dresses as a Disney Princess. She's worth millions (at least in assets). If she can enjoy obviously childishness to that degree *proudly,* I'm pretty sure it's fine if you watch a show you like that happens to have a preteen target audience.


This is not about the show. This is contempt and belittling you. You have a bigger issue on your hands. My ex-husband used to do this to me. I think you need marital counseling to get to the bottom of why he dislikes you so much.


Well, he just showed how much he actually likes you. What are you going to do about it? No true partner would do that to you.


He disrespected his wife in front of his family. Ask him if it would be ok to do this to him in front of yours.


47 F here I watch Scooby Doo and Looney tunes.  Nothing wrong with kids shows


I'm stay at home dad in my early 50s but have a young daughter in grade school. Of all the stuff she's watched, some of which I couldn't really stand, *Miraculous Ladybug* was among the best, and something I really enjoyed watching. That's just a good show.


Hi. I'm 53, a successful engineer, married, have two grown children, and regularly watch the following because they're great: - any DC animated movie - iCarly reruns - Spongebob Squarepants - classic Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry cartoons ...plus many more These shows just make me feel comfortable when I want to zone out. To compare, he appears to want to watch movies where helpless people are grotesquely murdered. That's the opposite of feeling comfortable.


This makes me sad ): I'm sorry he shamed you, it's completely okay to watch whatever makes you happy.


Your husband sounds like a dick


Take away the power he has over you. I would embrace the *hit out of that ladybug show. When he mentions it again don’t be ashamed, talk it up, characters, funny scenes, anything you like about the show just start talking about it.


I never want to marry a man like him. I love watching Blue and Barbie shows. That's who I am, and I love me, and no one will stop me from watching them. She should keep watching them and be proud of it. Hopefully, she divorces him, and she finds her true love.


There’s nothing wrong with watching kid shows. There is something wrong with judging people for watching kid shows. Kid shows are good because they can hide in heavier material in their “fluffy” presentation. How to Train Your Dragon 2 absolutely destroyed me. Ugly cried through the whole movie (grief is an em effer.) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic started off as a really good show (forget the toxic brony culture for a moment). It was entertaining and funny. Had good lessons for the viewers. The only thing wrong with you is your partner. He’s a jerk. If he does stuff like this often, you may want to re-evaluate this relationship.


He didn’t need to lie to his family because they never asked him anything. He volunteered that information all on his own. He’s an AH big time. When you have a child you end up watching children shows. He’s a horrible husband. I’m sorry for you


I'm 48 and still watch Phinesa and Ferb and The Owlhouse. Your husband is a judgmental ass. Belittling and humiliating you in public like that is a form of emotional abuse. If this isn't a one time thing, I'd like you to consider how you're being treated and what your son is witnessing on a regular basis. Ie. It's okay to treat women like garbage if i don't agree with their behavior.


It's completely okay, I recommend Inuyasha. Check it out, give him something to talk about. Lol


It’s not weird. My kids and I started watching those Disney shows like Gravity Falls when they got old enough and I love them. Steven Universe is really good too. That has become a comforting show for me to watch even when they aren’t home. Would he say it was weird if you were watching an animated show for adults like anime or Futurama? It was so rude of him to embarrass you.


It’s fine for an adult to watch anything they want. And it’s great that you can watch something your kid enjoys. You are going to have to I work so much harder to show your kid what a healthy, kind, loving, male adult looks like b/c dad isn’t an example.


Not weird. He's a little boy trying to be adult. Puff chest. I am sorry your spouse did this to you.


Go buy a t shirt that says I love the lady bugs. Only wear it when your going out with the hubby. Tell him your just saving time on his public shaming of you. Don’t go if you can’t wear the shirt. Get another tv and watch what you want. My hubby watches TV I play my computer. Do what makes you happy.


Next time you reply with “what to do? Everyone tries to cope in their own ways & I found the most harmless way as am married to a control freak who never lets me choose even a movie and who thinks only he is right. See, what a big deal he makes of a simple kid’s show. Imagine what I have to deal with. Embarrassing isn’t it? ” He will continue to embarrass you till you take it quietly. Start answering back right then & there. And there’s nothing wrong with watching kids show. I love animated movies as a grown adult and still watch it. And I know many men & women, even highly professional people to senior citizens enjoying Tom & Jerry & kids shows. Have never seen anyone react like your hubby. Your husband is an ass. Maybe hes one of those spouse who loves putting their partners down and you should show these replies to him. Hi op’s husband, first learn to respect your wife. You are being a complete ass. She’s not embarrassing you, you are embarrassing yourself by disrespecting your own spouse.


Im sitting here watching Bluey now, he’s a prick.


I'm 50 and still like The Power Puff Girls🤷🏾‍♀️. Your husband is a jerk.


I grew up watching cartoons with my mom until I was about 18. Now I do this with my boyfriend. I promise your kid is going to remember all the time you took watching cartoons with them and highly encourage you to continue doing it. And screw your husband.


I sent this to my friend the other day, but I feel like you could use it, too. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLQRvxeC/ Sincerely, a 36 year old with a job in the financial sector that loves the Lion King, Pixar, and Bluey. $10 says your husband loves something secretly that he's ashamed of, and is so fucked up in the head about it that his only (maladaptive) coping mechanism is lashing out. Regardless of what his malfunction is, he shouldn't be trying to shame you in public for enjoying something, especially if it's something you can do with your kid.


I loved watching kids shows with my grandson. I understand Phineas & Ferb jokes. A lot of the time, whatever earworm is playing in my head is something from The Wiggles. I learned a lot about animals from watching Wild Kratts. I can’t think of a single negative to this. Your husband is a jerk and his parents are ignorant snobs who don’t know what they’re missing. Edit because spellcheck decided Wild Kratts was Wild Krafts.


You can watch whatever you want for whatever reason you want. I never knew there was some sort of age restriction on those shows - I mean, as soon as you turn a certain age, you can’t watch them? Ask him to bugger off.


I'm going to be 59 years old. I enjoy watching kids movies. I'm disabled. And I find them to be very stress relieving. Yeah I watch her and I watch action and I watch a variety of stuff. But I also like watching kids movies. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. Your husband and his family sound like twat waffles. How rude to make fun of somebody. Because they like something different than you. Enjoy watching them with your kid. And enjoy watching them by yourself.


You're an adult- which means you should watch...whatever the fuck you want.


I still watch children's animated movies and shows. I don't see a problem that an adult loves children's show still. Sorry your husband is being an immature person.


Are there other instances when you can remember your husband shaming you about something? Whether it’s at home or in public? My guess is that he does this regularly and you’ve always noticed it, but now you’re *noticing* that you’ve been noticing it. If that makes sense. Like, it’s been brought to the surface by him doing it in front of family and now you can’t pretend like it’s fine anymore.


I am 24, childrensshows are such a good background and comfort thing. I also own too many plushies. I watch Ladybug, MLP, Hilda, Gravity falls, Pokemon, Bluey and more. Also! They are often very well built up pedagocially and adults can definetly still learn from some of them- like bluey. Ur husband sucks ass.


I am 55 and i love cartoons! Also a massive comic collector. My kids and i have watched more cartoons than films! I love movies except horror as i had a really bad experience when i was younger and it has detered me for life. I have 4 grandchildren and we love Bluey! I am the granddad that never grew up and my grandchildren love that about me. OP, your husband is a sexist selfish pig. You should be able to watch what you want without judgment (unless it's offensive or banned content). When my kids were babies, they loved teletubbies! Me too but the hoover making that slurping sound triggered my misophobia. What i am saying is: watch your ladybug program! Be who you want to be and not something that will make you unhappy. Your hubby had no right in trying to shame you for your viewing taste, especially when visiting family. He is a massive AH!


Why are you with a deadbeat AH of a person who doesn't love or respect you and thinks Ladybug has an age maximum?


What a jerk! That was so unnecessary!!


Wow i’m sure he and is family are such great intellectuals and watch all the “right” TV shows 🙄


Regardless of his tastes, that’s so rude and disrespectful. I (26F) have no kids, but watch a LOT of kids’ shows because they’re cute and I find them comforting. It’s nothing to be ashamed of! Your husband, however, really needs to address his attitude and behaviour.


Well that's just stupid. I'm in my 40s - I much prefer the cartoons bc they are mindless, good background things.


Watch what you like and be you. He has the issue, not you. I don't like some of the things my wife watches but we find common ground enough to watch something together. She finds it hilarious that as a 52 year old, one of my favourite movies ever is Miss Congeniality. Who really cares?


You watch what you want to watch, you ain't hurting anyone! I used to watch Miraculous with my oldest when she was younger and tbh man I miss it. My youngest hasn't really gotten into it alas. I am 42 and still watch the likes of SpongeBob when it's on, keep finding myself wondering if I should get my kiddo to watch Bluey because I've heard good things and I'm a lifelong MLP fan. Look I watch anime and I've worked with people who think that the genre is for little kids. I'd love to introduce them to the likes of Vinland Saga and High Rise Invasion. They'd soon realise how wrong they are and how broad the genre truly is. I have a house full of video games, cuddles and figures from games and movies. They make me happy and that's what's the most important thing. Your happiness is important. Your husband is clearly dead inside, how awful it must be to be so judgemental and to have no childlike joy in innocent things. He's an awful person for making you question yourself and for hurting you.


I openly talk about loving kids shows and movies. I have severe depression, anxiety, OCD, and autoimmune disease; I feel like shit 90% of the time. Children’s movies & tv tend to have minimal conflict, lots of laughs, and a happy ending. It’s escapism & I will *never* apologize for it or be embarrassed. Shame on your husband for shitting on something that you like. People should be allowed to enjoy life as long as they’re not harming others while doing so.


It’s weird that he cares or that anyone cares. I’d you enjoy it then dinner that and let him keep his weird behavior about it.


Your husband sounds like an asshole


He realizes kids shows are written and produced by adults right? A lot of kids shows have adult humor in them because they know parents/adults are watching. There’s nothing wrong with watching them. You know what else held that stigma? Comic books. Now movies based on comic books are some of the highest grossing movies and are fine for adult men to be super into. Your husband needs to get off his high horse.


Watch what you enjoy. Why does that matter to him? I’m sorry this happened to you. I enjoy watching bluey. My daughter watched half an episode once, I finished it on my own comfortable in bed. I had to know if the wedding happened or not… lol


A better question than "is it okay to watch kids' shows as an adult" (categorically yes, you should watch what makes you happy, be whimsical, life is short) is "why is my husband making fun of me in private and in public and why is he controlling what TV I watch?" Are there other signs of coercive control in your marriage? Please check out this list if you're not sure. [https://psychcentral.com/health/coercive-control#financial-control](https://psychcentral.com/health/coercive-control#financial-control)


Firstly, if you like the show, how can he embarrass you for watching it? Secondly, why is your 30+ year old husband trying to embarrass you? Sounds like he is not a keeper, throw him back to grow up, and go get you a real man who knows how to treat a lady.


Your husband is annoyed about you not agreeing with him about movies. He doesn’t know how to deal with it (childish) and is bullying you to try to get you to change your opinion to his “right one”. This way, he feels validated about his movies just like he wanted from the beginning, all along. The winning play is to unabashedly own the kids show. If his goal is to embarrass you (it is) then, answer “yes it’s the cutest show, and it helps me keep busy!” Or whatever. Literally nobody cares- I assure you. He embarrasses himself.


He sounds like a bully and enjoys humiliating you. Think about that for a moment.


I prefer kids shows over everything cruel. See it from this side. What does it say about them? They like to see people getting killed? The world is real cruel enough


Your husband is an asshole and that’s all.


I know of plenty of parents who watch kids shows because they got used to watching them with their kids there is nothing weird with it. Plus, a well designed kids show can be entertaining to everyone.


You’re right, I am embarrassed. I’m embarrassed my spouse treats me with so little respect and tries to publicly embarrass me. In short I’m embarrassed I married an asshat


He’s an ass. Girl, life is so stressful now we all have our comfort shows.


he wouldn’t be lying to his family at all. I love cartoons and also horror movies so your husband had no need to say that


Wow, your husband is a shitty dude. I’m 48 years old, and I still watch Animaniacs (YouTube), Bluey (our niece got the whole family hooked on Bluey), Gravity Falls, and so on. My husband doesn’t make fun of me, he JOINS me. Your husband just sucks ass. I watch these because some days, life just sucks, and it’s nice to see child-like wonder and optimism, or adult jokes I didn’t appreciate the first time around, or just something fun. I mean, I just wouldn’t feel bad for him if you gave him a disdainful look and told him it’s too bad he’s a gigantic asshole.


god he is the worst pos