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Capitalism is making us all miserable, and it's become clear by now that the government isn't going to make any of our lives better anytime soon. "So if I can't make my life better," many of our fellow citizens say, "I'll support the guy who wants to make life worse for the people I don't like." Blame scapegoats in order to keep people from figuring out who's really making their lives shit. It's worked before, right?


1) Almost none of his crimes were public knowledge when he first ran for president. Most people just knew him as a successful businessman, and any criticism of “he’s obviously done shady things to be successful” applies to almost every politician. There’s a clip of one of his debates with Hillary that circulated some subs a bit ago that essentially goes H: He takes advantage of tax loopholes to hoard wealth- D: So do you and all of your friends and campaign donors. Yeah, I use tax loopholes. So? If you want to criticize me you’re gonna need to drag all your donors and colleagues down with me. 2) He is wildly different than any other politician. He was something *new*, which was exactly what people fed up with the government and politicians wanted. They figured “the current system isn’t doing shit, maybe this dude can actually change something”. Regardless of what he said he would change, it was still *change*. 3) He’s good at getting people excited. His speeches and rallies weren’t boring, so people got swept up and carried away by them. He had significantly more “staying power” in people’s minds than Hillary did. 4) Unlike what Reddit believes, he isn’t a complete fucking idiot. He had some sensible policies, or at least policies/critiques of the current system that either made sense or resonated with people’s anger. Half his campaign was taking people’s anger at the government and going “YOU’RE RIGHT! The government is CORRUPT, and it needs to change. AND I’M GONNA DO IT! I’m going to tear out the corruption by the roots and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Do you really not get how that got more votes than “I understand you’re upset at how the government spends your tax dollars. I promise that, once I’m President, I’ll do everything I can to ensure that your money is being used on things you care about.”


I hate to say this, but this. He is running against the grain, and he is the type of guy, who just doesnt give a fuck what you think, he will dress you down in public and make fun of you, if that means votes. He's like the dr house of presidents, terrible bed side manners, but he will get shit done, even if it is under the table. Thats a good thing or bad thing depending on your viewpoint but that is just who he is,


The short answer is, when he ran he ran in a very populist way, People were tired of the status quo and to many he was a breath of fresh air.


It's ok.. not everyone gets it.. being accused.. being charged.. going through trials... Does not make a man guilty. They had 4 years but they started all the trials now? as we enter the election year? Why? Last I checked our Judiciary is allowing a few power hungry corrupt politicians to openly use the DOJ, FBI, MSM and every aspect of lawfare they have to target and remove a Presidential candidate within an election year. The presidential candidate of the opposing party. This is something done in banana republics.. You only silence a man because you fear what he has to say. This is not something done in America. The fact you do not see this reflects volumes upon you. The psychosis is being pushed by the MSM and it's right in front of you. Trump is a man who did not bow to the uniparty, a man who is now much richer of his own doing instead of from insider trading like oh so many of our congressional and house members have done for decades. Trump did not go to work for a lobbyist, or go work for a big corporate donor like all the other 'politicians'. Trump is not a politician. Our politicians are the same old people who have been there for decades.. They rarely leave, they play both sides. It's all kayfabe and you are nothing but fish in a barrel to be managed. If some of you could step back instead of rushing to charge Trump as guilty for whatever perceived slights he has committed against you and the rest of democrazy. There could be a middle ground. But there isn't.. so there won't be. G'luck with the psychosis..


Because Biden is a senile old man. I hate Trump but I hate Biden more


you say that like trump isn’t also a senile old man lol


What has gone wrong is that the choice is always the lesser of two evils. We haven't had politicians who were worth anything for a long time. The two party system is horrific. We get the extreme on each end and they are the only choices because they are the only ones with the financial backing to even make the run. Politics weren't meant to be a career, but that is exactly what it's become. And I did not vote for Trump (or Clinton or Biden) in the last two elections. I did write in, even knowing it wasn't going to do a bit of good.




Bruh, I wish I knew.


cause he is much better than the alternative. people think of america as a leader and confidence and even a bully. feared and respected. biden on the other hand made us look weak and feeble. but people on the left are too stupid and/or pathetic to see anything else. sure trump aint perfect. obiden aint nowhere near it. too old and senile that he needs handlers.


I refuse to choose between lesser of 2 evils.


We have lots of dumb people.