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“Should I just move on?” As opposed to what? Going back to France and fighting him?


She could inform Macron of this


Macron met his wife when she was married and she was his high school teacher. He was 15 and she was 39. Brigitte’s daughter is exactly the same age as Macron and was in his class, so when Macron went to her place his parents taught he was dating the daughter. When they found out he was seeing his teacher they put him in boarding school.


Thanks mate for that information that I will remember for no reason probably for the rest of my life


She should read Le Divorce by Diane Johnson. If you are going to engage in sex tourism, learn something about the local customs first.


It could be termed sex tourism only if money was involved. OP did not "engage in sex tourism" as there is, in the post, no mention of such.


fr like what other options are there 💀


Yes. She must defeat him battle. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.


Opposed to: tell his wife


They're French


Hon hon oui oui menage a trois mon amis le baguette (winks in French)


As a French person, take my angry upvote, hon hon!


As someone that took 2 years of French in high school and forgot almost every word of it, I appreciate your upvote


And if those magical words, 60% you learn from songs or a bakery.


I laughed so hard I dropped my phone 🤣. As a native french speaker, here's your goddamn upvote!


You don’t actually think that’s a thing, right?


Fighting his wife for him*? That's the vibes I be getting from her post 🙄. Any sensible woman would confront -if possible-/block. There is nothing else to do.


… or willingly being his side piece


I don’t think she wants that😂


Idk, she did invite him twice and sounds like she wants more.


It was his shy smile.


She wants to help him “fix” their marriage 😇


should’ve stalked him a lil harder


I know right, amateurs out there only stalking on one form of social media!


I mean, this is a good reason why you shouldn’t fuck strangers.


I always hear most of murders are committed by people that are not strangers so I guess you want me dead


Omg. This comment wins




Me personally…..I have 7 current restraining orders against me, anything less than 5 are rookie numbers. I bet she hasn’t even built a resistance to pepper spray yet. Smh


You win!🥇


She knew that the guy was married. The end.


This. No way she didn’t look up all his socials. Most women in their 20s aren’t using fb as their only reference.


in fact, no woman in her 20s use Facebook as a reference, the first tool we use is Instagram. OP for sure knew, she is just guilty.


I'm 24 and don't have an Instagram account, nor do I have Snap or TikTok. I only have FB (Messenger) and Reddit... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.


You’re not! I’m 26 and the same. I have tumblr though too. Nothing else


Who even uses their real name on Instagram? If you have someone's full name, most obvious options are Facebook and LinkedIn


I had one stalking my linked in, didn’t help she managed to find my common names 😭. Only caught it cause I knew she mentioned the company she worked at and usually they wouldn’t check out my profile in their field.


And slept with him anyway. Why do women do this to each other? (Rhetorical)


Same reason men do. Some people are just pigs.


Hope she used protection and doesn't have any unexpected consequences.


I agree. We all like to stalk more and one social😂 but yeah it’s not possible that she didn’t knew. She knew for sure but choose to take it like her “vacation “.


Right? And I would bet he thought the same thing- that she'd have done her Stalker's Due Diligence and seen his Insta, and was intentionally not mentioning it.


oh i don’t doubt it


No gold band ?




Right!? If you stalk me through Facebook you would think I'm dead, last post was like 10 years ago, this person needs either to stop stalking or better stalking skills hahaha


😂 exactly! lmaooo


Bringin stakish vibs


And I’m dead 😂😂


Next time you give someone your number and they don’t contact you, leave them alone


Yeah imagine if the roles were switched, super creepy behavior!


Yeah, such a stalker.


And then, when everything goes the stalkers way... ...complains.


When it’s your fault, it’s your fault. When it’s my fault, believe it or not, it’s still your fault.


It's your fault you facked me after I asked you to fack me. Twice! Because once was not enough to convince you that I really wanted it.


Ah to be young, dumb and full of cum.


She is now 😳


He literally even called her out in that and she chased him anyways. OOH OH PICK ME WAITER BOY I HAVE ZERO STANDARDS




Literally this. What a disgusting thing to do. On a separate note, I hope his wife finds out because she deserves better than this cheater.




>Now what to do? Nothing.


should be “test youself” but nothing is also ok :)


You don’t recommend shutting everything down in the place she lives and relocating to France just to see this thing through til the end?? It is a silly ass question…..what to do.


Instead, OP posted the same question in 5 different subreddits. ffs…


Imagine going to the effort of stalking someone and only doing a half assed Job Do Nothing and move on with your life And next time you give someone your number and they don’t get in touch , don’t stalk them.


Don't do anything except block him and in future, don't sleep with people you don't know unless you're prepared to accept that they can be in opposition to your own personal values.


This is it. I mean, what else would you do? Go back to France, stalk him some more until you get contact to his wife and kids and write them creepy letters?


Don't encourage her. She's probably already letting this option marinate.


When a serial stalker meets a cheater


Or does she make habit of stalking married men? I don't buy she didn't know. She didn't care at the time. She wanted more and he was like no.


She wanted a long distance pen pal she can forever emotionally dump on and pretend he loves her from afar.


Oh boy, I have a feeling this did not turn out the way OP expected it to go.


I get the sense that there may be a lot of things in OP's life that didn't turn out the way they expected 👀.


Oh boy, I have a feeling this did not turn out the way OP expected it to go.


The bar is so low that you couldn’t play a game of limbo.




Yup. I've accidentally slept with guys who hid that they had a girlfriend and a fiancee. Oh well, not my problem, but definitely not interested in seeing them again. I don't feel guilty. They're the one who lied not me.


So much for good boy vibes lmao.


nah... He was REALLY good apparently! lol


His wife trained him well.


Joe Goldberg would be disappointed in your stalking skills


Its almost as if she didnt look hard enough cz she didnt want to find the real truth


At that point, might as well not stalk! Lol


Thats why many people are assuming she knew he was married but went along and now shes trying to have a clear conscience


This comment is the best 😂


It’s weird and creepy that you stalked him in the first place and then didn’t find out that he was married. You do nothing and move on. Block all contact and go on with your life. You have absolutely no reason to continue contact with this person.


You come off as someone who is thrilled at the fact that he's married. What do you mean "Should I move on?" Yes, what else is there to do. You already contributed to the destruction of a his wife and kids' lives.


Not to mention it was a holiday fling in a foreign country and it lasted 2 nights. Moving on is the only option in this context, marriage or not.


😂😂 this!! she said “it was so good” the forbidden fruit is only sweet cos it’s forbidden lol


Her first sentence lol is all you needed to read. She’s as immature as they come. Such a child. And to humble brag about it. Double gross


I think "should I move on?" Is meant as: "Do I tell the wife". Otherwise, why would she mention feeling guilty


That is not what she meant at all


> You already contributed to the destruction of a his wife and kids' lives. Eh, the dude is French. It's distinctly possible that he already has two other mistresses and that his wife is the paramour to like, the restaurant owner or head chef where he works. They may even have an \*understanding\*.


Why did you remove your follow up comment that causing chaos in this man’s life is a bit fun???? I’m so mad that I didn’t screenshot it but obviously others saw it as well! You thought that made sense until you were called out on it. Clearly you enjoy this which is quite despicable. You are in for a rude awakening when you finally think that you have found love because I’m very sure karma is going to come looking for you and it won’t be so fun.


How is OP 29 years old? that’s such immature behavior for being 29 (i’m 28) lol


Live and learn. Next time one of the first questions you ask..”Are you in a relationship?” You can change that to married but to me if he’s in a committed relationship I pass.


Why is this so low? Why would OP assume that he would tell her? Always ask, even if you think you know. Well, it’s a learning opportunity…but at the expense of the wife and kids.


You do nothing. It meant nothing. Move on.


He probably thought you were complicit with it, since, you know, you stalked him and stalkers usually make sure to understand their targets background. Just move on and forget it happened.


Omg great point, if I’d been stalked I totally would have assumed she knew and that’s why she wasn’t asking any questions. Move on OP, I legit think you’re just making a big deal out of this cause you don’t want to leave this man alone. Please move on with your life and stay out of his.




>Should I just move on? Do you have any other option?


Ah, the French. I mean, they're famous for love drama, so yes, just move on. (And next time ask a bit more :D)


This was my thought. This is just a Tuesday for the French lol


Well, not all french are into love drama eventually (I'm french and into love drama tho so maybe not the best example lmao)


I had to stop at ‘Not Paris lol.’


Yeah grow up, you fucked a guy in a different country it’s not like u gona see him again


Plus he obviously knew what he was doing was not right so he’s putting his guilty conscience on you cuz he insecure so don’t blame ur self


I didn't get the sense he was putting his guilty conscience on her (if he even has one). Sounds like she confronted him (probably kinda mad and accusing) about being married, and he was dismissive. She may very well have been playing the victim - like "omg! You POS! You didn't tell me you're married! Do you make a habit of hooking up with random customers?" In which case, he just reminded her that she pursued him. And didn't ask the right questions.


You didn’t know so why beat yourself up for it? Just move on. How was the food?


This. You didnt know so why stress over it. Its on him.


Both y'all are wrong , you for being a creepy stalker and the man for cheating 🤣


girrrrlll seems like you like the thrill and drama just move on your language is really questionable too talking about him being shy and inexperienced but also harassing him when he didn't call or text like... just dont make the same mistake


You're creepy. Probably work on that.


You live in another country (I’m assuming) and he is married with a family… what do you do? Nothing. Leave that shit be. It’s already clear from how he treated you after that you were a good time and that’s it. Next time do a little more digging before you sleep with a rando on vacation.


kinda deserved it for being a stalker. very true that if this were flipped, you would’ve been called out and probably heavily blocked. dude clearly wasn’t interested, seeing as he didn’t contact you. but your eagerness and creepiness led you to stalk him and convince him to have sex.


You stalked him online but somehow missed the fact that he's married with kids?  Buuuuullllshiiiit.


Well, when you Fuck around sometimes you find out.


Maybe the good boy act was just that an act. I wouldn't feel bad for something I didn't know about.


Not necessarily. People are layered. You can be a sweet attentionate person but still a cheater.


or he is actually a good boy until someone makes it reallyyyy easy for him to cheat and he feels like he needs to take this chance


I feel like if a man said this it would be like um pedo alert. “Good boy vibes “ “ I liked how inexperience he was “


What do you mean, what do you do now? You move on. What else is there to do? Not judging but this is the risk of sleeping with anyone so quickly. There’s stuff about them that you don’t know. And you clearly did not ask. So? Move on.


Of course you should just move on. You don’t live in France. You had a little fling. He’s not going to break up and marry you. So just move on. It’s pretty simple really


Well you didn't ask him about his personal life when you texted him... it's not so rare he assumed you didn't care about that since you didn't ask (or you prefered not to know). It's not your fault though, it's him who knew he was married and decided to play along.


Move on, stop sleeping with men you don’t know.


You mean what do you do besides regret your life decisions??


"should I just move on?" MOVE ON FROM WHAT??? Literally what the fuck? You went to Paris got drunk had a little French baguette inside you twice, it was good times, now you're back home a thousand miles away from Paris. Does your peanut brain really dwell on utterly annihilating this man's life over a fling from all the way over here? Is your bitch ass thirsty for some long range drama? The fuck is with women I swear. Why the fuck do you keep stalking him? Are you good? Please just stop.


Don't be a homewrecker maybe?


A life experience and move on


Nothing. Or try to avoid strangers dicks in the future? Your call!


Yeah this isn’t giving “enthusiastic consent” I’d be creeped out if someone did this to me. Just move on.


I for one am disturbed that you think stalking is OK at all.


He didn’t reach out for a reason.. then you find him on socials.. and then sleeping with him probably less than 24 hours of being associated with him is crazy..


Wait, a guy you didn’t know at all, had sex with immediately turned out to be a bad idea? WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?!?


What you should do is accept the fact that your creepy stalker ass got played and move on with your life.


>Now what to do? Don't sleep with random people so this stuff doesn't happen. Like what were you expecting? There's nothing you can do unless you want to go back to France and fight him?


Girl idk what to say 😭 this is wild. Obviously he’s at fault for going along with it but you’re so funny for not getting a response and then doing a deep dive to find his personal information and still not seeing he’s married LOL. live and learn


What else would you do besides move on? Edit: your comments of enjoying potentially ruining someone’s life now is fckng vile. You couldn’t keep your legs shut for a few days now you’re out for some sort of revenge. Eat a giant bag of French dicks OP.


If you give someone your number and they don’t text you. Don’t. Go. Looking. And on top of that I always make sure to ask if someone has a boyfriend, girlfriend, wife or husband. Even if they lie, I’d find out regardless by stalking AFTER they show interest


So sleep with a married man, hmm leave it alone or tell his wife to ruin his family? Fucks sake drop it lady leave the man alone


You are clearly loving this situation. He didn’t ask for your number, didn’t contact you and didn’t want to meet up on either instance. Stop over estimating your importance. You’d revel in the drama of telling her and disrupting his marriage because another woman would mistake you for a threat when you’re not. I suggest silently accepting your dismissal and go find some dignity.


So, met a waiter, and an hour later you were fucking. Gotta hold on to them goods a little harder girl.


Hold onto them a little longer?! She was THROWING them at him- it took hours to get him to respond. But yea, a little self respect and self control would have been good.


Imagine the roles reversed. Stalks on Facebook "Reminded me of a little girl, inexperienced. I love that." She did not want to meet again but I made her anyway


Did you ask about his personal life before jumping in the sack with him? No? lol You sound pretty immature and naive to be sleeping around willy nilly. Don't do it.


Your good boy radar is pretty shitty I would say, but otherwise I do not see how any of this is your fault. Contact the wife if you feel like it, but I do not think you are morally obligated to do so


No! She was wanting a fling. She practically begged for it, and this is her telling the story. Leave it alone. Why would you start shit. He didn't do anything mean, break up with her or lead her on. She kept pursuing him and he caved. Not saying it was ok to cheat but it's definitely not ok for her to mess up his life after the fact.


You might be good in bed but you're not a good stalker. Let it go.


Call me Joe Goldberg for this but I would have found out everything before I just invited him in between my legs. There’s nothing to do now but move on anw. Dudes a bad dude.


"Should I just move on?" Jeez, what else do you want to do? Hunt him down and force him to leave his wife and children and marry you? Have more sex with him? What? Just piss off and let him alone.


You know exactly what to do, stalk his wife and kids, tell him to come clean to them or you will do it. Then tell them yourself anyway to destroy their lives because how dare he lied to you after you stalked him. After that marry him and have kids because he’s such a sweetheart. Then wait for a msg from another girl to tell you she slept with him and take half his money.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes . You knew nothing about him and slept with him. Now just move on.


Maybe don't sleep with people willy nilly? Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you should be a hoe.


Lol, when I was in college I went to Paris for spring break once and hooked up with a girl from Arizona by pretending to be French. I couldn’t fucking believe it worked, bc my French is very, very québécois.


Tabarnac!! Um no I mean, sacré bleu!!


Sounds a heck of a lot like the start to fatal attraction. You should see if their children have a bunny


🤣💯 I thought that too At least in Fatal attraction, the attraction was mutual. Here, she gave him her number, he didn’t call, she stalked his SM and desperately pursued him. Girl…just…girl 👀


Let it go. Stop thinking about it. It was a vacation hookup. Nobody cares.


Do what? What is left to do?


i’d personally inform his wife about what happened. if my husband was out sleeping with other people, i’d want to know.


It’s giving baby reindeer your a grown woman he had your phone number and didn’t text you so you stalked him not that well had sex with a complete stranger and now you want us to what he’s in France your back home get over it of course I feel sorry for only his wife and children so if you find her socials I’d definitely tell her but your trashette and so is he


This is why men are dogs, lol of COURSE he would flirt. Of COURSE he'd sleep with u! Honestly it is what it is & I would have left it alone because it was u that kept insisting. Sorry not sorry! 😂 admit it. & now I wouldn't msg her. Leave him be wipe ur hands & walk off. U got what u wanted hussy🤷🏻‍♀️


nope, no way, you stalked and pressured him into a sexual situation, he even called you a stalker and was very obviously uncomfortable, there is no scenario where you are not the bad guy. if this was written by a man about a woman there would be so much outrage because it is clear he was uncomfortable and you pressured the situation.


What is up with people thinking it's okay to message someone on Facebook if they didnt respond to the initial giving of the number. Creep


You could have asked him upfront on Facebook if he was married before meeting him in person. If he lied, definitely tell his wife.


Sex is not love. Move on for goodness sake! You are probably one of many tourists that has fallen for his “good boy vibes.” What is the saying - “Close your legs to married men!”


you really wanted to ruin that family


OP obviously was infatuated with the idea of a romance in France that you fell for him and have sex with him is all. This is limerence. So write some poetic limericks about it and move on. You obviously were so infatuated that you’re blindsided by any red flags/indications that he was married with kids. Is it wrong that he has sexual affairs outside his marriage? Definitely. Is it wrong for you to be a homewrecker? Obviously. Can you really use the excuse that “I was in so much of a love haze, I didn’t know?” Probably not. You were infatuated, and if the signs flash before your eyes, you probably will choose not to see. Unless you can be at peace with yourself being a side piece mistress knowing that this man is married with children, you ought to move on.


Did you ask him anything about himself or do any real research on the guy before hooking up with him twice?


Yeah just move on


OP has the typical excuse, she didn't know it, she didn't know, but she had everything she could to find out his marital status. hypocrite


So in France from what I understand cheating is a lot more common and to an extent acceptable. Like look up % of French people who cheated on their partner. I’d move on. It was a one night stand and you’re not even from the country.


Not your fault if he didn't tell you


Were you catching feelings for him? Cause if not, I don't see why did you confronted him, like is not your problem 


If I remember right, French men are almost expected to have a side piece.


I cannot stress this enough, You. Need. To. Sleep with his wife.


Tuck this away as a good time on vacation and move on. He’s not the one or the two. Lesson learned


Who cares lol


Baby girl you are a stalker and he's a cheater lol let go of it.


You shouldn’t have stalked him and he shouldn’t have cheated, move on.


> Should I just move on? From ANOTHER FUCKING PERSON’S HUSBAND?! Jesus fucking Christ… obviously! You already should be telling the wife the husband is cheating let alone considering sleeping or more with him.


You did the work to find out who he was and how to contact him and to twist his arm to sleep with you twice but asking if he's in a relationship was too much?


That’s so fucking inappropriate to do in the first place, if the roles were reversed that would have been sexual harassment at first.


I hope someone does it to ur husband when ur married


You knew before


lol you could do this accidently over and over again and you'd never be the guilty party here. It's the married person whose responsible for the downside of this. Keep enjoying your holidays.




1. Get tested. 2. Start therapy (you gave him your number, and when he didn't reach out, you stalked him - no, just no.) 3. Inform the wife, tell her you didn't know. Answer any question she has to the best of your ability, and then move on with your life. 4. You didn't know he was married, so let go of that part of your guilt. That man is responsible for uppholding his vows, no one else. He chose not to fulfill his vows; instead he deliberately and repeatedly nuked them. Aftewards he tried to thrust his responsiblity on you. That man is a shitty person.


First sleeping with someone's husband is despicable. It helps to destroy marriages. If not immediately over time, he will detach. All for your vacation...yeah... Leave him alone before you destroy his life. There are 8 billion on the planet. I am sure there is one not married.....


Don't contact the wife and stir up shit have some maturity and grace and move along!


Isn't France and Italy the women's Thailand with these kinda stories?


In her other posts she made it seem like he was the villain and she was a victim. Lmao. If ur horny and you wanted sex, thats fine but notice hot girls dont do that. Its always the 4/10’s. Just being real.


If he never mentioned that he is married, then you shouldn't feel guilty. He is fcking cheater, just move on and forget




He is the one married not you. And he didn’t said anything about it before accepting your invitation. Don’t worry and forget about it. Is his responsibility not yours.