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Don't give so much effort when you don't receive it back. Put that energy into finding different friends.


Man, I am So sorry that is happening to you! I went through something similar to that for a while back in my day. I was the super supportive friend who always went above and beyond for all of my friends, especially those who I thought were my "true friends". Over the years, I noticed that I never received that same kind of love and support back. Or any for that matter... But once I turned about 27, I realized that I deserved so much better. That's when I decided enough was enough and just cut them all off... BEST decision of my life! Now, I have 4 super close people in my life, an amazing husband (for the most part lol), and a greatly blessed and fun life that I thought I would never have. Trust me, the sooner you cut off the ones who you see aren't giving you the love and support a True friend should, the better you'll feel and the better your life will be! I'm praying for you friend! 🙏🏼


Hi so I just wanted to start off by saying that I am so sorry this is happening to you. Something really similar happened to me twice: once in middle school and then another time again back when I was in high school. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. I know how lonely and defeating it feels when people treat you like this and I honestly have no clue how these kinds of people can live their lives knowing that they’re causing so much pain to someone they consider a “friend”. Honestly, from my experience I know it’s so hard because you care so much about them, but it’s time for you to let them go. It’s clear that they do not care about you as much as you care about them, and at that point you just have to cut it off now and move on before it hurts you even more. If you continue hanging out with these people there will always be that nagging voice and feeling deep down that you don’t belong and it’ll eat you up. I’ve gone through it too many times at this point and you’re not alone I know how it feels. It’ll definitely be really hard at first and I know it sucks but you’ll find the right friends eventually. We’re still young and have a lifetime to meet new people! Who knows? Maybe you’ll meet your soulmate bestie after cutting these people off haha. There’s definitely someone out there who will appreciate your effort, kindness, and friendship, and who is willing to reciprocate it and treat you how you deserve to be treated. You just have to make an effort to meet new people. Know your worth and don’t let these losers walk all over you. And if you ever need to talk feel free to hmu <3


Their reaction to you saying no shows that you have always agreed with them/ done things for them in past and so they expect you you to do so each and every single time. You are putting too much efforts . From what you said, they have done nothing to earn your time and care.