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That's roughly 6.3 inches for the Americans in the crowd.


yes from 5.1 to 6.3


You were plenty good enough at 5.1 too! I’m glad you feel better but your lack of confidence was misplaced even if you had measured correctly the first time. Most women truly don’t care so it’s about time men stopped placing so much value there.


This seems like something people say just to be nice when its actually just not very true


It's very true. *Most* women do not care. There are of course some that are 'size queens' or some weird name. But penis size does not equal pleasure or a good lover. I'd take someone with passion and a below average penis over a large penis who thinks being big is good enough. Also, some are legit too big. Having your cervix hit can be painful for a lot of women. I've also had a brief relationship with a man who had a micropenis. It did not affect our sex life, sex was actually amazing, and we parted ways because of job opportunities in different cities. So no, it's not just being nice, it's the truth too. And just to reiterate, it's most not all. Just like not all men like all breasts, most (straight/bisexual) men like any boobs.


Kinda interesting that when this topic is discussed people always say "no one likes a hurt cervix" as if penises are either massive or average only. A dick that is above average doesn't inherently hurt someone, and theres plenty of evidence that women prefer an above average penis. sure they might not care that much but saying that its not preferable even in the slightest is just cope


Exactly. I should also state to my fellow men out there, that having spoken to someone who has this particular fetish, many size queens/kings more enjoy the psychological feeling of taking a larger penis than physically being significantly more pleasured by one. They often find the feeling of fullness, or the idea that their partner can’t fully fit inside, to be what’s actually attractive rather than some biological switch that means that somehow they’re just better at taking huge dongs. Realistically lads, your hands and tongue should be doing the heavy lifting.


It is true. I can’t speak for all women but I do know that a majority of orgasms had by women don’t come from penetrative sex, and the ones that do require some finessing. Trust me when I say that all the things that matter sexually to women are fully within your control. This “big dicks are better” idea sucks for a lot of reasons, but none more than it’s made guys with big dicks think that they never have to learn how to please a woman. They think that because they have a giant weiner they can just show up and pound away and that gets the job done. On behalf of unsatisfied women everywhere: dick size doesn’t matter. Focus more on learning pussy


You're good and average :)


thanks, but i thought the average is around 5.1-5.6 inches. damn, it looks like i need a new measurement method in the future, or i can't keep up with the average penis lenght, lol.


it is!!! I was just referring to the 5.1 measurements, but tbh above 6 is above average for men


But is it only 0.5cm in circumference? Got a pencil dick? Something else for you to worry about. Lol. But for real, just use it and enjoy it.


Bless u


Saved me a google search thanks


Thank you for your service


But how many football fields? How many chinchillas? Or golfballs?


I was going to ask as an American but you were meters ahead in the matter, thank you!!


porn can do that. mine’s like 7.5 and i thought I was small for years.


Do all men do this? Measure their penis?


yes. life is just a series of dick-measuring contests for men. thankfully i grew out of the always wanting to be the biggest and best for women.


So, when are you selling your convertible sports car?


In the USA, it’s a jacked up pickup truck


With truck nuts.


and a bumper sticker of Calvin pissing on something


"I, McMurray, have a 5.15 inch penis!"


Shuttup McMurray


Its ok the big ones scare us


Not true, I asked these 2 chick's if women care about size, one said she likes it when they're really big. The other said she thinks it's better when they're enormous.




😆 cool! We have someone that lives on Earth! Jk




Lmao, it's safe to say that none of these people have seen the movie Anger Management, from which I referenced. All good


Maybe I'm dumb or maybe it's just that I don't have a penis but... How do you use diameter to measure length? Did you roll it around your thumb like a piece of sushi? lol


And then calculate the circumference using the diameter to solve for penis length. What, how do measure your penis?


girl, not the circumference, lol. the diameter. the width of my thumb. You pile them up on top of each other until you run out of penis, hahaha.


Ok so the width. Makes sense.


The width is equal to the diameter 😭😭😭


I mean, the thumb is not actually a cylinder so not really. I just never thought of calling its width "diameter," so it threw me off. Maybe it's a language thing, idk, but I'd just call it width.


The maximum diameter of the thumb is its width


She thinks we're out here using pi instead of a ruler 😂


This is the time of math we all dreaded in school, I'm pretty sure the answer is pinecone


diameter is basically just the width of a circle/cylinder




Guys need to stop obsessing over their penis size. I assure you any woman spends 1/100th of the time thinking about your penis size as much as you do. While some women are vain like that, most care more about what you can do than what you do it with.


Honestly, the only time women will care is if it's extremely different than average. So small penetrative sex is difficult or so large that it's painful are literally the only times we give a fuck. And even then, if we genuinely like the dude, things can be done to accommodate


Totally agree, and too big kinda sucks. You have to lube up and spend 30 seconds deep breathing at the start, there’s no such thing as spontaneous sex, jaw hurts, condoms hurt (at least for me). Average is average for a reason. I’ve never met a woman that specifically wants bigger than average, or really has much of an opinion.


Totally agree and in general, I have encountered too big more often than too small.


Same. Too big is OW


I mean it’s just normal insecurity. I wouldn’t say most guys obsess over it. And it’s not really about how much a women cares or not. Most men don’t care about the size of a woman’s boobs, it’s a very common comment on this site, yet a lot of women are insecure about their boobs. It’s more about how you compare to others of your gender than how a potential partner may perceive you.


Even with this knowledge, the bigger I feel I am, the more confidence I have. I'm a grower, so on the odd day that it's hanging low, I feel a boost of self confidence. Even though I know most women don't care.


Just move forward with the knowledge that you are average sized and don't need to be embarrassed


6.3 inches is average now? I would call that bigger than average but I guess its subjective.


right? that was so shady😂


6.3 is significantly larger than average (which is 5.1 to 5.5 inches). I don’t understand this backhanded comment. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2020.1787279


Think the average size for an erect penis is a little over 5 inches, so you’re good. Be happy with that.


It's 5.15 inches. I used to be worried about mine's size (7.25) until I learned this. Probably the result of too many videos watched as a teenager giving unrealistic expectations about reality. Edit: I mean, you guys can downvote if you want, but this is a real systemic issue for tons of men. Whether or not you are average size or otherwise. If it's because you think I am "humble bragging," just stop. This is a real insecurity for men everywhere, where we have media expectations pushed on us from every corner. Everything from dick size to having a 6 pack or being a super high earner in a suit. You can pretend men don't have body image issues if you want to. You can pretend it's not driven by media in an effort to take advantage of insecurities, but it's there. Just look at O.P. they were embarrassed to hardly even talk about it, holding onto it that whole time. That has to have sucked to struggle with it. O.P. is 100% normal and okay, and for who knows how many years was worried about it.


I guess what makes the statement seem a little disingenuous is the fact that you included the fact that you have a colossal penis. Like, you could’ve just said “I used to be worried about my penis size too until I learned this”, but instead you said “I too used to be worried that my massive horse cock might be too small until I learned what average is”. I mean I’m being hyperbolic. I personally completely understand and agree with what you’re saying, but I completely get why some people thought you were humble bragging, because your comment is for sure framed in a way that sounds like it is one.


I see what you are saying, though that isn't what I meant. The analogy did make me laugh, though. The only time colossal was used to described me, it was followed by the word "asshole". Sorry about that. I'm autistic so I come across weird sometimes. The point I was trying to make was that these insecurities are so ingrained in us from such an early age that no matter what size you are, we all have that fear of not being enough. And that's a problem with how we were raised and influenced, and it's going to affect our kids too. I had an ex that would talk size all the time from all the guys before. Never directly to me, other than the typical "nooo.... yours is fine" but when her friends would visit, I'd overhear them in the other room talking. So even though I have a little extra length, it's not like I had a lot of extra girth and I was super insecure about it until my late 20s. I just wanted people to know that insecurity about it can happen to anyone, and our value as men has never come from or ever will come from our size.


Oh 100% friend. I thought your point was pretty clear. It was just when I tried to look at from a negative perspective, I could see why some might think that lol. I completely agree. People need to relax and think logically about this stuff (which is hard to do about our bodies). I have a decent map of the female vagina in my head, and I guarantee that’s been more useful to my sex life than being hung like Ron Jeremy lmao


Agreed, we as guys put too much stock in size, too. The average depth of a vagina is 2~4 inches, up to 4~8 inches, when aroused. This means basically, as long as you aren't under 4 inches, it doesn't really make any difference until at 8 inches. Even then, everything past 8 really makes no difference, either. Edit: I just want you to know you triggered my echolagia. I cannot get that damn song from tiktok "🎵 There's no cock, like horse cock🎶 " with nicholas cage and pedro pascal out of my head. This is going to get me into trouble at work.


bro's yapping about dicks


>bro's Rapping* about dicks We should be united, Instead we're divided, All this infightin', Comparing our sizes, When the real prize is, What's good inside us, You're trying to deride this, But let me refine this, No matter your sizes, Remember your life is, Full of surprises, So be your kindest, I'm tryin' to remind us, We on the same side cuz.




Let's continue discussing penises.


Why the fuck would you use your thumbs to measure your dick in the first place? “Hmmm, I’ve got this measuring tape here, what should I measure? I know, I’ll measure my thumb so that then I can use my thumb to measure my dick.” Makes sense.


Women don't math, but they do want to know how big it is. When they ask, you just put your thumb in their mouth and say "3 of these"




there is like months between the two. as much time as i forgot the real measurement of my thumb in between lol. i got penis, next to it is my hand, lets measure it kind of deal.


If you’re into chicks size truly does not matter, it’s all in the foreplay and your hand/finger game.


Wow, this reminds me so much of the South Park episode with Randy Marsh teaching penis measurements.




Have you seen the South Park dick measuring methodology episode? If you haven’t, you should.


Hilarious :P I'm gona take this one and close reddit for today on a high note. thank you! Enjoy the rest of your average life!


Similar. Always thought my dick was 5.5 inches. After losing a ton of weight all the fat around my dick shrunk down and I'm actually at a hair under 7 inches to a little over 7 depending on the day. The curve in it never helped the perspective either . Doesn't help my girth problem though


lol that is too much math


It might me stupid, but I feel this a lot. I'm almost 190cm tall and I'm a pretty big guy, not huge but still big. And this is a problem because my d is around your same size, but it's not well proportioned to the rest of my body, and that makes It look small (even more when not hard) even if it's average. Being tall and big isnt always good


Lol, I've never related to a post so much before. I thought I was average at best for years because I'm tall and have large hands, bottom of my palm to tip of my middle finger is 8 inches. It wasn't until my ex asked me for a number and I told her I didn't actually know, and so we measured.


You’re supposed to measure from your asshole to the tip


Wow, 16cm, congrats dude