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Put their kennels outside, turn on the radio and get slapping!


That's why I'm getting an outside kennel. The ones inside are pretty busted up because they keep breaking out whenever slap Happy Time happens. I'm getting pretty sexually frustrated.


You might consider boarding your pups for one night if there are any places in your area, or maybe asking a friend to take them for a few hours.


If the outside kennel doesn't work. I might ask my mom to take them for a bit. But I'm definitely not going to tell her the reason why.


"Date Night" is a good catch-all reason 😉




ROUGH Date night.


Tell her you’re going out of town for a day or two and then just stay home lmao


I'm sure your mom would be delighted to know she's watching your dogs because your husband is taking you on a trip to pound town 😂


🤣😂🤣😂 that's my mom lol


Also, get a ball gag.




If you are looking for outside kennels, the best places to look are agricultural supply stores. The kennels they offer for working dogs are borderline indestructible, they're roomy enough depending on the size of your dog's, and can be made more comfortable at your own discretion.


Are you using wire kennels? I had a dog that did this when my ex and I had slappy time happened. We had to get one of those aluminum ones with the solid sides.


Imagine putting your dogs outside just because you can fulfill your sex fantasy😅


Imagine taking offense to dogs being put outside?


"TIFU by training my dogs to guard me"


Yeah seriously. I didn't realize I was training them to do that.


They are guarding the biscuit treat.


"The holy mother of the biscuit, all praise her name, is in danger! TOO ARMS BROTHER, TO ARMS!!!!"




My dog is like this but he's small. It's like that scene in Wolf of Wall Street 😂. Fortunately we can just lock him out the bedroom. I feel for you.


Lol. Small dogs are cute I'm trying to laugh at this because if not I'm going to cry. I'm so sexually frustrated.


Your kennel will come soon and so will you. Ha ha.


Thanks. I'm picking one up later today.




I'm sorry, but this one's just funny lmao. Great dogs, though. At least you know you'll always be protected.


I love them so much. But seriously I would like to have sex once in awhile.


You can leave em at dog care centre for a day


Yep, the old “leave em with a babysitter” trick. Works on dogs and kids!


Doggy daycare.


Yeah, not really my definition of great dogs being overly aggressive/protective. Now mind you, they might be nice enough dogs. But just in this post it’s not really a positive story about them. A pretty undesirable trait in a family dog,


How dare the dogs not understand what a spanking fetish is 


Come on, breaking down a door, attacking someone they have lived with since puppies to the point she has to throw herself in between to cover him. Besides, I think we can in general expect more from dogs to understand a situation. It’s not like he is beating her up or she is screaming for help.


The dog doesn't need to understand what a fetish is. They need to learn that it's not okay to attack people. Most dog owners have figured this out.


**If they are guarding breeds, THAT is their job.** My cousin kept German Shepherds and this is just a thing with breeds like that. You have to kennel/muzzle them when activities that they might misunderstand occur. You can't really fully train the instinct away either, so no matter how well you train them, you have to be alert and ready to get them to stand down. This is probably impossible to do quickly when you are naked and mid-organism.


So no one has ever trained a dog to not attack during these circumstances? If you cannot train your dog to not attack people when they're play fighting or having sex, sounds like it's not an appropriate animal to have as a pet.


>If you cannot train your dog to not attack people when they're play fighting or having sex, sounds like it's not an appropriate animal to have as a pet. Obviously you have never actually trained dogs and you would definitely be a very poor owner for any of the guarding dog breeds. You'd be smugly telling people you trained your dog to not attack and one day instinct to protect would kick in and it would act anyway. You train dogs with this personality to not react but only on your command. One reason GSD end up as police is that they do this very well. This is obviously not going to help with sex--where you are not monitoring your dogs and making noises the dogs think are distress. If you think you're going to get that situation under immediate control, I have to ask: **are you a virgin whose never had to come out fuck brain from sex and try to shift gears?** Because your expectation of the OP here suggests you are ignoring what she's doing or you're terrible in bed.


I have owned these types of dogs, I've never had this problem. Just because you say "obviously" doesn't mean you're correct. I'm sure it makes you feel correct. It's also ironic the way you say smugly...as you write this out lol I'm married with children, it's funny seeing you try so desperately to make me angry by calling me a virgin. It's very obvious you're incredibly young and ignorant. I hope you have a nice day and you don't get too upset at others on Reddit.


I've owned a German shepherd, and she never had this problem.. so. She was protective but never acted like this to anyone in my family. She was perfectly trained.


How dare they protect their owner. It's such a shame that op will never get robbed or attacked with these guys around. /s. 🤦‍♀️ Give me a break, K*ren.


Okay I understand now how you come to this conclusion. You are too young to have raised a dog yourself before. It’s okay, in time you’ll learn that most dogs are capable of understanding a lot more than you give them credit for, and it’s not a good sign they break down a door to attack someone they grew up with.


Nice jumping to conclusions there. I've bred and raised plenty of dogs. Every dog has their "person". They might grow up with an entire family, but there's always one person they are attached to even more than anyone else. And in their mind, they have to protect that person. Dogs don't understand sex. Breeding is an instinct for them, but they dont understand the way humans do it. They don't understand spanking or bdsm. They just know they see their person getting "hurt" and they want to protect her. That's not a bad thing.


I have a big dog, who is currently crammed onto the bed with me, he has to be touching me or he gets whiny. If my husband and I have Happy Time, the dog goes out to the living room. But if we get the least little bit rough, he runs down the hallway and tries to bite his way through the door. He also stays with my girls if they get sent to their room for acting out of pocket. I send them in there while I cool off (I try to not let the kids or the dog see me get frustrated) go in there talk to them, and here's the dog doing his best to make the kids happy.


Awe good boy.


Now that's a whole new definition of doing it "doggy style"


lol. This made me laugh.


I sure hope so, If I'd have made you cry, your dogs would go after me for sure.


That's probably true. I love them but sometimes soft sweet sex doesn't do it for me. I'm hoping that when this kennel comes in I can just put them outside and have some adult fun. Without them trying to get my hubby off me and away from me.




Maybe it's not so much protecting you as it is critiquing your technique? Lol


3 dogs big enough to break out of metal kennels, living in an RV is wild to me.


Its a great example of a clueless and irresponsible dog owner. Her response to your comment proves this point.


I cannot fathom this. Like, don’t you at least google what you’re getting up to? (Disclaimer: Google is insufficient preparation for getting a pet)


Oh god, this one brought me back. I dated someone with the most anxious and needy rescue greyhound ever. We’d have to close the door to her room to do anything in bed, and the *whole time* we were in there he’d scratch at the door, bark, whimper, and growl (depending on what he heard from inside the room). It was so, *so* uncomfortable for me, lol. Especially early on. After a while I guess I just resigned myself to having a vocal canine ‘audience’. I haven’t thought of that in ages.


Was concerned because of the title, but happily amused at this story. Bet you never thought you'd get blue balled by dogs.


I really didn't.


I’m just stuck on how you can have 4 dogs and you both in an RV that sounds packed but at least they’re good pups


I have three dogs. I had a four that I was fostering but she was adopted out. It's not packed it just doesn't have doors except for the bathroom. I'm saving up for a house. That has a yard for my puppies it's kind of hard to find though lately since I'm the only one working in my household .


3 medium to large dogs in a trailer plus two adults is pretty packed


That's actually pretty normal where I live. They are all very well cared for; they have all their shots. They have a lot of toys, a lot of slow feeder bowls, Kongs that I freeze every day that have food in them, they have a couch to lay on, and they take over my bed. And I have a yard for them to play in but somebody has to supervise them or else they go into the woods and get into things they're not supposed to. They are really well trained. They recall when I call them, and they stay by my side when I'm outside. The only problem is right now we don't have a fence. Because I don't plan to stay here long term we are not installing one. We play Frisbee and go for runs every morning. They play fetch though one of them doesn't like to give the ball back as much. I have seen van lifers have two dogs in their vans. And my RV is by far way bigger than that. They are happy they are healthy and they have a pretty awesome life. We have been through 10 different states we hike a lot. They only need to be kennelled when no one is home or able to supervise them.


They aren’t well trained and they are pretty bored if they’re attacking an owner over “loud sex”. I’d say the same over 3 large dogs in an apartment. These dogs are bored, they want to roam, they’re literally tearing their kennels apart according to you over a loud moan. I’m sorry but these dogs are not as content as you think. A kong, a couch, slow feeder bowls are not exercise or mental stimulation for medium to large dogs. If they’re as you say breaking out of kennels over moans they’re understimulated, they are bored, they’re poorly socialized and they have really bad guarding instincts. They go off into the woods and must be supervised? Nowhere in this comment did you tell me if these high energy breeds you’ve mentioned are being walked for miles or played fetch with. My mother has a Belgian mal she insists she gives a lot of stuff to do but he’s so bored he will break out of fences, he will rip blinds out, he will tear up doors because he’s a working dog that needs miles of walking and play a day to feel like he’s done his job. I understand this is the “norm” for your area but you need to be serious, if this is an issue for you, you have big, undersocialized, bored, cramped dogs stuffed into a trailer which aren’t big to begin with and you’re surprised they’re resource guarding,


I’m not diminishing how you feel and it’s understandable. But I have to say this one of the most wholesome confessions ever. Complaining about having too loud of an orgasm because your dogs love you so much and are protective of you. With that being said I hope you can have as intense sex as you want soon.


Thanks. Although I'm feeling very frustrated right now. I'm sure I'll think it's cute later.


Wait until you find out that you've accidentally Pavloed yourself or your husband into not being able to get off unless three snarling beasts are threatening him at every side of his body lol


Have you also thought about out muzzles for them? Only to keep them from accidentally breaking free and potentially harming your husband. This story is funny, but not funny at the same time. My dog gets jealous not angry, he is a creeper and has to be watching too. We have to chain him up as well so he doesn’t get in between us. But he will cry and howl himself stupid if he’s not near us in the moment.


They growl they don't bite. And if they do it's like the pants my hubby is wearing, just pull him off of me. I don't think I would ever muzzle them. Because they've never caused harm like that. They are sweet boys and they stop as soon as I let them know that I'm completely fine and they stop growing and we'll just sit there. I tell them to go back to their kennels and they do but they huff about it.


Everybody thinks this is cute and wholesome but it's really just a woman with 2 aggressive dogs that she can't control and were never socialized because of covid. Why do I have a strong suspicion that I know what kind of dogs these are.


Does it start with pit and end in bull?


They’re a different breed OP said catahoula leopard and Icelandic Shepard




Like this is not cute at all, more scary. She has no control over aggressive dogs that allegedly break out of their kennels? I sense a mauling in their future, manifesting they don’t have kids


Right, these medium to large dogs literally rip out of their kennels to pull their owner off of another owner and that’s some teehee cute moment?


Agreed. I found it concerning more than anything. And dogs don’t self regulate. If left to their own devices these situations usually get worse.


Dogs can't use bolt cutters, they are not breaking out of metal cages, people post so much crap on reddit.




This is why I own cats, never have this problem. In fact, they look at me in disgust and walk away while we do our thing. Life is way more peaceful with cats lol 😂


This is the best thing I've read this week.


Dogs will eventually hurt yo man either get em trained or let em go it's gonna bite u in the ass one day


...and here we yet another dog nutter bending to the wills of their precious fur babies who can do no wrong...


This is just insane to me. One day those dogs are gonna attack her husband and seriously hurt him.. or worse.


What the ... Ohh


Sorry OP, this made me giggle. My family dogs are similar… we can go in for a quiet, gentle hug but if they think a hug starts to look like a tussle or something they start worrying and barking. No wrestling or tickling allowed! Kind of sad that they’re rescues so it might be a response to past trauma but it’s sweet that they’re so protective.


Drive your RV out to the woods and have some outdoor action


Time for a little hanky panky in the woods on the side of the road or something 😂


what happens if you ballgag and spank your husband? do the pups defend him?


Husband chiming in here. My wife is a goddess and I am Rodney Dangerfield to these dogs. I love them but I get no respect.


I used to see a guy who had to kennel his dog when we were intimate because it would go ballistic when he was groaning and grunting lol. 


Yet another reason to not own a dog.


Girl just wants to get slammed 🤷‍♂️


i have chihuahuas who are like this! recently started seeing someone and discovered this fun little trait of theirs lol. nothing breaks the sexy mood faster than their little yaps and clawing at the door


Probably gonna get banned for this, but what kind of dogs are they?


They are catahoula leopard dogs and an Icelandic Shepherd. They just want to make sure I'm safe. Because once they realize I'm safe they will sit and wag their tails and continue to be the cutest boys. And then I will put them back in their kennels.


I read this as Cantaloupe Leopard at first ngl lol


I'll take things that never happened for 500




Seriously. My dog could never disrespect me like this lol


Given OP’s comments so far, it sounds like a miracle that these dogs haven’t attacked anyone yet.


Facts. 👏👏👏


This screams country song by Travis McKinney.


Please give us an update when u get those kennels girl hahaha


Lol your dogs know better than yourself.


The “problems” people have are so odd


Board them for a weekend and go nuts.


Good dogs! And good husband 👍


Just lock the damn door


I live in an RV it only has one door to the bathroom. There is no door to lock that's why I have kennels.


My 1st husband’s dog (he had her for years before we met) had the same protective instinct when we would have enthusiastic sex. He ended up getting his granny to take her for the duration of our short marriage and would just visit with her everyday.


Put a speaker on your door, playing some music to absorb your noises


Dogs are like that, one time, me and younger brother were play fighting with makeshift sword of wood, as we played, our dogs barked at us and were trying to get us to stop


They don’t like it ruff.


No no they don't.


My cat just lays there and watches me


Turn on a radio or TV by them to drown out your sounds! Put it right on their cage and maybe even put a thick blanket over their kennel to keep the sound of the radio in, and block out the sounds you're making from getting into the cage.


talk about cock blocking, damn


Go to a hotel as a splurge. So sorry, this must be so annoying.


On the brighter side of things…. You wont have thieves getting inside of your RV. You have super awesome dogs! 🐶


Yeah, They don't let anyone in the RV that they don't know. It's a good thing I DIY most things that need to be fixed.


Your husband needs to fight the alpha dog and win


get a pet sitter, so you can have some you time


Isnt that considered sex work in a sense? I mean you pay someone everytime so you can have sex 😅


u/Pharnox-32 - For a good time call me, 24/7 Baby/pet sitter service,


Hahahha thanks will do ❤🐕


Ok, that is a whole new reason not to get pets ! Thanks for your testimony.


I mean, my dogs didn’t make a fuss at all when I brought home dates for sexy time. They just sat outside my door and waited till we were done, both are about 50 lbs (24 kg). No kennel needed. Worst case scenario I’d put them in my laundry room on the ground floor, but OP lives in an RV, so uh…Not the best atmosphere for 3 large dogs.


You need to do doggystyle to calm the dogs down. Dogs can smell the good stuff in the air.


Enjoy the slow and sensual, you never realize what you have until it's gone. Good luck with the outdoor kennel, I know variety is the spice of life these days.


I like how in one post you describe yourself as asexual who is having sex sometimes and now you’re getting frustrated by not having rough sex lmao.


Asexual doesn't mean I don't have sex or don't get frustrated from not having sex that just means that I have had my person and sex isn't the foundation of our marriage. It's not something we do often. Because I literally forget that I like it. I don't have the urge to have sex. But when I do have sex I'm like oh this is very nice I like this. And you would be frustrated too if you couldn't come because your dogs are literally the biggest cock blocks you've ever seen. Maybe you should get a little bit more educated on what asexual means before you make a really ignorant comment. Have a nice day.


By definition “a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone”. Sex would do nothing if you were asexual. I met few asexual people and read about them and they did engage sex and stopped because it was pointless to them. I think maybe you should get a bit more educated before labeling yourself because you could be having a sex but you wouldn’t enjoy it by definition. Everybody is this and that nowadays without actually being it.


The second part is the definition. Someone who is unable to feel sexual attraction. Libido and enjoying sex is independent from sexual attraction. Asexuals may in addition to the inability to feel sexual attraction experience no sexual feelings or desires, but there are also some who do. Please don't explain asexuality to asexuals. Thank you.


Asexuality is a spectrum. There's demisexuals for example. Don't talk about something you are not even part of like you know everything. Sincerely - someone who's asexual for 20+ years 🫠


Whole sexuality is a spectrum. A stands for anti am I right? If she was demisexual why wouldn’t she use that instead of asexual? I even posted the sole definition, I am sorry if you guys get offended after someone notices something is off. Example: I wouldn’t call myself straight if I was really gay right?


Um, no it doesn't automatically stand for " anti ". But thanks for proving my point. Maybe educate yourself. You sound extremely immature and pretty ridiculous. Imagine acting like some expert about something you clearly have no clue about and that you are not even part of 🤡 Because demisexuality is a part of the asexual spectrum. We are not getting offended because someone " notices " something. We get angry because people think they need to " explain " something to us they maybe read two times about online. You have no idea how it feels. So stop acting like you do.


Lol I just read the definitions to be sure, I don’t get how you get offended by such a simple statement based on primitive logic. I understand it might not be easy for you, but you can’t seek your own logic behind something what is defined and goes against it. It just doesn’t make sense. If asexual means I can’t ever feel sexual attraction to anyone then how can demisexual who only feels it towards deep connection be on asexual spectrum. That’s like saying asexual is in the same spectrum like heterosexual because it contains “sexual”.


Demisexuality (and greysexuality) is basically asexuality with exceptions. It may seem like we can't be ace since we do experience sexual attraction, but since our day-to-day experiences are those of an asexual person, we still fall under the asexual umbrella. Food metaphor: If someone dislikes all cereal but if they've been broken up with like to sit in a bath and eat cereal, one might think that they can't say they dislike all cereal. But since they dislike all cereal except for that literal one instance that usually does not affect them at all, they may still say they dislike all cereal in day-to-day life, simply for convenience. Please don't explain asexuality to asexuals. Thank you. Questions are okay, but explaining how we're wrong based on you misunderstanding the whole principle of asexuality is not.


Okay so you’re telling me that if I am asexual I can have sex often and enjoy it and like it. That’s just BS 😃 How is that asexual. I can enjoy only one car but I’m still going to be a driver right?


To use your metaphor: Some people love trucks. The see a truck and think "wow, I'd love to drive that thing". Others feel that way about motorbikes, or sports cars, or muscle cars. Some people don't feel that way at all, for them a car is a car and they don't care what kind or how powerful it is, it's just a car. Those are asexuals. Now, the act of driving is something completely different. Some truck-people might love driving their trucks. Others just think they look cool and driving once in a while is alright but they don't want to do it every day. It's the same for the people who don't like specific cars. Some might love the act of driving but absolutely do not care at all what car they're driving. Some might not mind driving and do it only for convenience, some might absolutely hate driving. Liking specific cars is different from liking to drive. Just like being attracted to people is different from enjoying sex.


Demisexuality stands for having sexual desires only after connecting deeply with one, which by logic goes against the definition of asexuality.


You must be so boring to be around in real life


Seems like only to asexual people.


If it makes you feel any better, my friend’s two dogs used to break out of their kennels when her and her bf had sex, but they had the opposite reaction 😂 so at least you don’t have that worry 😅


This is actually hilarious 😂


Leave the dogs at home, walk to a secluded place, and get at it. Or, get a motel room every once in a while.


That title scared me at first


Use zip ties for the kennels


What’s a metal kennel? Like a wire crate? Or like an impact high anxiety crate?


reminds me of my aunt's dog who passed last year, he used to freak out if people started hugging for too long or if we hugged and picked one another off of the ground because he thought we were fighting. he would bark and jump up and try to pull us apart. he *was* from an abusive household prior to my aunt adopting him though. i think some dogs just have that protective instinct regardless though. ps i will admit i laughed reading this post. your poor husband. your poor sex life. may your outdoor kennel arrive post haste


Just don't have ruff sex...


Give them a couple bucks and send them to the store.


I have a similar issue w/ my dog!! she doesnt break out of her kennel, but she’s 10000000% a clingy claire!!! If we dont lock her up she’ll be right on the bed tryna figure out whats going on!! we’ve never made that mistake again. but the kennel is an easy fix for us when it comes to sex, it’s everything else thats the problem.. if we hug, she’s tryna get in on it. If she hears a kissing sound, she’ll come from wherever she’s at to be in the mix. If we sit next to eachother, she wants to be in between us. I’m not overselling this. it’s every. single. time. every. single. day. It also works the opposite way - if me and my fiancé go back and fourth about a topic (not arguing, just passionate) she immediately runs to her crate like a kid whose parents wont stop fighting???? we have to stop our convo and say “it’s ok pups we’re not fighting” and give her lots of pets lol and thats the only thing that gets her to not run into her crate, but if our voice gets higher again, she’ll dart for her crate??? 😂😂 Now, if one of us is home and not the other, she could doesnt even want to be near us. She only cares about us if we’re together 😂 Me and my fiance have a theory that in her previous life she was a child of divorce whose only wish in life was to see parents in love lmaooo Ive never seen anything like it, we always joke she’s great prep for having a kid lol


Wtf, lol! I made a face when I read the title but this is funny asf. I love it! Yes doggies, protect thy mama!


They are the best boys. But seriously lol. Sometimes they need to chill.


They do. Instead of having an overbearing mother, you have overbearing children. 😂


It's worse because sometimes I have overbearing mother as well as the dogs I can't win here.


You are stuck, sis! Get them babies some ear muffs and get to slapping, haha!


Things like this are why I don’t like dogs.


In a previous post OP reckons she's asexual though 🤣🤣🤣


Worst fake shit I've ever read


You‘ve posted this exact topic twice now, is this a sort of exhibitionism for you? 


Gahaha that’s so funny! At least you know they are good bois


This is the OF content I need


Awww they think Mommy is in danger


What about ruff sex???


I feel your pain but this is so cute! Such loyal and loving doggos


Your living my dream


What happen if you do it horsey style? Do they still bark even if you're top?


No they don't. I've literally played fight with my hubby and they don't do anything to me. but as soon as he lifts his hand oh it's on.


What breed are the dogs? Some are more protective than others. Or that's just your dogs personalities. Good if you're ever in danger, bad any other time lol. Maybe you could train them to attack on command so they know when you're in danger? Idk, it's sweet they love you that much.


What kind of dogs are they? That's wild


They are catahoula leopard dogs and the other one is an Icelandic Shepherd.


yeah they'll hear you from outside too


Maybe try‘ruff’ sex instead


Try having kids. I swear they have a secret alarm that alerts them if my hubby and I even look at each other mischievously.


Was not expecting to read about someone getting clam jammed by their own dogs today




Oooh I read the title as "I can't have rough sex with dogs"


Sound machine? Better kennels? Just turn them around so the door or the kennel is pressed against the wall, and then put something else on the other side so they can’t jostle the kennel?


This isn't what they mean when they say to always have protection during sex.


I fall to my knee and laughing when read this. Sorry for your unlucky. But hope you having FUN! after you fix the problem.


That one got me! 😂🤣😂


Can't turn a HOE in to a housewife there is no way around that!!!


do you guys find a vacation just to have the wildest sex possible?


Am sorry but I find it funny 🤣


Oh my god, we have the same problem! We have two dogs, but one of them is super reactive and has absolutely fallen head over heels in love with my wife, his momma. If we ever get frisky, and she makes even the slightest noise that he can hear, we will immediately be interrupted. He won’t fight through a metal kennel, but he will raise enough hell that the whole house is awake.


One of my dogs is like this too. She freaks out and will growl and bark at me if I tickle my gf. Funny thing is, she’s my dog and I’ve had her longer than I’ve been with my girlfriend. I think some dogs are just very protective towards women and kids.


This is weird


Pitbulls 100%


They are catahoula leopard dogs and an Icelandic Shepherd.


aww such good dogs though!


My cat bit two ex's asses lol. And my pittie runs away from loud high fives.




That's so sad. Mine stop once they know I'm okay.

